It was already midnight when I left the Yan family's parents' place. I drank some wine with my father-in-law, who was not easy to deal with at first, and chatted for several hours. They only talked about Jiayi, and other topics could not be discussed.

When walking out of the community, a cold wind blew. Han Qian shook his head and stood by the flower bed and unbuttoned his belt.

After letting go of the water, he turned around and walked to the roadside when a Mercedes-Benz S600 stopped in front of him. He opened the door and got in the car. Xu Hongchang handed over a small bottle of English-speaking drinks. Han Qian opened it and drank half of the bottle without thinking. , screwed on the cover and said softly.

"Old Xu, it's very late and you don't want to sleep?"

Xu Hongchang started the car and smiled.

"I just sent Secretary Ye back to Yezhai Pavilion, young master! There is something I want to say a lot. There will be a gathering of several young ladies in our family tonight..."

"I know, Yu Shici is back, right?"

Han Qian closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, Xu Hongchang whispered.

"Yes, I have already checked in at the Metropark Hotel. Can I take you there?"

Han Qian sighed.

"It's too late. They got together without telling me. I knew that I didn't hold it in. Luo Shen invested a small amount of assets in Ireland for Yu Shici. Let her work there to save her family first. It can't be done. When she has children in the future, others will inherit her company. Should her child inherit the position of vice president? No matter how much salary you earn in Changxiang, it is just a salary. Changxiang will always be warm. This must have made Luo Shen a little confused. Medicine, butterfly took the money and flew away!"

Xu Hongchang smiled while driving.

"Master, you are amazing, you know everything!"

Han Qian did not answer. While drinking with Yan Qingqing's father, Han Qian received several text messages.

Nursery Rhymes.



There's no nonsense, it's just that Han Qian suddenly had 20 million more foreign debts, and the text messages between the three of them were very consistent.

[Today Han Qian owes Nursery Rhyme 4.5 million, a piece of interest! 】

Warm text messages are simple and clear.

【Add money! 】

Yeats sent a photo. In this photo, Han Qian saw a small hand. It was not as delicate as warmth, nor as white as a nursery rhyme. I was writing an IOU with this hand.

Han Qian could tell whether his woman was two pounds lighter, and he could distinguish their hands. When Luo Shen came back, he briefly talked about meeting Yu Shici in Ireland.

Suddenly he didn't want to go back to the Imperial City Nursing Home. Xu Hongchang drove him all the way back to his parents' house. When he got off the car, Han Qian patted the back of Xu Hongchang's chair.

"Find an opportunity to let them suffer some losses. Don't really think of yourself as the driver."

Xu Hongchang smiled.

"I can't. Let Wei Tiancheng and Tu Xiao take care of the matter, Master. I'll drive for you. Shu Tan, Master, I have something else to do. I've been in contact with a lot of people recently, and they all want to meet you."

Han Qian opened the door and got out of the car.

"It's not necessary. Useful people will come to me directly when they see me. Most of the people who come to see me through channels are looking for me to do things. There is nothing that needs them for the time being. Go back and rest. Your son is not young anymore. Find something. Things are done, don’t get off the car, I’m leaving.”

When he pushed open the courtyard door, Han Qian found that the light at the door of the house was on. Yeats's two dogs and Huanhuan were also running back and forth in the courtyard. Han Qian raised his eyebrows and watched as he walked out of the door to get his clothes. Han Qian covered his eyes and shouted as the flashlight illuminated the old man.

"Stop taking it, your son."

The old man said oh, turned around and entered the house. Han Qian walked to the door to hide from the snow on his feet. He went in and changed his slippers and looked at the old man sitting on the sofa playing with the horn bow. Han Qian slumped on the sofa.

"Where's my mother?"

The old man squinted at Han Qian.

"Not at home. An'an doesn't like crowded places. Your mother has been living with her recently. Have you been drinking again?"

Han Qian nodded.

"You drank? What happened? Is it illegal?"

The old man picked up an ox-horn bow and pointed an arrow at Han Qian. Then he drew the bow and fired. The arrow penetrated the collar of Han Qianjun's coat and shot into the back of the sofa. Han Qian was also carried by inertia and leaned against the sofa. Regarding the old man's archery, Han Qian really didn't believe that he would miss, so he leaned on the sofa and sighed.

"You're quite old and you don't have any seriousness at all. You're trying to imitate me! I'm a very stern person all day long, and I'm a pure, aloof man. When you tell me, you sound like an old man."

The old man chuckled.

"Why are you pretending to be with your son? Are you hungry? Make some wontons?"

"If you don't eat it, you won't be able to eat it for a while. You can cook some noodles for me."

The old man shook his head.

"No cooking."

"I'll give you two hundred yuan, but I won't tell my mother."

