Lin Zongheng was going home to sleep, and Chen Qiang went back to see his wife. Before leaving, he talked a lot with Han Qian, but Han Qian didn't remember much. He just remembered a sentence about what to eat at the party. Looking at Chen Qiang's car leaving, Han Qian Qian frowned.

"I feel like there's still something wrong with my brain. How can you not beat Lin Zongheng?"

Liu Shengge frowned.

"Is it okay to eat too much?"

The guy covered his side and got into the car. Han Qian didn't rush back to the hospital. He stood at the door waiting for the news. He raised his right hand to check the time and realized that he didn't have a watch. At this moment, a watch was placed on Han Qian's hand. Qian's wrist.

A pair of plain hands put the crocodile skin sports watch on his hand. Han Qian glanced around, then sneakily reached out and poked the girl in front of him in the chest.

"When did you come back? Grandma is in good health? Huh? You're not wearing underwear?"

Yeats slapped Han Qian on the back of his hand, and rolled his eyes at Han Qian behind a pair of large black-rimmed glasses.

"It's a little vest! Mr. Han, your focus is a little distorted. I don't even have any makeup on!"

"I said, why do you look better than before?"

After the words fell, Ye Zhi took two steps back. Shuang crossed her arms and covered her chest and gave Han Qian a charming roll of her eyes. Then she turned around and went to her new car, a Lexus 570. Now among these girls, who is rich and who is not? Qian is not sure.

Oh, it seems that Nursery Rhyme is not rich, she doesn’t save money.

Yeats was carrying a bunch of small boxes, small boxes, and a bouquet of flowers in his arms. Han Qian was not surprised that Yeats could bring out anything. What she took was definitely useful, and it was also suitable for the current moment. Yes, the two walked upstairs side by side.

"Mr. Han, take it, I'll go to the bathroom."

Yeats ran away, and not long after, Wen Nuan came over with a confused look on his face, shouting lollipops, walked up to Han Qian, stretched out his hand to snatch the flowers from his arms, and asked.

"Did you buy it for me? Are you enlightened?"

Han Qian looked at Wen Nuan and frowned.

"I'll open it for you later! What flowers can I buy you if I have nothing to do? Besides, I'll give it to you... I'll give it to you... I'll give it to you. What kind of flower is this?"

Wen Nuan smiled.

"The sky is full of stars!"

"I'll give you a bouquet of dog-tail flowers when I get out later."

While the two were talking, they walked to the door of the ward with the gifts. Han Qian stretched out his hand to open the door. After entering, several eyes came over him, four of which made Han Qian feel pressure.

Why is Lao Gu here?

Han Qian pulled Nuan Nuan into the ward, put down the gift in his hand and scratched his head at Lao Gu.


Lao Gu nodded indifferently, pointed at the old man lying on the bed and said indifferently.

"Fang Xiong, you can call me uncle."

Han Qian looked at the old man lying on the bed. Is this half-dead guy the one relying on Chen Qiang? Han Qian bowed and saluted.

"Mr. Fang!"

Then Lao Gu pointed to a tall, thin guy about fifty years old, wearing a suit, with a gloomy face.

"My surname is Fu, but you don't want to know my name. He is Li Shaoqi's biological uncle."

Han Qian nodded to Xiao Fu without saying anything. When Lao Gu was about to introduce the last person, Han Qian stretched out his hand.

"I know him, Aixinjueluo, right? Father Baitao, right? Since I guessed correctly, I have to say a few words, old man, what is Zhou Le? You said you would get a reserve for Baitao I won't say anything about the money jar, and I don't care if you use it to gild it, but why did you create Zhou Lelai? This guy has brought disaster to Binhai, and people are panicking. Now the citizens of Binhai don't believe in the Yamenmen anymore, mainly because of The government office failed to do its job properly, causing floods and citizens being trapped, but they still have the heart to be interviewed in front of the camera, oh! Li Shaoqi, I didn’t say anything about you, so you don’t have to glare at me!"

Lao Bai looked at Han Qian with squinted eyes. He put his hands in his pockets and leaned forward slightly to look at Lao Bai with squinted eyes.



After about a minute, Lao Gu slowly raised his hand and grabbed Han Qian's back collar, smiling.

