Two days in the magic city made Han Qian feel uncomfortable all over. He felt like a beggar, a caveman who had just learned to walk. He was out of tune with this city, leaving a few girls quarreling in the villa.

Han Qian never felt irritated or bored by their quarrels. They both made the biggest concessions in their lives. If he had to restrict them in their quarrels, Han Qian would feel cruel.

Han Qian once thought that he had done many things wrong, but now Han Qian thinks that he had done one thing wrong, which was to change and control Wan Fang's life.

Although the daughter-in-law of the Gu family is a threshold that no matter how many people squeeze their heads, they can't cross it, there are still some people who feel that Wan Fang is not worth it.

Especially some people who don't like money and power.

There are always strange people in the world.

But how can ordinary people become the protagonists if they are not strange people?

Taking a train from the magical capital to Hangzhou, Han Qian had no idea about this legendary food desert. At most, he could just cook for himself.

Beside the West Lake, Sun Zhenbao and Zhou Liangtu hosted a banquet for Han Qian, insisting that Han Qian try local specialties.

"Come on, come on, great nephew, great nephew, I told you to come early, but you didn't come! Now you come at the right time. Come and try our local specialties in Hangzhou. You can eat them even after leaving this city. Delicious specialties you won’t find.”

Han Qian sat by the antique window and looked at the plate of dark fish brought by the waiter. Han Qian raised his head and looked at Zhou Liangtu, frowning.

"Don't you know I don't eat seafood?"

Sun Zhenbao pointed to the lake outside the window and smiled.

"What's in the river doesn't count as seafood."

Now that he's here, Han Qian can't help but give these two old men some face. When he picked up a piece of fish and put it to his mouth, he already frowned. When the fish entered his mouth, Han Qian's stomach was churning. Sun Zhenbao approached Han Qian and whispered softly. road.

"How is the taste?"

Han Qian nodded seriously.

"Yes, this is the first time I've seen a dish that doesn't give up on color, flavor or taste. Do all your fish in Hangzhou die so miserably?"

Sun Zhenbao smiled.

"Specialty! Look, you've never been to a big city!"

Han Qian nodded.

"That makes sense. I'll see you eat all the fish in a while."

Sun Zhenbao shook his head and smiled.

"That's not okay, you are a guest! Just like when we went to Binhai Warmth to treat us both to drink milk tea and eat Haidilao, it is a special feature and a friendship!"

Zhou Liangtu said seriously.

"You don't want to eat?"

Han Qian took a deep breath.

"I don't like seafood very much, so let's try some Northeastern food."

Zhou Liangtu nodded and waved his hand to serve a crispy large intestine. Han Qian closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Zhou Liangtu frowned and said.

"You still won't eat?"

The veins on Han Qian's forehead were already stretched. He lowered his head slightly and glared at the two old men, gritting his teeth.

"Do you want me to ask my old dad to come over and talk about life with you two? I totally support what my dad does! Also! What I hate the most in my life is internal organs!"

The two old men scratched their heads in embarrassment, and then Sun Zhenbao stood up, took Han Qian's arm, put his arm around Han Qian's shoulders and smiled.

"Look at you kid, haven't we ever dealt with each other before? If you don't like it, just say so! Lao Zhou, change the place! Get something colorful!"

Han Qian's eyes lit up.

When he arrived at the place, his eyes were even brighter, with two clusters of small flames in his eyes. He took deep breaths one after another, took out his hands tremblingly, and gritted his teeth.

"You're done here. Let me tell you two, you two are going to be buried in the coffin today, right? Can you tell me how to pair barbecue with green grapes? Is this thing edible? Oh my God, Zhou Liangtu, I'm going to fuck your daughter. Give me a handful of dried pomegranates and give your grandma a whistle? Fruits and staple food are put together, and I only eat my aunt’s apple filling dumplings! But you two are so good at playing with the colors, green, green, red! No, I can’t Let my father come over!"

Han Qian dialed the number and roared into the phone.

"Fu Dong! Someone in Hangzhou poisoned me! Leave it alone!"

Fu Dong, who had already received a response from the message, knew the importance of Han Qian at this time, and he really didn't hate this child, so he laughed into the phone.

"What's going on? Does anyone dare to poison you? Should I go over?"

Han Qian turned on the speakerphone and threw his phone on the table, staring at Zhou Liangtu and gritting his teeth.

"Come on, you two, explain to me what this barbecue with green grapes is? Sun Zhenbao, explain to Fu Dong why the West Lake vinegar fish died so miserably? Why did you serve me a plate of large intestine!"

Sun Zhenbao and Zhou Liangtu were confused. They knew that Han Qian and Lao Gu had a good relationship, but when did Fu Dong get in touch with Han Qian? Didn't Li Shaoqi and Han Qian have a life-and-death fight? And he died in Binhai?

What is going on? What happened in the past few months?

Fu Dong's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Sun Zhenbao? Zhou Liangtu? Who? From Hangzhou? Are they with you?"

Han Qian gritted his teeth and said.

"Otherwise? Why should I call you?"

Fu Dong said coldly.

"You two, don't provoke him like crazy. There is nothing to eat in Hangzhou. You take him to KFC. What do you two think about this barbecue and fruit?"

Zhou Liangtu whispered.

"Sun Zhenbao said to take him to a colorful place. I remember he also ate the apple filling dumplings made by Qian Ling! I thought he liked it!"

