Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 748 The heavy rain poured down after the dark clouds dispersed

Facing the incoming baseball bat, Wu Qingsi dodged, then raised her fist to his ear and punched the man in the face. The white bandage was instantly stained red with blood. Wu Qingsi's strength was not much worse than that of men.

Wu Qingsi quickly picked up the baseball bat on the ground. As soon as she raised the stick, a man raised the stick and stood behind Wu Qingsi. When the stick was about to fall, Han Qian held the stick.

"Eight against one and you still carry out a sneak attack? Your life is really in vain!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked the man in the stomach. The 180-pound man fell to the ground with a kick. Han Qian and Wu Qingsi were back to back. The two of them were facing eight people, as if they were eight people. It's like being surrounded.

For more than ten minutes, Wu Qingsi was bent over and breathing heavily, and Han Qian was holding a baseball bat on his shoulders. At this time, eight men were lying on the ground, and Wu Qingsi's vest was stained red with blood.

Han Qian smiled while carrying two baseball bats.

"That's it? That's it? That's it?"

Chen Lei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at the eight men lying on the ground and said with disdain.

"Waste! Waste among wastes! I have spent so much money and raised you for so many years, but you haven't lasted for twenty minutes? But Han Qian! The surprise won't be just this. Since I'm here today, I'm going to Be prepared.”

Chen Lei snapped his fingers, and two more people got out of the back seat of the car. Han Qian tilted his head and said doubtfully.

"What? You still hide two masters?"

Chen Lei smiled.

"Han Qian, your head really needs to be cured. Let me introduce you to Wang Yongting and Xiao Xiao. They are all your old friends."

Han Qian turned his head to look at Wu Qingsi, then rubbed his head with a baseball bat and shook his head.

"No impression, no recognition. Do you really think I know all the cats and dogs?"

Chen Lei said nothing, Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes at Han Qian and said.

"Han Qian, the hole in your palm shouldn't grow, right?"

Han Qian squinted at the two guys in front of him and chuckled.

"I seem to remember who you two are. I remember that you two should be sentenced to life? And you are not serving your sentence in Binhai, right? Chen Lei, you seem to be in a little trouble."

Chen Lei smiled.

"Trouble? My sister-in-law has prepared all escape routes for me, let's go! If you can kill Yang Jianfeng, that would be the best."

Chen Lei closed the car door and patted the driver on the head.

"Let's go! Go back and drink."

Yang Jianfeng, who was standing behind him, chuckled.

"Han Qian, I'll give you a gift too."

Someone got out of Yang Jianfeng's car. Seeing this guy, Han Qian sighed helplessly.

"Can't you go find my father? You two have a grudge, why do you always go to me?"

"I can't beat your father, so I'm here to beat you."

"Oh, you are so damn upright! Yang Jianfeng, don't leave~!"

Several men on the ground also got up and got into the car and left. Soon there were only five of them left on the road. Han Qian patted Wu Qingsi on the shoulder.

"Get in the car, these three are all desperadoes, not the appetizers they were just now."

Wu Qingsi turned around and walked towards the car, when Xiao Xiao shouted.

"Don't think about it, we are all wearing signal jammers, Han Qian! This road is the same as before, the surveillance is broken! Hahahaha."

Han Qian smiled.

"Just you three? It's easier for me to beat a dog than it is for you."

When Wang Yongting pulled out the watermelon knife behind him, Han Qian's expression changed. It was really an appetizer just now. These three guys wanted his life.

Xiao Xiao also pulled out a watermelon knife, and the two of them came towards Han Qian with the knife raised, while Ding Peng had already gone to catch Wu Qingsi.

Han Qian was not surprised that they could be released from prison. With the two bastards Baitao and Chen Jinye here, it would not be difficult for them to transfer a few criminals.

Facing the two watermelon knives, Han Qian suddenly thought of that rainy night with Luo Shen.

When a drop of rain fell on Han Qian's face and mixed with blood, Han Qian suddenly laughed. Faced with Xiao Xiao's watermelon knife, Han Qian did not dodge, threw away a baseball bat, and held the baseball with both hands. The stick hit Xiao Xiao on the head!

Han Qian laughed ferociously.

"Come on! I've been waiting for this day for a long, long time. Let's see whether you kill me or I crush you! This isn't the first time I've killed someone!"

At the moment of life and death, Xiao Xiao was afraid and chose to retreat.

Han Qian looked at Xiao Xiao with disappointment in his eyes, then raised his thumb and pointed it at the ground.

"Garbage! Is life so important?"

Han Qian had really been waiting for this day for a long time. The better he lived, the worse the people around him lived. Looking back on the past, when he was constantly wronged and injured, the lives of those around him were getting better and better.

Why am I, Han Qianguo, so easy to do?

Why do I, Han Qian, need so much health?

I, Han Qian, am not willing to spend a penny on myself. I, Han Qian, don’t need to be fed and clothed. If the people around me are well-fed and well-clothed, and they grin, then I, Han Qian, will die. So what?

I, Han Qian, don’t deserve to live for myself!

I don’t want to live for myself!

If I die today, maybe my daughter, son, wife, parents, friends will not get sick, and they will all live a long life!

When Han Qian raised his head again, rain poured down, and Han Qian's eyes seemed to be burning with fire. Facing the two desperadoes carrying watermelon knives with blood dripping from the tip, the corners of Han Qian's mouth raised slightly.

"If you don't come, I'll go over!"

Carrying a baseball bat forward, Han Qian held the stick in both hands. The baseball bat cut through the dense raindrops and headed towards Wang Yongting's side. Xiao Xiao slashed at Han Qian's shoulder with a knife, but Xiao Xiao was afraid. Don't dare to approach Han Qian.

The tip of the knife scratched the skin, and the skin split open. However, the attack continued unabated. Wang Yongting knew that he could no longer dodge. He blocked the baseball bat with the knife. The stick collided with the machete, and the blade bent and pressed against his ribs.


Despite the pouring rain, Wang Yongting still heard the sound of his ribs breaking, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out from Wang Yongting's mouth. Wang Yongting turned his head and looked at Xiao Xiao, his eyes full of doubts.

I have never heard that Han Qian can fight so well!

Han Qian has never been able to fight, but if he fights hard, no one in Binhai or Fengtian is more desperate than Han Qian.

Because he never expected to live long.

Han Qian glanced over his shoulder and smiled.

"I guess Nuan Nuan will have a good dream tonight, right?"

Han Qian simply threw the stick in his hand, looked at Xiao Xiao and smiled.

"If you can bring me to Lingchi, I may treat you as my eighth generation ancestor, but I still have one thing to do before I die. I can't let you two harm others!"

When Han Qian stepped forward with his bare hands, Wang Yongting and Xiao Xiao began to feel fear in their hearts.

We two are the outlaws!

Han Qian is a man with status, money, women, and children. It should be Han Qian who wants to live. Why can he be so desperate for his life?

When the two were stunned, Han Qian had already approached them, took off his clothes and threw them at Xiao Xiao. Wang Yongting reluctantly raised the watermelon knife. The next second, the blade of the knife was grabbed by Han Qian's right hand. Wang Yongting wanted to withdraw the watermelon knife. When he found that he was being held tightly, Han Qian grinned.

"You two are surrounded by me."

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