Han Qian went to see Zhao Wangu first and walked into the courtyard with three entrances. Zhao Wangu was already standing in the courtyard waiting, pointing to the study room on the side. Han Qian nodded with a smile and told Qinghu and Bairou to take whatever they liked. It's like going back to your own home.

Sitting across from Zhao Wangu in the study, Han Qian touched the warm teapot and smiled.

"How long have you been waiting for me?"

Zhao Wangu sat opposite Han Qian and frowned.

"I was waiting for you when you landed, but you brat went shopping with Cai Qinghu."

Han Qian raised his hands in surrender and smiled.

"This is the last time I go shopping with Qinghu. I have a strong personality and always want to pay. Her consumption is too high."

Zhao Wangu held the teacup with both hands, picked it up and took a sip, Han Qian said with a smile.

"It's not hot."

Zhao Wangu curled his lips, spit out a piece of tea, and replied casually.

"I'm used to it. It's just like this when you get older, and you have more problems! Han Qian, you didn't make me feel that you were extraordinary before you retired. It was just that you were lucky and your words were flexible. But this time you disappeared and came back After that, I had to get to know you again. You have become more mature and more insidious! Now you can even take advantage of the people around you."

Han Qian lowered his head and lit a cigarette. He seemed to be trying not to hold back his laughter. He burst into laughter and said with a smile.

"Are you saying that I took advantage of Han Qing? I don't deny that I did intend to take advantage of Han Qing, but then again, let me ask you, are Han Qing and I friends?"

Zhao Wangu sneered and said nothing. Han Qian could understand the old man's inner thoughts.

I just feel sorry for my grandson.

Han Qian also sneered.

"Whatever you think! This time Feng Lun's matter is here. If you want Han Qing to get away, I can do it. I can make this matter have nothing to do with him. It doesn't mean that I have changed after I disappeared and came back. , because this matter involves your grandson, you have to take it seriously!"

Zhao Wangu curled his lips again.

"What is your purpose in coming to the capital this time?"

Han Qian shrugged.

"Come to the capital to give Jiang Wei eye drops. He can't get the evidence to deal with me now, and I can't do anything to him. If you don't let me come to Shengjing, you probably know my temper! The more I don't let me do it, What, the more curious I become! Don’t worry, I won’t be in Shengjing for too long. During this period, I won’t have any contact with Han Qing. As for the purpose of my coming to Shengjing, there’s no need to tell you. Come here. Just don’t let people think that the relationship between our two families is bad."

Zhao Wangu lit a cigarette and smiled.

"Don't you ask why?"

Han Qian stood up, shrugged, and curled his lips.

"You are already this age, and some of your thoughts have been ingrained. You made that choice back then, and you still make the same choice now! I have something to do tonight, so I'll leave first!"

After leaving the study, Han Qian opened his arms and hugged Zhao Hanqing, smiling.

"Taking care of my sister-in-law, isn't this too much to ask?"

Zhao Hanqing whispered.


"No, they are all friends!"

Letting go of Zhao Hanqing, Han Qian took Cai Qinghu's hand and waved with his back to Zhao Hanqing.

After leaving the Zhao family's yard, Cai Qinghu stood beside the car and pinched his chin.

"Something's not right!"

Han Qian didn't say anything, opened the door and got into the car. Cai Qinghu was still sitting on the backrest, and Han Qian's feet were resting on the passenger's backrest.

Arrogant couple.

Bai Rou drove the car slowly and whispered.

"The Zhao family is also under pressure? Zhao Wangu is also one of the best in the country. Will he be afraid of Jiang Wei?"

If it weren't for Bai Rou's character flaws, she would really be suitable to be the eldest lady of the Cai family.

Cai Bairou.

Cai Qinghu.

Han Qian closed his eyes, lit a cigarette, and sighed.

