Chen Qiang was invited to board the ship.

Han Qian was lying on the railing, or to be exact, his whole body was hanging on the railing. Chen Qiang stepped forward, bent down and whispered softly.

"What do you want? I will let the Baishier shop make it for you now. I hope that these things will be there first when you go to hell."

Han Qian slowly turned his head to look at Chen Qiang, and raised his finger at Chen Qiang. The moment Chen Qiang bent down, Han Qian suddenly stood up, grabbed Chen Qiang's head and threw him down the yacht. The next second Han Qian turned around and He ran until he reached the stern of the boat. At this time, Chen Qiang also swam over. Han Qian held a harpoon in his hand and pointed it at Chen Qiang's head.

Chen Qiang in the water raised his hands.

"You have something to say!"

Staring at Chen Qiang in the water, Han Qian was too lazy to talk to him. He started fishing with a fishing rod in one hand and a harpoon in the other. Chen Qiang was not in a hurry and swam around the small yacht. When he reappeared, he had a big turtle in his hand.

Han Qian tilted his head and looked at Chen Qiang.

"Isn't it boring?"

Chen Qiang nodded.

"A little bit indeed."

The next second, Chen Qiang's face suddenly began to distort. He shouted that he was cramping and sank into the sea. Han Qian sat on the stern of the boat and stared at the water. After a while, Chen Qiang popped up. "

"I'm in cramps. Why don't you save me?"

Han Qian curled his lips and said.

"Can you act worse? Chen Qiang, let me ask you, was it you who let Chu Sui go?"


Han Qian picked up the fishing rod and cursed angrily at his head exposed in the sea, which was like a gust of wind and rain.

"Are you really fucking upright? When did you and Liu Shengge start wearing the same pair of pants?"

Chen Qiang climbed up to the stern of the ship and lay on the deck, winking at Han Qian, before being kicked back into the sea by Han Qian.

"Why are you so disgusted now?"

Chen Qiang smiled.

"Me? I am now enjoying my retirement life happily. Liu Shengge came to find me. Liu Shengge saved my life when Lin Zongheng wanted to kill me. I have to return this favor to him, and I just let Chu go. It’s just years old, it has no effect on you or me.”

"Which it?"

Chen Qiang went into the sea again, and after a while he came up with a turtle in his arms.

"That's it, eat it?"

After another beating from the fishing pole, Chen Qiang let the turtle go and climbed onto the boat. He lay on the boat and looked at Han Qian. Just as he was about to blink, Han Qian picked up the harpoon and Chen Qiang hurriedly covered his eyes.

"Okay, okay, okay, I don't disgust you anymore! Lin Zongheng and Liu Shengge both called me. They wanted me to get out of the mental hospital. Your auction this time will make them understand a truth. , you are not the little brat you used to be, and now their men are not enough. Dongsheng and Lin Zong started to curse this morning. Wumei is not in the mood right now. She is in an autistic space. Handsome's death is such a blow to her. Big."

Han Qian took a deep breath and said softly.

"Indeed, Guo Charming's life can be said to have never seen the light of day!"

"How about you take it?"

Chen Qiang was kicked into the sea again. In the sea, Chen Qiang slapped the water and cursed Han Qian. After being attacked by a fishing rod, Chen Qiang behaved like a kitten, lying on the stern of the boat and looking at Han Qian.

"You made a lot of profits this time, what are you struggling with?"

Han Qian squinted at Chen Qiang and asked.

"Do you think I like money very much? I don't care much about that thing."

Chen Qiang shook his head.

"Because you are not lacking, let's make a deal with Han Qian? Now Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng must have gone back to recruit troops. This fight has made them know that there are too few people they can fight. You let Wu Siruan Break up with Xiao Ran, and then... you think I didn’t say yes?”

Seeing that Han Qian was about to take action again, Chen Qiang gave in decisively. When he climbed onto the boat again, Luo Shen came over with two lunches. Chen Qian gave Luo Shen a thumbs up.

"Luo Shen, you are getting more and more beautiful now."

Luo Shen narrowed his eyes and smiled.


"But you don't look good at An An."

