Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1176: Everything is counted except for myself

Yu Shici sat cross-legged on the bed, with her long golden hair hanging down on her collarbone, just covering the two spots of blush on her chest. Yu Shici looked at Han Qian sitting on the balcony sofa with a beer in his left hand and a cigarette in his right and sneered.

"Why hide so far away?"

Han Qian glanced at Yu Shici and smiled.

"Distance creates beauty, you can't be endless, can you?"

Yu Shici smiled.

"You said that if you obeyed me earlier, you wouldn't have so many messy things? What are you thinking?"

Han Qian squinted at the window and said softly.

"I'm wondering if I can capture Yanran again. I already know about Su Liang. It's Nian Shilun who is preparing to draw a cage for Su Liang. I just thought about it with you, even if I kill Su Liang, Liang's influence on me won't be particularly great, it can only make me more cunning, and they won't gain anything...his!"

Looking at his reflection in the mirror, Han Qian shivered and turned to look at Yu Shici. Just as he was about to speak, a pillow flew over.

"Tsk! You bastard, are you still distracted when you are having sex with me?"

The wine glass in Han Qian's hand was knocked over, and Han Qian laughed.

"I didn't delay my work. I just thought about it for a moment. Su Liang was trapped in the Nian Shi Lun and Fu Fu probably had two ideas. One was to tell Liu Shengge that there was nothing going on between me and Lin Zongheng, but now I let Luo Shengge Qing continued to go to Lin Zongheng to get resources. Liu Shengge asked me to throw him into the maze again. He should wander around in it first. The other one should be coming for me. They know that I will not let the people around me be in danger. Su Liang shot Liu Shengge in the leg. This time, the old man went to besiege Su Liang. He wanted to tell Liu Shengge and attract Liu Shengge to let people go over to settle the score with Su Liang. It happened that I asked Guan Junbiao to go there too, and Liu Shengge and He also has a grudge. Nian Shilun wanted to use Liu Shengge's help to get rid of Su Liang and Guan Junbiao. Liu Shengge also had the same idea, but I saw it clearly. "

Yu Shici said softly.

"I know you're smart, but what's their purpose?"

Han Qian shook his head.

"I don't know. If my head wasn't injured, I might know something. If I were smarter, I might know more. I'm hungry! Let's go downstairs to eat."

Yu Shici whispered.

"I'm used to not eating at night."

Han Qian stood up and put on his clothes and sighed.

"Sister, can you take care of my life and death?"

Yu Shici yelled, but when Han Qian picked up his vest, he found that it had been torn. He glanced at Yu Shici. Yu Shici pretended not to know anything, and Han Qian whispered.

"The legendary Wild West?"

Yu Shici turned his head and shook his hair, pretending to be fierce.


Han Qian smiled.

"It's so cute."

I can't wear any more clothes, so I can only go downstairs with my upper body bare. When paired with Han Qian's shorts and flowery arms, people who don't know Han Qian will regard him as a social scum, the kind who wanders around in society without doing his job.


In the countryside, Qian'er's mother, who should have gone to bed at this time, suddenly sat up and turned on the light by pulling on the light cord. The old man opened his eyes and frowned and asked if he felt uncomfortable. Qian'er's mother shook her head.

"No, I just feel that something is not right. I read the message that little nursery rhyme sent me just now. That old man deceived Xiao Liang back home. Han Qian let Guan Junbiao pass, right?"

The old man shook his head.

"I don't know."

Qian'er's mother glared at the old man and scolded him.

"What do you know? There is something wrong with Xiao Han Qian letting Guan Junbiao go there. He can't let his two good friends take risks. There must be someone who followed Guan Junbiao in the secret but never showed his face. Cui Li followed Qingqing to Qinghai, Xu Hongchang Driving for my son, he’s getting older, is Xiao Liu Ding secretly hiding it?”

Seeing Qian'er's mother squinting her eyes, the old man didn't dare to speak. Nothing good happens when these two mothers squint their eyes.

Qian'er's mother squinted her eyes and muttered softly.

"The reason why Xiao Han Qian went to the capital to meet Lin Zongheng was to trouble that brat from the Liu family. Now that Nian Shi has gone to find Su Liang to trouble him, is he unable to withstand the pressure from the Liu family? The reason why the Luo family has not moved should be because Xiao Han Qian stayed there. As a backup, Nian Shi circled Xiao Liang and waited for Liu Shengge to come and take action? But the chance that Liu Shengge could kill Su Liang was very low. The success rate was not even 10%. Xiao Liang shouldn't give it to them. Given the chance, he would have been active under surveillance cameras and crowds of people, and wouldn't even have stayed in a hotel! Then surrounding Xiaoliang like this attracted Guan Junbiao and Liu Shengge... put on clothes and drive to Binhai, watching in secret. son."

The old man didn't say a word nonsense. He got up, put on his clothes and went out. Listening to the sound of the pickup truck roaring away, Qian'er's mother said softly.

"Cui Li followed Qing Qing, Guan Junbiao most likely brought Liu Ding, Xiaohai and people from the Eighth District, Ah San probably went abroad with Qian Ling, Dongyangjie was with Qian Wan, and everyone around him was being watched by people from the Eighth District. , This bastard didn’t save anyone for himself? He’s plotting against heaven and earth, but he’s plotting against himself? Silly son, this is obviously for you!”