"You're old! The only one who is up to date in the Zhao family is Zhao Hanqing. Although Jiang Wei can't do anything to Zhao Hanqing, the rest of the Zhao family are working at the Yamen Gate. Zhao Wangu's title is not low. He is older than his uncle. His position in the army has long been relegated to the second line. Jiang Wei is still in his prime. Harm! There is no comparison. Zhao Wangu has to think about his own children. He has nothing to lose by breaking up with me. There is no need to cause trouble for me. Wasn't it like this in Binhai back then?"

Bai Rou shrugged.

"Isn't it because of you that Zhao Hanqing has everything going smoothly? If Father Gu didn't make a few phone calls, how could he be so smooth? Zhao Wangu just flipped the table when he was full."

Bai Rou spoke easily, with anger and dissatisfaction inside and outside her words. Han Qian smiled.

"Okay, Dabai, don't be angry. Harmony is not life, stumbling is life!"

damn it.

This Lao Deng ran away at this time and was almost thrown to death by me!

Glanced at the phone.

Six o'clock!

"Let's go to Qin Yaozu's house for dinner! Madam, please call Lao Qin and find out what's going on."

Cai Qinghu said oh, dialed the phone and asked, then hung up the phone, turned to look at Han Qian, with a serious look on his face.

"Old Qin said the door locks need to be changed."

Han Qian frowned and Cai Qinghu said again.

"The password is 778822. He is not at home. Let us cook first."

Han Qian smiled.

"It has to be Lao Qin! Dabai is going to buy groceries!"

The three of Han Qian went to Lao Qin's house and cooked a table of dishes. Han Qian took Cai Qinghu and Bai Rou away without moving his chopsticks. It was better not to cause trouble to Lao Qin at this time, as his life was not easy either. .

As soon as he came downstairs, he met Lao Qin who walked into the community. Lao Qin was holding a dozen beers in his hand. Looking at Han Qian in front of him, Lao Qin frowned.

"Can't wait any longer? Are you busy tonight?"

Han Qian raised his hands and smiled bitterly.

"I want to visit the hotel. It is said that people from all over the world stay there."

Qin Yaozu handed the wine to Cai Qinghu, hugged Han Qian's shoulders and frowned.

"Jiang Wei, Chen Jinye and Sun Zhengmin are over there. Why did you go over to join in the fun? Go home and have a meal with me. The two children have gone to Fushan. You can talk to me."

Zhao Wangu regarded Han Qian as a disaster star, while Qin Yaozu took Han Qian to his family for dinner as if he were a baby.

Lao Qin has courage!

If you can, shoot me.

After sitting down, Qin Yaozu asked Han Qian where his chopsticks were, and Han Qian said blankly.

"your home!"

"Oh, I haven't been back for almost half a month. I have been staying at my workplace. Xiaohu, go get me a pair of chopsticks."

After saying this, Han Qian stood up and went to the kitchen, Cai Qinghu said with a naive smile.

"My husband-in-law is here, you don't need me!"

Qin Yaozu opened a can of beer and frowned.

"Didn't you tell Han Qian about this meeting of new generation entrepreneurs?"

Cai Qinghu shook his head.

"I don't know. Everyone is hiding it from me. I'm on vacation recently. The task given to me by the superiors is to deal with Feng Lun's case. I'm not allowed to get involved in other matters."

Han Qian came back while he was talking, handed Qin Yaozu a pair of chopsticks, handed Cai Qinghu a spoon, and said seriously.

"Madam, I have to talk to you about your mistake in using chopsticks when we have time!"

Then he opened a can of beer and smiled.

"Old Qin, you brought it back to me. I have to ask you, what is going on with this new generation of entrepreneurs' meeting? Chen Qiang has received the news, and my side seems to be blocked. Warmth Neither Yan Qingqing nor I received the invitation."

Qin Yaozu curled his lips while eating cold vegetables.

"That's because I don't want you to know! This conference was planned to be held in Hangzhou half a month ago, but then Fengtian received the news that it was going to be held. Someone in the middle made adjustments. This time Fengtian is preparing to attract a large number of investments and open the door! Businessmen have a smooth journey."

