Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 568 I don’t understand the law

When Han Qian went out, Cai Qinghu trotted over, hugged Han Qian's arm and smiled sweetly. Han Qian turned his head and pinched Cai Qinghu's little nose.

"I'll take you racing, do you want to go?"

Cai Qinghu's eyes lit up instantly.

"Drag racing?"

Cai Qinghu kept nodding.

She likes to play, does not like annoying things, and does not like work. Cai Qinghu likes to play, especially playing with Han Qian.

"Don't drive your R8, drive Qian Wan's McLaren."

Cai Qinghu took Han Qian's car keys and said doubtfully.

"how about you?"

Han Qian pointed to the Kawasaki H2 aside.

"I'll just make do with riding this."

The red McLaren parked in the garage with the accelerator pumping. Han Qian put on his helmet and turned off the accelerator. The motorcycle engine roared.

The elders in the villa living room got up and came to the window one after another. Lao Gu opened the window and pointed at Han Qian and shouted.

"You, ride slower!"

Han Qian put on his gloves and made an OK gesture to Lao Gubi, who breathed a sigh of relief.

The next second the Kawasaki motorcycle engine made a loud noise, the front wheel took off and turned into a sharp sword. When turning, it felt like Han Qian's knees were about to touch the ground. He was trembling in an old-fashioned way, and then he saw a huge explosion. The red McLaren rushed out with full power.




Lao Gu shivered with anger.

Two traitors!

There are many people on the streets at night during the Gregorian calendar year, but most of them are young people going shopping and falling in love.

Red lanterns and colorful billboards hanging on the street.

On the neon-lit overpass, pedestrians on the roadside only heard the roar. The moment they turned around, a motorcycle and a red supercar roared past in the inner lane of the road, like two flashes of lightning.

Han Qian lowered his head and glanced at the speedometer.

Just one hundred and three.

Han Qian slowly raised his right hand and pointed forward!

Cai Qinghu, who was driving a McLaren, looked at his man's raised right hand and nodded with a sweet smile on his face.


Although Han Qian couldn't hear it, she wanted to agree.

Perhaps in the city of Binhai, Han Qian is the only one who can drive like this, and the people of Binhai City also tacitly agree that their prince is having fun in this city.

If someone else is racing, they will say that you, a little brat, will be beaten to death.

Han Qian is racing, our Binhai prince is so domineering.

When the car entered the center of the city, Xu Hongchang was already standing on the roadside waiting. Han Qian took the black bag that Xu Hongchang denied and stuffed it into his arms and continued moving forward.

Driving through the city, a black Audi followed Han Qian on the right side.

The car window fell, Secretary Song Zhe looked at Han Qian and shouted with a frown.

"Han Qian! I received a report that you are suspected of possessing guns, being illegally imprisoned, and assaulting public officials. Now you come back to the station with me."

Han Qian glanced at Secretary Song and sneered.

"Without Tong Defeng by your side, who are you?"

While talking, Han Qian slowed down and stopped, got out of the car and walked towards the Audi. At this time, Song Zhe opened the door and got out of the car, took out the handcuffs and walked towards Han Qian. The next second, Han Qian suddenly came to life and punched Song Zhe in the face. Song Zhe didn't come back to his senses for a while, covering his face and looking at Han Qian with wide eyes.

"You dare to hit me?"

"You are just an agent's assistant, do you really think of yourself as a clove?"

After saying this, Han Qian kicked Song Zhe on the chest. Song Zhe took two steps back and was about to take action. Han Qian said with a cruel smile.

"Hit me? In Binhai? Do you have red hair?"

Only then did Song Zhe realize that there were people gathered around the roadside. They were all ordinary people, citizens of Binhai. Song Zhe was sure that as long as he dared to fight back, these people would dare to beat him!

I was particularly sure, because some men had already taken off their clothes and handed them to their wives and walked towards them.

Song Zhe shouted while holding handcuffs.

"Look! Look who I am! If you dare to hit me, you are breaking the law!"

Someone in the crowd spoke.

"I don't know the law, but I know that my daughter's anger was caused by Qian'er!"

“I don’t understand the law, but I know that the second hospital waived my son’s surgery fee!”

"I don't understand the Dharma. I know who brought me a bowl of hot water when the heavy rain flooded the beach."

"I don't know the law. I know who braved the heavy rain to protect us when someone tried to rob my store."

"I don't understand the law. I know that when we were stuck outside the hotel, it was the prince who sent us in."

