Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1135 You dare not die, I dare not live

An auction by Han Qian turns the entire Fengtian into a hunting ground. Everyone is a hunter and everyone is a prey.

The winner can enter the auction and buy the goods of their choice, while the loser will be reduced to the selected goods.


For example, Dong Yangjie and Qu Ledi at this time, this should be the first conversation between the two. They both have burning eyes on each other. In their eyes, the other party is a priceless commodity.

The clog warrior held a samurai sword in both hands and approached Dongyangsuke step by step. He spoke a string of words like "Kila wow". Dongyangsuke clasped his ears and raised his eyebrows.

"What are you barking at?"

The clog warrior frowned, but Toyosuke repeated lamely in the language of his hometown. This time, understanding that the clog warrior was furious, he raised his samurai and stabbed Toyosuke in the chest.


"Call you mom, jiiliwala!"

Toyosuke turned sideways, and the samurai sword passed by Toyosuke's chest. Toyosuke grabbed the handle of the cabinet and pulled it backwards with the inertia. He raised his right elbow and hit the clog warrior's chest hard. The clog warrior only felt a breath. He almost missed it. At this moment, Dongyangjie swung his left fist and hit the clog warrior in the face.

Dongyangjie used his brain, and he knew this kind of garbage warrior very well. It was nothing more than the stereotypical three moves, stabbing, slashing horizontally when empty, or just constant slashing. Dongyangjie couldn't say he liked the stuff from his hometown. , it is these things that are highlighted every day. It is difficult not to know them.

The clog warrior pointed at Dongyang Jie and kept chattering. Dongyang Jie clasped his ears and frowned before talking.

"What are you barking at? Look at this! Look at this!"

An ID card appeared in Dongyangjie's hand.

"Look carefully, Lianhua Street, Longgang New District, Binhai City, Fengtian Province. This is the ID number. What do you and I call betrayal? I, Aniki, have a hatred of the country and the family with you, so I have a blood feud with you. Come to our country to run wild, you Speak fucking Mandarin to me next time!”

Dongyangsuke quickly stepped forward. When the clog warrior raised his katana with both hands, Dongyangsuke had already raised his hands and grabbed both of his wrists.

I understand, I understand so well!

The next second, Dongyangjie suddenly jumped up and stepped heavily on the clog warrior's feet with a pair of leather shoes. Dongyangjie crushed the clog warrior's instep with all his strength. At this time, the clog warrior's face was distorted by the pain in the instep.

The clog warrior roared and roared.

"Baga, my sister..."


Dongyosuke's forehead hit the bridge of the clog warrior's nose. The clog warrior's vision was blurred for a moment as his tear glands were stimulated. Then his fist hesitantly landed on his eyes like raindrops. The clog warrior closed his eyes angrily and waved the katana in his hand randomly, but once A failure caused his mentality to gradually collapse.

Dongyousuke looked at the guy who had no idea, turned around and bent down to pick up a steel pipe on the ground, weighed it lightly and walked forward, then smashed it on the clogs warrior's head.

The clog warrior's movement stopped, and Dongyosuke swung the steel pipe and hit him hard on the temple again.

With a pop, the clog warrior lay on the ground. Dongyangjie stepped forward and picked up the katana on the ground and looked at Qu Ledi. Then he raised the steel pipe in his hand and dropped it on the clog warrior's head again and again.

Blood was splashed on his face again and again. Dongyangjie looked at Qu Ledi and wiped the blood from his face.

"If you didn't prepare a backup plan, you would have asked me to take you away today! I don't like doing things to women, so just squat down by yourself."

Qu Ledi chuckled, looked at Dong Yangjie and said with a smile.

"What do you think?"

Dongyangjie nodded.

"I think it's better for you bitch to die."

Picking up the samurai sword again, Qu Ledi hooked his fingers at Dong Yangjie, and then Qu Ledi took out a pistol from his bag and pointed it at Dong Yangjie, smiling.

"Do you think a knife or a gun is faster?"

Dongyangjie bent down and stared at Quledi with his katana in his backhand.

"You don't dare to kill me. You need me alive to exchange for the captured Yanran, but I dare to kill you. Your death will not have any impact on my aniki."

