
The warden now wants to control himself. Let alone the three fathers, how dare he touch a few brats?

The prison guards had already surrounded the outside. Looking at Chen Lei who was being beaten from behind, they didn't quite understand why they would rather be beaten than let the turmoil stop.

"I used to think that Wei Dong was a very polite person, right? Now Sun Mingyue is about to be beaten to death!"

"You gentle scum, do you understand? You are young. In the early years, no one dared to go out in the dark on the coast. It was so chaotic! Which of these big guys has never been assassinated? How can you do it without some means of self-defense?"

At this time, Wei Tiancheng was not feeling well. Although he had been beaten, Su Mingyue, a fat man, weighed two hundred and sixty-seven pounds. His casual punch was enough for Wei Tiancheng to eat a pot. His fist landed on this guy. His body was so soft that he couldn't use any strength at all.

As for hugging and wrestling, that's impossible!

After grabbing Sun Mingyue's head and smashing it against the barbed wire fence, Wei Tiancheng grabbed his hair and said ferociously.

"Bin County is Bin County, and a small place is a small place. If you want to dominate Binhai, you won't be able to do so in your time, and you won't be able to do so in your lifetime!"

Sun Mingyue smiled, and her grin was bright red. She turned around and hugged Wei Tiancheng. After clenching her hands, she used both arms. The pressure that hit her instantly made Wei Tiancheng feel as if his ribs were about to be broken. His hands were pinched. , Wei Tiancheng leaned back and hit Sun Mingyue in the face.

Again and again.

Sun Mingyue's body lay on the ground with a thud. Wei Tiancheng was half kneeling on the ground. He struggled to stand up and fell to the ground without taking two steps, coughing continuously.

It brings out a little bit of bright red every time.

This fat man must have something wrong with his body.

At this time, Han Qian was not the only one facing the two of them. Guan Dagou bent over and prepared his hands for a fight. The two bald heads were breathing heavily. They had seen those who could fight and those who could resist. I've seen them too, but it's rare to see someone like this who can resist being beaten.

Two against one, the two bald heads could only ensure that Guan Junbiao could not help Han Qian and that he would not be killed. As for injuring the dog from the eighth district.

It's hard!

Facing two people, Han Qian chose to take the initiative to attack. No matter whether Chen Qiang and Lin Zongheng were acting or fighting, they had already consumed a lot of energy and were injured. If they didn't take this opportunity to kill one of them, they would definitely be dead tonight. Will be beaten to death.

The most important thing is that Han Qian has no pressure because he doesn't need to protect anyone at this time. Beloved's growth has also made him realize that he has been worrying too much about many things. Beloved no longer needs him as a father.

Qian Ling is here, Wen She is here, Li Jinhe is here, Tong's father is here, his mother and the old man are here. Han Qian suddenly feels that he is not the most important one. The earth will turn the same without him.

Punch came out, Chen Qiang raised his forearm to block, the next second Chen Qiang's fist hit Han Qian's chin, Han Qian raised his arm and turned into an elbow and hit Chen Qiang's head, the next second Lin Zongheng suddenly appeared, He kicked Han Qian on the side. The moment he flew out, Han Qian grabbed Chen Qiang's hair and threw it towards Lin Zongheng. He fell to the ground for less than a second. Han Qian got up and rushed towards the two people arguing. Chen Qiang was surprised. Lin Zongheng didn't cooperate, so Lin Zongheng blamed Chen Qiang for being useless.

In fact, the two of them and Han Qian were still wary of each other when they took action.

This time it seems that they have changed their identities. When Han Qian and the others attacked before, it was Han Qian who was wary of others. Today, it was the two of them. Han Qian stepped forward to block Chen Qiang's fist, and hit Chen Qiang's head with his fist. He ducked and his fist landed on Lin Zongheng's face. The next second Han Qian raised his right leg and kicked Chen Qiang on the shoulder. Chen Qiang bumped into Lin Zongheng's body. Lin Zongheng stopped, grabbed Chen Qiang's hair and tried to He punched, but Han Qian had already moved forward and hugged Lin Zongheng with both hands.

A German throw threw Lin Zongheng several meters away. Chen Qiang punched out, but Han Qian tilted his head and dodged, picked up Chen Qiang and threw him out.

Wu Qingsi has been thrown down at least fifty or sixty times over the years. No matter how stupid she is, she should learn a little bit.

Han Qian became a little nervous the next second.

Accidentally throwing it in the wrong place, Chen Qiang and Lin Zongheng were in tandem.

