The weather in Binhai is getting colder and colder. The snow that Han Qian just swept yesterday is covered by heavy snow again today. Yan Qingqing calls Han Qian and urges him to go to the meeting.

The snow on the rooftop was half swept, and Han Qian went downstairs to tell Wen Nuan that he was going to work. Wen Nuan said "oh" and hugged Lingling to continue sleeping.

It's rare to reveal a little bit of maternal love.

He went downstairs to start the car and went to Rongyao for a meeting. Not long after leaving the community, Tong Yao called.

"My dear, are you at work?"

"What happened on the way?"

"I'm at a meeting at the Education Bureau. I forgot a document at school. Can you go and get it and bring it back to me?"


Generally, Han Qian would not refuse such things. After turning around at the intersection and heading to Tong Yao's school, Liu Shengge looked at the moving car on the computer and said softly.

"Qu Ledi! Who does Han Qian know who lives in Dongcheng?"

"Yang Lan and Ji Jing's homes are both in Dongcheng, and Rongyao's school is also there."

Qu Ledi walked in with coffee, and Liu Shengge thought for two seconds and nodded.

"I just saw Rongyao's surveillance that Yang Lan and Ji Jing have already arrived at the company. Oh~ This route should be to Tong Yao's school. Let the people below prepare it, and be quick!"

"Okay, young master!"

Han Qian arrived at Tong Yao's school and hurriedly took out a pile of documents from the office. He didn't know which one she wanted, so he took all of them. When he walked out of the school gate with the files, Han Qian saw an old lady about 60 years old squatting on the street stall opposite the school.

It was still snowing at this time. Looking at the old man shivering with cold, Han Qian stood there and watched. Although his mother, aunt, and mother-in-law were not so old, they were almost the same age. They were basically enjoying life in this cold weather!

Han Qian put the documents in the car and walked forward. He squatted in front of the old lady and saw the various toys on the stall. Han Qian picked up a dagger and said softly.

"Aunt! You are not allowed to set up stalls to sell these things in front of the school!"

The aunt who was setting up the stall raised her head. Her whole face was full of vicissitudes. She looked at Han Qian with a smile and said sadly.

"I will sell a little, just a little. My son died, and my daughter-in-law ran away with my grandson. I can only take out my grandson's childhood toys to sell a little. I want to live. I really don't want to starve to death."

While speaking, the old lady pointed to her right leg and said with red eyes.

"It was broken, and the other party ran away and couldn't find anyone. I will sell a little, ten... five yuan is enough, as long as I am alive, I kneel down for you."

Han Qian was busy holding the aunt's shoulders and looking at the various toys placed in front of him. There were all kinds of messes.

He sighed and took out a handful of change from his pocket, about 200 yuan. Han Qian kept a ten-yuan note and threw the rest to the aunt.

"I guess you can't sell these things for 200 yuan. I'll give you this money! Come to the door to sweep the snow in winter, and then take care of the parking at the school gate. It's 1,500 yuan a month. Go to the school tomorrow and find a person named Tong Yao, and say that Han Qian asked you to come."

The aunt knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Han Qian. Han Qian waved his hand and was too lazy to talk. After helping the aunt sit in the wheelchair, he watched the aunt slowly leave and sighed.

The same world, the same people, different lives and different lives.

Han Qian has always been kind.

He packed the toys on the ground and threw them into the trunk. Looking at the dagger in his hand, the workmanship was quite delicate. He played with it for a while and threw it into the trunk. He started the car and was about to turn around. A jeep brushed the front of Pami's car and passed by. Han Qian was startled.

He was a little panicked now. He had no license and didn't give way to the straight-moving vehicle.

It's all his fault!

Han Qian opened the door and got out of the car to chat privately. Just as he walked towards the jeep, the person who got out of the car surprised Han Qian.

Yu Zhen?

He dared to come back?

Originally, he was worried about the problem of full responsibility, but now Han Qian was not afraid.

Ye Zhi's leg injury was inseparable from Yu Zhen. Han Qian had been looking for him, but he didn't expect him to come to his door.

Yu Zhen looked at Han Qian who was walking towards him. He took a deep breath. He stood there without moving, just lit a cigarette.

Maserati SUV hit Porsche Panamera.

