Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 737 Lin Zongheng, you are such a greedy cat

At noon, when Ji Jing came with a thermos bucket to deliver lunch to Han Qian, Lin Zongheng was envious.

Tears couldn't hold back from falling from the corner of my mouth.

Han Qian was sitting on the ground by the window, holding a small bowl of rice in his hand. Ji Jing squatted opposite Han Qian, holding four small bowls in one hand to make it easier for Han Qian to pick up vegetables. She knew that Han Qian didn't Too accepting of bowls or plates being placed on the floor.

No matter how clean the ground was, he couldn't take it too seriously.

"Try the small potatoes in this sauce. I asked Nursery Rhymes, and she said that the small potatoes cannot be peeled, otherwise they will break when making sauce. I carefully brushed them many times."

Han Qian looked at the small potatoes with sauce, picked one up and stuffed it into his mouth, then took a big mouthful of sorghum rice and water rice, nodding his head in recognition of Ji Jing's cooking skills. Ji Jing looked at Han Qian's delicious food, A pair of eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

"Niece, try this fish. Just take a bite. I carefully picked out the thorns to make sure there are no thorns and it won't be fishy."

Han Qian raised his head and looked at Ji Jing, and then at the fried fish. He was hesitating.

At this time, Lin Zongheng, who was standing aside and eating instant noodles, lowered his head and said.

"Is the sorghum rice delicious?"

Han Qian turned his head and puffed out his cheeks, waiting for Lin Zongheng to say angrily.

"Don't slap me when I'm happiest, you go out of here."

Lin Zongheng bent over and stared at the box on the bag next to Ji Jing, and said softly.

"Ji Jing, what's in your box?"

Ji Jing said softly.

"Water and rice. I was afraid that my eldest nephew wouldn't be full, so I prepared an extra portion."

Lin Zongheng turned around very rudely, grabbed a passerby, stuffed half a bucket of instant noodles into his hand, and said casually.

"It's for you, Fulgen'er, eat it!"

Then he grabbed the man's head and kicked his butt.

What kind of good person is Lin Zongheng?

Lin Zongheng squatted down and picked up the box and looked at the sorghum, rice and water rice that he had never looked at when he was a child. Then he glanced at Ji Jing. Lin Zongheng pointed at the floor tiles. Ji Jing put down the fish and meat. Lin Zongheng said after seeing this. .

"Han Qian, can I have one of those dark potatoes?"

Han Qian looked at Lin Zongheng and frowned.

"Why are you so greedy? Aunt Ji, put it on the ground and stop holding it."

Lin Zongheng shrugged, frowned after taking a big mouthful of sorghum rice, then picked up a potato and bit into half of it. Lin Zongheng looked at Ji Jing and said softly.

"Ji Jing, do you often cook for Han Qian?"

Ji Jing shook her head.

"No, very little! I'm not very good at cooking."

Lin Zongheng laughed.

"It's indeed a bit unpalatable. The cooking time of this sorghum rice is a bit short. You can try cooking it for a longer time next time, or add a little more red beans."

Han Qian reached out and grabbed the bowl from Lin Zongheng's hand.

"If you don't want to eat it, bring it."

Lin Zongheng dodged Han Qian's hand and smiled.

"But it feels like home! Han Qian, you are really happy. You don't do your job every day, and there are so many people playing with you. Why do you think you are so lucky? Do you know what is the greatest luck in your life? What?"

Han Qian squinted at Lin Zongheng and said vaguely.

"What? My Aunt Ji is my greatest luck?"

Lin Zongheng shook his head and then said proudly.

"It was you who met me!"

"Go, go, get the fuck out of here!"

Lin Zongheng chuckled and said.

"You said it would be great if there was no hatred between us!"


In Binxian County, Chen Qiang stood on the beach with open arms to welcome the sea breeze. Mu Xiuxiu stood behind him wearing a scarf. Chen Lei squatted on the beach and looked at the crabs in front of him. He stepped on the crabs into the sand and then stepped on them. Then Wesley slapped him on the back of the head, dug out the crab and gently put it aside.

Chen Qiang took a deep breath and said doubtfully.

"I don't understand. Didn't we agree that Han Qian and I would go to the airport together today? Why did it become Han Qian and Lin Zongheng?"

Mu Xiuxiu covered her mouth and smiled.

"Because Liu Shengge is too boring, neither Lin Zongheng nor Han Qian want to play with him. I have contacted several artists from Fengtian. They will appear in Binxian tonight. Just ask them to accompany you there tomorrow." .”

Chen Qiang sighed.

"No way! This matter is being watched by Sun Zhengmin and my uncle. People who are not related to the family are working hard. As a nephew, I can't explain it, but I really don't want to play with Liu Shengge. There is something wrong with his brain. , Tong Defeng has really become crazy now, Dongsheng! Stop scolding, okay? I'm so upset."

Li Dongsheng raised his head and smiled.

"What's wrong? What are you talking about? I'm not swearing. I'm talking about life with Wu Siruan."

Chen Qiang rolled his eyes and said softly.

"The version will be updated soon. Baitao and Lin Zongheng will fall soon. We must be prepared to face the new problems brought by the next version update."

Li Dongsheng tilted his head and asked.

"Version update? What version update? This is not a game. Who can update the version? Oh, Han Qian can."

Mentioning Han Qian, several people's faces turned ugly, and Chen Qiang sighed softly.

"I finally relented. I also underestimated Han Qian. He has already made me a little tired without doing anything. Han Qian is about to make Lao Bai quit the stage."

Li Dongsheng was not surprised at all, he lowered his head and texted back.

"Normally, he will always do something unexpected, so I never talk to Han Qian or make plans when I come back. When I come back, I will look for Su Liang, Guan Junbiao, Qian Wan, and Wu Siruan. But I’m not looking for Han Qian! Oh, you can rest assured about one thing. Han Qian doesn’t like to move his elders out, but he still abides by the rules of the game, huh? Don’t look at me, I didn’t say anything about you You’re looking for something to do with me!”

Chen Qiang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Dongsheng! I saw your phone bill. It's more than a thousand yuan a month. Can't you send a WeChat message?"

"Wu Siruan has to add me! If she doesn't add me, who should I send it to?"

Chen Qiang was silent and Mu Xiuxiu smiled.

"Just be happy, don't listen to your strong brother, just send text messages for fun, but Dongsheng! It's time to talk about a girlfriend."

Chen Lei pointed at Wesley beside him and looked at Li Dongsheng.

"Would you like my wife? If so, I'll give it to you."

Chen Lei was kicked by Wesley and lay on the beach. Then there was a burst of war trampling on Chen Lei's back, and Chen Lei shouted.

"You feel sorry for the crab but you don't feel sorry for me?"

"go to hell!"

Chen Qiang took a deep breath.

"We are traveling here in Binxian County! I can't hold concerts every day! Damn, really, my status is still a bit low now. If I were invited to hold concerts for Andy Lau, Aaron Kwok, etc., then I would have much more Awesome!"

Mu Xiuxiu smiled.

"Let's think more realistically. What's happening in the capital? I also heard my father nagging on the phone, saying that Fu Dong hasn't moved yet. What is he waiting for?"

Chen Qiang turned around, lay back facing Mu Xiuxiu with his back to the sea, and said softly.

"He! He's waiting for Han Qian, Han Qian! Han Qian! Han Qian! Han...Gulululu..."

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