"What? There's something wrong with your uncle Bai's face! You look so serious. Xiao Fu and I have been colleagues for many years. I've met Shao Qi many times. The attack this time is not small. You are considered an old fritter in Binhai. Say Say! What’s going on?”

Han Qian smiled at Lao Guhanhan.

"This is what happened! I really don't know about this, but didn't my uncle Chen say that Feng Lun did it?"

After saying this, Lao Bai straightened up, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Did Feng Lun lose it in your hands? Are you responsible for this, Han Qian?"

Han Qian turned around and continued to look at Lao Bai with squinted eyes and sneered.

"How come you are so old that your brain is still confused? Feng Lun was lost in the hands of Zhao Hanqing. Do you want me to call Zhao Wangu and my uncle? Let you two people who are not related to each other sit down and have a chat. Let’s talk about whether you want to hold Han Qing accountable?”

While talking, Han Qian had already taken out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Wangu's number.

"Old man, there is a Li Shaoqi in the capital who was injured. It is said that Feng Lun did it, but there is no evidence or witnesses. Now there are some old onions who say that Han Qing will be held accountable. In one sentence! I beat him up, can you take good care of me? Uncle and grandpa?"

Zhao Wangu laughed loudly.

"Don't worry, we are on the way. I knew these guys would bully some of my children. I pretended I didn't see them bullying you, Han Qian, but I will risk my life if they bully Han Qing."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian didn't take Zhao Wangu's words to heart. What he said made sense. Zhao Hanqing was his grandson.

At this time Fang Xiong spoke.

"Little Han Qian, don't act nonsense."

Han Qian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Of course, I won't be fooling around. When I was fooling around, you threw me into the capital. Mr. Fang is so powerful. He is so smart when he bullies a junior."

The phone rang while he was talking. Han Qian answered the call and turned on the speakerphone directly.

"Where are you? Come back and surrender, um... Surrender yourself to my wife."

"Surrender? What are you thinking about? How could I surrender? Chen Qiang lent me two of his most capable men. Are you in trouble?"

Feng Lun's voice came out on the phone, and Han Qian looked at several people and nodded with a smile.

"What do you think?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a few seconds, and then he said.

"I did move the person. You have to ask what Li Shaoqi said to me in prison. He told Binhai that the city was sick and he wanted to treat the city. As for the life and death of the citizens, what does Li Shaoqi, the billionaire young master, have to do with it? , Oh! He also said that he came to Binhai only for gold-plating. Of course, these have nothing to do with me, Feng Lun, but he said something and did something. He asked me if Yang Caihuan was pregnant, and made an appointment with Yang Caihuan. Face! Han Qian, you should know what happened to my father after he was slandered, right? I brought the whole Binhai to apologize to my father, but now he wants to threaten his family!"

"Come back soon and surrender."

"I know! Hang up."

Feng Lun hung up the phone, then looked at Zhao Hanqing who was standing next to him, and said seriously.

"I took the blame and admitted what happened. Now that I'm back in Binhai, I won't be of any help to Han Qian. On the contrary, I still cheated him. You asked me to help and I have to help."

Zhao Hanqing turned around and walked into the store. Feng Lun looked at the handcuff keys that fell on the ground and smiled. He opened the handcuffs and stopped a taxi to leave the airport.

In the hospital, Han Qian waved his cell phone to Xiao Fu.

"Look after the kids!"

Then he pointed at Fang Xiong.

"His disciples are also involved."

Finally, he looked at Bai Tao's father, leaned forward, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I haven't been distracted to deal with them because I thought you would take action from time to time. As a result, I wasted so much time and was sent to the desert to plant trees? Do you think everything has nothing to do with you, but have you ever thought about Zhou? Is Le still alive?”

After saying this, Han Qian bumped Lao Gu's shoulder.

"Don't leave in a hurry! If you come to Binhai, just have fun for a few more days!"

Reaching out to hold the warm little hand, Han Qian strode towards the door of the ward and waved to the big bosses.

"There is a party in a few days. Let's stay and attend it together. Li Shaoqi is in this state and can't leave anyway!"

Opening the door and pushing Nuan Nuan's back out, Han Qian said again.

"The specific time will be notified later!"

I need to say it again! The second season is not a new story, it is just a continuation of the first season!

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