After leaving the hotel, Han Qian sat in the car in a daze. Cai Qinghu was the driver, and Dawang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, muttered softly.

"Your Highness, I actually don't think you need to pay attention to what Lin Zongheng said! People like them have distorted brains and thoughts. I have been with Chu Sui for so long and have seen too many because of the good conditions, but People whose views and thoughts have been distorted.”

Han Qian looked out the window and said softly.

"Everything was directed and acted by Lin Zongheng. He directed and acted in a tragedy, and then appeared as a hero. I didn't think so much. I was thinking about how on earth did you, a bastard, order the food? There was no one like me. It’s edible! Big cat, just get out of the car and walk back by yourself.”

The king laughed dryly.

When they got downstairs, Wang drove back to her small apartment to rest. Luo Shen looked at the car leaving and muttered quietly.

"Aren't you afraid that she will run away suddenly?"

Han Qian smiled.

"She! She doesn't dare to run."

When Han Qian went upstairs, he found that Nuan Nuan had not come back, so he called and found out that Nuan Nuan was going back today to cultivate the mother-daughter relationship with Ling Dang.

Warmth and bells foster affection?

Han Qian really didn't believe it, and then his phone was taken away by Cai Qinghu, asking Nuan Nuan if she wanted to come back in the evening. If she came back, she could bring two cans of beer to drink, and she could order some spicy braised seafood.

Nuan Nuan was very moved by this, and whispered that she would sneak back after the child fell asleep, and Luo Shen said softly after hanging up the phone.

"Why are you calling her? You don't mind making trouble."

Cai Qinghu curled his lips and replied.

"I like the warmth more than you. My husband, are you really going to the airport tomorrow?"

Han Qian nodded.

"Go! Let's go if someone asks us to go. What's the difference between giving me an order at the Yamenmen and giving me a promotion? You two are having a lot of fun. I didn't sleep well all night last night. I'll go and take a nap. , I guess I have to go there early in the morning."

Han Qian, who was lying on the bed, couldn't hold his fart in his stomach, and Lin Zongheng, who was on the other side, also washed up and got into bed.

At half past midnight, Han Qian suddenly sat up in bed, picked up his cell phone and dialed Lin Zongheng's number.

"Hello, the user you dialed is busy."


This grandson has turned off his phone.

At this time, Lin Zongheng was also calling Han Qian.

"Hello, the user you dialed is busy."

The two grandsons went to bed early at the same time, and then got up to call each other, but they didn't expect that the time would be so punctual. Han Qian went downstairs and found that the light in the living room was still on. Nuan Nuan came back, and Yan Nuan also came with Nuan Nuan. Qingqing, including Cai Qinghu and Luo Shen, the four of them were sitting on the sofa, drinking wine and chatting quietly.

Watching Han Qian go downstairs, Wen Nuan said softly

"Did you make a noise?"

Han Qian shook his head and walked to the bathroom.

"I've been too lazy recently, and I'm a little lazy. After you finish drinking, you should go to bed early. I'll clean up when I come back. Warmth, don't spit your bones on the sofa, and don't stuff your socks into the cracks of the sofa. I'm leaving. Come on, lock the door."

While talking, Han Qian had already gone out.

After about three minutes, Yan Qingqing suddenly stood up.

"I'll drive to see him off."

Wen Nuan pointed to the wine glass in Yan Qingqing's hand.

"You want to send him away, right?"

Luo Shen whispered.

"Are there any drunk driving checks at this time?"

Cai Qinghu shook his head.

"It seems that I won't check today, but the Lord of Hell is open all year round for 365 days! You should just stay at home honestly."

Han Qian walked out of the community and looked at the Mercedes-Benz parked at the entrance of the community and Xu Hongchang standing next to the car. Han Qian walked forward and Xu Hongchang opened the door and got in the car.


Han Qian snorted with his nose, and he couldn't tell the emotion. Liu Ding, who was driving, shrank his neck and whispered.