Qu Ledi narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"But you can't kill me!\

,"Dongyousuke raised his katana and placed it on his neck, smiling calmly.

"But it's not that simple if you want to capture me alive. I'm worthless to you if I die, but you are useful to me whether alive or dead. Do you dare to shoot me?"

Qu Ledi said oh, it was indeed like Dong Yangjie said, his death would indeed be of no use to Qu Ledi.

He put down the pistol and turned around to open the car door. The moment the car started, Dongyousuke suddenly jumped on the front of the car. The steel pipe in his left hand hit the windshield, and the samurai sword in his right hand instantly penetrated the windshield with the broken glass and penetrated Qu Ledi's body. seat belt.

Quledi, who was locked in the car seat, raised the pistol in his hand, but Quledi suddenly put down the pistol, stepped on the accelerator, and the BMW started at a high speed. Quledi shouted to Dongyangjie who was kneeling on the hood.

"When we get into the city, I'll see how you explain what you're doing to the police uncle!"

Dongyangjie smiled, let go of the samurai sword in his hand and climbed to the roof of the car, lowering his head along the sunroof. Qu Ledi had already pointed the gun at Dongyangjie's head, Dongyangjie chuckled.

"I'll never give my aniki any trouble."

Then Dongyangsuke slowly stood up, stood on the roof of the BMW with his arms open to the wind, Dongyangsuke shouted.

"Qu Ledi, I'm dead, and the one who appears at the auction is Yanran's body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongyangjie suddenly jumped back.


I'm not even afraid of death. How could I be caught?

Qu Ledi braked and the car stopped in place. He couldn't see Dong Yangjie's figure in the rearview mirror, which made Qu Ledi a little panicked. With the power structure of Han Qian's side, Han Qian would definitely kill Dong Yangjie if he died. He wanted to kill Yanran cruelly, but Wei Tiancheng, an old dog, would force Han Qian to do it.

Among Han Qian's forces, Wei Tiancheng is the one who most hopes that there will be any problems with this force. Wei Tiancheng is second only to Han Qian and higher than Xu Hongchang on Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng's must-kill list!

Qu Ledi's heart was a little confused. When she opened the car door and got out of the car to check Dongyangjie's figure, her hair was suddenly grabbed and held on the car door. Dongyangjie said angrily.

"You have to use your brain when doing things. You don't dare to let me die, you don't dare to speed up! But you don't dare to bet that I'm not afraid of death!"

Qu Ledi struggled hard. Dongyangjie grabbed Quledi's hair and smashed it against the car window. Quledi fainted. Dongyangjie let go of the woman. At this time, he was also nervous. If someone saw her and called the police now, he would also be in trouble.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Han Qian's number.

"aniki, I caught Quledi."


Han Qian stood up from his chair in an instant and exclaimed.

"Are you hurt?"

These four words made Dongyangjie's eyes turn red instantly, and he choked up with warmth in his heart.

"No~aniki, I'm not hurt, fuck!"

A Chinese curse with a changed voice made Han Qian's nerves instantly tense, and he shouted urgently.

"What happened?"

Dongyangjie kneeled on the ground with his crotch covered with one hand, looking at the escaped BMW, Dongyangjie gritted his teeth and said.

"aniki, I...I let Quledi run away, and this bitch kicked my crotch!"

Han Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm scared to death. Just be fine. Where is Qian Wan? Where's Uncle Zhong? Someone should have gone over there. Yeats couldn't have arranged for someone there. Did Qian Wan leave it to you?" There you go, you damn bastard, pack up now and come back right away, safety first."

"I don't!"

At this time, Dongyangjie suddenly became rebellious. He stretched out his hand to stop a car, took out the business card in his hand and threw it to the car owner.

"Go choose a new car. I am Dong Yangjie, the general manager of Fushan Honor Group. You can choose any car within one million."

Without giving the car owner a chance to speak, Toyosuke grabbed the driver and threw him down. As for the driver's girlfriend who was sitting in the passenger seat, she didn't even have a chance to get out of the car. She started the car and listened to Aniki's persuasion on the other side of the phone. Toyosuke said softly.