"Fuck you cockroach, you have such big eyes and you start to comment on me? With your eyes, even if I throw you the North Pole, you have to say you saw penguins, do you have any aesthetics? You wear a triangular head and it's like You're like a leaky rice dumpling. What's the use of these two glass balls besides making them shine in the middle of the night? You're like throwing money away. I'm more pleased with the AV actor than you, and you're still criticizing me. If I were you, I would really pack up and jump into the sea, and sink to the bottom of the sea to make waste for sea urchins. If you don’t act like a psycho in a mental hospital, you still come out to judge An An and me. You look like you have no eyes. You are like a cricket. You are thicker than a vat when you stand, but not as tall as a vat. If you go to the fields in spring, the farmers will pull you twice and tell them that you have to pick up the weeds."

Chen Qiang was stunned by the series of verbal output.

Han Qian was kind, but Luo Shen was the one with the most vicious mouth. After regaining his composure, Chen Qiang was not angry. He picked up a spoonful of rice and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Luo Shen, I want to eat Korean food."

Luo Shen frowned.

"You are so liberated, do you still want to remember the bitterness and sweetness?"

Han Qian smiled.

"Do you have any pickles, wife?"

The three words made Luo Shen's eyes shine, and he squinted and shouted sweetly.

"Guanren, the Lun family will find it for you right now~"

Chen Qiang shouted.

"Bring me some."

"Go fucking yourself into the sea and eat seaweed!"

The gentleness of Luo Shen is only given to Han Qian, which is a bit like Ji Jing, but Aunt Ji will still preach to Han Qian sometimes, but Luo Shen will not, and will go to find the pickles that Han Qian wants. Chen Qiang He pouted.

"If this woman hadn't suddenly turned against you, Lin Zongheng wouldn't have lost so badly. When he contacted Dongsheng this morning, Dongsheng proposed the condition of wanting Wu Siguan, but somehow the two of them started to curse each other. Did you call me here today just to bully me?"

Han Qian shook his head.

"No, if I knew you were hooking up with them, I would imprison you on this yacht and keep you from getting ashore for the rest of your life."

Chen Qiang pouted.

"I know what I can and can't do now. The mental hospital is good, but there are fewer people. Han Qian! I've started studying high technology recently."

"What high technology?"

"Gravity, I've been a little constipated recently."

Chen Qiang was kicked into the sea again, this time simply touching Han Qian's bottom line at the dinner table.

In Beijing, the largest artificial lake, it is said that in the park that Cixi loved the most, everyone was watching a scene happening by the lake.

Liu Shengge grabbed Lin Zongheng's head with one hand and pressed it into the lake. After a few times, Liu Shengge grabbed Lin Zongheng's hair.

"If you dare to mess with my brother again, I'll kill you!"

Lin Zongheng lay on the shore without saying a word, looking at the sky with a ferocious look in his eyes. He didn't say a word, but he knew he was framed. After he returned to the capital, he didn't have time to deal with Liu Shengwu and Luo Fu.

At this moment on the boat, Han Qian looked at the photos sent by his mobile phone, and then looked at Chen Qiang.

"Should you be a prisoner if you lose?"

Chen Qiang shook his head.

"I don't want to care about your business, but Han Qian, I just saw Ms. Song's QQ on my mobile phone. If you say..."

Han Qian stood up and walked towards Chen Qiang.

Five minutes later, Chen Qiang looked up and shouted.

"What did I say? What did I do to beat me? My father is Chen Zhan! Han Qian, my father is Chen Zhan!"

Han Qian pinched his ears and replied indifferently. ,

"I know, I know, I know. If your father comes, I will beat you too. Go back. I am just in a bad mood today and want to find someone to bully!"

Chen Qiang drove away in the speedboat. Luo Shen appeared behind Han Qian and said softly.

"Let's do it?"

Han Qian turned his head, his eyes full of fear. There was no trace of the arrogance of the prince. Seeing this, Luo She looked up and sighed with melancholy.

This sigh was no less than that of the nursery rhyme.

Han Qian picked up the wolfberry water and drank it in one gulp. Then he dug out the wolfberries and stuffed them into his mouth, saying angrily.

"I'll fight you!"

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