Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1117 The wind blows my butt

Baitao sat on Tu Xiao's chair and listened to Han Qian and Gu Lou chatting. As he listened, something felt wrong.

Han Qian was talking with a cigarette in his mouth. He didn't even dare to sit down in Gulou. He squatted aside and took notes with a pen.

"Li Xiang's background and education are not high. When she married Yu Qingli, Yu Qingli was just a clerk. During the more than ten years of marriage, Li Xiang was responsible for taking care of the family and Yu Qingli was responsible for making money. However, Yu Qingli is a person with a high IQ. , but emotional intelligence can only be regarded as equality, and even a bit chauvinistic.”

Gu Lou nodded seriously and Han Qian said again.

"Li Xiang has been taking care of her children at home, but now that her children are in school, she cannot go out to work because she is not capable of working on weekends and because her working time conflicts with her children."

"Master? I..."

"Shh, just listen. When Li Xiang wants money, he will take the initiative to go to Yu Qingli. Yu Qingli is very frugal and always says that Li Xiang's expenses are too high. This is a good breakthrough. Family status There is a huge difference. Li Xiang has a lot of free time, and she is also thinking about some ways to make money. However, her academic qualifications and abilities are far behind, and she has been out of society for a long time because of taking care of her children, and she cannot keep up with the changes of the times. "

After saying this, Baitao frowned and looked at Han Qian, who laughed and said again.

"Li Xiang really wants to make money on his own, so he doesn't have to look at Yu Qingli's face anymore, and he doesn't have to guard his family's one-third of an acre of land. All mothers long for freedom, and today's women are also brainwashed by the Internet and want to prove themselves and be independent women. , Gulou, have you ever heard of cheating?”

Gu Lou nodded and Han Qian smiled.

"Swiping orders captures this mentality and targets mothers. Because they have been at home for a long time, most of them think that they are better than their husbands. This is because their children are holding them back. Now you need to do something The only thing is to find a way to get people on Li Xiang's line, give her a little benefit first, and then deceive a big one! "You are very good at this kind of thing."

The words came out and Baitao cursed angrily.

"You attack a woman, Han Qian, you are despicable, shameless, obscene, disgusting, cunning, and insidious."

Han Qian turned his head to look at Baitao and said softly.

"Yeats did nothing wrong, but she keeps getting hurt. Is she not a woman?"

Baitao was speechless, Han Qian said again.

"I haven't done anything dangerous to them yet. Do you think they are innocent? Why can Lin Zongheng of the Zongheng Group ignore the company at all? Because of Tang Li, because of Yu Qinglizai, Baitao! Business wars are far more powerful than swords and guns. War is much more cruel and bloody!”

Han Qian stood up and looked at the ancient building.

"Find a way to get a pig-killing plate for Li Xiang to jump in. Yu Qingli is a chauvinistic man and a relatively responsible man! He will get angry at Li Xiang, and at the same time he will also find ways to solve these things. I want to see it then, Will he follow the same path I did back then?”

Gu Lou suddenly knelt on the ground and said in a low voice.

"Half a month! Master, if I don't let her take out 10 million within half a month, I will wipe my neck myself."

Han Qian patted Gu Lou on the head and smiled.

"Don't talk too much. We are still young and there is still a long time! I still have something to do, so I will leave first. You can prepare yourself here."

After whistling at Baitao, Han Qian left, leaving Gu Lou to think about his best field. When he originally chose Gu Lou, Han Qian was slightly excited in his heart. Han Qian never thought that He is a good person, or he can be said to be a pure bad person, and Gu Lou is the one who Han Qian can show his dark side.

Just like Han Qian doesn't kill people, but Liu Ding exists.

After going out and getting in the car, Baitao was still glaring at Han Qian and said angrily.

"Han Qianyou, this is illegal, do you know?"

Han Qian smiled.

"Lin Zongheng won't say anything about the cruise ship, and Liu Shengge won't say it. Only if I say it, it won't have any impact on me. That's one! Secondly, if Zongheng Group doesn't care, I will help Yu Qingli make up for it with the money." "Yes, this is just a small game, not a crime! Thirdly, I am teaching all the mothers in Binhai that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Now I am nagging you for your 500 million."

Baitao sat in the passenger seat and started to mess around, sitting up straight and lying down, sitting up and lying down, Han Qian said angrily.

"Are you sick with maggots?"

"Fuck you Han Qian, even though you said that, I still feel that your approach is very bad!"

This sentence made Han Qianqian angry and said angrily.

"When the hell did I say I was a good person? Are you going? If you don't go, get off!"

Baitao sat up and approached Han Qian, and spoke seriously.

"Han Qian!"

Han Qian replied angrily.

"Everyone is moving."

"Oh, no, it's just whether your brain is worth a lot of money."

"Not much, Liu Sheng's singer is worth 100 million, what are you going to say!"

"Oh, you are so smart. Why don't you find another way to deal with this small problem?"

"Just twist off Lin Zongheng's head."