If Han Qian thinks that the people around him are in danger, especially Su Liang and Li Li, and if Han Qian separates the people around him, won't he be left with a polished commander? As long as Su Liang and Guan Junbiao are trapped there for a day, there will be time to catch his flaws!

The more Qian'er's mother thought about it, the angrier she became. She picked up her phone and sent Han Qian a text message.

"Dog brain."

Han Qian, who was eating barbecue, frowned and looked at the text message sent by his mother. He tilted his head and stared at the phone for a long time. Then he tilted his head to the other side. After looking at it for a long time, he still didn't think about why his mother sent a text message to scold him. .

He raised his head and handed the phone to Yu Shici.

"My mother scolded me."

Yu Shici ate the barbecue and smiled.

"What? You want to sue my mother-in-law? You have to ask Cai Qinghu for this matter, she is the professional counterpart."

Han Qian shrugged, put down his phone and continued eating meat without taking it seriously.

So hungry!

I am really, really hungry!

Sometimes Han Qian has thought that instead of making out with a few girls, he would rather do a ten-kilometer long-distance run with heavy weights. After all, he is so exhausted that it can be said that he died from long-distance running. This thing is so exhausting from making out with girls, then This is not as simple as being humiliated for the rest of your life.

You will have to be embarrassed in your next life.

It was already twelve o'clock after the meal, and the two of them stood at the door of the barbecue restaurant. Han Qian seriously told Xu Hongchang to send Yu Shici to Nuan Nuan safely, and Nuan Nuan asked Yu Shici to bring a midnight snack.

Xu Hongchang saluted and said he would definitely complete the task, and then came to pick him up. Han Qian waved.

"Go home early and rest. I'll find a place to relax."

Xu Hongchang drove away. Han Qian was walking on the road with his upper body naked, lowered his head and lit a cigarette. Suddenly it started to rain.

The rain in October is already very cold.

Han Qian raised his head and opened his mouth, trying to catch the rainwater and found that there was a slight difficulty. Han Qian was thinking about many things, thinking about his own life, thinking about Han Jiayi's life, thinking a lot.

Wandering aimlessly, he didn't want to go home or go to a place where someone knew him.

He just wanted some peace and quiet by himself for a while.

Hiding from the rain under the eaves, I opened a can of beer and raised my head. Every time my Adam's apple moved, I drank the refreshing cold beer into my stomach.

Relieve headaches and relieve the sequelae left by drugs.

I don't want to take medicine, so I can only use alcohol to numb the dog brain in my mother's mouth.

There are always days when a man wants to be alone for a while.

Be it a beggar or a king.

Everyone yearns for freedom.

Han Qian opened a can of beer with one hand and raised his head to drink again. For the first time, the word "sexy" appeared on his body.

White hair, naked back, strong chest muscles, angular abdominal muscles, countless scars on the body and arms surrounded by dragons and snakes.

The movement of Adam's apple, the sound of swallowing.

Han Qian is handsome, dashing and energetic.

He lived a life that many men dream of, but he also suffered hardships that many people have never experienced or even heard of.

If Han Qian had to say it himself, he would probably just say it with a smile.

"Damn, it's okay if I don't take a vacation. When can I let my little brother take a long vacation?"

After drinking all the wine in his hand again, Han Qian lowered his head.

Looking at the two light bulbs that appeared in front of him, Han Qian tilted his head and frowned slightly, then suddenly realized.

"Oh! I understand! I counted the east, west, north, and south, but I didn't count myself? Li Guangbi, the Ox King, oh! And you, what's your name Lin?"

Han Qian picked his ears.

"There are too many types of bastards. I really don't remember some of them. You were the one who got the scattered shares in Changxiang Group that were collected after Lin Zongheng returned to Binhai, right?"

Han Qian lit a cigarette again and put his hands in his pockets.

He tilted his head, squinted his eyes, held a cigarette in his mouth, and shook his legs.

"Well, that's good. It wouldn't be interesting if you brought five or six people today~ More than twenty people are just fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Ox King stepped forward and hit Han Qian hard on the lower abdomen. The severe pain instantly turned Han Qian into a hooked prawn. Even so, Han Qian did not drop the cigarette from his mouth and still did not take his hands out of his trouser pockets. He endured the pain and said with a grin.

"What? Didn't you eat? Are you tickling me?"


With an uppercut, Han Qian retreated and hit the wall. His mouth was bright red, but he still had a cigarette in his mouth. His hands were still in his trouser pockets, and he grinned while holding the cigarette between his teeth.

"When your mother masturbates me, her hands are stronger than yours."

The Ox King took a step forward.

"Your father, I will take care of the injuries your aunt left on me."

Han Qian groaned, took a long puff of cigarette, slowly raised his hand and hooked his fingers at the Ox King, thinking about the humiliation of having his arm chopped off by Qian Hong, and thinking about being locked in a cage by Han Qian, The Ox King's anger level had reached its peak. He took a step forward, made a fist with his right hand and pulled it behind his ear, and then attacked Han Qian's Adam's apple.

After a long, long time, a full twenty seconds passed, Han Qian, who had closed his eyes, realized that he was still alive. The corners of his mouth raised and he opened his eyes. He looked at the Ox King's wrist being held, and at the man walking in front of him. Looking back, Han Qian grinned.

"Why are you here?"


Then a coat was thrown over.

Taking the coat, Han Qian opened his bright red mouth and smiled.

"The wine is not finished."

"Just go drink."

Sitting on the ground, holding his stomach, he opened a can of beer again, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"My father is here, why don't you run away?"

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