Han Qian didn't pay attention to what happened after the party. He had been sent to the hospital. The examination results showed that his skull was injured and his spine was slightly injured. He didn't bother to forget about the other injuries.

Too much.

Early in the morning, the whole of Fengtian was busy. According to unreliable news, Tang Li, the president of Zongheng Group, went to see Baitao before dawn. After that, Li Jinhai and Qin Yaozu acted at the same time, arresting and imprisoning more than 300 people in just one morning. .

Baitao was in a good mood after receiving the verbal commendation and jumped up and down. Lao Bai, who was sitting in Baitao's office, looked at the list and sighed again and again.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy? Are you born unhappy?"

Tea cups, pen holders, and phones all flew over. Baitao was smashed and stood at the door like a Monkey King. Lao Bai took a deep breath.

"I was fooled! I worked for Han Qian for nothing! Damn it, this bastard has surprised me again and again! The leader of that foreign organization is dead!"

Baitao blinked.

"I know! Then what?"

"Then I will marry a college student and give you a brother! Why don't you use your brain? Although Tang Li used to be one of theirs, Tang Li is just a small supervisor. How much does she know? This dead guy Not a small boss! A small boss can bring more than a hundred people to kill Han Qian? There are no fools except Yi Bin. The Han family should have killed this small boss after they got all the news!"

Baitao blinked.

"He was still alive when he was sent to the hospital, but later..."

"Don't be smart. The hospital is warm. Whoever she wants will live! Whoever she wants will die. I have a headache. Now go see Meng Zhifu and tell him that as long as Li Shaoqi cooperates with these foreigners, Let him be released from prison in three years!”

Baitao ran away, and Laobai beat his chest angrily. It's really hard to compare one person to another!

In Bin County, Chen Qiang was lying in the hospital, and Fang Xiong stood beside the bed and laughed.

"We won't suffer any loss this time. Your father made mistakes but he can also make meritorious deeds. The person Xiu Xiu caught knows a lot. When the time comes, your father can go investigate and be hospitalized with peace of mind! Your future business will be If you cooperate, I will ask your uncles to help you."

Chen Qiang struggled to sit up.

"Thank you, Master."

In the Lin family villa, Lin Zongheng looked at Tang Li, then glanced at the phone number in his hand, and frowned.


Tang Li nodded.

"I'm sure, the little boss is dead. This person is the life-saving treasure I have been hiding. I did not give it to Baitao. He has good assets."

Lin Zongheng smiled and nodded.

"Well, I have some confidence again."

At the beach villa, Liu Shengge handed Liu Shengwu a list of names.

"Send this list to Father Gu, and then plan to forcefully acquire their companies. Binhai Glory is no longer available. I'll buy these six companies at the lowest price."

"I know brother."

Everyone has gotten their own benefits. They are no longer impulsive at this age, and impulsiveness is just words. Moreover, these people all came to the party last night, which was very easy to find.

In the hospital, Han Qian was lying on the bed, glanced at the list in his hand, and then at the old man.

"You? You? You? If it were you, I wouldn't believe it!"

The old man shook his head seriously.

"Your mother! I don't have the brains."

"I heard Wen Nuan said about these two guys, Ma Dai and Cao Zhenli, they are both big guys with assets of over one billion, um... let me think about it, let me think about it, Yeats? Miss Ye, Yeats, hiss ···Are you dead?”

Yeats opened the door and shouted with a frown.

"Are you calling me Hun? Your head is sick and you can't move!"

Han Qian smiled naively.

"Where's Qinghu?"

Cai Qinghu showed half of his face at the gatehouse and said weakly.

"Ms. sir, look for me!"

Yeats was furious.

"Can you just call her? Do you have to call me? You are so... you are so cute!"

Han Qian raised his fingers at Cai Qinghu, mysteriously.

Cai Qinghu slowly walked to Han Qian's side, bent down and whispered.

"What are you doing?"

"Madam, have you seen this list? Now, at this moment, you take Cui Li, Shi Ci and Gao Xingcheng to see this Cao Zhenli, and then take Cao Zhenli to see Ma Dai, and arrest Ma Dai on charges of traitor Throw it in!"

Cai Qinghu whispered.

"Why didn't you arrest both of them?"

Yeats spoke.

“Cai Qinghu, it’s not a good habit to eat alone!”

Cai Qinghu turned his head and said angrily.

"I want you to take care of it!"

Then he looked at Han Qian.

