The king drove the supercar, and Han Qian sat in the passenger seat and rested with his eyes closed.

"Is the prince so relieved? Aren't you afraid that I will send you to a dangerous place?"

Han Qian closed his eyes and whispered softly.

"It's a dangerous place! Have you ever been pointed at gunpoint by a dozen desperadoes?"

The king shook his head and Han Qian said again.

"Have you ever seen a real hail of bullets? Bullets are like dense raindrops."

The king shook his head again and Han Qian smiled.

"Do you know what it's like to face two wanted murderers in a rainstorm jungle?"

The king was silent, Han Qian smiled.

"Have you ever thought about what it feels like to be surrounded by two hundred people who want your life?"

The king looked forward, Han Qian turned his head and held a cigarette. The king lowered the window, and Han Qian sighed.

"I was at an absolute disadvantage and faced Feng Lun at his peak. I took the injured Luo Shen to fight with Gouda Pao and Cui Li. I was once blocked in the streets of Changqing, with two hundred bright watermelon knives flashing with cold light. , how could I be injected with a virus that caused cerebral paralysis? Are there any more dangerous places in the world than these? Northern Myanmar? The Golden Triangle? Or the battlefield in the Middle East? Or is your Hongmen Banquet in Chu Sui more dangerous than these places? "

The king shook his head and Han Qian smiled.

"How did you and that Xiao Wang sign?"

"I am JOKER in uppercase letters, and she is joker in lowercase letters. Why would the prince be interested in such a trivial matter?"

Han Qian smiled.

"I don't like Magic City. This city is too prosperous."

The king said softly.

"Isn't prosperity desirable?"

"I go to sleep at nine and wake up at seven. I have a good harvest, three acres of fertile land, and one person in a thatched hut."

"Two people have four seasons, and wealth comes from all directions. This is perfect."

"You're not six enough!"

The king was silent.

She didn't want to have too much communication with Han Qian. Firstly, she couldn't keep up with this man's rhythm, and secondly, she didn't want to have too much to do with him. The king had learned a lot from being with Chu Sui for so many years.

Women's experiences are hidden in their hearts, while men's experiences are written on their faces.

It is wrong to dig deep into a woman's heart, and it is fatal to trust a man's face easily.

Although this sentence may be thought to be contradictory.

When we got to the place and got off the car, it was an open-air park. Han Qian saw the legendary Xiao Wang at the door, a cold girl with a round face, about 27 or 28 years old. Under her guidance, Han Qian walked around the corner. Qian saw two people sitting far away.

Han Qian did not rush over, but looked up and down at the two women, Xiao Wang and Da Wang, and finally laid his eyes on Xiao Wang. Han Qian said softly.

"Have you met Feng Lun?"

Although Xiao Wang tried hard to keep his calm, he was still slightly surprised in his heart. The king hurriedly spoke.


Han Qian raised his hand to his mouth.

"Shhh! I'll give you two a little knock on the door. When she is questioned, you'd better not smooth things over. This will make people verify their inner guesses, at least that's what I think."

Xiao Wang was about to speak, but Han Qian raised his hand again.

"Shh, it was just a test just now, this time it's true."

The two women stopped talking, so what else could they say? Who knows if this time is a test?

In fact, Han Qian was really guessing. There was no evidence. People like Chu Sui who were entrenched in the magic city did not need to say so to his face. Furthermore, Han Qian was worried that Feng Lun was here. After he left, he would be like It's like disappearing from this world.

After passing the two women, Han Qian walked up the steps and looked at the man who had stood up. Chu Sui stepped forward, stretched out his hand and smiled.

"Chu Sui!"

Maybe people at their level don't need to introduce their profession, or maybe proud people think their name is enough.

Han Qian reached out and patted the back of Chu Sui's hand and said with a smile.

"I don't really like shaking hands with men. I'm horny now, Han Qian!"

Chu Sui smiled.

"The prince is indeed a little different from what I imagined. I was lucky enough to meet Director Zhou once when I went to the capital this year."

