Liu Shengge was sent to the hospital by Han Qian.

When the grandson left, he also brought Jiayi and Beloved back to the capital.

Lin Zongheng was hiding in the hospital in the capital and would not come back. Han Qian was wondering if Liu Shengge was intentionally injured and was going to go to the hospital to cause trouble for Lin Zongheng. However, with the eunuch's current physical condition, it would be difficult for him to deal with Lin Zongheng.

After three years in the temple and three years of playing games, his physical fitness has deteriorated too much.

But the news of Chen Qiang's arrest surprised Han Qian.

But it also made Han Qian feel a little aggrieved.

I just wanted to deal with you, and you all ran away?

This gave Han Qian the feeling of punching cotton!


It's on the air!

Sitting in the office of the General Department, Han Qian leaned back and looked at the ceiling with his mouth open, his arms hanging down weakly, and his whole person was in an extremely relaxed state. Su Liang came back near noon, sitting with sweating profusely. Next to Han Qian, he turned on his computer and turned to look at Han Qian.

"Are you dead?"

Han Qian sat up and frowned.

"Fuck you, you are dead! How is your little son? Is he about to be born?"

Su Liang shrugged.

"It's not the day yet. Li Li is going back to her parents' house to raise a baby. I don't have time to take care of the baby here! Chu Sui asked me to strip down to my underwear and run back to the magical city with the train ticket."

Han Qian turned on the computer, looked at the games on the table, frowned and turned to look at Su Liang.

"Did you use my computer to play games?"

Su Liang nodded.

"The queen gave you a top-of-the-line one, and she also gave me a new one. The only thing is that the graphics card won't be replaced, so I can only play with yours."

Han Qian clicked casually, then found CSGO, asked Su Liang for his account number and started the game. Su Liang said with a smile.

"The stun gun is fun, one is closer."

Han Qian played the game, lit a cigarette very naturally, and asked softly.

"Chu Sui took it out after cleaning it up?"

Su Liang reached out and took away the cigarette from Han Qian's mouth and smiled.

"Sister Yang will get angry again if she smokes again. I can't kill Chu Sui, right? You, on the other hand, were beaten by Liu Shengge a few days ago?"

Han Qian sighed.

"He's not thinking right. He's probably mentally ill. I don't know what nonsense he's calculating. This stun gun doesn't work! I can't kill anyone! What a piece of crap."

Yao Xue, who was on the opposite side, turned to look at Han Qian and asked softly.

"Brother Qian'er, stop playing games when you get older and come and chat for a while! I didn't have the nerve to disturb you just now. Did you come up with the trick at Changxiang Hospital or was it their own idea? Now Changxiang Hospital is starting again After spending money on the Second Hospital, the tone of the Second Hospital changed instantly. The Second Hospital even broke away from Changxiang and became owned by another company. Are you going to make the Second Hospital public? "

Han Qian shook his head and smiled.

"I have never understood the concept of listing. I don't even know the difference between listing and not listing. Don't always focus on Changxiang. In recent years, Changxiang has developed much faster than Honor. How's the side sentence going?"

Yao Xue sighed and shook his head.

"It's not that good. Anyway, I don't feel that much right now. I have income, but it's very low! I invest several million in a drama, and the money returned is also several million. It's not as good as the income from live streaming." , Mainly now that coastal urban real estate has been in a state of saturation, that is, if you open your mouth this year, Honor can get two pieces of land, but if you calculate these two pieces of land, the small goal of earning one point or five is already the limit. "

Han Qian looked at Yao Xue and said softly.

"How about broadening your horizons? Don't just focus on real estate! The era of real estate has passed, and it is already a thing for the elderly. In the era of advanced technology, you can look on the Internet!"

Yao Xue nodded seriously.

"Tomorrow I will twist my waist for my eldest brother."

Han Qian, who was distracted, was shot in the head. Han Qian sighed and said that there is no way to play this kind of game without headphones, then looked at Yao Xue and smiled.

"How are you doing over there? I heard that your ex-husband is stalking you now?"

Speaking of her ex-husband, Yao Xue pouted.

"I'm just an idiot. Not long ago, I went to his workplace with Liu Guangming and the others because of something. When his boss saw us, he kowtowed and slapped us. Liu Guangming, idiot, went and told me that my ex-husband said that he divorced me. No matter how big the loss is, I want to make more money now, and then look at the Land Rover I drive now, live in a flat, and occasionally joke with Liu Guangming and others, so I want to get back together with me and live in the same society. As a person lives, I’m too lazy to pay attention to him anyway, he’s sick, and so is his mother!”

When it comes to her ex-husband, Yao Xue is extremely irritable, Han Qian frowned and smiled.

"Don't be so excited, it's nothing serious."

After Han Qian closed the game, news popped up on the computer screen.

[A Jiangnan businessman surnamed Zhang died in a car accident, and his wife reported two senior officials. 】

Han Qian turned his head and looked at Su Liang, who shrugged.

"It's probably that Xue Yang, he's been active there."

When Su Liang said this, Han Qian slapped him on the forehead.

"Damn it, I forgot something! There is a garbage I haven't taken care of yet. I'm leaving now! I'll call you guys out to play in a few days! Let's go to Beacon Hill."

Su Liang made an OK gesture, then looked at Yao Xue and smiled.

"Do you want to follow Qian'er to relax?"

Yao Xue whispered.

"What did he do?"

"Hit someone!"

If he hadn't mentioned Xue Yang, Han Qian would have forgotten about this person.

But what he is doing now has nothing to do with Xue Yang.

After leaving the company, Han Qian made a few calls and quickly settled down. Han Qian pointed to Pamela in the parking lot.

"Go to Jinxi."

After getting in the car, Han Qian made a few calls, and soon several cars followed him. Looking at the cars in the rearview mirror, the driver, Gao Qian, said with a wry smile.

"There are so many drivers, why don't you change one? I have a lot of things to do over there."

Han Qian turned his head to look at Gao Xinghao, and then nodded.

"Okay, take me to the highway intersection and then go back."

After getting into Xu Hongchang's car, Han Qian looked at the setting sun and smiled softly. Liu Ding, the co-pilot, whispered.

"Master, are you in a good mood?"

Han Qian smiled.

"Me! I basically never have a bad mood ~ only when the empress wants to go on a date with me."

Xu Hongchang smiled.

"The young master is not as handsome as before."

Han Qian smiled.

"I'm old!"

"The young master is not as strong as before."

"As we get older, these are just minor problems~"

"Master, can you not do it now?"

"Kill, Liu Ding, kill Xu Hongchang for me, Xu Hongchang, get out of here, get out of here right now! You can say I don't look good, you can say I'm fat or thin, but what the hell are you saying? I can not make it?"

Xu Hongchang chuckled evilly, and Liu Dinghan said with a smile.

"Master, it's normal! It's hard for me to deal with my wife now, let alone nine of you!"

Han Qian stretched out two fingers.

"Eight! Eight! You two are so annoying! Who are those in the car behind?"

"Cui Li and Baga!"

In the A6 car following this A8, Toyosuke sat in the passenger seat with a face full of excitement.

"Xinei~ All of them are in Xinei! Cui Li, you miss me, I miss you, I, Xine, he is eight, eight, eight."

Cui Li frowned as he drove the car.

"Just speak one language, I'm slow to respond."


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