"aniki, I have been with you for so long, and I always call myself Little Han Qian, but I have never done anything well, never, not even once. I don't deserve to sit in this position, and I don't I’m not worthy of marrying Qian Wan. Please allow me to rebel once. Please indulge me for the last time. I really can’t forgive me for being such a failure. Qian Wan’s man shouldn’t be so incompetent.”

Han Qian's scalp felt a little numb and he whispered,

"Japanese, you have done a very good job. My eldest brother has always treated you like a real brother. Don't be impulsive. There is room for error in this matter."

"aniki, believe me once! For the last time, I will never let you be ashamed of me!"

Dongyangjie hung up the phone directly, and not long after, Yeats called.

"Did the young man start having convulsions again?"

Dongyangjie whispered.

"Sister Ye Zi, I let a woman escape in my hands. I really can't survive in this world."

Yeats sighed.

"It's very dangerous. Quledi is about three companies away from you now. She will enter the highway at the intersection about ten kilometers ahead and return to Binhai."

Dongyangjie said in a low voice.

"Sister Ye Zi, send me Lin Zongheng's number."

"very dangerous."

"I'm not afraid!"


Soon Lin Zongheng's number was sent to Dongyangjie's mobile phone. Dongyangjie dialed Lin Zongheng's number. Lin Zongheng was slightly surprised after answering the call.


Dong Yangjie said in a deep voice.

"It's me! Lin Zongheng, do we want to make a deal? Now I'm chasing Qu Ledi. She returns to Binhai from Fushan. I don't want this credit to be taken away by others. You and I will race against each other. Let's see. Who can catch Qu Ledi first? ”

Lin Zongheng chuckled.


The phone was hung up, Dongyangjie squinted his eyes and whispered softly.

"You can do it, you will definitely do it. Qu Ledi is my young master's aunt. If the young master asks you to exchange Qu Ledi for many people, you will not let go of this opportunity to seize me. ! I will never miss this opportunity!”

The car speeded up, Dongyangjie said softly.

"Tang Li and Qu Ledi under your command, Sister Ye, have always had a competitive and hostile relationship. Sister Ye will spread this news to Tang Li. When the time comes, I will capture Qu Ledi and Tang Li. This is my young master's plan. The biggest contributor!”

At this time, Lin Zongheng was sitting in the villa, squinting and holding his mobile phone. He also thought of the relationship between Qu Ledi and Han Jiayi.

At this time, not only Lin Zongheng and Dong Yangjie, but everyone knew the news. No matter what the cost, the people caught by Han Qian must be snatched out. Otherwise, the losses will be incalculable after the auction begins. of.

At this moment in the "hunting ground" of the sand sea, Wei Buhan looked at the three or five strong men appearing in front of him and smiled.

"You are full! It seems that you are also on the list, and there is a bounty on it."

Wei Busao jumped twice excitedly, his chest trembling with excitement as he shouted.

"Really? Really? Am I going to become the Pirate King's wife?"

The leading man frowned.

"Come with us, nothing will happen."

Wei Busao moved forward slightly, holding his chest with one hand, and pointed at his nose with the other hand, and asked.

"No way? No way? Do you really think of me as a good thing? Damn it, kill them!"

Following Wei Bubao's scream, the men and women in the tavern put down what they were doing and walked towards Bubufan. The guardrail on the second floor of the tavern was already full of people. There were a hundred people in the small tavern. Wei Busao was excited. shouted.

"Stacking, my dad is the only one with me. How can he not love me? Fuck them to death. I have to let little Tu Kun know what a big sister is!"

As the siege began, Miaomiao put her arm around Wei Busuan's shoulders and whispered.

"Why are you still having trouble with Tu Kun?"

Wei Busuan raised his eyebrows.

"Why should I live with her? There is Li Jiawei who is awesome? Oh? Send me to the desert, and I will sleep with Li Jiawei!"

"Wei Yiyi, I'm going to fuck your mother! I'm kind enough to come and save you!"

"Fuck you Tu Kun, my sister needs you to save me? Oh? We haven't seen each other for several years, why are you so calm?"

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