"Sir, shall I go right away?"

"Well, go now. It won't be good if you go late and someone takes away the credit. Go, go, go! Yeats, Miss Yeats, Yeats!"

Cai Qinghu straightened up, and Yeats came over and gritted his teeth and asked.


"Help me go to the toilet, Miss Ye!"

After saying this, Yeats took out a small bottle of oral liquid, drank it in front of Han Qian, and then handed the bottle to Han Qian. Seeing this, the old man quickly got up and left the ward, and then heard his son's cry roared, and Yeats whispered.

"It should work if you plug it in..."

Cai Qinghu frowned.

"Yeats, don't be shameless. My husband must use this straw anyway."

"Cai Qinghu, get out of here too!"

The two women were kicked out of the ward by Han Qian. Cai Qinghu went to do his own business. Han Qian was lying on the bed looking out the window.

The sun is blazing!

The last sunny day in Binhai was a few months ago. The sky finally cleared up and the days became easier.

The gloomy clouds have dispersed, and all that is left is sunshine. At least there will not be so many worries about dealing with Chen Qiang, Lin Zongheng and Liu Shengge.

It’s not difficult!

These are all minor problems. At least they won't be able to make any moves within half a year. If they are about to start a commercial offensive, Han Qian will be able to relax a lot.

At noon, the ward door was pushed open, and Nursery Rhyme came in wearing a floral skirt, sun hat, and canvas shoes, carrying a small bamboo basket.

"Wash your hands~eat your meal~"

She likes to say overlapping words and cute nursery rhymes. No one would have thought that she would kill someone without blinking an eye. Han Qian turned his head to look at the nursery rhymes and whispered.

"I can't stand up on my own right now."

Tongyao smiled, stepped forward, took out an empty can and opened the quilt, and Han Qian grabbed the waistband of his pants and shook his head seriously.

"You know I'm pretentious."

Nursery Rhyme sighs.

"I was afraid of hurting your self-esteem. I almost died from eating this can of cans along the way. Why don't you use this empty can! Let's go, my enemy, and pee~"

Tong Yao reached out and took Han Qian's arm, then helped Han Qian to the bathroom of the ward, and Han Qian whispered.

"Does peeing count as word repetition?"

Nursery Rhyme said softly.

"Forget it~"

"Then why don't you call me brother Qian."

"Then why don't you call me daddy?"

Helping Han Qian to go to the toilet, Tongyao simply took off Han Qian's pants and washed Han Qian carefully. He was too busy during the operation last night and his legs were all covered with blood stains. After washing them, he helped Han Qian's naked body Han Qian walked out of the bathroom and took out a new set of pajamas from the bamboo basket.

"Instead of wearing a hospital gown, wear this! You look so handsome~"

Han Qian put on black pajamas and smiled.

"It always feels like you are coaxing a child."

Nursery Rhyme laughed.

"Isn't it good? Men are always children. Besides, how can a normal man drop a small fan in his crotch? I'll fix it for you later and make the braised pork and cold pork head that you like to eat. Egg stew, cabbage and tofu soup, and this side dish.”

Nursery Rhyme fed Han Qian spoonful by spoonful. She didn't care what Han Qian wanted to eat, she only cared about what she wanted to feed.

"Don't look at it, Nuan Nuan and Qingqing are both very busy. The businessmen last night were still in Binhai. They all have to cooperate and eat. Ji Jing is also very busy. The empress must change Tingchao. An An flew to Hangzhou again. , let me tell you, she worked hard to finish these things, and then took a year off! The children knew that you were injured, and Luo Shen flew back to the capital to comfort the children, so! Everyone is very busy, so I can accompany you today All you have is me!”

"That's disappointing. What did the doctor say? What's going on with my waist?"

Nursery Rhyme narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"I don't know what the doctor said, but my aunt said that you should study with her after you recover. My friend, can't you beat Lin Zongheng now? Why?"

Han Qian smiled but said nothing, and Tongyao smiled but said nothing.

Han Qian didn't say anything, Tong Yao understood.

Because Han Qian was worried about him. He had two daughters and a son. Didn't he live for himself when he was young?

Han Qian smiled because he didn't want to put pressure on Tong Yao.

Tongyao smiled because she felt that Han Qian cherished his life. This was great!

Third update, gone! Give me back the hundreds of comments you owed me yesterday! There are no more comments today! Then the kids go to the book club to write some comments.

It’s going to be a daily routine for a long time, so it’s time to save up.

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