Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 252 If you hit her, you can’t hit me.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the rain stopped!

Han Qian dragged his tired body back home. The girls looked at the warmth sitting on the sofa with the big bone in their eyes, with anger in their eyes. Yan Qingqing stepped forward and took the bone and gnawed it. Qian'er's mother held her in her arms Wen Nuan's waist, Nuan Nuan stretched out his hands and cried out sadly.

"My, my, my, my!"

The next second, all the crabs, beef bones, and rice on the table were taken away. Cai Qinghu took a big mouthful of crabs, and Yeats stuffed rice into his mouth without caring about the image. Ji Jing held a small bowl of rice and fed Han Qian spoonful by spoonful.

Without Ji Jing, Han Qian might have starved to death long ago.

Looking at the empty table, Nuan Nuan raised her head and was about to shout. Yan Qingqing chewed the bones and gritted her teeth.

"Xiao Wenwen, if you dare to shout, I will beat you! We were busy outside and couldn't say that Cai Qinghu spent money to buy so many things. Finally, we decided to say that it was sponsored by Wenwen Rescue, the chairman of Changxiang Group, and we were the ones doing the work. , it’s you who gets the benefits, right? I’m not convinced, I’m really unwilling!”

Cai Qinghu broke off the crab claws and handed them to Wen Nuan, pouting.

"Why are you unconvinced? The reporter is interviewing Xiao Duole, and Wen Nuan is his sister. I have made my sister famous, so you want your sister to come too? Your sister, haha~ has fallen in love with Liu Shengge. "

Yan Qingqing squinted at Cai Qinghu, then looked at Han Qian.

"General, you said you would beat Cai Qinghu when you came back!"

Han Qian was stunned for a moment, then rolled up his sleeves and was about to speak. Ji Jing stuffed a spoonful of rice into Han Qian's mouth and said softly.

"It hurts more when you're full!"

Yeats said lightly.

"I'll tie her up."

Cai Qinghu looked at Wen Nuan, who suddenly hugged Cai Qinghu, raised his head and said arrogantly.

"Don't hit sweet girl, she gave me crab claws! We are the best in the world."

Yan Qingqing gritted her teeth and said.

"I'll beat you both together later!"

Nuan Nuan weakly sent the crab claws to Cai Qinghu.

"I didn't eat~ I really didn't eat~ You saw it, if you hit Qinghu, you can't hit me~"

What is cute?

Everyone knows that Nuan is pretending to be cute, but she is still very cute.

Cai Qinghu grabbed two crab claws and stuffed them into Nuan Nuan's hands and said seriously.

"You get beaten for me, and I'll eat crabs for you until you vomit."

Warmth is entangled.

Wen Nuan likes to eat crabs, but rarely buys them because she eats them alive and Han Qian can't accept them, so Wen Wen basically lets others buy them.

When you scold others, don't scold me for being warm.

At this time Yeats spoke.

"We went to the rescue, and others went to rescue her. She was riding a jet ski in the water, and Mr. Han caught her, but she still ran away!"

Nuan Nuan turned his head and looked at Cai Qinghu.

"I probably can't save you."

Ji Jing said softly.

"Then the eldest nephew sent her back and rode a jet ski to rescue people. She said that the eldest nephew looked like Lin Zongheng when riding a motorcycle."

Nuan You handed the crab claws to Cai Qinghu and said seriously.

"I can't save you, how can you say that Brother Qian is like a bastard~"

Cai Qinghu frowned.

"I didn't say anything! Don't frame me, Nuan Nuan!"

Wen Nuan pouted.

"I almost didn't ask for Lin Zongheng's bath water now! The rain has stopped~ Where will you stay tonight? My parents, Li Jinhe, and Lao Wen will stay at Jiawei's house."

Nuan Nuan received a slap from Li Jinhe.

She didn't care and looked around.

"Where's An'an? Where's the nursery rhyme?"

Ji Jing narrowed her eyes and said softly.

"The nursery rhyme made me cry when I was scolded, hehe~hehe~hahahahahahaha."

