In the end, the meeting was still not held in Chengjian's courtyard. Baitao notified the owner of Haihai Hotel to prepare a hall.

Then Baitao looked at the four guys.

"You remember to pay!"

Han Qian frowned.


Baitao said coldly.

"Xiao Hai drove drunk and hit a police car. I will catch him soon."

Han Qian quickly changed his words.

"I mean, why should the three of them pay for it?"

Liu Shengge smiled.

"Then don't pay."

Lin Zongheng nodded.

"What a big deal!"

Chen Qiang smiled.

"As it should be."

Han Qian pounced on Chen Qiang, and the four guys were fighting in a ball on the spot. Baitao really didn't bother to care about them. Why were they like children who couldn't grow up?

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that all the owners of the unfinished building arrived, and the heads of several Binhai banks also came.

The hall was crowded with people. Four guys were hiding in the utility room and couldn't come out. Their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen. Chen Qiang was covered in nosebleeds. Liu Shengge's hair was messed up. Lin Zongheng's shirt was torn. As for Han Qian, , he felt like his tattoos were being worn away.

Baitao walked up to the stage, blew into the microphone, took a deep breath, and said seriously.

"Everyone, my name is Aixinjueluo Taohua, and I am the new book spine from Binhai. I heard about the unfinished building after I came to Binhai. Leader Li Shaoqi doesn't care about you, but I, Baitao, can't ignore you. Today I am here to give you a Satisfactory answer."

After saying this, Baitao took out the documents and said seriously.

"From now on, the Yamenmen will communicate with the bank and suspend mortgage loans. The Yamenmen will solve the problems and troubles as soon as possible. I hope the person in charge of the bank can cooperate with the work!"

Very forceful, not letting them think about it, but directly asking them to work together, Baitao said again.

"The Yamenmen will discuss the developer with the bank and will add the developer of the unfinished building to Fengtian's blacklist, and will sue the other party to enforce their property. They will not be allowed to go unpunished."

"Bai Shuji, we at Binhai Bank do not agree with the postponement of repayment."

Baitao glanced at the person in charge and said indifferently.

"Okay! Then I want to pursue the responsibility of Binhai Bank. Why was the mortgage put into an unsupervised account? You Binhai Bank can give me a reasonable explanation. Other banks, I hope you won't make your faces too ugly. I Let me tell you directly, my family's power comes from the capital, don't tell me that Baitao burned Binhai Bank first, these are the attitudes and answers given by our Yamenmen."

As the words came out, someone in the crowd shouted.

"Bai Shuji! We want to hear the prince's answer!"

"Yes, it's not that we don't believe you, Bai Shuji. You are a foreign monk after all. I still believe in our prince, and our old Cheng too."

There were hundreds of people in the crowd clamoring to hear Han Qian's answer. Baitao smiled at everyone.

"Okay! Your prince is also here. Now we invite the four outstanding young people from Binhai and Mr. Cheng Jin."

Cheng Jin came on stage, but the four guys didn't come out. Baitao frowned and walked to the storage room. He opened the door and looked at the four colorful faces. Baitao gritted his teeth and said.

"How many of you? I fucking know why it's so hard to be an official in Binhai. Han Qian, get out of here!"

"I won't go, you bastard go! Don't hide your secrets, you can solve this problem!"

"I want face, eunuch, go ahead, you are a eunuch anyway, you have no shame!"

"Binhai is my home? Chen Qiang?"

"My family is from Binxian County."

Baitao took a deep breath, walked into the storage room and closed the door. Within a few minutes, Han Qian was the first to open the door and ran out. Why are these bitches so tough?

Lin Zongheng also came out, followed by Liu Shengge with a weird look on his face.

Chen Qiang covered his crotch and knelt on the ground again, gritting his teeth.

"Cuihua, I will fuck you..."

"What are you going to do to me?"


When everyone saw the three people running out, they were stunned. What was the prince doing again?

The three guys got together and Lin Zongheng whispered.

"Do you have a solution? Eunuch, don't you?"

"I have your mother, and I was thrown into the temple by Han Qian for three years!"

The more Liu Shengge thought about it, the angrier he became. He slapped Han Qian on the head, and then Han Qian slapped Lin Zongheng on the head.

"I gave you amnesia, and I retired for three years! You bastard, don't say you can't help it!"

Lin Zongheng raised his head, straightened his shirt, and said proudly.

"Who am I? What the hell am I..."

Covering Lin Zongheng's mouth with both hands, Han Qian shook his head and Liu Shengge whispered.

"I don't want to think about that embarrassing thing." (Easter egg, ignore it if you don't know.)

Lin Zongheng walked up to the podium, blew into the microphone, and smiled.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Zongheng. Some people know me, some don't know me! My father, Lin Mengde, I am deeply saddened by what happened to you. My father would have hoped that Binhai citizens could live a good life and not suffer. Now he No more, this courage fell on me, Lin Zongheng, and I am willing to undertake the project of acquiring unfinished buildings, and fund the capping and construction of your buildings to give you a warm home."

Bang bang bang bang!

The people in the audience kept applauding, Liu Shengge frowned, and Han Qian said sadly.

"It's over. Look, it's getting dark outside. Something will happen at the party. Damn it! Baitao and Bastard Lin took advantage of my weakness and played tricks on me!"


"What the hell are you doing? Do you really think you are a monk? Liu Shengge, are you playing your mother's game? Are you playing games with your head, or are the games playing with you?"

Liu Shengge was confused after being scolded. He also admitted that he was thrown into the temple by Han Qian for three years and had a Jiayi thrown beside him. He spent all his time cultivating Jiayi and forgot to use his own brain, which made him a little rusty.

At this time, Lin Zongheng spoke again.

"Of course, my energy is limited. I hope I can give you a warm home. I hope the yamenmen can also take Zongheng's contribution to Binhai citizens and give Zongheng Group and Changxiang Group a chance. Binhai Resources Kuang Kuang, and I also hope that the heads of the banks will support Zongheng Group in helping Zongheng solve your debt problem. Zongheng Group has no request, but only hopes to help Changxiang Group, Glory Group, Huitian Group, and Aikun Group jointly build Binhai Zoo Project!”

Han Qian was so angry that he jumped up, but Baitao stood beside him and said indifferently.

"Han Qian, I asked you to come on stage, but you won't! And your zoo has been delayed for too long. That piece of land was given to you when you retired, and it has been four years."

Lin Zongheng on the stage said again.

"Even if Zongheng Group takes over all the unfinished buildings in Bin County, Zongheng Group is also willing to turn several properties into high-end residential areas and expand urban construction. Zongheng Group will first invest in the solution, and then wait for the review of the Yamenmen and the home buyers. Only if you believe that Zongheng Group has this ability, Zongheng Group will continue. In addition, Zongheng Group is prepared to donate 30 million to provide subsidies to citizens affected by coastal floods, 3,000 to farmers and merchants, and 15 million to the breeding industry. , of course! This opportunity was given to me by the prince and the chairman of the Liu Group. Zongheng, on behalf of Changxiang, and on behalf of the Zongheng Group, would like to thank you both."

Chen Qiang gritted his teeth and walked out of the storage room.

"Lin Zongheng, you don't need to take care of my Bin County."

Lin Zongheng laughed.

"Bin County belongs to everyone, not to individuals! Doesn't it mean that Bai Shuji has no right to interfere in Bin County?"

Finished perfectly!

Han Qian was furious.

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