Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 409: One trick that can be eaten all over the world

At the zoo's construction site, Han Qian took Cai Qinghu's hand and looked at the construction site where the foundation had been built. Cai Qinghu whispered that now he knew the model of the steel bars.

Han Qian remembered it!

At that time, it seemed that when I first met Cai Qinghu, I scolded her!

Now that I think about it, I still feel a little guilty.

Then Cai Qinghu almost got scolded again for his words.

"Mr. sir, do you think they are tired from making more than 200 yuan a day? Why don't they choose a lighter job? My aunt who sweeps the floor earns more than 200 yuan a day."

Han Qian turned his head to look at Cai Qinghu and said seriously.

"Madam, do you really want me to scold you at the construction site? Do you know what more than two hundred means?"

Cai Qinghu tilted his head and thought for a while.

"How much is it? Two hundred? Wash the car? Apply more oil? You can sell three pairs of socks!"

Han Qian tilted his head and asked.


Cai Qinghu frowned.

"How do you wear such cheap stockings? These are these socks."

Cai Qinghu raised his leg and pointed at the socks on his ankles. Han Qian squatted down and looked at Cai Qinghu's feet, then raised his head and asked.

"These socks cost two hundred?"

"It's not that expensive. I won't wear something that expensive. Qingsi will scold me!"

"That is not bad."

"This sock is only seventy-nine."

Han Qian held his hair with both hands, then looked down at his feet.

"My socks only cost three yuan, and I still feel they are expensive! I usually wear warm socks as a gift when I buy them."

Cai Qinghu squatted beside Han Qian and said softly.

"Is seventy-nine expensive? You can't do anything in seventy-nine? It's not enough to fuel gas, buy clothes, or buy cosmetics! You can't even buy lipstick! It's only the price of a popsicle."

Han Qian looked at Cai Qinghu and said seriously.

"I have to instill the concept of money in you! Otherwise, when you have children, I'm afraid you will be educated to be the kind of person who doesn't like the fireworks of the world, oh! You don't like the fireworks of the world."


"Let's go! Your husband-in-law will take you to see what you can do with seventy-nine yuan!"

Pulling Cai Qinghu towards the construction site, he put a safety helmet on her and stood at the backstage supply area of ​​the steel bar workers. Han Qian looked at the young man wearing the steel bar condom. The young man's movements were skillful and he had already passed 100 in just five minutes.

Han Qian took out a ruler and checked the steel cover, then nodded.

"Yes, the size deviation is within control! How many shots can you make in a day?"

The young man didn't know Han Qian, but looking at the white hat on his head, he knew he was in charge. He kept moving his hands and smiled.

"A small one like this, size 6, can hit eight or nine thousand a day. If it's a little bigger, it will be a little slower."

Han Qian nodded and smiled.

“How much money can I make in a day?”

"I work 180 hours a day, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., and I can rest for about an hour at noon."

Han Qian turned around and looked at Cai Qinghu, smiling.

"Calculate, how much does a condom cost for him?"

Cai Qinghu said nothing. Han Qian took her hand and walked to the canteen at the construction site. There was no canteen, just a broken shed with a few tables and chairs. Han Qian asked Cai Qinghu if he wanted to have lunch here, but Cai Qinghu refused.

"If I don't eat, I'll have diarrhea!"

Han Qian smiled and nodded.

"Then I won't eat it either. If Wen Nuan were here, I would eat it! Madam, you are much more delicate than Wen Wen."

Pulling Cai Qinghu to sit on the chair, the old worker sitting opposite was about to stand up when Han Qian smiled.

"Sit here and eat. I'll come over to chat with you today! What do you do at the construction site?"

The old man whispered.

"A laborer! I'm old and my hands and feet are clumsy. I can't do anything else."

Han Qian shouted to a red hat in the distance.

"Bring me a duck leg and a bottle of water!"

Then Han Qian looked at the old man and smiled.

"Is it that simple for lunch? A portion of rice and a bag of mustard vegetables? Three yuan for a meal?"

The old laborer raised his head and smiled shyly without saying anything. The duck legs were brought over. Han Qian handed the duck legs to the old man and said with a smile.

