Li Dongsheng was brought over by Chen Qiang. Chen Qiang looked at Han Qian who was lying on the sofa in the lobby of Tu Xiao's company, sleeping with his mouth open. An idea suddenly came to his mind. The cockroach turned around and went out, picked a cicada from the tree and stuffed it into Han Qian. mouth.

This time it stirred up a hornet's nest. Chen Qiang knew very well what Han Qian hated.

Han Qian was holding a kitchen knife and was about to chop Chen Qiang into pieces. Chen Qiang stood aside and laughed loudly. The next second, the empress grabbed a cicada and stuffed it into Chen Qiang's mouth. Chen Qiang was stunned and the juice burst out after one gulp.

Chen Qiang was stunned for a second, then rushed forward and held Han Qian's face to kiss Han Qian, but Han Qian pushed Chen Qiang's head away.

Soon after, the two squatted on the steps of Tu Xiao's door and vomited together.

Yan Qingqing stood aside and stared at Chen Qiang with her hands folded across her chest.

"You are bullying my husband, I will let you eat as much as you want."

Chen Qiang vomited again.

After struggling for more than half an hour, Han Qian sat at the dinner table and stared at Chen Qiang. Chen Qiang had no appetite at all. At this time, Guan Junbiao picked up a silkworm chrysalis and placed it on Li Dongsheng's plate.

"Try it, it tastes good. Do you still have that iron arm?"

Li Dongsheng ate silkworm chrysalis, and Han Qian and Chen Qiang ran out and vomited again. Han Qian's mouth couldn't accept a lot of things. He looked like he came from the countryside, but he didn't eat either east or west.

At the dinner table, Gu Lou looked at Li Dongsheng and said softly.

"I need a favor from you."

Li Dongsheng simply shook his head.

"If you don't want to help, let Wu Siruan come over and beg me."

Gu Lou secretly sent a text message to Wu Siruan, and soon Wu Siruan's phone call came to Li Dongsheng. Looking at Wu Siruan's number, Li Dongsheng answered the call with a smile.

"Is Qiu coming?"

"Go to hell."

Then Wu Siruan hung up the phone, and Li Dongsheng stood up to leave. Han Qian at the door kicked Chen Qiang in the side.

"Ask Li Dongsheng to contact a woman named Li Xiang, tell Li Xiang about the grievances between him and Guan Junbiao, and ask him to lend Li Xiang a sum of money. If Li Dongsheng doesn't agree or messes up, I will let you go to the nightclub to be a duck tonight. "

Chen Qiang looked at Han Qian and said seriously.

"Are you threatening me?"

Han Qian turned around and shouted to Xiao Hai.

"Go find some 200-pound girls and come here."

Han Qian really liked the execution ability of the Eighth District. Soon three fat and unfortunate ladies in their forties appeared in front of Han Qian. Han Qian pointed at Chen Qiang beside him.

"Having fun with him is worth ten thousand per person."

Chen Qiang is not tall, but he is energetic. When the three lovely elderly ladies looked at Chen Qiang, their eyes lit up. Chen Qiang panicked. When he stood up, Han Qian grabbed his arm and looked at him. Looking at the three approaching warriors, Chen Qiang became a little anxious.

"Han Qian, you can't do this. This society has laws! There are rules!"

Han Qian smiled.

"Rape a man doesn't seem to be a crime of rape, it's just forced indecency, and it's over after you tolerate it."

When Chen Qiang was grabbed by the arms of several older ladies, Han Qian let go and walked into the hall, walked to Li Dongsheng and pressed his shoulders with both hands.

"You have the opportunity to play out three days a month. Your parents can go to a mental hospital to stay with you for a month every year. I don't care if you get married and have a football team there. If you agree, everything will be easy to talk about. If you don't agree, I will let you go. Watching your strong brother being played."

After the words fell, a tough sister at the door shouted.

"Damn it! I've already played with the pigs, and I'm sending you a boy?"

Han Qian turned his head and looked at Chen Qiang who was pinned to the ground. Xiao Hai on the side pointed at his head and smiled.

"Brother Qiang, these are all legends in our eighth district. They all have some brain problems, but they can be used without delay."

"Xiaohai, I'm going to fuck your mother, Xiaohai!"

Opportunities are created. Although Li Dongsheng had a little bad taste in his heart, in the end he still felt that his conscience was a bit hard to bear, and finally put forward a condition.

"I want to talk to Wu Siruan."