Being flanked, Chen Qiang stepped forward and exchanged fists with Han Qian. Lin Zongheng kicked Han Qian on the back. The moment Han Qian turned his head, Chen Qiang's fist hit the side of his face.

Han Qian's mind was confused for a moment, and he ran away with a staggering step.

Lin Zongheng limped towards Han Qian. At this time, Liu Guangming did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional. He suddenly gave up his defense and allowed Wei Jiu, who was bending over and holding him in front of him, to push him towards Lin Zongheng. When he saw that he was blocked , Han Qian wanted a chance to breathe. Lin Zongheng was furious and stretched out his arms to grab Liu Guangming's collar and wanted to throw him out. He found that Liu Guangming had not moved. Lin Zongheng punched Liu Guangming's face, drawing blood. It spurted out immediately, and Liu Guangming threw Wei Jiu away. The next second, Lin Zongheng's fist fell on his face again.

Chen Qiang, who was standing behind him, his eyes turned red and he roared.

"Lin Zong stands in my way!"

Chen Qiang rushed towards Lin Zongheng, jumped up high, grabbed Lin Zongheng's head and pushed him directly to the lawn. Seeing that Chen Qiang's bending was an opportunity, Han Qian stepped forward and whipped Chen Qiang's head with a whip.

His right leg was hugged. Liu Guangming knelt in front of Han Qian and hugged Han Qian's leg. At this time, Liu Guangming's face was confused and he couldn't tell whether it was blood or tears.

But his shoulders were shaking.

Han Qian did not speak. Liu Guangming gently placed Han Qian's legs on the ground. Then Han Qian raised his legs again and kicked Chen Qiang. Liu Guangming hugged his right leg again and placed it gently on the ground again.

Han Qian pointed at Liu Guangming's nose and cursed angrily.

"The more you live, the more you f*ck! Really! The big dog, Liang, is gone! Go back."

Han Qian spoke, and the dispute seemed to be over. Han Qian took the people back to the prison and the cell. The basement was sealed now, and Han Qian didn't want to cause trouble to him by going there at this time.

As soon as Forefoot returned to the ward, the prison doctor came over, and all of them were sent to the infirmary for treatment.


There are three guys who can’t do it yet.

Sun Zhengmin finally came, but Sun Zhengmin came a step too late.

At this time, Guo Wumei, Tang Li and Yang Lan were all in the office, each carrying a suitcase and wiping the wounds on their faces. Sun Zhengmin strode to the desk, threw the documents on the table and turned around, looking at There were three guys with bruises and swollen faces.

"Okay, okay, this is how you play, right? You start fighting in groups on the first day you go to jail. What are you going to do!"

Han Qian curled his lips and said.

"I don't know what I'm going to do!"

Chen Qiang pouted.

"Are you Dashachun? Deputy Sun, you don't have any random thoughts. It's just that you are in jail and you can completely let yourself go. You have seen too many hot-blooded colleges!"

Lin Zongheng whispered.

"We are young to begin with! We have wounds on our faces. When we hold a press conference, everyone looks at our embarrassed appearance and thinks that the yamenmen are powerful. What kind of black empire? They beat us without saying anything, just like beating dogs. of."

Han Qian picked up a bandage next to him and threw it at Lin Zongheng. Then Yang Lan lightly slapped the back of his hand and whispered.

"Stop making trouble!"

Lin Zongheng chuckled.

"It's just because the grudge is too deep and I don't like the other party. You can handle it how you want, Deputy Sun."

Chen Qiang raised his hands and nodded.

"Yes, yes, you can handle it as you want. Don't worry about my father and my master. Just treat them as dead."

Sun Zhengmin looked at the three people. Now there are people behind the three of them, and they are not related by blood. There is no excuse for saying that the other party is engaging in malpractice for personal gain.

Staring at the three villains, Sun Zhengmin knocked on the table.

"You will also fight in prison. You have nowhere to use your energy, right? Tomorrow, the suburban reconstruction work will begin. You all get out of here and go to the labor camp!"

Han Qian frowned.

"I dont go!"

A document was thrown over and Sun Zhengmin frowned.

"I sent it here signed by your mother Zhou! Aren't you going?"

Looking at the two characters Zhou Hui on the labor reform document, Han Qian sighed helplessly.

"Let me tell you, my father Gu treats me as his biological son, and my mother Zhou really treats me as her adopted son! Where are they?"

Two documents were thrown in.

One from Fang Xiong and one from Aixinjueluo.

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