[The chapter name is wrong]

"Cui Jincan, we now suspect that you and Cui Li, who was involved in the Mid-Autumn Festival robbery, are the same person. You must cooperate with our investigation!"

"Guan Junbiao, Hou Cong had some conflicts with you before he was alive. I need you to cooperate with us."

"Mr. Su Liang, we have many things to ask you regarding your previous case. We hope you can cooperate."

Several people are all in the city bureau, and they have been invited to investigate some matters.

Everything is easy to say once you arrive, just go through the process.

Not coming! Then there will be some trouble.

Liu Guangming made an appointment with Wei Tiancheng, Tu Xiao and Gao Jishi. Now he wanted to talk about Binhai disaster relief and reconstruction. The four of them were sitting in the teahouse, three guys shoulder to shoulder. Gao Jishi was wearing brown sunglasses and had his hands in his trouser pockets. Inside, the chair under my butt only has two hind legs touching the ground.

The floral shirt only had two buttons on, the gold necklace around his neck, the tattoo on his chest, and the five-dollar cross earrings on his ears.

Gao Xingyi raised his head and held a cigarette in his mouth, not even bothering to look at Liu Guangming and the others.

Wei Tiancheng frowned.

"Liu Guangming, you are the person opposite now. Although my master is said to be cooperating with Chen Qiang, he did not inform us! Do you understand?"

Liu Guangming smiled bitterly.

"I do everything for your own good."

Gao Xingyi curled his lips and said scornfully.

"Die standing up and live on your knees. If you do this, we will not thank you, let alone appreciate you. Traitors must die. This is the rule."

Yu Kai said coldly.

"I came to see you today to talk about reconstruction. If we can, we'll talk. If we can't, we'll leave."

Gao Xingyi curled his lips and sneered, not even bothering to pay attention to this brat.


In the woods halfway up the mountainside of the Binhai Seaside Temple, Han Qian leaned against a big tree and panted heavily. Looking at the two bald heads opposite, Han Qian kept adjusting his breathing. The pain in his side was severe now, and he was not sure if his ribs were broken. .

As for who found these two guys, Han Qian had no clue at all.

It is possible for Li Shaoqi, he is not short of money.

It's possible that Zhou Le also beat him up yesterday.

As for Chen Qiang, it is possible, and even Liu Shengge is possible.

The two bald heads were brothers, and they were very cooperative. They were not the kind of people who hooked up with cannons before. Han Qian raised his right hand and hooked his fingers at Peony Flower's bald head.


Two bald heads rushed forward and punched together. Han Qian stretched out his hand and held two fists. The next second, he felt severe pain in his stomach. Han Qian took two steps back. He was very angry. If he had the ability of the old man, , How dare someone come to assassinate me?

Crossing his fingers at the two bald heads, Han Qian took a step back and put his right hand behind his waist. The two bald heads hesitated.

They were not surprised that something like a gun appeared on Han Qian's body.

Rose's bald head pulled her younger brother who was about to step forward, and Han Qian hooked his fingers again.


The two bald heads looked at Han Qian and said coldly.

"You can't leave today."

Han Qian grinned.

"Leave? I, Han Qian, have never escaped. I guess if I ask you two who asked you to come, you won't tell me, right?"

The peony man nodded, and Han Qian stepped forward step by step. The two bald heads took a step back. The next second, Han Qian turned around and ran away, shouting as he ran.

"Fuck you, I'm not a fucking gentleman!"

Han Qian ran away.

The two bald men lost their focus for a moment and gave chase. Han Qian went all the way into the mountains and forests. The people who herded cattle here were very familiar with the terrain here.

And it’s still midsummer, so the grass is lush.

But just ran away?

No! This is not Han Qian's character. He planned to let these two bald heads stay in this mountain forest and bump into each other for about ten minutes.

In a clearing in the woods, Han Qian was leaning against a cliff.


It's only about seven or eight meters.

Han Qian put his hands behind his back and looked at the two panting men walking towards him with a grin on his face.

The man with a rose tattooed on his head gasped.

"You... don't run away. After you die, we will throw the other half of your ashes into the sea?"