Han Qian blinked at Qin Yaozu.

"Don't make trouble! You're not doing it to deal with me, are you?"

Qin Yaozu curled his lips.

"Half and half, do you know now what Jiang Wei's purpose was in going to Binhai in the first place?"

Han Qian nodded.

"I know, take care of me!"

"How to deal with you?"

Han Qian said nothing, while Qin Yaozu drank.

"Fengtian has a serious population loss. The loss of population represents the decline of a city. What is the reason for the population loss?"

Han Qian frowned, while Bai Rou ate her rice and whispered.

"no income."

Qin Yaozu curled his lips and nodded.

"There are more than a dozen state-owned enterprises in Fengtian that have been in a state of loss. If they collapse, hundreds of thousands of people will be unemployed. Jiang Wei will not arrest you and go to jail, but if he catches you guilty, he will force you to acquire these state-owned enterprises and let you You, Han Qian, are here to support the operation. It is your Han Qian’s decision to buy out or fire you. You will also be scolded at that time, and state-owned enterprises that are losing money need a lot of funds to invest, and they will drain your funds bit by bit!"

Han Qian turned his head and looked at Qinghu, who smiled.

"Give you all."

Qin Yaozu raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

"Did you hear that? Because Qinghu doesn't care about money, you are the best choice. Unfortunately! Jiang Wei didn't find any evidence to prove your guilt! But if you tell me carefully, Cui Li next to you is the purpose of his going to Binhai. "

Han Qian scratched his head and smiled.

"What are you talking about~ That's Jin Can."

Qin Yaozu chuckled.

"Stop pretending to me, I'm turning a blind eye to you. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Cui Jincan is Cui Li, but this time you arranged it very well. I guess several elders in your family have already guessed it. There will be such a day, so Jiang Wei failed! When he wanted to save him, you gave everything to Liu Shengge, and he failed again."

Han Qian scratched his head and said again.

"Did Jiang Wei's wife give me gifts before?"

Qin Yaozu smiled.

"That's not Jiang Wei. He was the deputy book spine at that time. The one I gave you as a gift has been transferred!"

"Ask Jiang Wei, he said yes!"

"He was already planning to mention it at that time. He had no reason to tell you clearly about this matter, just to make you confused."

While talking, Lao Qin opened the second can of beer. Han Qian frowned and thought for a while, then said softly.

"I know this well. Do you know what happened in the capital?"

Qin Yaozu nodded.

"I know! Did Lao Bai want to kill Gu Qingyun? Can't you understand? I roughly analyzed it. Gu Qingyun made Lao Bai's family lose face. Lao Bai also thought that Baitao was waiting for Gu Qingyun by not getting married. He took the risk ! But having said that, Gu Qingyun is dead, Lao Gu has retired, and Zhou Hui has no energy left. When the time comes, no one will protect you, and it will be easy for Baitao to gild you."

Just as Han Qian was about to speak, Lao Qin spoke again.

"There is another one. It is very likely that you are in the capital! With your character, you will never let Gu Qingyun die! Whether it is you or Gu Qingyun, the death of one of you will be a blow to Lao Gu! And watch You, if you save Gu Qingyun, there will be no loss to Lao Bai, but if you save, but fail to save, the person dies in front of you, it is another blow to you, and it is also a blow to Lao Gu! How can Lao Bai count this matter? There will be no loss.”

Han Qian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"This old guy should remember me scolding him on the phone."

Qin Yaozu pouted.

"These are all small things. At four o'clock in the morning, I give you an hour. How many can you kill?"

After leaving Qin Yaozu's home, Han Qian sat in the car and sighed softly.

"On Zhao Hanqing's side, I asked Father Gu to call me and my uncle to support me, but in exchange for parting ways, I didn't give anything to Lao Qin! He treated me with all his heart and soul! It's very strange."

Bai Rou curled her lips after saying this.

"If you treat my wife the same as you treat Mrs. Wen, my wife can give you eight sons."

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