"I don't understand the law. I know who gave our sanitation clothes, who gave us a bowl of hot porridge and a bite of hot steamed buns in winter!"

"I don't understand the law. I only know that my child can go to school normally after coming to Binhai."

"We don't know anything. We are all just digging in the dirt. We know who touched our prince. I will put on these handcuffs today. I am willing!"

Song Zhe, who was gradually surrounded, looked at Han Qian, but before he could say anything, his fist fell on his face with a series of left and right uppercuts. Song Zhe's face was already bleeding, and Han Qian grabbed Song Zhe's Hair walked towards the trash can on the roadside.

"I know everything you do!"

After saying that, he stuffed Song Zhe into the trash can and spit.

"Trash should stay in the trash can!"

After Han Qian finished speaking, he turned around. The driver of A6 closed his eyes and looked to the other side, indicating that he didn't know anything.

Then Han Qian rode his motorcycle to the highway, while Cai Qinghu didn't stop at all. This was a small thing for her husband.

"Sprinkle some water~"

In the crowd, Chen Qiang suddenly walked over. When he walked past the trash can, he threw the garbage in his hand. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, another person walked into the crowd.

"Cockroach, don't be so gentle next time."

Chen Qiang looked at Lin Zongheng, who threw a bag of mashed fruit in and roared at the garbage in the trash can.

"You lay a finger on my family again! You are the King of Heaven, and I will punish you to death! Do you understand?"

At this time, Liu Shengge walked out of the crowd, holding a small hanging whip in his hand. After lighting it, he threw it directly at Lin Zongheng. Lin Zongheng quickly covered the trash can with his eyes and hands, turned his head and smiled at the people on the roadside.

"I'm afraid I'll scare you!"

After saying that, he looked at Liu Shengge and smiled.

"You scared our little cuties on the coast!"

Liu Shengge said oh, then took out his cell phone and said something, and the next second two helicopters appeared in the sky.

Liu Shengge put down her phone and said indifferently.

"Two million, the New Year's money given to you, how much you grab is up to you!"

Lin Zongheng took a few steps back and smiled.

"You are really cruel."

Liu Shengge said indifferently.

"I like to see the truest side of human nature!"


"Yes~ What a pity!"

Two people walked past them. Guan Junbiao and Su Liang walked toward the crowd. At some point, the men in black from District 8 had gathered here. Su Liang shouted to the crowd with a smile.

"We are human beings, not animals. We all have a responsibility to clean up the garbage!"

Guan Junbiao smiled.

“We Binhai are all elegant people!”

The turbulent crowd became quiet, and money rained from the sky. Some people were picking it up, some were looking at it, but no one was fighting or robbing it.

Chen Qiang sighed.

"I wanted to watch the fun! I didn't expect Han Qian to dare to attack Song Zhe."

Lin Zongheng squinted at the two guys in red suits and white sportswear in the crowd, and gritted his teeth.

"Han Qian's sword and Han Qian's shield, without these two things, Han Qian can't defeat me!"

Liu Shengge sighed.

"Otherwise, how dare he be so arrogant! What has he been doing? He's here for the Chinese New Year!"

Lin Zongheng let out a long sigh.

"This is the direction! He went to visit his father-in-law's grave. He is really busy. Chen Qiang, you can do it tonight. Is the minimum guarantee of 100 million?"

Chen Qiang said shyly.

"A little more, a little more, so you two should work hard? Otherwise, even if my teacher says it, he won't be able to find a reason to transfer Tong Defeng. If he doesn't leave, how can I kill you two! If you two don't die, I will really can not fall asleep!"

Lin Zongheng looked at Liu Shengge.

"Aren't you going to visit your wife's grave?"

Liu Shengge frowned.

"It seems that your father is not buried in it. Have you gone?"

Then the two of them looked at Chen Qiang, who frowned.

"I'm taking action!"

Liu Shengge looked at Chen Qiang, looking from the top of his head to his toes, from his toes to the top of his head, and then turned away with a sneer.

Chen Qiang said angrily when he saw this.

"Eunuch Liu, what do you mean by riding on the horse?"

Lin Zongheng held his chin and said seriously.

"He probably looks down on you."

Chen Qiang turned his head and said angrily.

"Let me fucking tell you, at least I haven't been robbed of my girlfriend twice!"

Lin Zongheng got angry.

"Chen Qiang, you have gone too far!"

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