"It's only eight yuan a piece, don't you want to give it up?"

The old laborer nodded.

"I really can't bear to part with it! My salary of 90 yuan a day is already 70! No one wants to take it anymore, and work is slower. Eat less and save more!"

Cai Qinghu looked at the white rice and whispered.

"Can you eat it?"

The old laborer smiled shyly.

"Yes! You can eat anything when you're hungry!"

Cai Qinghu shook his head.

"I'm hungry and don't want to eat."

The old laborer took a sip of water and said shyly.

"Looking at how young you two are, you are still children. You must have never experienced a famine! You are not hungry now, but you have forgotten to eat or don't want to eat. You can fill your stomach at any time when you want to eat, but ours Times are different. When you’re hungry, you can’t find anything to eat. You’re so hungry that you panic, and you’re so hungry that you’re desperate! The children can’t find food, and they eat all the sprouts that have just sprouted!”

Cai Qinghu whispered.

"Go catch rabbits! Go catch fish!"

Han Qian pinched Cai Qinghu's cheek and smiled.

"Why is there a famine? It's not just people who have nothing to eat."

After saying this, Han Qian looked at Li Gong and smiled.

"Seventy-nine for you, what can you buy?"

The old man said with a silly smile.

“I can buy five kilograms of good pork belly, some vegetables, and a bottle of white wine to have a nice sip!”

Han Qian said again.

“How much do you need to make seventy-nine?”

"Unloading cement costs 50 cents per bag. I can unload about four tons in an hour, which is 20 yuan!"

Han Qian took out a hundred yuan bill from his pocket and put it on the table, then took Cai Qinghu's hand and smiled.

"Let's go, I will punish you to accompany my husband to work!"

Cai Qinghu left the company with his head down and didn't speak. It wasn't until he got into the car that Cai Qinghu spoke.

"Mr., four tons of cement only cost 20 yuan? How can this be cheaper than livestock? Oh! I'm sorry!"

Han Qian smiled.

"Because if he doesn't do it, others will do it. The most indispensable thing in this society is human resources. They have to live! The two hundred yuan a month pension is not enough for anything. As Liu Ding told me before, he I don’t even dare to get sick! Madam, I’m not asking you to save, and you don’t have to save, I just want you to have a concept of money in your mind!”

Cai Qinghu shook his head and replied.

"I don't know how to save, and I don't know how to save. I just feel a little uncomfortable. I used to feel that I was the unluckiest person in the world, but now I find that I am luckier than 99% of the people in the world. Well! I have a good grandpa, a good father, and a good husband!"

Driving past the gate of the villa and looking at the forklift at work, Cai Qinghu said nothing, while Han Qian squinted at the gate of the villa.


I also saw a familiar figure.

Baitao, just stay busy!

Baitao ran away halfway through Lin Zongheng's wedding. The villa was about to be closed and razed. Baitao came over in a hurry after receiving the news. Now the villa has about 2,000 employees, including business, tourist groups, etc. Over 10,000, many companies are counting on the Villa to survive.

After the villa is demolished, Binhai's economy will collapse by 5%. This 5% will slowly expand and become bigger. Baitao finally understands what the difficulties Niu Guodong and Cheng Jin faced back then!

The villa is just the first step. If Glory, Changxiang, Huitian, and Aikun close down or divest their capital, and Binhai's economy collapses for the most part, Chen Qiang only cares about Binxian!

Moreover, there is also the fifth chemical plant that will be handed over to Changxiang or Glory. Baitao knows that after they take over, the fifth chemical plant will immediately carry out large-scale buyouts and layoffs.

By then Binhai will completely collapse.

Baitao was so angry that she almost shed tears. She took out her mobile phone and called Lao Bai, shouting regardless of the attention of everyone.

"Dad! Don't worry about it. Jiang Wei came to Binhai and caused trouble for me. Han Qian is going to demolish the villa. If his women's company is stopped, the unfinished buildings over there in the army will cause trouble for me, and the citizens of Binhai will also cause trouble for me! I don't care. If you don’t care, I’ll just go and kneel in front of my mother’s grave!”

Lao Bai's head was buzzing after hearing this, he put down his work and sighed.

