The four of them separated. Chen Qiang supported Lin Zongheng and limped away. Liu Shengge carried Han Qian out of the woods.

"Hey, mad dog, don't sleep. Can't you beat Lin Zongheng?"

Han Qian's eyes really couldn't open, and he was weak.

"I can't beat him! His leg is injured, but his upper body strength is very strong. I couldn't beat him before. I haven't eaten for a day. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to kill Lin Zongheng. The party is in chaos right now. Uncle Zhong and Yanran insist on settling accounts, and I'm too lazy to take care of it! There is a little boss tonight. There are many people in the party who are involved with these people. Who caught this little boss? We can maximize profits, but it’s a pity! Our people can’t get out, and there are some disguised waiters inside the party.”

Liu Shengge put Han Qian on the side of the road, and Han Qian leaned against the guardrail and gasped.

"Give me...give me ten minutes, I'll slow down! You don't have to wait for me anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Shengge suddenly stepped forward and punched Han Qian in the stomach. This punch almost made Han Qian vomit out the gall, and he knelt on the ground holding his stomach and retching continuously. Liu Shengge threw a dagger, said indifferently.

"If you feel like you can't live anymore, commit suicide. I will take care of all your family members for Jiayi's sake."

Liu Shengge just left. Han Qian understood that as long as he didn't die in the hands of Lin Zongheng or Chen Qiang, Liu Shengge didn't care who killed Han Qian. Lin Zongheng on the other side was in the same situation as Han Qian. Lin Zongheng's head Time and time again, Chen Qiang was pushed into the lake and said ferociously.

"You fucking know how to play! You hid behind your back and used me to attract firepower to you. I thought it was just Xiaohua and the others who hated Han Qian for their plan to abort the nursery rhyme and make Han Qian lose his memory. It turns out that everything was your fault. Damn it! People all over the world are looking at me, but I still have to bite the bullet and admit that I did it! Little bastard, you really know how to play!"

Lin Zongheng was pushed into the water by Chen Qiang just as he was about to speak. Chen Qiang said with a ferocious smile.

"Die! No one will doubt me if you die. They all doubt Han Qian or Liu Shengge, cooperating with you? That's just an illusion."

Lin Zongheng kept struggling, and Chen Qiang was really murderous.


A wooden stick as thick as an arm hit Chen Qiang's head. Chen Qiang let go of Lin Zongheng and touched the blood on the back of his head. He slowly stood up and looked at Niu Xiaohua who was holding the wooden stick. Chen Qiang's eyes were full of complexity. At this moment, he The heart that was so passionate about the people around me suddenly became cold, cold, and frozen.

At this time, Niu Xiaohua raised the wooden stick and hit Chen Qiang again, screaming.

"No one can hurt my brother Zongheng!"

The wooden stick was caught by Chen Qiang in mid-air. He looked at Niu Xiaohua with puzzled eyes and asked.

"Xiaohua! I'm very nice to you. If you do something wrong, I will deal with the consequences for you. If you kill Ada, I will let Yingjun and Dongsheng protect you! If Han Qian wants to kill you, I will save you! Okay. ! It’s so good, it’s so good, so good, Han Qian is sincere to the person he was exchanged for, but the person I treat sincerely wants to kill me!”

Niu Xiaohua screamed.

"No one can hurt my brother Zongheng!"

Chen Qiang put his foot on Niu Xiaohua's chest and said in a cold voice.

"You really make me feel sick!"

Chen Qiang turned around and disappeared by the lake. It wasn't that he didn't want to kill Lin Zongheng, he already felt that his head was getting confused. Just now Niu Xiaohua hit the back of the head with a stick!

But Liu Shengge's life was not going very well at this time. Qian Wan stood in front of Liu Shengge, and Liu Shengge frowned.

"Wanwan, you shouldn't be here at this time!"

Qian Wan shouted with red eyes.

"You killed my brother!"

Liu Shengge closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He didn't even bother to explain, so he took off his shirt and nodded.

"I understand, let Toyosuke come out!"

Toyosuke walked out behind Qian Wan, Liu Shengge lit a cigarette and waved to Qian Wan.

