Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 743 Just don’t disturb my dad’s sleep

"Beloved, I'll give you a greeting gift~"

After the excitement, Han Qian lay in the guest room on the first floor sobering up. Beloved lay in Han Qian's arms and took the bank card handed over by the king, staring at the king with a pair of big eyes.

"Auntie~ You can't bribe me with just a little money~"

The King stretched out his hand and pinched Beloved's cheek and said with a smile.

"You! Of your seventy kilograms, sixty kilograms are out of your mind. Ten million is not enough."

Beloved suddenly sat up, and then Han Qian held his head and pinned him on his arms. Beloved winked at the king.

"I like you so much~"

The king smiled, then looked at Han Qian and said softly.

"Chu Sui called me just now and asked me to investigate your criminal evidence and hand it over to him, Your Highness! I can't break away from Chu Sui today. I killed a 2 and deducted a king. We got along with each other for a short time. Let me know that Your Highness, you are much gentler than the rumors, and you treat your subordinates better, so I don’t want you and Chu Sui to fight to the death, all this will only give other people a chance."

Han Qian opened half of his eyes and the king said again.

"This ten million was transferred to me by Chu Sui just now. I agreed to his request, but I also mentioned that I needed funds. I will not do anything for Chu Sui. I will always stay in Binhai. If I can, I will get money from Chu Sui from time to time and give it to you, so I hope that His Highness can trust me and let me stay in Binhai. On the day when the matter is revealed, His Highness can see that the king has made money for you, Let me stay in Binhai and give me a chance to survive."

Han Qian turned over and closed his eyes.

"I'm a little sleepy. You should go out first. Beloved, you are a fool. If you let me see you bullying your younger brothers and sisters again, I will definitely give you a few words."

The King was silent, and Beloved got off the bed and took the King's hand to make a silencing gesture.

"Shh, my dad has some taboos. Come with me to have some elbow grease and listen to what I have to say."

At this time, the king had no intention of eating elbows with his beloved, but he still stood up and walked to the door. When he opened the door, he suddenly heard Han Qian speak.

"My dearest daughter, don't spend your money carelessly, and remember to tell your mother."

Beloved turned his head and pouted.

"Can you not tell?"

"I'm a little sleepy."

"Then tell that mother~"

"Girl, don't scold me. Dad won't scold you. Get out."

Beloved let out a long sigh and pulled the king out of the door. When he closed the door, he called daddy good night, but he only received a "hmm" from daddy.

After closing the door, Beloved took the king to the kitchen. Beloved chewed his elbow and looked at the king sitting opposite, tilted his head and asked.

"Why are you unhappy? Didn't my dad already promise you? Using the knowledge I learned from the teacher, my dad can't just promise because of this. This will make you think that this money is very important to my dad. , but I took this money to tell you that ten million is his daughter’s pocket money. He is not very interested in money, but he still accepted it to protect you. This means that you are more important than money. Diudiu!"

The King frowned at Beloved and asked softly.

"Beloved, who is your teacher?"

Beloved chewed his elbow and replied vaguely, his face covered with oil.

"My mother said that he is a poor scholar from various schools of thought. I don't know what he does. Anyway, he taught me how to observe words and expressions in one day. I have a mess about the height of doors and eyes. Let me tell you something, auntie. I used to be with When Grandpa Gu went to dinner, didn't he cook the main course in the middle of the table? I knew I had made a mistake at that time, but I thought about it, I have to be famous! Who would know me if I don't go out? Right? "

The king sighed a little. She knew the children of the Han family, Jiayi and Lingdang, but these two children did not look like children of the same dimension as the fat girl in front of him.

"Damn it, my brother is already famous for shooting and killing people in the street. As a sister, I have to work hard!"

The king was stunned.

"Huh? Your Highness kills people in the street?"

Beloved nodded.

"Well, what happened last year was that my grandma and uncle killed me."

The king feels that his CPU is a little hot, why can't he understand?

Han Jiayi was killed by Han Chong'er's grandmother and uncle in the street?


Beloved ignored the king and continued to chatter while chewing his elbow.

"My dad! There are three taboos. Lao Xu can't show up recently. You have to follow my dad often. Let me tell you!"

The king nodded, and Beloved took a bite of his elbow and his mouth was filled with oil.

"First, when he is sleepy, you can't disturb him even if someone is being stabbed outside, unless someone is injured, dead or something!"

"Second, don't mention toilets or buried things during meals. You must not mention things like mud, mud pits, etc. My biological mother or stepmother who is not related by blood would dare to talk about it."

"Third, he will get angry when he is hungry. Don't prepare sweet or offal foods when he is hungry. He can eat a few bites of seafood and fish, but not at all others. Misconceptions about other things You can’t do it either, that’s what my unrelated biological mother would do! Do you eat meat?”

The King held his chin in one hand and looked at Beloved, sighing.

"My dear, does my Highness have any hobbies?"

Beloved shook his head.

"No, he is quite boring. He doesn't like eating or drinking, and he doesn't do much exercise. He doesn't like cars and he doesn't like beautiful women. Don't look at me. There are many good-looking mothers who come to give birth to my father's children. Yes, oh! It seems that you can't say this. Don't tell them. If you say it, I will get beaten. In fact, my father is a very good person. Just resist the scolding. If he doesn't beat people, killing people is even more serious. Now, my child mother would make him cry even if she killed a crab. She is a piece of trash. I’m full~ You can wash your hands for me.”

The king took Beloved out of the kitchen. At this time, the door of the villa was pushed open and Qian Wan shouted.

"The hero is back!"

Beloved looked at Qian Wan and said quietly.

"Auntie, run quickly or you will be scolded! My father is sleeping on the first floor."

The next second, the king watched Qian Wan take off her shoes quietly and quietly go upstairs with her bare feet. The king whispered.

"Is Your Highness so evil when sleeping?"

Beloved pouted.

"Xiehu, if I don't scold you or hit you, I just keep glaring at you, which will make you panic. A and I are not favored at home, and we will be scolded and beaten basically every day. Lingdang should be favored. ? She doesn’t dare to make any noise at such a young age, what do you think? Give me a bath and you can go to bed. As long as you don’t see anyone for a day, you won’t get scolded. This is what I have learned from experience.”

After giving Beloved a bath, Beloved told the king.

"My mothers are all asleep. Please remember to bring a glass of water to my father and put it on the bedside table later. He has a habit of drinking water at night. If he puts the water in, he will run away, otherwise he will be scolded. He is still a light sleeper."

The king did so.

Went to deliver water.

As a result, Han Qian woke you up. Just as Beloved said, he stared at you, but those eyes seemed to have already thought about where to bury you.

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