Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 617 It tastes as bad as ever

Walking into the zoo with Wu Siruan, Han Qian and Wu Siruan squatted in the corner outside the panda house. At this time, the outside of the panda house was crowded with people, but there were no pandas inside.

Han Qian lowered his head and lit another cigarette and sighed.

"Both Gao Fuli and Wei Tiancheng want Liu Guangming to die. This is their superficial intention. They hope that Liu Guangming will die, but in their hearts they are reluctant to let go of this old friend. But ah! If I listen to the advice, I will not change. He looks like a human being today."

As soon as he finished speaking, two pandas came out. The personality difference between the two pandas was huge. Huhu was slow and unhurried. Mangmang rushed to the glass wall like a dog that saw a bone. From the beginning to the end, the tourists were stuck with each other through the glass, which made the tourists extremely happy. Until Mang Mang ran to the end and saw Han Qian, the tiger thing looked at Han Qian holding a cigarette in his mouth and bent down to pick up a bag. A piece of bamboo fell into his mouth and he bared his teeth at Han Qian, his face full of ferocity.

Han Qian blew a puff of smoke against the glass. Mang Mang was startled and took a step back.


Han Qian smiled.

"Are you a dog? Who do you want to follow this tiger-headed thing? Look at Sister You, how good she is!"

Then Mangmang turned his head and pulled a Qingtuan boy towards Han Qian, Wu Siruan said with a smile.

"I've been here a few times. Mang Mang is very close to you."

Han Qian smiled.

"It's an accident to me, but it's not aggressive at all. Huhu can really hurt people, but Mangmang is good at scaring people. Let's go! It won't do business well when I'm here."

When leaving the panda house, the tourists behind him exclaimed. Han Qian turned his head and looked at Mang Mang rolling in the ground and sighed helplessly.

The eldest son of some family has to take a bath at noon, otherwise he wouldn't be able to tell that this is a panda, which is the same color as the shy bear next door.

Wu Siruan walked beside Han Qian and said softly.

"What would I exchange for Liu Guangming?"

Han Qian smiled.

"Li Dongsheng."

Wu Siruan smiled.

"Brother Qian'er, what do you mean?"

"I'm worried that you will be killed by Li Dongsheng. This plan requires you. The person Li Dongsheng hates the most is you. He may let you take a risk. Only anger can make people lose their minds. And you can easily make Li Dongsheng lose his mind. Specifically. I haven't figured out my plan yet, you... try out Gao Xixi and Wei Tiancheng's tone first."

Wu Siruan frowned and smiled.

"My brother, why are you worried about these two old onions? Why are you so timid?"

"It's not about being timid, you have to consider the feelings of the people around you!\

,"Wu Siruan was slightly startled when he heard the words, and then smiled sweetly.

"Brother Qian'er from before is back."

"always there!"

The two walked to the Tiger Garden. Han Qian looked at the tiger covering its head in the zoo and frowned.

"Is it troubled?"

The breeder on the side laughed.

"Three were born in one litter. The three tiger cubs were a bit noisy. The other tigers got angry when the cubs were taken away. She had already laid down on her back and wished we could take the cubs away as soon as possible. The animals in our zoo...are more or less not in good shape. normal."

Han Qian nodded.

"It's just abnormal. Most of the animals in our zoo are bought from circuses across the country. It can be said that except for those two pandas, no animals have been treated well."

The breeder smiled bitterly.

"Brother Qian'er, Mangmang's childhood was not very happy. Huhu was timid, so Mangmang behaved so fiercely. To put it bluntly, our warm paradise is exactly what the name means. These animals feel the warmth when they come here, but It’s cold now, if it’s a little warmer, the poultry park will look better, and training has started now.”

Han Qian sighed.

"Whatever, just don't beat me up. Let's recruit animal lovers from all over the world in the spring."

Wu Siruan said softly as he led Wu Siruan away from the zoo.

"Brother Qian'er, I'm going to study what you said. I'm leaving first. Miss Ye has already come to see you."

Han Qian looked at Yeats jumping up and down in the distance, wondering why this girl is so happy today? But he reached out and grabbed Wu Siruan's arm.

"Don't be impatient. Catching Li Dongsheng is not just about tying him up. Chen Qiang now wishes that I would kidnap Li Dongsheng, and then send a lawsuit directly to the capital. Then it will be troublesome. He must find a way. .”

Wu Siruan whispered.


Han Qian leaned back and curled his lips.

"Do you think he is stupid? Li Dongsheng is not as stupid as you think. He will not be fooled. You can go and find out what they say now, and then wait for my call at any time."

"Okay! Then I'm leaving!"

After seeing Han Qian nod, Wu Siruan turned around and trotted away. Yeats stepped forward and stood beside Han Qian and asked.

"Why do you think I ran away right after I came?"

Han Qian turned his head to look at Yeats and smiled.

"You're angry and ignoring me? Good guy! You've been here to see me since the first day of junior high until today. Miss Ye, you can do it!"

Yeats snorted proudly.

"I'm in a good mood today. I won't argue with Mr. Han. I saw that your location was shown in Bin County just now. Why did you go there again?"

Han Qian put his arm around Yeats' shoulders and walked towards Yezhai Pavilion, talking as he walked.

"We have to start from the beginning. It is said that Pangu gave birth to a spiritual stone when the world was founded. Miss Ye, I'm a little hungry. Please cook some rice for me."

Yeats narrowed his eyes and smiled at Han Qian.

"Mr. Han, why do I care about you so much? Why are you eating fried rice?"

“A bit of snack halal.”

When he arrived at Ye Zhai Pavilion, Ye Zhi expertly put on an apron and walked to the kitchen. Han Qian casually picked up a piece of candy from the front desk. After struggling for a long time, he still put it in his pocket. Han Qian really didn't like sweet things. He looked at his hair and combed it. Han Qian said with a smile, Ms. Ye, who is skilled in fried rice.

“I haven’t seen you for a day, so I’m so impressed!”

Yeats lowered his head and cut the mutton and smiled.

"When you disappeared, I wanted to make fried rice for you when you came back. Unfortunately, you only ate it once, and the skills you learned in vain were useless."

Han Qian nodded seriously.

"Mainly the fried rice you made for the first time was really not delicious. If you didn't tell me, I would almost forget the taste."

Yeats raised his head, glanced at Han Qian, and waved the knife in his hand.

"Mr. Han, let me perform surgery on you~"

Han Qian smiled and scratched his head. Soon Yeats came over with a plate of fried rice and a bowl of soup. He also took out two cloves of garlic from his pocket and placed them on the table. As soon as Yeats sat down, Han Qian suddenly spoke.

"Miss Ye, can you feed me?"

Yeats turned his head. Although there were no guests at two o'clock in the afternoon, there were still so many employees watching. Yeats glared at Han Qian and shook his head, and then Han Qian spoke.

"You sit on my lap and I feed you?"

Yeats still shook his head, while Han Qian held his chin and pretended to be thoughtful.

"Then this matter is quite difficult to handle. Miss Ye, please tell me. This old fox Sun Zhengmin always wants to use me as a tool every day, but our relationship is not bad. At least he is very good to Cai Qinghu. You I can vent my anger by telling him how I should deal with him."

Yeats said nothing, stood up and sat next to Han Qian, feeding Han Qian with a spoon.

"Don't be impatient. Think slowly. I'm too good at thinking about these things. What do you say and what do I do? This is best."

Han Qian sighed as he ate the fried rice.

"It still tastes as bad as ever!"

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