Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 313 The Beginning of Lin Zongheng

ps [First update, no status. 】

During the high-level meeting of Changxiang Group on Saturday, Lin Zongheng stood in front of the window looking at the weekend in Binhai. The company's executives walked into the conference room one after another, looked at the familiar figure standing in front of the window, and whispered to each other. talk.

The former president suddenly returned?

At ten thirty, Lin Zongheng glanced at his watch, turned around and spoke to Li Yang.

"No wait, let the person who comes in now go and settle their wages. Now let's start today's meeting."

After saying this, the door of the office was pushed open. Lin Zongheng looked at Han Qian who walked in. Li Yang looked at Lin Zongheng and whispered.

"President, I don't receive the salary we enjoy."

Lin Zongheng squinted at Han Qian, turned around and turned on the projector to see the land behind the airport and the demolition of the wasteland village. He pointed at the screen and looked at Changxiang's executives.

"I checked out a lot of recent company information last night. I won't talk about the past. Now Changxiang Group abandoned its original partners and chose Aikun Urban Construction and Huitian Group. I don't know who made this decision. It came out, but now we have to get rid of this bad habit. Business is business, and friendship is friendship. Don’t affect the company’s profits because of personal friendship, and Ai Kun and Huitian cannot afford all the development projects of Changxiang.”

Lin Zongheng glanced at Han Qian and then said.

"Now I will talk about the future development of the company and short-term cooperation. I will prepare the detailed partner information of Zhou Group and contact the local cooperative airport land equipment and material cooperation. If the other party refuses, I will deepen the contact with the other party's suppliers and partners. We are going to carry out a business cooperation attack. The people from the business department will prepare it in the afternoon and make an appointment with them to meet in the afternoon!"

During the two-hour meeting, Lin Zongheng issued various instructions. Han Qian stood at the door of the conference room and listened. He did not speak until the end of the meeting.

Walking out of the conference room, Han Qian told Lin Zongheng not to forget what happened on Monday and strode away.

Han Qian was not in a happy mood. He walked out of Changxiang, opened the door of the Cayenne and got in the car. Ji Jing looked sideways at Han Qian and reached out to touch Han Qian's head.

"Are you unhappy again? He can do it if he likes it. Now that he has returned to the company, Nuan He and Shi Ci can relax a little more. Wen Nuan has more shares now, and his efforts are to make money for Wen Nuan. Even if he wants to start his own business, he can't do it now. Just to enjoy yourself."

Han Qian turned his head to look at Ji Jing and sighed.

"Although I say that, but..."

"There are no buts, how can there be so many buts? Now you can't do anything to Lin Zongheng. His arrogance proves that he has some tricks! You haven't eaten in the morning. What are you going to eat? Dumplings?"

Ji Jing was as gentle as a ball of cotton, and Han Qian sighed.

"I ate dumplings last night. Actually, I wasn't worried about what Lin Zongheng was doing. I just felt uncomfortable when I saw him. I couldn't have said that I would even out the things he did before by just giving him a few shots. I was a little worried. I’m hungry, what can I eat?”

Ji Jing tilted her head and took Han Qian's hand to think carefully.

"Go and eat~ My eldest nephew, do you want to eat lemon chicken feet? Wen Nuan said you like it."

Han Qian sighed.

"That's because she wanted to eat it."

Ji Jing laughed softly.

"That's right! You see, Nuan Nuan is not unhappy, and Yeats is not emotionally affected by this incident. My eldest nephew, you have changed. In the past, you didn't care about anything, and living your life was the first priority."

Han Qian frowned and sighed.

"But he is very dangerous! Even nursery rhymes and Yeats were harmed by him."

"But what's the result? Lin Zongheng was defeated by you, and he is no longer the same Lin Zongheng. Let's live step by step and read the story bit by bit. Don't let anyone affect your life, right? Eat noodles? I I found a noodle shop recently. A bowl of noodles costs six yuan, and a plate of side dishes costs two yuan! Do you want to go?"

Han Qian turned his head and pinched Ji Jing's cheek.

"You are the most gentle! What you said makes sense. How can I sigh in front of you because Lin Zongheng affects my mood?"

Ji Jing started the car and whispered.

"I just don't like to see you unhappy! It's all my eldest nephew's fault. Biubiubiu, just beat him away one more time."

Han Qian nodded.

The noodle shop is small but very clean. Perhaps this kind of noodle shop has long been abandoned by young people accustomed to pursuing it.

Many people even think that it is shameful to eat a bowl of noodles that costs six yuan.

But neither Han Qian nor Ji Jing care.

At noon, there are many people in the noodle shop. Most of them are construction workers or taxi drivers, as well as some people who are struggling to make a living at the bottom of society.

Looking at the car keys in Ji Jing's hand, looking at the bag and clothes in this woman's hand, even if she didn't understand luxury goods, she could tell that this woman was in good condition. Ji Jing pulled up a chair by the window and gave way. Han Qian sat down.

Han Qian didn't have to do anything, while Ji Jing was busy.

After bringing two bowls of noodles, a plate of side dishes, and a chicken rack, Ji Jing gently removed the chicken, and at this time an uncle in sanitation clothes whispered.

"Brother Qian'er, do you still come to a place like this to eat?"

Han Qian didn't know them, but they knew Han Qian.