"Now you go back to Swan Lake, I won't kill Toyosuke!"

Just as Qian Wan was about to speak, Toyojie said in a low voice.

"Drive back and I'll find you later. I'll be distracted if you're here."

Qian Wan turned around and left on the motorcycle. Dongyangjie took a deep breath. Liu Shengge took off his shirt while holding a cigarette in his mouth and smiled.

"Choose a guy who takes advantage of him. If Qian Wan is fooling around, you will follow suit."

Toyosuke shook his head.

"It's not nonsense. Now your people have an absolute advantage in the party. I must capture you to ensure the normal progress of my aniki party."


Twenty minutes later, Liu Shengge grabbed Dongyangjie's hair and forced him to bite the curb. Dongyangjie's tears kept falling. He knew that Liu Shengge would definitely die at this step, but he was not afraid of crying. Death, but hate that I can't do anything and can't be of any help.

Liu Shengge put down his foot, picked up half a cigarette on the ground, lit it again, and patted Dong Yang on the head.

"I promised Han Qian that if he dies, I won't touch anyone around him. You! Don't be foolish enough to challenge someone you can't challenge. Can Cui Li guarantee that he can beat me? Don’t I have the ability to be Dad Gu’s driver and bodyguard for half a year?”

Liu Shengge pulled off Toyosuke's shirt and wiped the blood from his face, then picked up his suit jacket and limped towards Swan Lake.

Toyosuke lay on the ground and crawled in the direction Liu Shengge came from.

"aniki, wait for me, I am Toyosuke who wants to die in front of you!"

Qian Wan was standing in the corridor outside the hotel, pacing around. When he turned around again, he suddenly bumped into someone. Qian Wan raised his head and looked at Liu Shengge, who was looking at the main entrance of Swan Lake with a cold face. Qian Wan's face instantly turned pale. , just as she raised her fist, a hand gently fell on her head, and a warm voice came into her ears.

"Han Qian is good to my brother. No matter what mistakes his sister makes, I won't care about it, Wanwan! Be mature and grow up quickly. If Han Qian dies, I can protect you for the rest of your life, but both of us will die." Is Aunt Qian dead? Who can be sincerely good to you except the three of us? Don’t always force Toyosuke to do stupid things. He is unwilling and unwilling to refuse you, but if you make a mistake, it is a mistake! Go Let’s have a party, it’s too dangerous outside.”

Qian Wan looked at Liu Shengge with a pale face and said tremblingly.

"Where's my brother? Where's Toyosuke?"

Liu Shengge smiled.

"not dead!"

When Qian Wan was stunned, Liu Shengge smiled.

"But who knows now? Let's go to the party. There seems to be another big show. I'm very curious!"

Qian Wan was forcibly grabbed by the collar and pulled into the Swan Lake Hotel by Liu Shengge, but Liu Shengge did not enter through the main entrance, but walked to the terrace behind Swan Lake.

Looking at the two guys lying motionless on the ground, Liu Shengge stepped forward and sighed.

"I don't know what you are thinking. If we start now, what if those guys suddenly come and kill us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a boat docked on the terrace, and three people climbed up the stairs into the water. Seeing these three guys, Liu Shengge smiled bitterly.

"So it turns out that you three rotten gangsters were behind this? Ding Peng, you really shouldn't have betrayed Chen Qiang."

Meng Zhifu, Li Shaoqi, Ding Peng.

Liu Shengge didn't understand how these guys got together.

Ding Peng walked towards Liu Shengge. At this time, another pair of middle-aged women climbed up the stairs. The women walked up the steps and looked around, asking questions.

"Where's Cai Qinghu?"

At this time, Han Qian was kneeling on the road. He was surrounded. He was confused and couldn't see how many people there were. He slowly sat up and took out a cigarette. Just as he was about to light it, a steel rod hit him. In front of Han Qian.

Han Qian leaned back against the guardrail and looked at the steel pipe coming towards him. Han Qian slowly closed his eyes and grinned.

"I'm going to die."

boom! The steel pipe fell!

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