"Eight hundred, I recently fell in love with a set of arrows on the Internet."

Seeing the cute look of the old man, Han Qian took off the arrow that was imprisoning him. He tried twice and found that he couldn't pull it out. He simply took off his military coat and came to the old man's side, smiling.

"Dad! Just make that thing yourself, eight hundred! Do you know what eight hundred is?"

The old man squinted at Han Qian.

"What's going on? My son owes more than 20 million yuan in debt overnight, and his father still has three melons and two dates left?"

Han Qian was stunned, and then looked at the old man dumbfounded.

"Win! Eight hundred is eight hundred, but I have to say one more thing, do you know how to shop online?"

The old man stretched out his hand to Han Qian, his meaning was very obvious, you give me money, and I will cook for you. Han Qian began to search for it. He had not been able to move freely recently, and it was difficult for the empress to apply for funds. It took him a long time to search. More than 500 yuan were found, 400 of which were change, just a red card.

The old man looked at the crumpled cash on the table and glanced at Han Qian.

"It looks like that daddy meson."

The old man went to cook noodles. Han Qian was lying on the sofa in a daze. At this time, a phone call came. Looking at the unfamiliar number, Han Qian frowned slightly. When he answered the phone, he just made a hum. Come and say hello warmly.

"Brother Qian'er! I'm sorry to bother you this late at night. I'm having dinner with Brother Xu. I heard that you just went back, so I thought I'd give you a call without rest. Hi, I'm our Sun Baocai of Binhai Maritime.”


Han Qian lit a cigarette and said softly.

"Lao Xu is having dinner with you, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, brother Qian'er, I have been thinking about going to see you at home, but I have never had the chance. You see..."

Han Qian frowned, thought for a while, and said softly.

"Well, Lao Xu is here, right? Ask him to bring me some tea."

After hanging up the phone, Han Qian tried hard to think about who this person was, but he had no memory at all. As a result, these two guys came before the old man's noodles were cooked. It happened that the old man cooked the noodles and served them. Coming over, Xu Hongchang hurriedly stepped forward to meet him with his hands. The old man glanced at Xu Hongchang, ignored him, and walked into the living room with his face in hand.

Han Qian looked at the noodles in front of him, then raised his head and looked at the old man and said seriously.

"Dad, when you cooked noodles for me, you always put shredded pork in it!"

The old man chuckled.

"There's no meat at home."

Han Qian sighed helplessly, lowered his head and took a bite of noodles. He completely ignored Sun Baocai who was standing opposite him. Xu Hongchang made the tea and walked over. After putting it down, he glanced at the arrow that pierced the sofa, and then took another look. Xu Hongchang immediately guessed the meaning of the crumpled hundreds of yuan in the old man's hand. He walked to the arrow, pulled out the arrow and put it on the table, then smiled.

"Master, our young master treats this military coat as a treasure. When the young mistress wanted to throw it away, the young master was going to get angry, hehe."

The old man hummed. He really didn't like talking, but he stretched out his hand and took the arrow. After playing with it for a few seconds, Han Qian spoke.

"This has no taste at all."

After saying this, Sun Baocai from Maritime Affairs suddenly spoke.

"Ouch! Brother Qian'er, look at my head. Can you give me a few minutes? I really have some small items that I inspected a few days ago. Can I bring them to the old man to take a look at?"

The old man shook his head.

"Do not bother."

Han Qian hummed, and Sun Baocai turned around and left. Seeing people walking out of the yard, Xu Hongchang sat on the sofa and whispered.

"Master, Sun Baocai has been working as an agent at Binhai Port for ten years. I originally thought there was no hope of taking another step forward, but wasn't Yan Shaobo dealt with by you and Baitao? He wanted to work hard. .”

Han Qian raised his head and looked at Xu Hongchang, frowning.

"You don't have to worry about being tired even if you don't sleep at night. We are a family. If you have anything to say, just talk! Are you a girl? You are hesitant."

The old man chuckled and nodded, smiling a little at Xu Hongchang, Xu Hongchang whispered.

"Young Master, this matter is entirely due to my selfishness. That kid from my family has no future. He has a girlfriend who is also from the maritime industry. He shamelessly pursued her all day long. Now the girl is a little relieved."

Han Qian frowned and smiled.

"How about mentioning the girl directly?"

Xu Hongchang shook his head hurriedly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, that girl doesn't know that this traitor is my son. I'm worried if I mention her directly... Then I thought that maritime affairs are always controlled by Chen Qiang, and I thought if I could stop them The ship...”

Han Qian lowered his head and took a big mouthful of noodles and said vaguely.