Han Qian smiled.

"Isn't it the same everywhere you go to eat? They are all sterilized at high temperatures. In a few days, I will kill all the brainwashing capital in Binhai. I will chop it for myself tomorrow."

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere in the noodle shop was very good.

After the meal, Han Qian paid. The boss insisted on exempting the order, but Han Qian refused. Han Qian took the fifty cents and put them in Ji Jing's hand seriously.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Binhai Hotel, Lin Zongheng led Changxiang's public relations team to meet with the material suppliers of the Zhou Group. He had a clear understanding of the Zhou Group and had sufficient funds, but that was all. , all his cooperation was achieved with funds or Li Shaoqi's help. It was just a group with no foundation at all.

At the dinner table, Lin Zongheng held a wine glass and smiled at several construction bosses.

"I guess some of you also know who I am! Let me tell you very frankly that what I want to do now is to make it difficult for the foreign-invested Zhou Group to live in Binhai. Changxiang Group is willing to come to terms with it in the most sincere manner. You have reached a new cooperation."

Jiang Li, the boss of Jinxi Sigong Construction, said while holding a wine glass.

"Mr. Lin! Some things are not just words but sincerity. The Zhou Group asked Binhai's new leader Li Shaoqi to find us, and the price given was very high. We have no reason not to eat the cake in front of us. Go Choose a hard nut to crack. We have heard about you and Han Qian. If one day you suddenly leave again, we will lose more than we gain. Besides! Changxiang Group cannot give us the price we want. !”

Lin Zongheng laughed.

"Everything can be discussed! Do you think that the Zhou Group can become bigger and stronger in Binhai? Changxiang Group will pay the liquidated damages for you, and our airport construction site will sign a cooperation agreement with you. Everything will definitely satisfy you. of."

Jiang Li sneered after saying this.

"Lin Zongheng, your father is no longer here, and now Binhai is no longer Lin Mengde's Binhai. We will not give up the cooperation with the Zhou Group, but I hope you can see the situation clearly, and leave your airport construction site to us. , when Han Qian wants to kill you, we can beg you for mercy."

Lin Zongheng tilted his head and looked at Jiang Li, then looked at the other people and asked.

"You all have this idea?"

Everyone nodded, and Lin Zongheng stood up.

"Let's talk again in ten minutes. I don't think it's useful to talk to you!"

Lin Zongheng left the box, and two bald heads with tattoos walked in.

There was a burst of chaotic wailing in the box, and Lin Zongheng leaned against the door of the box and talked on the phone with Baitao.

"Zhou Le, I'm ready to start. The day you get the documents, I will smash open Zhou Le's piggy bank, and then I can deal with Li Shaoqi. How long will it take you?"

Baitao frowned and replied.

"I'll probably need about a month! Why is there so much noise around me?"

"Teach a few construction contractors a little lesson. They are now cooperating with Zhou Le. No matter how messy Binhai is, foreigners cannot interfere. I will send you their information later. I will leave the pressure to you. You, how you package this matter later depends on your personal abilities."

"I got it, call me if you have any trouble!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Zongheng turned around and walked into the box. Looking at the guys with bruised noses and swollen faces, Lin Zongheng took out his pistol and stepped forward and put it on Jiang Li's head.

"You always like to be the big brother when I talk to you? Tell me, choose Changxiang or Zhou."


The bullet was loaded, Jiang Li gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Lin Zongheng, I don't believe you dare to kill me!"

Lin Zongheng grabbed Jiang Li's right hand and pressed it on the table, raising the pistol and pointing it at the palm of his hand.

There was a gunshot.

Lin Zongheng looked at the two girls in the business department.

"Bring the documents over and have them sign them!"

At this time, Lin Zongheng's cell phone rang. Lin Zongheng answered the phone and said coldly.


"Hello, I am the person in charge of Fengtian City Construction. Someone just informed me to contact you. If you need help, remember to call this number."

Lin Zongheng covered Jiang Li's mouth and laughed softly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. I had a meal with Boss Jiang from Jinxi No. 4 Industry. He was very nice to me!"


After hanging up the phone, Lin Zongheng picked up a fork and stabbed Jiang Li's neck gently, smiling gently.

"Should I choose Changxiang or Zhou's?"

Jiang Li spoke quickly.

"Choose you, choose you! Don't choose Changxiang or Zhou, choose you!"


"Choose to enjoy, choose to enjoy!"

After walking out of the hotel, Lin Zongheng looked at Han Qian squatting at the door of the hotel, shrugged and smiled.

"Zhou's partner is in the box. I did what I should do. Now you come?"

Han Qian said indifferently.

"Did you see blood?"

Lin Zongheng laughed.

"No one was killed!"

Han Qian walked into the hotel and Lin Zongheng walked down the steps.

In the box, Han Qian looked at several embarrassed construction bosses, frowned and said indifferently.

"Why bother? Just be obedient and everything will be solved. I have no sympathy for you, and your hands are not clean. You deserve to be punched in the hole! How did Lin Zongheng let you choose?"

Jiang Li gritted his teeth and said.

"Brother Qian'er..."

"Forget it, Lin Zongheng is not that stupid. Don't think about calling the police. What he did was just what I thought. Go to Changxiang Hospital to get bandaged."

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