Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 1203: Get money to do things

Lin Zongheng and Liu Shengge arrived in Binhai one after another. Lin Zongheng first went to Changxiang to learn about the current Changxiang Group, walked around every floor, and finally appeared in Lin Mengde's former office.

Not much has changed, the office has been empty for many years.

Stroking the desk that he had photographed countless times, Lin Zongheng turned and left.

How could you not be moved?

This company that he was once very proud of has finally returned to his hands. Perhaps this is an opportunity to defeat Han Qian, but under the temptation of Changxiang Group, Lin Zongheng went to see Chen Zhan.

When Lin Zongheng appeared in Chen Zhan's temporary office, Liu Shengge and Yu Kai were already there. Lin Zongheng stepped forward and patted Yu Kai on the shoulder.

"You will follow me later."

Yu Kai didn't say anything. He couldn't follow Lin Zongheng. His brother was still in Liu Shengge's hands. Lin Zongheng stared at Liu Shengge for a few times, then sat on the sofa and asked Baitao sitting beside him. road.

"What are they here for?"

Baitao lowered his head and muttered softly.

"Yu Kai came to send a letter of understanding to the family members. Who doesn't want to hold Han Qian accountable?"

Lin Zongheng glanced at Liu Shengge, then looked at Chen Zhan and smiled.

"Uncle Chen, I have thought carefully about the things you asked me in the capital in the past few days. I have been close to Yu Zhenzao since I returned to Binhai. Later, the two of us became the ones who worshiped him. Brother, Yu Zhen sold all the assets in Bin County to help me get the shares of Huacheng. I have always kept this kindness in my heart, but there seems to be no grudges between Yu Zhen and Han Qian. As for the rumors circulating outside, Han Qian's threat to kill Yu Zhen is completely false. Han Qian and Yu Zhen are both familiar with you, are you right, nephew Yu Kaixian?"

They were almost the same age, but Lin Zongheng took advantage of him and called him nephew.

Chen Zhan raised his head and glanced at Lin Zongheng, and then at Liu Shengge.

"I know what happened here better than you, the client, and you both got the benefits you wanted, but I want to tell you that the fact that Han Qian committed murder intentionally on the street is not explained by the fact that you showed the letter of understanding. Han Qian can be acquitted. This letter of understanding can only alleviate Han Qian's crime. Lin Zongheng's clarification can only prove that this is not a vendetta. Okay! Now it has nothing to do with you two. You can go. ”

Chen Zhan's expulsion order didn't pay any attention to the art of speech. It was simple, direct and clear. But when Yu Kai went out, Chen Zhan spoke.

"Yu Kai stays and asks your brother to come to my place in the afternoon. I'll see him if I have anything to do."

After saying this, Liu Shengge turned around and smiled.

"Director Chen..."

Chen Zhan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Have you been told to speak? I can't see the second son of the Yu family at three o'clock this afternoon. I will treat it as missing and kidnapped. Liu Shengge, you can think about it yourself. In addition, your release from the ban is not over yet. You can go back to the capital later. If you are not from Binhai, don't Wandering around the seaside.”

Liu Shengge chuckled.

"Director Chen, I just acquired Glory Group, I want to..."

Chen Zhan asked rhetorically.

"Since when did Liu Shengge's company law become stronger than the orders of our capital court? Here, you only need to listen to me and follow my instructions. When I don't ask you to express your opinion, just shut your mouth!"

After saying this, Chen Zhan stood up and walked towards Liu Shengge, stretched out his hand to pinch Liu Shengge's collarbone, and felt severe pain. Chen Zhan said again.

"You bully Tong Defeng today, and tomorrow you bully the old man of the Song family. I'm curious when you can come and bully me, Chen Zhan. If you have an idea, I'll wait for you. If you don't have an idea, get out, get out!"

Liu Shengge nodded and left quickly without expression. Lin Zongheng, who was still trying to laugh, was kicked by Baitao, saluted Chen Zhan and left the Yamenmen.

Chen Zhan glanced at Yu Kai standing in the office, his eyes filled with disgust.

"If you are threatened, just say it directly. Do you think you can survive for a long time after hiding it? After your brother is sent here in the afternoon, you two will go abroad immediately. Don't even think about coming back in this life!"

Yu Kai lowered his head and whispered.

"You know it."

Chen Zhan waved his hand.

"I don't know, but I'm close to you. Go and wait for your brother to come over. I don't want our yamen door to become a tool for Liu Shengge to use."

Yu Kai wanted to say something, but Chen Zhan didn't want to hear it.

After Yu Kai left, Baitao looked at Chen Zhan.

"How are you going to handle this case now?"

Chen Zhan smiled.

"Enforce the law impartially. My son has spoken and will not let me deliberately embarrass Han Qian. This matter mainly depends on how the nursery rhyme side handles it. Although I don't understand Yu Zhen, I understand Han Qian."

Baitao shrugged and whispered.

"I don't really believe that Han Qian can kill anyone."

Liu Shengge and Lin Zongheng both returned to the capital as quickly as possible. Lin Zongheng visited Luo's house for the first time. Luo Qing and Luo Fu looked at Lin Zongheng with red eyes. Both of them wanted to throw something at Lin Zongheng. Go to the fish pond and feed the fish.

Lin Zongheng found the warmth of sitting in the pavilion holding a hand warmer. After so many years, he still felt warm every time he saw the warmth.

"I've been to Binhai."

Lin Zongheng thought for a few seconds before saying something warm.

"But the situation is not very optimistic. Although I have proved that there is no grudge between Han Qian and Yu Zhen, now that Han Qian has killed someone, he will still be legally responsible. If you want to save Han Qian's family now, you must find some evidence that is favorable to Han Qian. ”

Nuan Nuan turned his head and looked at Lin Zongheng.

"That's enough. Congratulations, Mr. Lin, you have become the new owner of Changxiang Group."

Lin Zongheng frowned and looked at Wen Nuan, and said softly.

"I'm not very excited. What about you? What are you going to do in the future? I can let you continue to be the vice president of Changxiang Group."

Wen Nuan shook his head, stood up and walked towards Luo Shen's room in the distance, sighing softly.

"Stay at home, raise your husband and raise your children, go out for a walk occasionally, and live the life of an unemployed vagrant. Life can be colorful many times, and you can't always be tied down by a broken company."

Lin Zongheng stood behind him and shouted.

"It's warm!"

Nuan Nuan waved to Lin Zongheng, pushed the door open and walked into the room.

No warm emotions can be seen.

Lin Zongheng turned around and left the Lin family. His heart was also complicated. Although he got Changxiang Group, he always felt a little depressed now. Logically speaking, he should be very happy, but seeing Wen Nuan treating Han Qian like this, he was very sad. It's hard to make yourself happy.

After getting in the car, Lin Zongheng patted his face.

"Be happy, isn't this the result you have always wanted! Han Qian should be sentenced, he will definitely be sentenced!"

Binhai's nursery rhyme looked at the pile of information in front of her and contacted Cai Qinghu.

"The court will be held tomorrow, so we won't give the Yamenmen a chance to collect evidence."

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