Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 306 You can’t forget your grudges by laughing

Luo Shen picked up the wine bottle, and Han Qian stretched out his hand to stop Luo Shen. Then he sat on the sofa and glanced at the wine glass on the table, saying with disdain.

"I'm afraid that you, a bastard, will drug you! What did you say to Luo Shen? No harm to your wife and daughter? Is the nursery rhyme a set-up? No, how can you still be alive, Bastard Lin? Liu Shengge, have you let yourself go?"

Liu Shengge raised his head and squinted at Han Qian.

"I'm not your dog, why should I listen to you? Bastard, come here and let me see if the turtle shell is broken?"

Lin Zongheng shrugged while holding the wine glass.

"It's not broken, but my legs hurt a lot on cloudy and rainy days."

Luo Fu suddenly stood up and wanted to take action, but Han Qian grabbed his hair and pinned him to the sofa, saying angrily.

"Don't move!"

Lin Zongheng held the wine glass and laughed.

"Listen to your brother-in-law and don't move! Otherwise I will have a reason to attack you. Mad Dog Han, how many children do you have now? Five? Six? Seven?"

Liu Shengge burst out laughing after hearing this.

"Three! One every year, not yet this year."

Lin Zongheng said oh, then turned his head to look at Liu Shengge and asked.

"And you?"

These two simple words made Liu Shengge as sick as if he had eaten a fly, and Lin Zongheng slapped his thigh.

"Oh, Eunuch Liu, I almost forgot about this. I deserve to die. I'm punishing myself. There's no other reason. The main thing is to see you and Han Qian really drinking. They look like two plates of food."

Han Qian said disdainfully.

"What? Can I order you a civet stewed fish whip? Just in time for you and Baitao to get together? I'm curious about you now. Your father is dead. Who do you call daddy? How about you give it to the eunuch? Forget about being a son?"

Liu Shengge squinted at Han Qian.

"Who are you calling an old bastard? Your father is the bastard."

Lin Zongheng said seriously

"You say this in front of his father, do you think his father can beat you to death? I have to say that you two are really interesting. You don't even know whose ashes are being snatched in full swing? You two are stupid... Forced?"

How many years!

How many years has it been since anyone dared to point their noses at Han Qian and Liu Shengge and call them stupid?

Liu Shengge couldn't help but laugh, and Lin Zongheng said contemptuously.

"Are you a masochist? I scold you and you still laugh? Come on, Eunuch Liu, let me see if the chicken is gone or the basket is gone."

Liu Shengge said disdainfully.

"What? Are you instigating me?"

Lin Zongheng nodded seriously.

"If I can cure you, this aggrieved brother will admit it! What a big deal?"

Han Qian raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Zongheng.

"Since when did you like men? Male dogs know how to fight with male dogs when they see them. Why are you worse than a dog?"

Lin Zongheng nodded seriously.

"I am indeed not as good as you! Han Qian, let me tell you something. Whether you believe it or not, I am indeed to blame for Tongyao's car accident, but I didn't know Tongyao was pregnant at the time. Qian Ling killed my father, and I killed Tongyao's Two bodyguards, you took away Changxiang, I don’t want the remaining 10%, I will give it to Nursery Rhymes as an apology!”

Han Qian squinted at Lin Zongheng.

"Are you having fun?"

Lin Zongheng said seriously.

"I really want to resolve our grudges with you, and then the three of us will be happy!"

Liu Shengge pulled open his shirt and roared angrily.

"Are you talking nonsense? Then you are really merciless with this knife!"

Lin Zongheng took off his vest and pointed at the scar on his chest.

"Did you strike too lightly? Wasn't that blow of yours so heart-wrenching?"

Han Qian took off his shirt, revealing scars all over his body. Lin Zongheng squinted and said with disdain.

"It has nothing to do with me. I have never chopped you with a knife. Your right shoulder is Feng Lun, and your left shoulder is Gouda Cannon."

"Didn't you find Gouda Pao?"

"My father is looking for me. My father is dead. Are you looking for my father?"

The people in the bar who could stand here at this time were of high status, and Baitao was also there. She felt like she couldn't understand. What was the relationship between these three people?

He was close to Han Qian and Liu Shengge before, but now that Lin Zongheng appears, he seems to be independent again.

The meaning behind their words was almost killed by each other, but why are they sitting together chatting like friends now?

It's a bit hard to understand, but Baitao discovered a very important problem.

Han Qian kept one hand clenched into a fist and placed it on his lap. Luo Shen left a large space for him, and Liu Shengge kept leaning forward.