"Making trouble! Just make trouble, you, I know! I'm going to solve this matter for you now. I watched Lin Zongheng's wedding video. His situation doesn't seem to be quite right. Go check it out. Lin Zongheng... Don’t break the thread, I’ll take care of the rest first! My dear, remember, Han Qian is the Heshen of the Qing Dynasty, so don’t move.”

After hanging up the phone, Lao Bai quickly called Jiang Wei. When he answered the phone, he was cursed so hard that Jiang Wei was confused by the scolding.

"Shiraibu, this is mine? Yours?"

"What's yours, mine? My daughter is making book spines in Binhai. I don't care about other things. If you can help someone to stand up to Han Qian and not affect Binhai's economy, then support him. If you can't help him, don't go there to provoke him. He, if he shuts down all the Binhai trading companies and my daughter is punished, I will punish you! Do you really think I can't go back to my previous department? I don't fucking want to go back!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Wei sighed feebly and lamented.

"Isn't this an empire? Two ZJW bosses came to scold me?"

At this time, the phone rang again, and it was Sun Zhengmin's. Jiang Wei answered the call, and Sun Zhengmin chuckled.

"Aren't you having a hard time? This evil attack has spread all over the world with one move, and it really killed us!"

Jiang Wei closed his eyes and sighed.

"No weaknesses?"

"Yes! The people around him are his weakness! But having said that, the people around him can give up any company, money, and join forces for Han Qian? They are all family members. Fang Xiong and Fu Dong will call you later. Phone, you are even more uncomfortable! There is a little thing, let me tell you. Lin Zongheng was shot. He was staring at the wedding with the gunshot wound. Qin Yaozu went to chase Feng Lun, but it seemed that he couldn't catch him! What do you mean? You, brother! Why did you come to Binhai? You made a fuss, and there was a message outside! Saying that Feng Lun is your man."

Jiang Wei stood up and said angrily.

"Who spread the rumor?"

Sun Zhengmin smiled.

"Who else could it be? Feng Lun himself. He had been in the funeral convoy in the morning. The closest he was to you was only two meters away. The photos are still being transmitted internally. The signal is not good and he has hung up!!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Wei felt his brain was deprived of oxygen. After much deliberation, he called Han Qian, but he hung up!

I did not answer!

At this time, Han Qian really didn't want to answer the phone.

In the General Department of Glory, Han Qian and Cai Qinghu were lying at the door watching the excitement.

Qian Wan, Yao Xue, Fang Shanshan, and Xiao Yang Jia were pointed at their noses and scolded. Yang Lan was so angry that her face turned pale and her eyes were red. She pointed at Qian Wan's nose and scolded her harshly.

"Okay! Okay! I play games every day and I can shoot a headshot from 800 meters away. I want you to make a video for the live broadcast department. Okay! That's great! I want you to write a three-trick video based on the recent popular movie. I'm so mad at you, honest people, ha! I'm reading what you wrote! "My Three Moves to Make the Elderly Angry", I think you guys are going to make me mad, right? Ah? Are you mute?"

Han Qian outside the door couldn't help laughing, and then a high-heeled shoe flew over, and Han Qian was busy shutting up.

Sister Yang is really angry.

In fact, it's not the fault of Yang Lan being angry. She initially thought that Yao Xue was with her, so she didn't need to worry about it, so she took the USB drive directly to the marketing department under the live broadcast department to talk about it, and the video opened.

"My Three Moves to Anger the Elderly"

After the title appeared, several girls in the marketing department were a little confused and asked Yang Lan if this title was the task just given by the above. They did not receive this. Yang Lan didn't know how to explain it at the time. She just wanted to find someone. He got into the cracks in the ground and listened to the laughter of the girls when he left the marketing department. Yang Lan's mentality was completely shattered.

The four women stood in front of Yang Lan without daring to say a word, and Yang Lan screamed.

"Go back and keep getting ready!"

Seeing Yang Lan clenching her hands in fists, shaking her long hair and stamping her feet, Cai Qinghu whispered.

"I guess Sister Yang must be very attractive when she dances in a nightclub. I'm jealous of her figure!"