Now Chu Sui thought in his heart that the title Prince Han Qian came because of Lao Gu and Zhou Hui. Han Qian was actually confused as to why he suddenly became the Crown Prince.

But everyone understands it.

Binhai is Binhai.

A Binhai man considers his city, and the emperor of this city is Cheng Jin.

It's just that now he's a bit on the verge of becoming the Supreme Emperor.

Han Qian stepped forward and took a seat. He turned his head and looked at the young man sitting in a wheelchair beside him. Han Qian raised his eyebrows.

"Is your leg sick?"

Xue Yang smiled.

"I am still blind, and I don't know when I will be able to see the prince's demeanor. I once heard rumors in Tianshan that there is a place where common people can challenge the gentry, and citizens can argue with the yamen, without shielding or favoritism."

Han Qian picked up the tofu noodle on the table and took a sip. Then he stood up with a frown, turned around and walked down the steps and vomited on the lawn. Chu Sui asked in confusion when he saw this.

"Doesn't it suit your taste, Prince?"

Han Qian nodded.

"I don't like to eat sweets. You demons like to eat sweets too much. As for the problem of eyes, there are a lot of corneas. When I return to Binhai, I will find two death row inmates in the prison and replace them for you."

Xue Yang frowned when he said this, then smiled.

"Thank you for your kindness, Prince. Xue Yang can't bear it."

Han Qian sat carelessly on a chair, took out a cigarette, lit it, and blew out a puff of smoke.

"The place you just mentioned is Binhai, right? How can there be no favoritism and protection in Binhai? You can't listen to the quality of a city, you have to see it! If you go by what you said, then this place is only where the Prince of Hell lives. It's fair, but the kid still wants to ask for some money. You have a rich friend like Chu Sui, so it's not difficult to get a cornea. Go and see for yourself when the time comes."

Xue Yang smiled.

"If my corneas are colored, does that mean what I see is not real?"

Han Qian smiled.

"The eyes are just a tool for receiving signals. Thinking about right and wrong is done with your heart. You have read so many books and you don't understand what you hear?"

Xue Yang smiled.

"I believe that seeing is believing. Prince, I have a question. I have encountered injustice. How can I feel at ease?"

"If you have the ability, break the injustice. If you don't have the ability, endure it. If you endure it, you will get used to it. Just like you are now, calm and calm. Oh, by the way! Chu Sui, you are also a sick person, right? Come to me for some parts. Baby? Can I give you the chicken?"

Chu Sui was confused by Han Qian's words. Why did this prince, who was so famous in the Northeast, speak so harshly?

Chu Sui took a deep breath and Xue Yang smiled.

"I'd better leave the chicken to you, the Crown Prince. Chu Sui just needs a new heart."

Han Qian suddenly raised his eyebrows.

"You need a pair of eyes to see, and he needs a heart to think. If your eyes and heart come from the same person, can you become Transformers? You still need two feet and two hands, right?"

Xue Yang smiled.

"Does the prince believe in metaphysics?"

“I burned Buddha statues in temples.”

"My little brother is right."

"I'm not talking about roads or fate! Maybe one day, when I can't protect the people around me, I will bow my head to the sky! As you said, what should I do if I encounter injustice? You don't To break the injustice, what's the use of begging Buddha and nagging me here? Am I Lin Zongheng in the wishing fountain? Or Chen Qiang in the sewer, or that wild boar Feng Feng in Africa? Oh, by the way! One hundred and seventy Is that so? I guess it will be almost in your account by now. As for the villa and car you gave me, I really need to use them. These things are just needed. You two should try to recover as soon as possible. After all, an acquaintance died suddenly. I It will still be very sad! Your two secretaries need to be taught a lesson. Pride is the right thing to do, but if you are too proud and not down to earth, you will really become the bastard among the bastards. My two brothers drank too much, so I Let’s take it back and take care of it first, after all, my wife is not here.”

Chu Sui smiled.

"I can help take care of it."

Han Qian shook his head.

"I am not familiar with this place. If you are too enthusiastic, I will think you are gay. I hate this thing. Say goodbye."

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