Fu Dong was silent there, and then spoke after a few seconds of silence.

"He likes tea. Don't mess with him recently. I don't want to fly to Hangzhou now."

After hanging up the phone, Sun Zhenbao and Zhou Liangtu stood up at the same time, Sun Zhenbao whispered.

"Brother, when did you become so close to Fu Dong?"

Han Qian didn't say anything, and the two of them pulled Han Qian out of the barbecue restaurant. They really brought Han Qian to have tea. Han Qian didn't understand why Hangzhou could make such weird things.

I don’t like hot pot but I can accept it, just take a bite.

But the fact that West Lake Longjing tea was used in the bottom of the pot was the first time Han Qian saw it. Han Qian was so angry that he didn't want to call Lao Gu and Fu Dong. He was still angry, but he couldn't scold the old man in front of him yet. Son, Han Qian called Fang Xiong and responded to Fang Xiong.

"Can you do it? How many days has it been like this? Why haven't I received any news yet? Fang Xiong, you old guy, please listen to me, you are still doing this before I go back to Binhai Zi Jue, you don’t have to move, just wait for me to move you.”

Zhou Liangtu and Sun Zhenbao had already stood up, Fang Xiong said in a low voice.

"Why are you so anxious? Do you think it's so easy to deal with Lao Bai? Is he a dog? Just beat him to death?"

Han Qian said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter what he is, and I don't care whether he is killed or not, but I can make you withdraw from the stage of history first. I know who killed Li Shaoqi. You and I know it well when we went to Fu Dong's place to check the tools?" Have you made everything clear? I’m going back to the capital now. Can we go to the palace to talk? No! Let’s go to the First Ring Square in the capital and talk with a loudspeaker! Let’s talk or not!”

Fang Xiong took a deep breath and sighed.

"Tell me, have you been wronged in Hangzhou?"


"What do you want to do?"

Just as Han Qian was about to speak, Sun Zhenbao had already covered Han Qian's mouth. Han Qian hummed and hung up the phone. The moment the phone was hung up, Sun Zhenbao sighed.

"Brother Qian'er, look at you! Aren't we kidding you? Let's go! Change places."

From the eldest nephew to the younger brother, and finally to brother Qianer.

Sun Zhenbao speaks from the bottom of his heart, and now Han Qian is top-notch even if he throws it anywhere! Even in the capital, he can walk sideways!

In the end I ate at KFC.

Han Qian bit into his hamburger and mumbled.

"Look, why do you blame Nuan Nuan for inviting you to drink milk tea? Don't you eat this stuff in Hangzhou? What's the difference between the inside and the outside? Actually, I didn't do anything serious when I came to Hangzhou this time. Nu Nuan took me out to play, and I I'm not used to it in the magic city. I want to ask you two, Chu Sui? Do you know each other?"

Sun Zhenbao frowned.

"Not dead yet?"

Zhou Liangtu pouted.

"It's normal not to die. Chu Sui's brain is not normal. His heart was destroyed by himself! But he probably won't live for a few years. I really like the big and small king under him. That big king It’s okay, Xiao Wang is completely raised as a daughter.”

Han Qian took a bite of the burger and mumbled.

"When I went to Shanghai, he gave me a car and a villa, and then asked me to meet him. There was a cripple beside me. I don't remember his name. You two haven't received any news from Feng Lun recently? "

Sun Zhenbao shook his head.

"Not really."

Han Qian whispered.

"Feng Lun most likely went to the Demon City once to meet Chu Sui. I'm just guessing! There are too many loopholes in the little king around him. Forget it! This kind of thing has nothing to do with you two. Let's talk about something else. Do you have any questions? Are you interested in investing in Evergreen?"

Sun Zhenbao frowned.

"Evergreen? Is there anything I can invest in over there?"

Han Qian smiled.

"Tourism industry! I can give you connections and convenience, and I won't take a penny or earn a penny. You two can just think about it yourself. This is a place where businessmen have brains and can flex their muscles."

Zhou Liangtu frowned and drank the Coke. After a while, he put the Coke down and said softly.

"Han Qian, what are you busy with?"

Han Qian put down the burger and sighed.

"Me! I don't know what I'm busy with. I just know that the Northeast has been misunderstood too much. I only know that the Northeast has been wronged too much. A place with simple folk customs shouldn't be misunderstood like this! A person who takes care of his younger brothers and sisters The big brother should not be treated like this! A country should love each other and be a family."

Zhou Liangtu said in a low voice.

"What you did was wrong. Han Qian, do you know what will happen to you if you do this?"

Han Qian grinned.

"I don't know, but I know that a region that ranks among the top three in the country for grain production, has higher oil production than Dubai, and has strong and developed heavy industry should not become a tool for some guys to use it! Everything in the Northeast belongs to the country, but I am from the Northeast. , I want people to know what the Northeast has done! What they have sacrificed! What they have experienced! Instead of a group of cats and dogs playing dirty tricks behind their backs every day."

Sun Zhenbao took a deep breath and said softly.

"I can think about it! But I won't go to Changqing. If I can, I will choose Little Paris or Fengtian. There will be more stories in these two places."

Zhou Liangtu shrugged.

"I'm getting older, a little bored, and have some spare money. I can invest up to 2.7 billion, but there is a condition."

Han Qian smiled.

"Just say it."

"Prepare a coffin for me."


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