Han Qian shook his head and refused.

"How you talk to Wu Siruan depends on what Wu Siruan wants. If she doesn't want to see you, you can refuse! Okay, stop making trouble!"

The three fat sisters let go of Chen Qiang, scratched their heads and smiled while helping Chen Qiang adjust his clothes. Han Qian waved.

"You two can go back after dinner."

Just forget it?

Chen Qiang still felt a little uncomfortable, so he stepped forward, put his arm around Han Qian's shoulders, and whispered.

"What's wrong with letting Dongsheng and Wu Siruan meet? You won't get pregnant if you meet them."

Han Qian squinted at Chen Qiang.

"Do you believe I hung you on a tree to make a cicada?"

"Hang it, let them meet each other, Han Qian! Brother Qian'er! Prince! Just meet each other. After all, Wu Siruan is also Dongsheng's first love."

Han Qian pinched Chen Qiang's mouth and said seriously.

"You almost became a baby mother, and you still have your first love?"

Chen Qiang looked sideways at Han Qian and asked.

"Are you just pretending to be dog food? Han Qian, let me ask you today, have you ever fallen in love early?"


"Han Qian, do you know what love is?"

"Chen Qiang!"

"Han Qian, you don't know, right?"

Han Qian was silent.

Chen Qiang put his arm around Han Qian's shoulders and left.

Yan Qingqing looked at the two people leaving and curled her lips.

"It would be great to play together like this earlier. Why do we have to make so much noise and kill so many people? I really don't understand your men's brain circuits."

After saying this, Li Dongsheng raised his hands and shouted.

"Boss Yan! That's not right. It's not that you can't understand men's thinking, it's that we can't understand their thoughts."

Tu Xiao laughed.

"People live with a breath! Chen Qiang doesn't have this breath now. When a man loses this breath, he loses his temper, loses his ideals, and thinks that just living is enough."

Cuicui shook her head.

"I don't understand."

Li Dongsheng was thoughtful.

At the corner of the door of Tu Xiao's company, Chen Qiang hugged Han Qian's shoulders and whispered.

"Let them meet!"

Han Qian frowned.

"What to meet? Now you see that we have a good relationship, but they quarrel when they meet. And there is Xiaoran, how to meet? Chen Qiang, go away, I don't need your help, go away!"

Chen Qiang shook his head.

"No, I can't leave! Han Qian, the hatred between men comes from face, and the hatred between men and women comes from love, especially men! Shouldn't the grudges be resolved?"

"If it can't be resolved, you throw money? Your ex-girlfriend slept with your father, can you still resolve this grudge?"

Chen Qiang scratched his head and muttered softly.

"You said it was your ex-girlfriend."

Han Qian's eyes widened, and then he punched Chen Qiang in the stomach. Chen Qiang knelt on the ground, holding his stomach, and said in pain.

"Fuck you, how come you didn't have any signs when you started! You're really like that dumb dog, but Han Qian, seriously, don't you really have that kind of youthful and ignorant love?"

"I don't have youth, I'm not ignorant, if you keep pushing me, I'll break your teeth for you."

Chen Qiang was really a little annoyed by Han Qian.

What the hell is love?

Isn't youthful and ignorant the curiosity of hormones about the opposite sex?

You want a love without feathers!

Han Qian turned around, and Chen Qiang stood up and grinned.

"That's great, no need to beg you, Miss Wu is here!"

After the voice fell, Chen Qiang caught a cicada and stuffed it into Han Qian's collar, and Han Qian immediately danced on the spot.

He hates insects.

Wu Siguan came, and Chen Qiang trotted all the way.

He doesn't care about his face at all now. Just like Tu Xiao said, he doesn't care about anything anymore because he lost his temper.

Chen Qiang supported Wu Siguan all the way into the company, which made Wu Siguan feel uncomfortable all over, with goose bumps all over his body. After Wu Siguan entered the company, Han Qian grabbed the cicada and his face turned blue with anger.

"Chen Cockroach!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his shoulder was patted. Han Qian turned his head and Wen Nuan stood behind him with a small plate in his hand. Han Qian raised his eyebrows and said.

"What are you eating?"

"Fried cicada monkey~ Do you want to eat it?"

Han Qian ran away.

"Wen Nuan, don't sleep in my room tonight! I'm afraid you will imitate the cicada's call in the middle of the night."

Wen Nuan smiled innocently.

"Are you stupid? Female cicadas can't call."

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