Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1125: My job is to cheat men

Late at night, Xuanxuan and Hua Zeli were sitting in the living room looking at each other. Xuanxuan lit a cigarette and looked at Hua Zeli, who was full of anger.

Xuanxuan laughed softly.

"You don't have to be angry, and don't look at me like this. Your relatives in Huaze are Hua Guifei and Lin Zongheng, and my friends are Han Qian and Wan Fang! To put it bluntly, you want to take advantage of me Come to hurt Han Qian, right?"

Huazeli's eyes were red, Xuanxuan held a cigarette in her mouth and smiled.

"You don't have to be red-eyed, and you don't have to feel disappointed. I just taught you a lesson in life. Don't let a woman make the future appear in your mind just by saying a few words. Men will always It’s a boy. It’s easiest to hurt a boy. Tease his heart and let him look forward to the future. It’s simple!”

Huazali said angrily.

"Xuanxuan, I am ready to give you a future!"

Xuanxuan smiled.

"But I don't want the future you gave me! Huahua, I am a woman who came from the Glory Public Relations Department. Our task is to find out a man's heart, and then confuse the man to complete his mission. When you use me, you must be prepared to resist being used. Hua Zeli, Vice President of Huacheng Group, oh! No, Mr. Hua Qinghe, regarding your rape of me tonight, I think the two of us should have a solution. Look! My wrists are all red."

Hua Qinghe took a deep breath and said softly.

"Xuanxuan, I really feel for you. Those words you said are the future I long for."

Xuanxuan shook her head.

"What I said is true. I will indeed treat my future husband this way, but if you don't really like me to touch me, how can I treat you as my future husband? Hua Qinghe, you have to think Think about it, you are the vice president of Huacheng Group! You have never dared to add your name when buying a house. You have been hiding these things. Do you really think that people in your big city are smarter than our small coastal counties? "

Hua Qinghu stood up, Xuanxuan pointed at the phone and smiled.

"I have a good sister named Wan Fang, and her husband is Gu Qingyun. You can indeed use force on me now, you can even kill me, but think about it, if you kill me, my family will definitely have reason to Your Huacheng Group has taken action. If you kill me, will Concubine Hua let you go? "

Hua Qinghe took a deep breath and Xuanxuan said again with a smile.

"In terms of relationships in the capital, you are not as good as me. I will have the advantage if I enforce the law impartially at the Yamenmen, sir! You must think about a question. Do you think I, a loser from the public relations department, care about my reputation? I don't care, I don't even care about my reputation. You can post the video of us having sex on the Internet. I am a bitch, no one will care about me, but some people are curious why you, the vice president of Huacheng Group, want to rape a woman? Oh, because you want to take advantage of this woman? To target a man named Han Qian in Binhai, you want to stab his heart with an emotional knife."

Hua Qinghe closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said softly.

"What if I said I really fell in love with you?"

Xuanxuan smiled.

"That's really an honor, but there are too many people who have said this to me. Hua Qinghe, why don't you think about it carefully? Based on my relationship with Han Qian, I am the best in Binhai. Are there fewer women who want to pursue me simply because they want to meet Han Qian? Are there less people who want to pursue me simply because they want to have a relationship with Gu Qingyun? Now there are two solutions. Me, but I may be a little more expensive, just 30 million, not a cent more! The second solution is that we go to court. You have to remember one sentence, no matter what you give me, violating a woman’s will is rape. Suppose you gave me a bracelet, a ring, a car, and I returned the car to you, and I also gave you a watch. The gifts we gave are of equal value, and you won’t succeed if you want to sue me for prostitution!”

Hua Qinghe closed his eyes and said softly.

"I get it, I get it, you were ready to blackmail me when I found you."

Xuanxuan smiled.

"It's not blackmail, don't say it so harshly. I know you have made a choice in your heart, and I also know what you are thinking. Give me money, and then you can sue me for blackmail after there is no more evidence, right? Don't worry, our public relations department There are really no fools. If there is Wanfang, count it as one. The house you bought for me is in my name. I feel uncomfortable holding this house, so we make a deal and sell the house to you for three thousand Ten thousand!"

Hua Qinghe opened his eyes and looked at Xuanxuan, raised his hands and clapped.

"It's amazing. No wonder Lin Zongheng has always suffered in Binhai. No wonder Nian Shilun has suffered when he went to Binhai. You Binhai people are really amazing!"

"Thank you for the compliment. You don't have any money anymore. Let Concubine Hua come over and give the money."

Three o'clock in the morning.

Concubine Hua arrived at the hotel, walked in, waved to Xuanxuan, slapped her in the face, and spat.


Xuanxuan raised her hand to wipe the saliva from her face and smiled slightly.

"You're right, I'm a bitch who can do whatever she wants. I sleep with whoever has the money. I don't mind! If you don't feel relieved, you can slap us both again, but this money is worth every penny. No less.”

Concubine Hua looked Xuanxuan up and down and said sarcastically.

"Do you really think I care about Hua Qinghe? I won't give you a penny."

Xuanxuan smiled.

"Okay! You can absolutely not give me any money. Just give up on Hua Qinghe."

After she finished speaking, Xuanxuan turned her head to look at Hua Qinghe and asked with gentle eyes.

"Hua Qinghe, if I pursue you again after you have nothing, would you like it? I really like you, but our camps are different. If you give up the Huacheng Group and leave the capital, I don't want a penny. I can I went to work to earn money to support you. I once thought that love was greater than money. The love between you and me does exist, but now there is still a gap. "

Hua Qinghe was about to be deceived into a fool by Xuanxuan. At this time, he couldn't figure out what Concubine Hua Guifei was thinking. Was he really ready to give up on himself?

Xuanxuan looked at Hua Qinghe and smiled.

"Why should a man let others make the decisions about your life?"

Hua Qinghe took a deep breath and was about to speak when Concubine Hua waved her hand and slapped Xuanxuan again.

"Shut up bitch! Thirty million is fine."

Xuanxuan wiped the bright red from the corner of her mouth and smiled.

"Thank you boss, but I need a check of 25 million and cash of 5 million!"

Concubine Hua waved to the bodyguard behind her.

At five o'clock in the morning, Xuanxuan looked at the check and cash in front of her. After signing the contract, Xuanxuan raised her head and looked at Hua Qinghe in front of her. Xuanxuan stretched out her hand to push the cash on the table to Hua Qinghe and said softly.

"Thank you for liking me. You are also the best man I have ever met in my life and the man I want to marry the most. You have never appeared before and you will never have it in the future. Five million and two hundred thousand yuan is my payment for my love for you. Goodbye, I will never see you again! Hua Qinghe, I really like you."

As she spoke, Xuanxuan shed tears, picked up the check, covered her face and trotted away. Hua Qinghe looked at the cash on the table with a blank expression, and mechanically turned his head to look at the slender figure, his brain was in a state of confusion. blank.

Downstairs, Xuanxuan got in the car and kissed the check hard.

"Damn, I finally did something big!"

Hua Qinghe, who stayed in the real estate hall, could not recover for a long time. All he could think about was the future described and outlined by Xuanxuan.

Concubine Hua on the side closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

It seems like Nangong Wenya touched his fucking head!

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