"I can't hold it back. Chen Qiang's background power is not something that a customs officer can hold back, but this matter is rare for my eldest nephew to like a girl. This grandson can bring up anything, but forget about the matter of confidants. Strengthen Let’s control illegal substances in Binhai. Does he have any antiques in his hand? Give me the whole flowerpot and use it as a food bowl for my dog.”

Xu Hongchang was stunned. At this time, Sun Baocai came back, carrying a quiver in his hand. About twenty arrows were placed on the coffee table, and he said with a smile.

"Toy, little toy."

Han Qian picked up the arrow and looked at the old man.

"Dad, will you try?"

After saying this, Xu Hongchang picked up an apple and ran out of the door. He stood at the door of the courtyard and put the apple on his head. The old man checked the arrow and stood up, stood in the living room and opened the bow. Han Qian frowned and shouted.

"The black clover in the yard at night..."


The arrow fell out of his hand, Han Qian stood up and gritted his teeth.

"You're going to torture Lao Xu to death. I'm going to sever the father-son relationship with you!"

"Master! What a miracle! The apple exploded!"

Han Qian roared.

"Get out! Xu Hongchang, get out of here right now. Get out of here as far as you can, you fucking idiot? My dad is almost sixty!"

The old man turned his head and smiled at Sun Baocai.

"Yes, this arrow is good. I'll let my son give it to you for how much."

Han Qian frowned and looked at Sun Baocai and said coldly.

"If Xu Hongchang died today, you wouldn't have any fucking hope of living. There won't be any personnel transfers within a year. If you don't make any principled mistakes in a year, you will take this position and the personnel rights will be handed over to you. , after two years you have made great achievements, financial rights will be given to you, remember? Zhang Baocai!"

Sun Baocai nodded quickly.

"I know, I know, thank you, Brother Qian'er."

"Don't thank me too much! Li Baocai, you have to thank Xu Hongchang. Go, go, go out, I'm going to fight with my dad."

Sun Baocai knew everything about the details of not remembering his name and surname. He also knew that his upper limit could only be contact with Xu Hongchang. If he wanted to contact Han Qian, he would never have a chance in his life.

In the eyes of outsiders, he was very powerful, very powerful, but in front of this ancestor who dared to beat Dong Siyuan in the capital, he was really too young.

When Sun Baocai went out, Han Qian spoke.

"If something I don't want to see appears in Binhai or someone harms Binhai citizens."

The old man's arrow was aimed at Sun Baocai's head, Han Qian said coldly.

"you die!"

After Sun Baocai left, Han Qian really quarreled with the old man. Just because of archery, Han Qian kept emphasizing what if, but the old man answered firmly that there is no if, it is impossible to shoot wrong, and there are reflective stickers on the apples. ,visible.

Han Qian glared at the old man.

"Can you stop being so proud and confident!"

Just now, I believed that the old man couldn't shoot him to death, but now I doubted that the old man would shoot Xu Hongchang to death.

The old man squinted at Han Qian.

"What do you mean about yourself?"

Han Qian nodded.

"Okay! I'll hold the apple while you cum!"

Han Qian took the apple and went out. The old man set up his bow and shot an arrow. The moment the arrow was shot, Han Qian ran away. Looking at the arrow nailed to the wall, he ran over to compare it and roared angrily.

"Han Xiu! Are you going to fucking shoot your son to death? If I don't hide, it will definitely hit my head."

The old man chuckled.

"Er smash, this is not an accident, do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

"You don't believe your father, but I believe you, your father, will run away."

Han Qian and the old man really got into a quarrel, and he pointed at the old man with the help of some wine.

"If I don't hit me today, do you really think I'm filial?"

In the end, Han Qian was beaten. He felt aggrieved and was beaten so hard by the old man that he shed tears. He took his mobile phone and called Wen She.

"Dad, I'm wronged! It's so wronged! My father shot me with a bow and arrow!"

Wen She, who was sleeping, suddenly sat up. Unbeknownst to others, he had seen his father-in-law shooting arrows, so he hurriedly put on his clothes and ran to the Han family.

When Wen She came, Han Qian's face was filled with excitement. This was because he had no backing.

As a result, the old man was carrying a bottle of white wine, a portion of peanuts, a portion of pickles and a plate of soy sauce beef. Wen She spoke immediately.

"Oh, just slap me twice. I've seen my father-in-law's archery skills. He won't hurt you."

Han Qian looked at the two old men drinking and sneered.

"Just say that between you two, one doesn't talk about people, and the other doesn't do things."

After saying this, Han Qian came to his senses, stood up and ran away, but the old man grabbed his head and pressed his whole face against the glass. Wen Nuan stood outside the window and laughed.

"You bastard, if you drink a little bit of wine, you think Binhai is the biggest, don't you?"

Han Qian spoke with difficulty.


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