In the end, Ji Jing couldn't control it, Cai Qinghu frowned.

"You've been laughing all afternoon, you're going to get wrinkles!"

Ji Jing suddenly became nervous, put down the bowl and ran into the bathroom to look in the mirror. At this time, Li Jinhe and the four parents also went downstairs to Jiawei's house after making sure it was safe. Jiawei's house had four bedrooms, which was enough for them to rest.

The moment the parents left and closed the door, Wen Nuan suddenly stood up and gave the unsuspecting Cai Qinghu a headbutt, and then rushed towards Yan Qingqing, aiming at Yan Qingqing's head.


Wen Nuan glared at Yeats, who got up and ran, Wen Nuan said coldly.

"Steal my meat, steal my crabs, right? My parents are here, so I can't be too presumptuous! Yan Qingqing, tell me whose territory this family belongs to, tell me!"

Yan Qingqing covered her forehead and gritted her teeth.


Nuan Nuan turned his head and looked at Cai Qinghu.

"It has nothing to do with the Yamenmen now, and it's not Shengjing. Why are you pretending to be your legal wife here?"

Cai Qinghu burst into tears and shook his head vigorously.

"Warm me..."

Nuan Nuan waved.

"Don't apologize, you won't change even if you apologize, Yeats!"

Yeats covered his head with his hands and shouted.

"I worked today, I've been busy all day, I'm hungry, I...I can wash the dishes."

Wen Nuan nodded, then stood up and walked into the bathroom, and then heard Aunt Ji's fearful scream. When Wen Wen walked out of the bathroom, he pressed one hand on his chest and scratched the air with one hand, his face full of Not willing to give in!

Ji Jing locked the door when she turned around and rushed into the bathroom again.

Nuan Nuan lay on the sofa, looking at the ceiling and lamenting.

"Huh, people's joys and sorrows are different. The world is in tatters, but warmth can be mended~"

Yan Qingqing stood up and walked to Wen Nuan, bent down and whispered.

"It's so warm~ Why are you unhappy? Tell your sister, you know, we have the best relationship!"

Nuan Nuan closed his eyes and sighed.

"Take these water balloons away from my head before you talk!"

Cai Qinghu sighed.

"In fact, people's joys and sorrows are interlinked."

Nuan Nuan nodded seriously.

"That's right, I can't be mentally ill! This brain is cracking my head, Yan Qingqing, can you get out? Can you stop pressing me?"

Yan Qingqing looked left and right and looked down, wondering.

"Where's your face warmed?"

"My face is pressed under your water balloon! Are you annoyed, Yan Qingqing? Are you annoyed?"

Wen Nuan was too lazy to struggle, and she was really lazy. Cai Qinghu looked at Wen Nuan, but unfortunately he could only see her mouth, and said seriously.

"I have already done physical examinations, tests and other reports! I am very responsible to tell you that warming my brain is better! There is no problem in the world that money cannot solve. It is also because my husband did not go to Shengjing to find me."

Wen Nuan let out a sigh, pushed Yan Qingqing away, sat up and said seriously.

"Then tell me how much you spent on the Buddhist beads you bought from the old Taoist priest when you and your husband-in-law went to the temple to burn incense!"

Cai Qinghu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and looked into his eyes, tears welling up in his eyes, and he said aggrievedly.

"Ms. sir! I'm not thinking right!"

Han Qian sat on the floor tiles and smiled at Cai Qinghu.

"Don't listen to Nuan Nuan, you have no idea about money."


Tears did not fall, Cai Qinghu seriously told Nuan Nuan that he would not buy crabs for her in the future. At this time, Ji Jing came out of the bathroom, trotted all the way to Cai Qinghu, and said seriously.

"I! No! Wrinkles! Lines!"

Cai Qinghu stretched out his hand and pushed Ji Jing's face.

"I know, go aside!"

Aunt Ji went back to the bathroom to wash her face.

