Lao Bai from Beijing was so angry that he was admitted to the hospital. Fu Dong and Dong Jiguo walked into the ward carrying gifts and bent over. The gifts were thrown out the next second.

"Get out! Fu Dong, get as far away from me as you can, and Dong Jiguo, please wait, I will definitely let you retire this year! Okay! That's great! Your Li Shaoqi is so good! Get out!"

Fu Dong and Dong Jiguo were kicked out.

The two of them looked at each other with sadness in their eyes!

Walking to the hospital, Fu Dong sighed and handed Dong Jiguo a cigarette.

"What should I do? That psychopath is spreading the word that Baitao will marry Shaoqi. Not only this, but the incident of Baitao sneaking into Gu Qingyun's bed has been mentioned again. Now that Shaoqi marries Baitao, what will happen to his face? It's completely wiped out, but what if I don't marry Lao Bai? Let him lose face again? He will definitely turn against you!"

Dong Jiguo closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"We are living at home, and the pot comes from the sky, and Shaoqi can't even hide away? Forget it, let alone Shaoqi, my Dong Siyue also has a problem. He is fascinated by that brat Luo Qing, but Shaoqi Qi shouldn’t have just said in the capital that he would not take the white peach from anyone!”

Fu Dong covered his head and squatted on the ground.

"What can he do? The son of the Liu family relies on his mental illness. Even if he is found, nothing will happen to him. But everyone in the capital knows that Shaoqi wants to marry Baitao. When the time comes, what Gu Qingyun doesn't want, he Li Shaoqi wants, what? Accept? Take it one step at a time. If it doesn't work, just find someone and say that Shaoqi is engaged. That's it. I'll go to the hospital and you go find Shaoqi and choose a suitable girl to get married. "

Maybe this is the only way.

Binhai's Baitao was indifferent to these things. She was chatting with Cheng Jin, Qin Yaozu, and Li Jinhai about some recent events in Binhai.

Bai Tao was wearing a suit and holding a note and said softly.

"The new year is about to enter. This bumpy year in Binhai is over, but we can't relax. Inspections and audits have to be intensified inside the yamenmen. No problems can arise. Then there is Cheng Jin, the city manager The temporary houses for victims outside the area must be inspected, inspected, inspected and inspected again. If a landslide occurs, none of us will be able to withstand the pressure."

Cheng Jin nodded.

"I have asked Changde to be stationed in several counties regarding this matter, and we will check it every week, so you can rest assured."

Cheng Jin glanced at his notes and raised his head to look at Baitao.

"The Chinese New Year is coming, and according to some unreliable news, Feng Lun spends the festival in Binhai every year."

Baitao turned his head and looked at Qin Yaozu and Li Jinhai.

"You two also heard it. If you see Feng Lun's figure and traces, you don't care about life or death. If you can kill him, you don't need to save bullets! I don't understand how he escaped in this world where surveillance is everywhere! "

Qin Yaozu frowned while holding the big teapot.

"Feng Lun is in Binhai and even in Fengtian. There are too many people who help him."

Baitao frowned.

"Issuing a reward? Why hasn't it been issued?"

Li Jinhai frowned.

"It was indeed paid out in the past few months, but Han Qian has always had people come to collect the bounty. We are always a step behind after we go out. I even suspect that the money ended up in Feng Lun's hands. He took the bounty we offered him. The money is in the start-up capital...and Han Qian came to collect it twice and made phone calls in front of us..."

Bai Tao closed her eyes and gritted her teeth and took a deep breath.

"Han Qian, Han Qian, Han Qian, Han Qian, why is he everywhere? Han Qian can't move around in this city without him, right?"

Cheng Jin nodded seriously.

"It's true that during the time he disappeared, Binhai was in chaos. Foreign, domestic, gangsters, businessmen, and people from the Yamenmen were mixed together. Kidnappings, robberies, and fights occurred frequently. It was not until he came back that Binhai was considered safe. In the city, some people dare to go out at night, us! Just stop staring at Han Qian and let Bai Shuji talk about some personal matters. Can you deal with your gossip in the capital first? "

Baitao frowned.

"What to deal with? Li Shaoqi? Even if I marry a dog, I won't marry Li Shaoqi, this trash who quit the stage. Damn it! You can say whatever you want outside. I don't have the time to worry about the troubles over there. There is another one. Something! Did you notice something strange happening in the city recently?"

Cheng Jin frowned.

"Are you talking about the kid who committed rape?"

