Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 584 Wedding and funeral on the same day

Niu Xiaohua's death is not a small matter for Binhai.

To this day, Niu Guodong is still loved by people in Binhai.

Cheng Jin looked at the two invitations, one red and one black, in front of him. When he saw the signatures, Cheng Jin's head almost exploded. He closed his eyes and sighed, then raised his head and looked at the few people sitting in the office. Cheng Jin He spoke.

"We had a meeting with Lao Niu, and he left right away, and now the child is gone too! Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock to see off Shui Dou Fu, the invitation was written by Lao Bai himself."

Li Jinhai sighed.

"Yes, in a fight between colleagues, the dead one is the most important! But tomorrow at 9:08 is the wedding ceremony of Gu Qingyun and Wan Fang, and Zhou Hui's invitation is really a quarrel between the masters, and we little devils will suffer. How to choose?"

The two of them looked at Qin Yaozu at the same time, who frowned while eating instant noodles.

"What are you two watching me do?"

Li Jinhai smiled and said

"Leader, where are you going?"

Qin Yaozu frowned.

"I threw away all the invitations. I don't have time! I recently found a stronghold where Feng Lun stayed in Fengtian. I'll take someone to pick it up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. If I don't find out some clues, I'll be really embarrassed. You two love me. Go wherever you go.”

Li Jinhai stood up.

"I'll work overtime tomorrow!"

Qin Yaozu frowned.

"Xiao Qian and Gu Qingyun are close, and Lao Gu is very fond of Han Qian. This time Dongyangjie's affairs are all handled by Lao Gu. As Han Qian's second uncle, don't you go to attend the wedding?"

Then Qin Yaozu looked at Cheng Jin.

"You and Niu Guodong have been colleagues for the longest time. Will they go together after their child dies? But Baitao will definitely not go to the wedding. She and Lin Zongheng are close. If they hold a wedding in Binhai, the book spine and the market rise will not be able to survive, right? Old Do you believe that Gu, who is so narrow-minded, can wear your little shoes to death?"

Li Jinhai sat helplessly on the sofa and sighed.

"I'm fine. I definitely have to go to the wedding, but what does Cheng Jin say?"

Qin Yaozu frowned.

"What does it have to do with you whether he dies or not? Cheng Jin, didn't you ask Tong Defeng?"

Cheng Jin sighed.

"Why didn't you ask? He has no time like you! He won't go anywhere. The most difficult thing now is me. Xiaoqian and Qinghu regard me as their elder. I won't go to the wedding? I went to the wedding but not the funeral. Binhairen You can scold me to death! Han Qian ran away, I...I will go to the construction site to inspect it!"

An hour later, the ambulance left the construction site. Mr. Cheng Jin, the mayor, fainted on the spot while inspecting the construction site. He cut his forehead and went to the hospital for stitches.

After receiving the news, Qin Yaozu sighed.

"What are you trying to do? Can't you just split it open and be done with it?"

Li Jinhai squinted at Qin Yaozu.

"Are you a devil?"

Qin Yaozu shrugged.

"At three o'clock in the morning tonight, prepare the equipment. All firearms will not be loaded with hollow bullets. First, take away Feng Lun's den. I wonder how you can keep wandering around Fengtian. One of them died and the other got married. It's like a group of cows committed suicide. That's it. It’s not as good as catching a clue about Feng Lun.”

"Okay, I'll take care of things. Don't worry, I'll also use live ammunition?"

"When did I tell you to come with me? Be honest and look after the house."

Li Jinhai sighed.

"I knew it would be like this."

In the villa of Qian Ling's family, Qian Ling looked at Wan Fang in her wedding dress, pinched her chin, and then pinched Wan Fang's waist. She said seriously that it would be nice to make it a little thinner. Now she still looks a little bloated. Wan Fang always thought that she was Her waist is the most perfect part of her body, but in Qian Ling's eyes, there are still some flaws.

"Hmm~ The breasts are not bad. If you squeeze them, they look pretty good. But Wan Fang, you need to change the way you walk. I'll go! You learn!"

Everyone seems to have forgotten Qian Ling's original family situation because of her weight. She is a proper noble lady.

Qian Ling walked in front and whispered.

"The smile should be bright and generous. Don't imitate those smiles covered by hands. It should be natural, sunny, and confident. Let people see your smile and feel the atmosphere and natural feeling. Don't be pretentious. Your current smile should be Your husband’s family doesn’t need you to be pretentious, you must be grand, understand? Smile.”

Wan Fang laughed and was scolded.

"Why do you feel so cheap? Your husband's family ranks in the top few hundred in our country. In ancient times, you were the daughter-in-law of the prime minister's family. When you smile, you should hold your head high and be proud. Don't bow your head. Don't Shy, because you will look at people from the corner of your eyes with your head held high. You are not marrying a wealthy family, but a powerful person who will kneel down when they see a wealthy family. Smile again and grin! Wanfang! Why are you so stupid? !”

Li Li, Xuan Xuan, Wu Siruan, Yeats.

The four girls closest to Wan Fang burst into laughter, and Qian Ling suddenly spoke.


Yeats narrowed his eyes and smiled.


"Don't imitate the smile of that bastard Han Qian. I want a happy smile, a smile that comes from the heart."

Yeats shook his head seriously.

"No, I can't laugh without Mr. Han."

Qian Ling frowned.

"You're a worthless thing, Xuanxuan, stop laughing, you look like a retard."

Wan Fang smiled after saying this, and Qian Ling said immediately.

"Yes, it is this kind of smile, confident, generous, and from the heart. Your wedding does not need the sadness of marrying a daughter. You have to smile and let people know that the girl married by the Gu family is willing to marry Gu Qingyun. It’s joy from the heart. Guys at that level are very special and pay attention to details. This marriage also has a purpose and a reason. You can learn from Cai Qinghu’s smile.”

Cai Qinghu, standing far away, sighed.

"I can't help but laugh. My husband-in-law ran off with his little girl, ah!! Yeats, I'm not happy, I didn't wear a wedding dress!"

Yeats frowned.

"Don't fart, you're wearing Xiuhe! I'm not wearing any!"

"What kind of wedding dress will the mistress wear? Are you crazy?"

While talking, Zhou Hui arrived.

Looking at Wan Fang standing in the hall, Zhou Hui came. Qian Ling talked about things that a mother should pay attention to when getting married. Qian Ling tilted her head and recalled the process of Han Qian's marriage, and then shook her head.

"I can't do this either. Let's talk about some trivial matters first. Qingyun will get married tomorrow and that brat from the Lin family will hold the funeral. He will definitely go the same way. Do you want to give in or not?"

Zhou Hui sighed.

"It is a rule that has been passed down since ancient times to make way for red things and white things. Even if you don't want to give way to feel unlucky, you still have to give way. The days and times calculated by the old gods and even the routes are all planned by the old monks and cannot be changed. , I can only bite the bullet, if only this little kid Han Qian was in Binhai, why did he run away? "

Qian Ling smiled.

"It's said that he can't help but take action when he comes. We don't know why he would take action?"

At this time, Baitao was also asking Lao Bai whether he would collide with Gu Qingyun on tomorrow's route, and Lao Bai smiled.

"Bump! Why not bump? Binhai citizens all have a good impression of Niu Guodong. Xiaohua's death is naturally much more important than the wedding of a foreign monk. Han Qian is not in Binhai, right? That Su Liang went to the city bureau, it seems. If anything happens, don't worry, the rest of us can't even make up for it. You go to the wedding tomorrow and remember to watch a good show! Han Qian ran away, is he really worried about Gu Qingyun? "

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