Han Qian had nothing to do with them. They would always talk about each other if they didn't get together, and they would quarrel when they got together. When he stood up and prepared to take a shower, his cell phone rang. It was Sun Zhengmin calling. Han Qian went to the window to answer the call. Telephone.

"Uncle Sun!"

Han Qian was not joking this time, Sun Zhengmin said in a low voice.

"How many casualties are there in Binhai now? I asked Li Shaoqi, and he hesitated and said there were no casualties."

Han Qian took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"I don't know! I've been very honest recently. I don't have anything to do with or have anything to do with the Yamenmen. I definitely don't know anything about them."

Sun Zhengmin hesitated for a few seconds and whispered.

"Chen Qiang did a great job this time! You also need to work hard here in Binhai."

"No! You are looking for Li Shaoqi. My precious children's businesses are all ready to leave Binhai. I want to say goodbye to this city. I am just an ordinary citizen and cannot take on this big responsibility. I will be satisfied if no one in my family is hurt."

"But you went to the rescue today."

"No, I guess you have seen the video. You know that Qinghu has a problem with her head. She suddenly fell ill again today..."

Just as Cai Qinghu was about to speak, three hands pinched his face. Wen Nuan frowned and shook his head.

Han Qian continued.

"Qinghu was frightened by the heavy rain. I spent the whole day catching her. I didn't do any rescue operations for Binhai. It was all done by others and had nothing to do with me, Han Qian."

Sun Zhengmin said in a deep voice.

"Xiao Han Qian, what do you mean?"

Han Qian said indifferently.

"It's boring!"

"Why is it boring? Binhai is boring?"

"Yes, it's boring! Is this what you meant by this phone call now?"

"I'm not interested."

"As long as it's boring, I'm not interested now anyway!"

Sun Zhengmin hung up the phone. Han Qian looked at the phone, took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"Miss Ye!"

"Okay Mr. Han, I have prepared it for you, but I didn't bring it out today. I will give you the new phone tomorrow."

In the office at the gate of the capital government office, four bosses were sitting in a dark room. Lao Gu was holding a cigar in his mouth and crossing his legs. He was wearing trousers and leather shoes, and his upper body was naked. He had the same scar on his right shoulder as Han Qian. , at this time Lao Gu is more like a social boss.

He didn't look very kind, so he curled his lips and sneered.

"I'm just asking, are you guys free? Is it interesting to study my Xiaoqian?"

Fang Xiong raised his head and nodded seriously.

"Interesting, I want to be ten years younger! No, I will go to Binhai even if I am eight years younger. I don't like the way Binhai people are doing now."

Xiao Fu nodded sullenly and said in a deep voice.

"Because I haven't played it before!"

Lao Gu frowned and cursed with a smile.

"Are you two stupid?"

Neither Fang Xiong nor Xiao Fu refuted. Lao Bai pinched his chin and looked at the mobile phone on the coffee table, frowning and wondering.

"What's going on? How did he know that his phone was being monitored? I said hello specifically!"

Lao Bai looked at Lao Gu, who threw his phone on the table.

"Come on! Look! I took the initiative to make a fucking call to this little brat. The call records are all there."

Lao Bai tilted his head and said doubtfully.

"Why is that? Oh! I know, I don't mean what Sun Zhengmin said. I asked Sun Zhengmin to go to the beach to soak in the rain tomorrow. This is not strict at all!"

Lao Gu frowned.

"Isn't it over? You are almost two hundred years old together, right? Are you playing with my children? Do you want to lose face?"

Fang Xiong shook his head.

"Don't blame me! I didn't give any help to my Xiaoqiang. I arranged for Xiuxiu to be my daughter-in-law, isn't that right?"

Xiao Fu frowned.

"Worried that your Han Qian will lose?"

Lao Bai pinched his chin and wondered again.

"What is little Han Qian thinking about now? Are you not going to play in Binhai anymore? Xiaofu, please prepare and give the flooded area to Han Qian. Don't let Han Qian run away from Binhai. If he runs away... what else can I do? Plate my daughter with gold!"

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