Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 720 The world kissed me with pain

A battle broke out in the operating room of the Second Hospital. Many people entered the operating room at the same time, and Huangshan, who had no physical illness, became the fuse.

He knew what would happen if he didn't take refuge in Feng Lun, and he also knew what consequences he would face.

But in Feng Lun's team, although Feng Lun may not be able to protect him, Feng Lun can easily destroy him.

In the operating room, Feng Lun was lying on the hospital bed looking at the bright operating light in front of him. The surgeon looked at Feng Lun lying on the hospital bed and sighed softly. Feng Lun smiled.

"Don't understand?"

The doctor nodded slightly, then shook his head.

"I don't understand. Everyone who enters the hospital wants to live. In so many years, I have only met you, the only person who wants to die on your own."

Feng Lun smiled.

"There are many evil deeds, and people's lives are taken lightly."

The nurse on the side whispered.

"The world kisses you with pain."

Feng Lun turned his head to look at the nurse and said softly.

"I feel the pain and see the world."

Chu Sui, who was lying aside, said softly.

"The whole world hurts."

Feng Lun smiled.

"You know nothing. Take my heart and think about the world. See how many people in this world deserve to die and how many people should live. You have to think about the rest of your life! You can start."

Feng Lun turned his head and looked at the heartbeat fluctuations on the instrument. The amplitude was very large. His heartbeat was very powerful. The anesthesia mask was fastened on his face. Feng Lun felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. When he was in a coma, he saw Colorful fireworks on the instrument.

"I killed a lot of people, and I also saved a lot of people, Cai Huan~ Does this count as my redemption?"

Close your eyes and let the scalpel cut through the skin.

Feng Lun, who was in a coma, vaguely heard a voice.

"Is it over like this? Are you giving up like this? Your life shouldn't be like this. You still have many wonderful ways to go, and you will meet many people you like."

The voice gradually became clearer. When Feng Lun opened his eyes, he found that there was no one around him, and he was not in the middle of surgery. It was nothingness and darkness.

"Behind you."

Feng Lun turned around and closed his eyes. He threw his soft body into his arms and smelled the scent of perfume that he would never forget in his life.

It's a real taste, a warm body.

Feng Lun opened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. He showed a naive smile for the first time and said with a smile.

"The road of life is long, but also very tiring. When you meet someone you like, you always recall the path the two of you have traveled together. I don't know what liking is. I think it is liking. I miss you very much."

The woman in her arms reached out and held Feng Lun's face, raising her head slightly, her eyes as gentle as water.

"I miss you too, very much. I thought before that our meeting was like Xu Zhu and Princess Xixia, but you are not Xu Zhu and I am not a princess. I don't regret ending my life. I just I regret not meeting you earlier. If it had been earlier! If it had been earlier, if I could have cured your misfortune, if I had known you earlier, we would have had a perfect life. You are not wrong, it was me who met you. It's too late, just like a saying, when I met the person I love most at the wrong time, I failed to heal and save a person, but ruined a person's life."

Feng Lun lowered his head and looked at Yang Caihuan and said softly.

"A mediocre life is like nothingness at this time. You can't see the future. When you turn your head, you can't see the way to the future. There is only nothingness and desolation. But when you meet the right person, he walks into your empty heart. Like a ray of light, like gorgeous fireworks, letting him know that the world has not abandoned him, and there will still be people who like him and care about him."

Yang Caihuan lowered his head and choked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought my death would free you!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought my death would keep you out of trouble."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought I was waiting for you here so that you could vent your anger and unwillingness to me."

"I'm sorry, I am a hypocritical and incompetent woman. I failed to bring you salvation, but brought you death."

Feng Lun held Yang Caihuan's hand and said softly.

"I'm not sorry, and it doesn't matter. The important thing is that we have met now. I can hold your hand and feel your temperature. I can hold your hand and do what I hope most in my heart. There is nothingness ahead. I want to go. have a look!"

Yang Caihuan held Feng Lun's hand tightly and choked with sobs.

"I will accompany you! I will accompany you wherever you go from now on. I will not let you be alone, nor will I let you face the world alone."

Feng Lun pulled Yang Caihuan towards the front of nothingness. Every time the two took a step, the nothingness was lit up. When the two took a hundred steps, the nothingness was lit up by gorgeous fireworks. When the two stepped forward, they saw neither nothingness nor fireworks.

It is a colorful valley.

It is a colorful plain.

There are green lawns, blooming red flowers, blue waterfalls, and swaying koi carps.

It’s the chirping of birds and the rolling and playing of cats.

It is a blue sky and a colorful life.

Feng Lun took Yang Caihuan's hand and said softly.

"Can we live here?"

Yang Caihuan burst into tears and nodded vigorously.

"I do! I'm willing to do anything. I'm willing to live here and stay with you forever."

Feng Lun wiped the tears from Yang Caihuan's face with a tenderness he had never shown before, and smiled.

"Why are you crying? Although we met at the wrong time, we will live here forever, forever and ever. No one will come to disturb us. There will be no more fighting, no chaos, and no more Feng Lun who is hated by everyone. , actually quite good.”

Feng Lun felt that time passed quickly, but a whole night had passed outside.

Chu Sui, Xue Yang and others were sent to the ward to rest.

Su Liang was about to be pushed out of the operating room.

The doctor looked at the signal that was no longer beating on the instrument, and looked at the sinful person whose body was hollowed out in front of him. He didn't know what he should do for a while. He had heard a lot about Feng Lun.

Is he really wrong?

The doctor took a deep breath, put down the scalpel, handed the body to others, turned around and walked out of the operating room.

He didn't understand why a man who was so powerful in Binhai finally chose such a path for himself.

His death did save many people, such as the one who needed a heart transplant, the leukemia patient, for example.

There's a lot doctors don't know.

The doctor walked out and looked at Han Qian, who had a bandage on his head. Han Qian looked at the doctor. The two looked at each other and lowered their heads at the same time. Then they sat side by side on the chair at the door of the operating room. The doctor said softly.

"Uncle, what do you think people are doing in this life?"

Han Qian leaned on the chair, looked at the ceiling, and sighed.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it, but as long as you open your eyes, you will definitely have something to do. What did Feng Lun say at the end?"

"When I was in coma, I was babbling a lot, but I couldn't hear clearly. When I died, I had a smile on my face. I suddenly felt a little tired and a little irritable. Feng Lun's life should not be like this."

Han Qian stood up and patted the doctor on the shoulder.

"Don't think so much. Take two days off and then go back to work. Your head will never hurt as much as mine."

Han Qian left, left the hospital and hailed a taxi.

"Go to Yuanju Kailong."

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