After saying this, a look of solemnity appeared on Han Qian's face.

"Ashes? Who asked you two to come?"

At this time, Han Qian felt his scalp was a little numb. The two bald men laughed and stepped forward at the same time.

Facing the killer Han Qian was not afraid at all. This was not something that happened once or twice, but now he was a little curious about who sent him. Han Qian took two steps back, his heels were already empty, and he looked at the approaching With two bald heads, Han Qian took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and grinned.

"Then please go to hell, both of you!"

After saying this, Han Qian suddenly rushed towards the two men. When the two hands behind his back appeared in the sight of the bald head, the expressions of the two bald heads changed!

Han Qian is crazy?

He caught two pheasants by the neck? There are two red spots on the back of his right hand. Han Qian has been bitten!

Is this a lunatic? He doesn't want his life?

When the two bald heads were hesitating, Han Qian had already grabbed two snakes and pressed them on their faces. The two men were frightened for a moment when a pheasant flower penetrated the bald man's collar. The man could feel this. A snake was scurrying around inside his clothes, jumping and starting to take off his clothes.

At this time, Han Qian clenched his fist and hit the rose man on the nose.

The rose man's tears fell instantly. Han Qian bent down and grabbed the poisonous snake that fell on the ground. He grabbed the snake's head and pulled it off his arm. He pressed it on the back of the man's hand and screamed. When the man shook off the poisonous snake, Han Qian Qian had already pounced on the man who was still taking off his clothes, rode him underneath him, picked up a stone and hit the man on the head.


The man stopped struggling.

The next second, Han Qian's body flew out. Han Qian's body rolled seven or eight times. When he struggled to get up, Han Qian found that his right arm had lost feeling, and he felt numbness and weakness in his limbs.

Excessive exercise causes rapid blood circulation and snake venom begins to take effect.

Looking at the bald man with a ferocious expression walking towards him step by step, Han Qian felt despair in his heart.

Do you still lose like this?

But just when Han Qian closed his eyes, there was a strange sound of footsteps behind him.

despair! despair! despair! despair!

It's definitely not the sound of high heels, but Han Qian has given up. No matter who comes today, there is no way to walk out.

After a long, long time, Han Qian opened his eyes.

He was stunned and confused.

A big ox stood in front of him, and the two bald heads had disappeared.

Han Qian tilted his head and shouted softly.


The big ox turned around and looked at the head approaching and the two big horns on its head. Han Qian was a little nervous. The big ox rubbed Han Qian with its head, then knelt in front of Han Qian and wanted Han Qian several times. Qian rides on its back.

But all failed.

Han Qian lay on the ground and looked at the sky.

The big ox lay beside Han Qian, rubbing its horns against the ground.

Han Qian sighed.

"I didn't expect it! I saved you back then, and you saved me today!"

When Han Qian retired, he had to herd cattle, and he went to the slaughterhouse several times. When the scalper saw Han Qian, he knelt down for him. At that time, Han Qian spent money to buy all the cattle and gave them away. This one was left in the end.

I didn’t expect that!

Han Qian sighed and said again.

"It's strange. These two bald heads are definitely not following me. They should have been waiting for me here for a long time, waiting for this opportunity! But Zhou Le and Li Shaoqi will not understand this, and Chen Qiang will not fight with me at this juncture. I am torn apart, Feng Lun is outside, if I die, Han Qing will be the pawn used by Feng Lun to avenge me, you say...Liu Shengge? It makes no sense, he has no reason to attack me!"

Speaking of this, Han Qian's scalp felt slightly numb.

"Damn! No way, no? If it's true, it would be so scary!"

At this moment, there was a sudden rustling sound in the woods, and Han Qian screamed in fright. The big ox also stood up and stared at the rustling woods, but nothing appeared after waiting for a long time.

Han Qian's scalp was numb and he whined.

“Big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, big, yellow, big, big, big, big, big, big yellow, take me home, take, take, take me home… I, I, I, I, I am afraid of ghosts!”

The big scalper is gone!

Han Qian panicked.

"Don't leave! Ancestor, I'm afraid!"

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