Baitao nodded, took a deep breath and sighed.

"I went to their school to learn about this matter, and now an old man riding a three-wheeled electric bicycle has been following me. Qin Yaozu, Li Jinhai, can you two explain this matter?"

Qin Yaozu shrugged.

"I don't know how to explain it. I wish I could shoot this kid. It's a pity that he's not old enough. Since he made a mistake, he must be punished. That little girl will be accompanied by this nightmare her whole life. He deserves to be stigmatized and tortured. It's okay. ?I’m going back to the bureau first.”

Baitao stepped forward to stop Qin Yaozu and asked with raised eyebrows.

"You seem to know a lot about this matter. What ideas did you give me?"

Qin Yaozu asked, pointing to his head.

"Do you think I have such a smart brain?"

Bai Tao screamed.

"Is it Han Qian the dog again?"


In Binhai Century Middle School, during lunch break, in the principal's office, the principal looked at the parents and their children in front of him, took a deep breath, took out a document and put it on the table.

"Drop out or transfer, you two parents should consider this matter for yourselves. Now the matter has been made known to the whole school. Half of the female students in the entire second-year group have asked for leave. Now many parents have signed a letter. Regarding Li Zilin What happened to their classmates, they don’t accept that their children are in the same class or even the same school as him.”

Li Zilin raised his head and looked at his father. He believed that his father was omnipotent, and this was not the first time. After the last girl was raped by him, his father took action to solve the problem. He believed that his father could still solve the problem this time. matter.

Li Zilin's father took a deep breath.

"It's not a public school at the beginning of the century, right? I can make a donation, and now we don't have a school to transfer to."

The principal took out a piece of paper and wrote down a series of phone calls, pushed up his glasses and said softly.

"Dr. Wen called me specifically about this matter and told me straightforwardly how much money you donated. Mr. Wen donated at twice the price. It doesn't matter whether it's money or not. I dare not not listen to the words of the former Crown Princess. "

Li Zilin's mother frowned.

"Han Qian? Why is he getting involved in children's affairs?"

The principal smiled.

"Is it abnormal for the prince not to get involved? From flood rescue in Binhai to stray dog ​​shelters in the suburbs, there is nothing that the prince does not do. So! If you want me to write the word "fired", I won't mind."

The woman wanted to say something else, but Li Zilin's father had already covered her mouth and whispered to the principal.

"Can it be concealed on the transfer record?"


Watching the family of three leave, the principal sneered.

As a family of three walked out of the teaching building, the passing students were avoiding them, as if they were seeing a plague. When they walked out of the teaching building and looked at the parents blocking the door, Li Zilin's father hugged Li Zilin and left quickly.

"Get out of here, rapist!"

"Trash! Beast! Something worse than a pig or a dog!"

"Li Zilin is a rapist, he is a rapist!"

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Such beasts should die!"

The family of three did not dare to say anything. When they opened the door and got in the car to leave, an old man in his seventies rode a tricycle and blocked the Mercedes-Benz.

"Li Zilin is a rapist. He is a rapist. Everyone should stay away from him."

The loudspeaker kept playing repeatedly.

It's not that Li Zilin's father has never called the police, but what can they do in the face of an old man in his seventies who still has a slight disability in his right leg?

You talked loudly and I was lying on the ground. It cost two to three thousand for an examination. Can you sentence me to death?

After being detained for three days, I continued to shout and called my children, who responded with a series of questions.

"I can't control it! Besides, did my dad say something wrong? You couldn't give me justice, but my dad gave it to me and broke the law? Is it slander? Spreading rumors? Why should the victim be scolded, while the perpetrator should not be punished at all? What? Are you starting to cover him up? Because his family is rich? You can arrest him, but if my father is killed by you, I will prosecute you!"

The car couldn't move anymore and he was surrounded by scoldings. Li Zilin suddenly opened the car door and rushed towards the old man holding the horn, shouting ferociously.

"I kill you!"

His body was kicked seven or eight meters away, and a man in a red suit with a ponytail grabbed the speaker and slapped it in Li Zilin's face, laughing.

"Why are you anxious? You can live for at least sixty years, right? This voice will be with you for sixty years! Wherever you go, this voice will be with you, and you can't escape it for the rest of your life! Unless!"

Guan Junbiao bent down and smiled.

"Unless you die!"

Maybe it’s not that difficult to force someone to death!

Guan Junbiao is not Han Qian.

What does it have to do with me whether you die or not?

You are not my son.

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