Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1200 After smoking, change the cell

At the main entrance of the Yamen Gate, Tong Yao raised her head, took a deep breath, looked at the majestic building in front of her, and clenched her fists to cheer herself up.

"Try not to be nervous, don't be afraid, make sure not to fall, and never run away."

Tong Yao walked up the stairs and took deep breaths. Thinking about what happened to Han Qian now, her anger gradually began to burn, and she pushed open the door of Baitao's office.

Everyone is here.

Baitao, Cheng Jin, Qin Yaozu, Sun Zhengmin, Chen Jinye, and two others whom Tongyao didn't recognize, but could guess their identities.


Everyone looked at Nursery Rhyme who walked through the door, and then continued to look down at the information in front of them.

No one paid attention to her, and Tong Yao didn't feel embarrassed. She threw away the bag in her hand and strode forward. Looking at the fruits and tea on the table, she raised her high heels and stomped them against the glass coffee table.

The tabletop shattered, and the sharp glass scratched the skin.

Chen Jinye frowned and shouted.

"Nursery rhyme! This is the Yamenmen, not your school. If you want to act bad, go back to your school and act like a child!"

Tong Yao raised her legs, as if she was unaware of the sharp glass scratches, she took a deep breath and stared at Chen Jinye, and then swept over Sun Zhengmin and others.

"Who proposed to put Han Qian in a solitary room! Now I ask you, who wanted to put Han Qian in a solitary room!"

Everyone was silent, and the nursery rhyme swept through everyone. She took a deep breath and shouted hysterically.

"Answer me! Who locked Han Qian in the solitary room!"

After everyone was silent for a few seconds, one of the two prosecutors spoke.

"That's my opinion."

Tong Yao glared at this person, her eyes bloodshot, and said angrily.

"Who are you, what is your position, what are your rights."

The man spoke.

"Gao Chong, first-level prosecutor of Fengtian, deputy director of Shengjing Procuratorate, I am the prosecutor of the murder case at the main entrance of the campus on November 5th."

Facing Fengtian's top prosecutor, Tongyao did not back down at all because of the opponent's identity. At this time, Cheng Jin gently pulled Tongyao, but she was thrown away.

Tong Yao stared at Gao Chong and asked.

"I ask you, what right do you have to lock Han Qian in a solitary room! Is there a result in the case? Then I ask you, is it intentional homicide or manslaughter? Was the knife inserted by Han Qian and how? Yes, I ask you! I ask you if your crime has been determined now!"

Sun Zhengmin stepped forward and said softly.

"Nurse rhyme, please calm down first and bandage it first..."

Nursery Rhyme turned her head and said angrily.

"Shut up! Just tell me to calm down. If the person who is locked up in the solitary room without knowing the time is your son, do you still have the nerve to say the word calm down?"

Sun Zhengmin, who was angered by the anger, also became angry and spoke in a deep official voice.

"Nurse rhyme! My child would never do such a thing!"

Nursery Rhyme was furious.

"You mean the children in your yamenmen are all good people, and the children of us ordinary people are all hidden criminals? Sun Zhengmin, you must be responsible for what you say."

Then Tong Yao looked at Gao Chong and roared.

"Is it because if I don't go and see today, no one will know that Han Qian is locked up in the solitary room? Do you think that no one understands your operations? Li Jinhai, Cheng Jin, others don't understand and neither do you two. ? Are they saying that putting Han Qian in a solitary confinement room will allow him to plead guilty to mental illness? But I tell you this is absolutely impossible. "

Li Jinhai and Cheng Jin bowed their heads in silence and repeated the nursery rhyme.

"Han Qian suffers from choice disorder and claustrophobia. What he fears most is a narrow environment where he doesn't know the time. They want to use this method of mental oppression to make Han Qian have a mental breakdown and admit that he killed someone. It's a good result for them! They can get the appreciation of those in the capital, and they can solve this case quickly! They don't care about the process of this case, they just want a result! There is no trial, no court session, And Han Qian didn’t do anything extreme. What excuse did you use to throw Han Qian into the solitary room? I can now sue you for using mental punishment to extract a confession from Han Qian!”

Gao Chong frowned and repeated the nursery rhyme.

"In addition, I remain suspicious of your identity. I request that the prosecutor be changed. I request that you are not allowed to approach Han Qian before the trial! This is my lawyer's certificate. I majored in liberal arts and took law as an elective in college!"

Damn elective law, you can get it for three yuan.

Gao Chong looked at the nursery rhyme, then bent down to pick up a file bag on the ground, took out an appraisal report, and said coldly.

"Han Qian suffers from bipolar disorder, and he is placed in a solitary room because he is worried about his excessive behavior."

Nursery Rhyme sneered.

"Did you see it? They have done a mental evaluation on Han Qian a long time ago. Even if he has mental problems after being in the solitary room, it will not be an excuse for Han Qian's crime!"

After saying this, Tong Yao ran into rage and screamed at Gao Chong.

"Worried about doing something extreme? Then you are a man and I am a woman. Can I also worry about whether you will rape me? Can I also imprison you in a place that is absolutely safe for me? Worry equals suspicion. , Suspicion is not equal to facts, facts are equal to evidence. Even if Han Qian has a level 100 mental illness, when he has not done anything extreme, you cannot imprison him on the grounds of preventing what may happen!"

Gao Chong remained silent, assuming an attitude of you say what you say, but I won't listen.