Baitao stopped talking and ignored Han Qian. Sitting in the passenger seat, he kept cursing in a low voice. Han Qian ignored Baitao and drove all the way to the CBD. The car stopped at a construction site. Unfortunately, this construction site no longer existed. People.

After getting out of the car, Baitao stepped forward and kicked Han Qian's calf, and Han Qian gave Baitao a light headbutt on the head.

It’s impossible to suffer a loss if you focus on one.

"Why did you bring me here? This construction site is in ruins. The developer ran away. No one can be found now. The builder still owes a lot of wages and has no money to pay. It has been four years. The developer has run away long ago. I went abroad and the current company only has assets of more than 10 million. "

Han Qian turned to look at Baitao, who said seriously.

"The time when you first retired."

Han Qian lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and then Baitao took away the cigarette and threw it away.

"How many have you smoked along the way? That's almost enough! Tell me, what's the maximization of profits for 500 million?"

Han Qian pointed at the construction site in front of him and smiled.

"The Yamenmen took over this unfinished building. Glory and Changxiang were both in the construction business before. The investment in a community was between 1.50 and 2. Now you have five in hand, and you still took over the unfinished building. The investment will be less.”

Baitao pointed at his head and frowned.

"Do you think I have a big head? Seventy percent of the houses in this community have been sold. How can I get my money back? I'll give you fifteen yuan and you let Shuncheng take over."

Han Qian smiled and shook his head.

"Don't get excited. I'll tell you slowly. If you talk about other cities, my method will definitely be useless. But the government offices in other cities don't handle things. The government offices in other cities change every five years, but here in Binhai It’s a bit special, Cheng Jin has me, and you have your father. If you two don’t want to leave, there’s nothing anyone can do to you, so you two will treat Binhai as your home, and you can live in peace.”

Baitao squinted at Han Qian and said angrily.

"I don't believe a single punctuation mark of what you are saying now."

Han Qian smiled.

"I said, listen! You can take over this unfinished building without spending any money. If the developer runs away, your yamen will confiscate the community, and then contact the people who bought houses in this community and cannot live in it. Your yamen will I am looking for a developer to build the project. I, Lin Zongheng, Wei Tiancheng, Liu Guangming, and Tu Xiao can all take over this project. This will not only solve the problem of us house buyers not repaying their loans, but also solve the suffering caused by unfinished buildings for the citizens. Like I just asked you, do you know who is the most harmful to society? "

Baitao finally understood that Han Qian asked this question when he left the company, and sighed softly.

"The poor people who have been deceived by reality and deceived the fruits of their whole life's hard work, but the people who were deceived are not punished, and they still need the persecuted people to acknowledge the results. After they lose their faith in life, they will become Become a person who endangers social security.”

Han Qian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Smart, because you are the spine of the Yamen Gate. Baitao, you have a right, that is, you can propose the development of the land. You will indeed lose money on the remaining 30% of this community, but if you incidentally build the land next to it, you will lose money." What? I remember it seemed that the government office could invest in planning and building residential areas.”

Baitao said resentfully.

"Not in front of the city government office!"

Han Qian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Are you throwing money away? You can't do it at the gate of your yamen, but you can at the gate of the district yamen. You only need a small amount, but it's from left to right, and the construction site at your yamen is guaranteed to be of high quality!"

Baitao said again.

"Why sell it? Aren't I waiting to be scolded?"

"After you build it, sell it to me, and I'll sell it. Why don't you understand such a simple truth?"

"So where is the value of 500 million? Just these two buildings?"

"Your brain is really hard to use. The construction site is under construction. Many unemployed people in Binhai can enter the construction site to make money to support their families. The builders and material dealers will also make profits and make money from it. Some daily necessities during construction are economic circulation, and this location You can put a small market in, workers will go out to eat when they are tired from work, restaurants can make money and buy things, and the economy will circulate. After that, when there are stores in the city, people will come to do business where there are people! Move the middle school over here!”

"Han Qian, you've gone too far!"

Han Qian smiled.

"I'm not overdoing it. We have enough schools and accelerated development. This is a school district house! People who bought unfinished buildings will not only not be angry, but will also thank you and repay the loan seriously, because after having a school district house, here House prices will rise rapidly. It is very close to the Naval Hospital, beach scenic spots, and schools. Later, a small shopping mall will be built in this community, similar to RT-Mart Supermarket! Believe me, Baitao, not only will your 500 million won't lose money, It will also bring you some political achievements! Oh, you see Baitao is so young and has such ideas! He is a pioneer, and your father's life in the capital will be easier."

Baitao thought carefully. He felt that what Han Qian said made sense, but he still felt a little uncomfortable and turned his head to look at Han Qian sideways.

"Are you still fooling me?"

Han Qian smiled.

"If I want to fool you, just one sentence is enough."

"What words?"

"Your zipper is unzipped."

Baitao lowered his head suddenly, and then realized that he was wearing sportswear today. Baitao said angrily and kicked Han Qian on the side.

"You throw coins!"

"Hmm~ Your crotch is open!"

"You fart!"

"Black, lace, didn't you find that your butt is a little cold after the wind blows?"

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