This kind of traffic accident is rare in Binhai, and it happened at the school gate. At the time when students were leaving get out of class, some students had already run to the gate to watch the excitement.

"Wow, luxury cars! These two cars cost more than one million. They are really rich!"

"My dad told me to give way to the straight-moving vehicles when turning. Panamera may have to pay for it."

Pedestrians on the road also stopped to watch the excitement.

Han Qian pointed at Yu Zhen and grinned.

"Fuck you, you bastard, I've been looking for you for more than a year, and now you've come to me! Fate is fucking amazing!"

Yu Zhen took a deep puff of his cigarette, put his right hand in his trouser pocket and walked towards Han Qian.

"Han Qian, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry? You're fucking saying sorry now?"

Han Qian strode towards Yu Zhen, and when he stretched out his hand to grab Yu Zhen's collar, Yu Zhen took the initiative to come up and grab Han Qian's left hand. A dagger appeared in Han Qian's hand, and Yu Zhen held Han Qian's hand and stabbed it into his stomach.


Hearing the sound of the sharp blade cutting through flesh and blood, Han Qian's mind went blank at this moment, and then Yu Zhen hugged Han Qian, and his right hand, which was hidden under his body, held Han Qian's left hand and pulled out the dagger and stabbed it into his lower abdomen again.

Yu Zhen's mouth was bleeding red, and he leaned close to Han Qian's ear and spoke with difficulty.

"Han... Han Qian... for my son... I'm sorry... if there is a next life... I will be your dog."

Yu Zhen's body slowly slid down and lay on the ground. At this time, Han Qian stood there holding a dagger exactly the same as the auntie who was setting up the stall just now.

Han Qian didn't know what happened.


Han Qian came back to his senses after a scream came from the roadside. He looked at Yu Zhen who was looking down and spitting blood, and then looked at the dagger in his hand that was full of red.

The blood dyed Han Qian's left hand red, and his white coat was outlined with plum blossoms.

Han Qian "killed".

Han Qian killed Yu Zhen in the street because of a car accident.

At this time, Han Qian knew that he had been tricked, but he had no way to prevent this trick.

There was a locator in his car!

Someone found out that I came to the school to look for nursery rhymes, and the auntie who was setting up a stall outside was deliberately sent here by someone, because they knew that I was kind.

Less than ten minutes later, the police car and ambulance arrived at the same time. The guard uncle pushed the door and got out of the car and pointed his gun at Han Qian who was holding a dagger.

"Put down your weapons, hold your head with both hands and lie on the ground! Now and immediately!"

No matter who it is, killing people in the street is not a capital crime.

Han Qian was handcuffed and sent to the police car, and Yu Zhen was sent to the ambulance.

Lying in the ambulance, Yu Zhen opened his eyes and looked at the roof of the car. The scenes of the past appeared in front of him. Suddenly, he found that the roof of the ambulance was gone, and a fat shadow stood beside him.

Yu Zhen raised his hand and took off the ventilator.

"Fatty Sun, you are here to pick me up."

Sun Mingyue smiled like a Maitreya Buddha and nodded. At this time, another figure appeared, and Yu Zhen grinned.

"Old Yang, you are here too! Fatty Sun, I really regret it. If I hadn't chosen Lin Zongheng, wouldn't we have lost and died?"

Sun Mingyue said with a smile.

"Don't think too much, everything is over. Old Yang and I have been waiting for you for a long time. Will you go with us?"

Yu Zhen said with difficulty.

"Go! Go with you! I am very lonely. I will be very lonely after you two die. Do you have any wine?"

Sun Mingyue said with a smile.


Yu Zhen said again.

"Is there any meat?"

Yang Jianfeng laughed.

"Peanuts are plentiful."

Yu Zhen suddenly became energetic and shouted loudly.

"Go! I will go with you. This world is too bitter. I won't come back in the next life!"

The medical staff on the side looked at Yu Zhen who kept talking and asking questions to the air. They knew that this person could not hold on to the hospital. When the ambulance stopped at the door of the hospital, Yu Zhen stopped breathing.

He said a lot of words before he died. No one could hear what he said clearly. They only heard that the name he shouted the most was Yu Kai.

Yu Zhen died. Perhaps just like his name, he gave Han Qian an aftershock at the end of his life.

Han Qian was imprisoned.

He committed murder in public, intentional homicide.

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