"Master, we took away one of Xue Yang's eyes. Liu Zhaolong is a member of Jiangnan Yamenmen. He got the liver from Feng Lun. When we were in Jiangnan, Lao Xu and I took care of this person, but This guy is a little capable, if he runs away without killing him, will he leave trouble?"

Han Qian hummed and fell silent again. Liu Ding glanced at Xu Hongchang, then looked at the rearview mirror and whispered.

"Master, if you ask me to kill Lao Xu, will I be able to take over?"

Han Qian smiled and slapped Liu Ding on the head.

"Just drive hard, what nonsense! Then you two go pick up the nursery rhyme, and it will be fine if you get scolded or beaten or whatever, it depends on what she says."

Liu Ding chuckled.

"Master, let's find Mrs. Ji. I'm quite afraid of Teacher Tong!"


It was still dark when we arrived at the airport. Han Qian looked at his phone and found that it was only three o'clock. He stood at the airport gate and called Lin Zongheng and shouted.

"Did you fucking die? Get up! You're at work, don't you know?"

Then Lin Zongheng's voice came from behind.

"What are you barking at? Take it! Work!"

Han Qian turned his head and looked at Lin Zongheng, who was holding a mop in his hand, and frowned.

"You want me to mop the floor? What are you doing?"

Lin Zongheng pointed to the mopping truck beside him and said softly.

"I drive this!"

The cleaning staff at the airport didn't come at this time, and there was no one in the entire airport. Han Qian was mopping the floor with a mop, and Lin Zongheng was driving a mopping truck behind Han Qian. When Han Qian raised the mop to hit someone, , Lin Zongheng drove away.

After working for more than an hour, Han Qian finally mopped the area in front of him. When he saw the people getting off the plane walking across the ground he had just mopped, Han Qian felt as if their feet were stepping on his heart. .

Stop stamping your feet!

This kid, stop slipping!

Why are there people spitting everywhere?

Lin Zongheng on the other side pointed at the old man he was spitting on and roared.

"Stop peeing everywhere!"

As a result, the old man spoke in dialect to Lin Zongheng.

"What a turtle!"

Lin Zongheng heard these five words and didn't understand the rest of the words, but these five words made him feel a little bit off guard. Later, it was the airport staff who came over to comfort him that allowed the old man to leave with satisfaction.

Han Qian and Lin Zongheng had a red ribbon hanging on their bodies, with the words "enthusiastic volunteers" written on it. These words were really volunteers when hung on others, but when hung on two people, they were just like the ancient prisoner. There is no difference between the word "prison" and "prison".

Han Qian bumped Lin Zongheng's shoulder.

"Hey, what a turtle! Bastard, does the whole world know that you are a turtle?"

Lin Zongheng squinted at Han Qian.

"Didn't you come up with this nickname? Stay away from me. I don't want to talk to you. Get to work!"

Lin Zongheng really had no intention of paying attention to Han Qian. He now wanted to stuff the bastard with the old man who defecated everywhere. Not even twenty minutes later, Lin Zongheng was furious.

"Eunuch Liu, are you fucking stupid? Can't you just eat the melon seed peels? Do you have to throw them on the ground?"

Liu Shengge, who was sitting in the hall eating melon seeds, curled his lips.

"What? You care about me? Does your family prescribe it? I will vomit."

Lin Zongheng nodded.

"Okay, it's your turn tomorrow, I'm going to give you a shit right here."

Liu Shengge squinted at Lin Zongheng.

"No one except Han Qian can do this!"

Han Qian, who had just walked over, shouted.

"Are you stupid? Chen Qiang can do this."

Then the loudspeakers at the airport started broadcasting.

"Liu Shengge, Chen Qiang, you two leave the airport quickly. Han Qian and Lin Zongheng check their phones!"

Baitao's voice.

Lin Zongheng stood up and walked towards the main entrance of the airport. Chen Qiang, who had just entered the main entrance of the airport and was about to watch the excitement, had a confused look on his face!

I didn't do anything!

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