Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1174: The fight of trapped beasts

Su Liang really wanted to leave. In front of people he knew, the old man always pretended to be a kind father, but at home, Su Liang had no way to communicate with him. Since this so-called younger brother grew up and started to be a green tea, Su Liang's life has begun to be difficult.

He didn't have any lofty ideals. When he was in school, he calculated that he could go to a similar university and live his life in a muddle. However, this younger brother always deliberately showed himself to be very obedient and hardworking. As a result, Su Liang became less and less popular at home.

After Su Liang made money and bought a Mercedes-Benz, there was a slight change in the family. However, when they learned that Su Liang could do better and make a lot of money but didn't have the intention, the family's attitude towards him became worse.

Every day, the stepmother whispered in Su's father's ears, hoping that Su Liang could work hard and help the family and his younger brother, but Su Liang had no idea of ​​working hard at all. He always said that it was enough money, and he also hoped that Xiao Su could work hard on his own.

This meant to the stepmother that Su Liang didn't treat his younger brother as a younger brother. He now drives a Mercedes-Benz and his wife's company runs. Now he doesn't even want to help the family.

Su Liang, who had already gone downstairs, took a deep breath after answering the phone, turned upstairs, and was about to knock on the door when he heard a quarrel inside.

"He has endless money now. His brother Han Qian is a man of one hand in Binhai, Fengtian. Whose son doesn't honor his parents first after he has made it? Does he care about your life as a father? Does he care about his younger brother? Look at him. Now there is trouble at home, and he comes back to make decisions. There is no place! Don't come back to live in this house. I am embarrassed to say that Su Liang is my son. Now people outside think that our family is so rich. Look at how many years I have worn this bracelet on my body? She said she changed it for me?"

Su Liang put down his hand that was about to knock on the door, turned downstairs and got into the car. Su Liang really wanted to go back to Binhai and cut off his relationship with this family.

But he still didn't start the car.

After all, it was he who stabbed Nian Shilun in the back when he said he had caused trouble.

He lit a cigarette and got out of the car. At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the window on the seventh floor opposite.

"Hey, Mr. Su, I heard you've been looking for me!"

Su Liang suddenly raised his head and looked at the guy standing in front of the window and waving at him. The next second, his cell phone rang. Su Liang answered the call and said in a low voice.

"Can you, the Lin family, only play such dirty tricks?"

Nian Shilun smiled.

"Dirty and clean are rhetoric used by losers to cover up their failures. Winners don't need to care about the process and means. Mr. Su can come up and chat, but I have to remind you that it's troublesome for you to break my door, but it's as simple as it can be for me to enter your house."

Even if Su Liang's eyesight is not good, he can see the bunch of keys swinging in Nian Shilun's hand. Nian Shilun smiled and said again.

"If you ask me, just go back to Binhai. Your father and stepmother are nothing. And your brother, why do you care about their life or death? You let me deal with them. I feel relieved and I can explain to Lin Zongheng. It's a good thing for both of us, don't you think?"

Su Liang didn't rush to speak. He looked around and looked at several cars from Beijing that were taking photos parked not far away. Su Liang laughed at his phone.

"I'm here. You try it?"

Nian Shilun laughed.

"Then let's try it."

Su Liang got in the car. Nian Shilun moved a chair and sat in front of the window. Several people got out of several cars with Beijing license plates.

The stalemate began.

Su Liang didn't think it was a surprise that Nian Shilun suddenly attacked him. He made him pile sand on the sofa and then almost killed him with a knife. It was better for Nian Shilun to attack him than to cause trouble for Han Qian.

The stalemate lasted from noon to dusk. Su Liang lay in the car with his eyes closed, while Nian Shilun sat in front of the window drinking tea, accompanied by a beautiful woman.

"Dong, Dong, Dong."

The car door was knocked, and Su Liang suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. When he saw the guy with his whole face pressed against the car window, Su Liang frowned slightly and lowered the window.

"What are you doing here?"

"What did you go to Great Britain for?"

Su Liang unlocked the passenger door, Guan Junbiao got in the car, put the chair flat, took off his shoes and put them on the passenger console, closed his eyes and smiled.

"I went to play with Qian'er at noon, and he said you went back to your hometown. I thought I had nothing to do, so I came to play with you for a while, but I'm a little sleepy now, I need to sleep for a while."

Su Liang said, and didn't say much nonsense.

When Guan Junbiao appeared, the corners of Nian Shilun's mouth began to rise.

Right, right!

It's right to attract you all here, Nian Shilun lowered his head and looked at the notebook in his hand, which was densely filled with names. Cui Li was still in Qinghai with Yan Qingqing and hadn't come back yet. Qian Ling went abroad and was not in Binhai.

Dongyang Jie was in Fushan with Qian Wan.

Nian Shilun always felt that this was a very precious opportunity, but Nian Shilun thought that he didn't have the opportunity to eat alone. He had to let Liu Shengge know that he was going to take action against Han Qian, and he had to attract Liu Shengge's anger away from his own leader and attract him to Binhai.


No one is good, or in other words, no one who can survive in Binhai is stupid, no one is stupid, and no one can be underestimated.

After dark, Su Liang opened the door and got out of the car. Guan Junbiao sat up sleepily and rubbed his eyes and asked.

"Have you eaten?"

Su Liang pointed to the seventh floor opposite.

"Nian Shilun is over there. Do you think there will be an ambush in his room?"

Guan Junbiao shook his head.

"I don't know! I'll go in and take a look, and then tell you if there is an ambush!"

Su Liang reached out and held Guan Junbiao.

"No, it's unnecessary! If he wants to waste time, then waste time. Anyway, it doesn't affect us. I want to think about how to solve this trouble from the root, so as not to have more troubles at night."

Guan Junbiao said, "Oh" and lay down to continue sleeping.

Su Liang lit a cigarette again and stared at Nian Shilun. He began to think that if he were Nian Shilun, the plan would definitely not be limited to this.

When Su Liang put out the cigarette, Nian Shilun took out the intercom and smiled.

"Add a little pressure to Su Liang."

The people downstairs moved and began to slowly approach the unit door. At this time, Su Liang's father and stepmother came downstairs. Su Liang looked at the two and frowned.

"Did I say there will be trouble soon?"

At this time, the thugs that Nian Shilun had hired also slowly began to approach Su's father. Guan Junbiao pushed open the car door and got out of the car, reaching out his hand to push one man's shoulder away.

"Don't move forward."

The man who was pushed away took another step forward, and Guan Junbiao suddenly drew out the short knife from his waist and raised his eyebrows.

"Shall I let you bleed? Lower your blood pressure?"

Nian Shilun, who was watching everything happening in front of him, gently warned.

"Retreat, it's good to give enough pressure. You will follow Su Liang's parents in a while, and the rest of you will continue to guard his brother here. I don't believe that Su Liang can be so cruel as to ignore their parents and brother. If we hold on for two days, I guess Niu Wang and the others will arrive in Binhai. Let's hold back Su Liang and Guan Junbiao for two days first. You are going to get some more people over. I guess Guan Junbiao will let the younger brothers from District 8 come over tomorrow. Su Liang is too smart. It's easy for him to trap me, but it's already the limit for me to trap him for two days."

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