Han Qian glanced at Cai Qinghu's small chest and agreed with this sentence in his heart. Then he saw Yang Lan walking towards him. Han Qian hurriedly knelt down and put the shoes in place. He looked at Yang Lan's feet wearing black lace socks. Han Qian whispered.

"Sister Yang, your feet are so small!"

"That doesn't stop you from hurting when I kick you! When will you finish your work? Look, look, look, I have more wrinkles this year than I have in the past thirty years! I will be on vacation starting tomorrow. I'll go to the capital and beat up Beibei, and you come to work in the General Department!"

"Ah? It's me, Sister Yang!"

"Shh! I've made dumplings for you. They're in my office! Stop talking. I don't want to spank the child today!"

Looking at Yang Lan's back, Han Qian scratched his head. When he walked into the office, he saw Qian Wan carrying a thermos bucket out of Yang Lan's office. Han Qian gritted his teeth angrily.

"Sister Yang is absolutely right. You have the eyes of an eagle, the legs of a rabbit, the nose of a dog, and the mouth of a pig! What kind of copywriting? How did you write it? Three tricks to make the elderly angry, how angry are you!"

Qian Wan said nothing, Yao Xue closed her eyes and sighed.

"Let the eighty-year-old man listen to nunchucks, and the seventy-year-old man watch Romance of the Three Kingdoms! Let the paralyzed old man watch his wife dance in the square, and listen to the old man in the cage to listen to storytelling. You don't need three moves, but one move will make you angry. died."

Han Qian raised his eyebrows and looked at Qian Wan.

"You wrote it?"

Qian Wan murmured while eating dumplings.

"And Yang Jia and Shanshan!"

Han Qian curled his lips and smiled.

"I don't know how Sister Yang can safely entrust the task to you."

The three unreliable girls all looked at Yao Xue, who raised her hands in surrender.

"I deserve death!"

Han Qian smiled again.

"Okay, just make it again. This time I will watch you do it. Deputy Liu went to Fushan again? Can your body bear the tossing back and forth?"

Yao Xue smiled.

"It's because I can't bear the pain of falling out of love~ I guess I'll come back after playing for a few days and continue calling Lan Lan!"

Han Qian pointed to his chair and motioned to Cai Qinghu to go over and play by himself for a while. Then he walked into Yang Lan's office, sat on her chair and looked at the documents. Han Qian was too lazy to pay attention to the missing call on his cell phone.

He remembers the numbers of familiar people.

The one I can’t remember is not an acquaintance, and I don’t want to pick it up! If anything happens, I will definitely call you again!

After taking a look at the documents on the table, Han Qian roughly understood that Yang Lan seemed to be in a period of career confusion, and she was a little unclear about her position.

It seems that there is time to catch Jin Yanzhong and give him a good beating.

Don’t you know that I, Sister Yang, am in a period of confusion?

When he stood up and prepared to leave the office, his cell phone rang. It was Sun Zhengmin's. Han Qian answered the call and shouted loudly.

"My Uncle Sun! We haven't seen each other for a few years. Where are you?"

Sun Zhengmin smiled.

"You bastard, I just saw you the day before yesterday!"

"So when those bastards came to my house yesterday to cause trouble for me, you lost it, right? Tell me, what happened?"

Sun Zhengmin smiled.

"I know what happened yesterday, and I also know you can handle it well! Lin Zongheng was shot, but it was not serious! Witnesses said it was Feng Lun who shot him! Jiang Wei wants to invite you to dinner tonight!"

"At night? No time, the company works overtime!"

Then Han Qian hung up the phone and turned off the phone, opened the office door and whistled at Cai Qinghu.

"Madam, tell Ye Zhi that my phone is turned off. If you have anything to do, call Ye Zhi! Ye Zhi will call you. Come on, come on. Everyone, please stop what you are doing. I will allocate the tasks first. Qian Wan, Fang Shanshan, Xia Yaoxue, and Xiao Yangjia, the four of you, go investigate the current real estate market and buy some clothes! Others, get off work early, sort out your work and leave it to me!"

Han Qian really has to work overtime!

Two updates and ten thousand words!

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