Tong Yao opened her bag and took out a pile of documents and threw it in Gao Chong's face.

"Have you done any research? Han Qian went out at 8:15. In my school, you are considered late for school after 6:50. The stinky old woman setting up the stall showed up at the school gate at 8:50. Go to the school gate. Are you selling your mother? Moreover, it was Yu Zhen who hit Han Qian's car. Han Qian was the passive party. Han Qian's car was equipped with a locator. Now I ask you as Han Qian's family member. Did you find the woman who set up the stall? Already?"

Gao Chong was silent and the nursery rhyme started again.

"Have you contacted Yu Zhen's family? Tell me what the other party's demands are!"

Gao Chong was silent again and the nursery rhyme started again.

"Whose fingerprints are on the murder weapon? Did you make the murder weapon yourself or buy it? Where are Yu Zhen's wounds, and what is Han Qian's motive for committing the crime! I need you to answer me now, otherwise I will suspect that you have received benefits from others. Forced confession from me, Han Qian!"

"Nursery Rhyme!"

"Don't fucking call me. I haven't argued with you yet. I'm just expressing my demands and my doubts. As a family member of the client, I have the right to know the current situation of my family. I also have the right to know the progress of the case. We also have the right to compensate the victim’s family and obtain a letter of understanding! I also have the right to raise my doubts! But answer me now, why should Han Qian be locked up in the solitary room?”

Everyone was silent, and Gao Chong took a deep breath.

"Han Qian can go to an ordinary ward. As for the motive for committing the crime, Han Qian suffers from bipolar disorder and he will behave excessively at certain times."

Nursery Rhyme said angrily.

"I don't need the word "someone", I need a specific incident, what he has done, and your rhetoric can only be used to bully ordinary people. You can shut it down when you say it? Let it go when you say it? Han Qian hasn't done it yet When he was convicted and the court did not give a result, he was just a criminal suspect. He still has his rights as a citizen. I need compensation!”

Gao Chong was silent, Tong Yao took out his cell phone and dialed Cai Qinghu's number, screaming.

"Sleep with your mother! You people in Shengjing are bullying your man! If you're not dead, go fuck me and make trouble for me. If you can't take charge of this case, give me a fucking replacement!"

After finishing her words, before Cai Qinghu could speak, two people walked into the door of the office. Tongyao turned her head to look at the person who walked in. She put down her mobile phone and arranged her hair, and spoke in a neutral tone.

"Director Chen."

Chen Zhan smiled slightly.

"Teacher Tong, we meet again. When I came here, I was wondering if the opponent I met this time would be the nursery rhyme girl who made me suffer a lot back then."

Tong Yao looked at Chen Zhan with a smile.

"What a coincidence, it's me this time."

Chen Zhan walked into the office and patted Gao Chong on the shoulder.

"This is not how the case is tried. Go and release Han Qian from the solitary room. In response to the concerns raised by Teacher Tong, you can write a report and give it to me tonight!"

Nursery Rhyme laughed.

"Director Chen, he would not dare to do this without your order."

Chen Zhan smiled.

"Don't be so direct. Why don't you change it for me? I'll avoid suspicion too?"

Nursery Rhyme shook her head.

"Farewell, I have to get to know the others again when they come, but you don't have to. When will the court begin?"

Chen Zhan smiled.

"All the doubts raised by Teacher Tong need to be resolved. I will give Teacher Tong a time, just one month! The case will be heard in one month. I will be waiting for Teacher Tong in the court as the prosecutor, but I want to remind Teacher Tong. , committing murder in the street, in front of the school, even if the victim’s family forgives him, he can only avoid the death penalty.”

Nursery Rhyme smiled slightly.

"Perhaps it is acquittal? The verdict has not yet come down. None of us can determine the outcome. Now Han Qian is just a criminal suspect. If there is any problem with Han Qian, even if you are from the capital, I will prosecute you, even explain··"

Tong Yao put away her smile and said coldly.

"I even said that after you come to Binhai, you won't have any relatives anymore!"

Chen Zhan put away his smile and frowned.

"Are you threatening me? Let's do this. Let's go to court to hear this case tomorrow morning!"

Nursery Rhymes shrugged.

"It doesn't matter. I'll wait for you at the gate of the court at eight o'clock tomorrow morning!"

After saying this, Tong Yao turned around and looked at Cheng Jin and the others, saying coldly.


Watching Nursery Rhyme limping away, the office fell into silence.

About ten minutes later, Chen Zhan slapped him on the forehead.

"It's bad, I was almost fooled. If the trial starts tomorrow, we won't have any advantage. As long as Tong Yao raises doubts, the case will be delayed! If a lawyer intervenes, Han Qian may be released from prison and wait for the second trial! No way Oh, no, Baitao, please contact Tongyao and tell her that the court session is canceled tomorrow. You can’t be impulsive!"

Baitao nodded slightly, and then went to contact Tongyao. After receiving the news, Tongyao slammed his fist on the steering wheel and cursed angrily.

"Old fox! He is much smarter than before!"

When the nursery rhyme appeared in prison again, Han Qian had already finished smoking a pack of cigarettes and was lying in the small window waiting for the nursery rhyme's promise.

The nursery rhymes are coming.

Han Qian said.

"Tongtong~finished smoking~"

Nursery Rhyme smiled.

"Then let's change cells~ Just keep your word~"

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