Yu Zhen held his cell phone and kept yelling at Liry, asking questions one after another, asking why the plan was suddenly changed. Not everything was agreed. Faced with Yu Zhen's hysteria, Liry's answer was very flat.

"What is our relationship? We are familiar with each other? Do I owe you something? Or do I owe you something? What are you shouting at me? If you are mentally ill, go see a doctor."

"Sister Liry, I'm so excited. We can talk some more, hello?"

The call was hung up, Yu Zhen took a deep breath, then threw the phone to the ground and gritted his teeth.

"High performance! You'd better keep doing it! You're fucking poaching me!"

Gao Xingcheng was digging for a corner. At this time, Zhao Shanying looked at Wei Tiancheng who was changing clothes in front of her. She seemed to have seen the time when the two had just met. At that time, Wei Tiancheng had to go to someone for a one-dollar lunch box. Fight hard.

A black tight shirt, slim black trousers, and a pair of sports leather shoes.

The collar was slightly open, revealing a large tattoo on his chest.

The black back of her head was gone, replaced by a long blonde hairstyle.

My glasses were also replaced with contact lenses.

Zhao Shanying picked a belt and handed it to Miaomiao. Miaomiao looked at the man in front of her. He didn't react for a moment and turned his head to look at Zhao Shanying in confusion. The latter smiled.

"After he was born, he stopped fighting and killing, so he no longer looked like this."

Miaomiao was slightly confused and asked while tilting her head.

"Why did you change your appearance?"

Wei Tiancheng turned his head and smiled.

"Because I have to do something."

Miaomiao said doubtfully.

"Doing errands and changing clothes..."

At this time, Zhao Shanying walked into the kitchen. When he came out again, he threw a Tang knife with a rubber sheath to Wei Tiancheng and said with a smile.

"Your old man."

Wei Tiancheng grabbed the Tang Dao thrown over and smiled at Zhao Shanying.

"Huitian can just find a project to reopen in Binhai. I'll go out for a field trip and bring back some side dishes. Just like back then, you cook and I'll bring the vegetables."

Zhao Shanying nodded and smiled.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back for dinner."

After walking out of the villa, a motorcade was already waiting at the door. Dozens of young men in black uniforms stood beside the car. Seeing the boss coming out, the young man opened the door. Wei Tiancheng bent down and got into the car. The motorcade sped towards Jinxi.

On the way, Wei Tiancheng took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Jianfeng's number.

"Lao Yang, we were friends back then. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Do you want to meet up and have a chat? Although we are each our own masters, there is no bad blood between you and me!"

I don't know what was said on the other side of the phone, Wei Tiancheng chuckled.

"Okay! Then let each one be his own master."

After hanging up the phone, Wei Tiancheng smiled, raised his leg and put it on the shoulder of the boy in front of him, and said.

"I'll take a nap!"

The younger brother looked in the rearview mirror and smiled.

"Brother, I haven't seen you dressed like this for a long time, well...it must have been twenty years."

Wei Tiancheng smiled.

"How many years have you been with me?"

"Twenty years! I only saw photos before."


Jinxi City, an old city that once ruled Binhai, Wei Tiancheng was sitting in a coffee shop. Behind him stood two young men. Opposite him was a woman about forty years old. At this time, the woman was holding a cup of coffee in a dignified and calm manner. Facing Wei Tiancheng, the woman chuckled.

"You look very similar to when you were young. What are you doing in Jinxi this time?"

Wei Tiancheng chuckled.

"Of course I have something to ask you. As the general manager of Fudu Group's advertising department, with your ability, you can live a better life if you leave Fengtian, go to Magic City, or go to the capital."

The woman chuckled.

"I don't like the fast pace of life. The king crab I eat in a big city tastes different? Does the Ferrari I drive have five wheels? Or is my bed harder than the one in Shanghai? It's all the same eating, drinking and having fun. I don't have to Go there and suffer.”

Wei Tiancheng nodded.

"Indeed, if you don't live a transparent life, my Huitian is going to reopen its doors recently. Are you interested?"

The woman turned her head and smiled.

"You want me to betray Yang Jianfeng? My job in Fudu is very good, the environment is also very good, and I am familiar with the people."

Wei Tiancheng smiled.

"If you can take your entire team with you, I will naturally be happier. The environment in Binhai is better than that in Jinxi. I can give you the position of vice president."

The woman narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"After I left Jinxi, do you think Yang Jianfeng would let me come back? My family is all in Jinxi."

Wei Tiancheng glanced at his watch and shook his head slightly.

"No more. Your son and your mother have already boarded the car to Binhai. If you promise me, I will let all the people you want to see appear in Binhai. If you don't promise me, you can still stay in Jinxi. Fudu Group, but the people around you will never appear in front of you again in this life."

The woman put down her tea cup and stood up, placing her hands on the table and said angrily.

"Wei Tiancheng, are you playing dirty tricks?"

Wei Tiancheng touched his head.

"When you changed the color of your hair, I couldn't even be called a human being! Now you have only one choice, to be the vice president of Huitian Group in Binhai."

The woman closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I won't do anything if I go."

Wei Tiancheng shrugged.

"It's your business whether you do it or not. It's also your business whether your team takes you away or not. Your departure is a big loss to Yang Jianfeng. Of course, you won't be the only one leaving in Fudu. I I’ll give you a minute to think about it. You are currently earning 1.5 million per year in Fudu. If you go to Binhai, I will give you an annual salary of 1.8 million.”

The woman raised her head and looked at Wei Tiancheng, who held out two fingers.

"Two million is the most, but I have changed my mind now. If you refuse, I will handle your funeral in a glorious way."

Wei Tiancheng stood up and walked behind the woman, put his hands on the woman's shoulders, and whispered into her ear.

"Call your team now and tell Yang Jianfeng that you are resigning and just put everything on me. Anyway, my only employee now is you. How else can Yang Jianfeng recruit him?"

The woman took a deep breath. Although she was not short of money and had more than 10 million in savings, she was now facing a problem that money could not solve.

It was really easy for Wei Tiancheng to kill her!

When Yang Jianfeng received the call and heard that the woman was resigning, he didn't think too much and was still thinking of ways to retain her. However, when he heard that she was going to Binhai, Yang Jianfeng understood everything and said softly.

"I won't embarrass you. Wei Tiancheng is by your side, right?"

The woman handed the phone to Wei Tiancheng, who took it and smiled.

"I'm at Yicong Coffee in the south of Jinxi City. How about you bring someone to find me? You bring someone and a knife. If I lose, I'll go back to Binhai. But if I win, you'll be in Jinxi for a minute. They can’t live much longer.”

Yang Jianfeng didn't say anything and hung up the phone directly. Wei Tiancheng chuckled, lowered his head and looked at the woman who was about to take him back to Binhai, and said with a smile.

"Who else is worth poaching? I want to poach a rival of yours. It would be very interesting to see the two of you become colleagues."

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