Baitao still remembered that when she saw the two of them, Liu Shengge and Han Qian had a bit of disdain and neglect in their eyes, but now they seemed to be in a tense state, and they could still hear that the three of them were It's to call each other by nickname.

Korean mad dog.

Lin Wangba.

Eunuch Liu.

Now Li Shaoqi and Zhou Le are in Binhai, and even Chen Qiang is also there, but Han Qian has always been in a semi-retired state, doing everything in a leisurely manner, and even said that he did not respond to the attacks of Zhou Le and Li Shaoqi. Showing some indifference.

After Li Shaoqi attacked him before, he asked several groups in Binhai to leave Binhai to avoid direct conflict.

Even Han Qian didn't regard Li Shaoqi and Zhou Le as opponents.

Then you regard Lin Zongheng, who now has nothing, as your opponent?

Lin Zongheng still wants to give his remaining ten percent to Han Qian?

What kind of brain circuits do they have?

The only thing that is certain is that Han Qian values ​​Lin Zongheng more seriously than Li Shaoqi or Zhou Le. Han Qian turned his head and glanced at Baitao, then at Lin Zongheng, and curled his lips.

"Did you come to the capital to hug me?"

Lin Zongheng shook his head seriously.

"Don't! Han Qian, don't talk nonsense. Miss Bai and I just met by chance on the street. We are unmarried and unmarried. You talk about being virtuous. Han Qian, can you not hit me when I go back to Binhai?"

Han Qian grinned.

"Look at what you said, why would I hit you if I had nothing to do? There must be something wrong with me when I hit you!"

Liu Shengge narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"It's okay, I'll beat you in the capital, and I'll beat you when you step out of this bar."

Lin Zongheng shrugged and nodded indifferently.

"Whatever you two do, I don't really care about this."

Liu Shengge raised his hand, Baitao crossed his arms and frowned.

"Liu Shengge, please be honest with me."

Liu Shengge yelled, and then slapped Lin Zongheng on the back of the head. Han Qian laughed, and Lin Zongheng picked up a grape and threw it into Han Qian's mouth.

"I made you laugh? Do you still have the nerve to smile? I've been away for four years. Look what Binhai has become. People are in dire straits and have no fixed place to live. Why do you still have the heart to go to a bar?"

Han Qian reached out and picked up the wine bottle, squinting his eyes.

"If you didn't give me amnesia, would you be like this?"

Lin Zongheng curled his lips and said.

"What a clumsy plan? I never thought you could be fooled."

Liu Shengge nodded seriously. Han Qian was too lazy to pay attention to the two grandsons and turned to look at Baitao.

"Are you really planning to hook up with Lin Zongheng? Aren't you two in an awkward situation? He is in an awkward situation!"

Baitao squinted at Han Qian.

"Does it have anything to do with you? I can't be more annoyed with you now! I've told you ten thousand times that Zhou Le is useful to me. You go to beat Zhou Le again and again. You take me seriously. Already?"

Han Qian pouted.

"I don't even pay attention to your father. You and your father have disrupted the originally peaceful Binhai. How dare you say that! Baitao, don't worry. When your father retires, Lin Zongheng will..."

"I'm going back to Binhai. Li Shaoqi has now touched my bottom line. I won't let the ordinary people in Binhai become a bargaining chip for him to play with gold at will. Wait between us? Wait a little longer?"

Lin Zongheng held the wine glass and looked at Han Qian seriously, and Han Qian shook his head.

"No wait!"

Liu Shengge suddenly spoke.

"I can wait, um... I can also let Mad Dog Han have to wait for the time being."

Han Qian suddenly stood up and kicked Liu Shengge in the face, then turned around and left. Liu Shengge touched his face, and then hit Lin Zongheng on the head with a wine bottle.

The wine bottle shattered, Liu Shengge stood up and bent over with a ferocious look on his face.

"I suffered it for you!"

Lin Zongheng touched his head and shrugged.

"It's okay, no bleeding~ Go to the toilet."

At the front entrance of the bar, three guys stood in a row and poured water together. They didn't notice the words "no urination and defecation" posted right in front of them.

"Eunuch, can't you do anything else except release water?"

Liu Shengge grabbed Lin Zongheng's head and smashed it against the wall.

"Are you sick? Lin Zongheng, are you sick?"

"Mad Dog Han, please help me beat up Eunuch Liu, I won't take 10% of Changxiang's money."

Han Qian suddenly became excited and bent down to pick up the bricks. The moment he bent down, Lin Zongheng kicked him in the butt.

The entrance to the busiest bar in Beijing.

The three guys were fighting fiercely!

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