Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 825 My name is Su Liang, I have no future

Love is separated by mountains and seas, and mountains and seas cannot be leveled.

But these troubles are all minor problems to Su Liang, and they are nothing more than sacrificing a little reputation.

After returning home, Han Qian felt so relaxed for the first time and fell asleep within a minute of lying on the bed.

Su Liang, who went to the Yamen Gate, dialed Li Yang's phone number and laughed.

"Get ready. Turn on your large LED screen at one o'clock in the afternoon and contact Honor to prepare for interoperability and simultaneous playback."

"Okay Brother Liang, I'll get ready right now."

Su Liang, a junior clerk in the General Department, in Binhai City, except for Cheng Jin and Baitao, even the district boss has to call him Brother Liang.

If you ask him what his background is and what power he has!

Nothing at all.

Just someone who kicked the prince on the street, and the prince would just say resentfully, "be gentler next time."

He was just a mad dog who smoked eight districts in front of the crowd. The mad dog just said, "What are you doing?" It hurts!

He has no other abilities.

He was just Su Liang who could make Han Qian shut up with a roar.

Su Liang called Yang Lan after getting off the car at the Yamen Gate and told Yang Lan to notify the people in the technical department to prepare Honor's LED screens. By the way, he notified the Eighth District to have several karaoke bars ready. .

"Sister Yang, you go to Gao Jixi and ask him to notify all allied companies that all companies in Fengtian should open their shopping malls and company LED screens."

Yang Lan asked in a low voice.

"I'll do it, but what do you want to do, Liang?"

Su Liang smiled.

"Han Qian has no pocket money. I'm going to get him some money to spend. There are so many women to support. You can't sell your body for money, right? This is a bit too cruel, please take the time to talk to me. He Are you struggling with your small body pattern like this? My lips are no longer colored today. I’m at the yamen gate. Sister Yang, you must ask them to turn on the big screen before one o’clock!"

"I know, I'm going to find this piece of shit Gao Fuxing right now!"

Yang Lan is still holding a grudge.

After hanging up the phone, Su Liang walked into the Yamen Gate and pushed past Cheng Jin's office. Cheng Jin looked at Su Liang who walked in and smiled.

"Rare! It's harder to see you once in Binhai than to see a panda in the zoo."

Su Liang stepped forward, picked up Cheng Jin's teapot, took a sip of water, and said with a smile.

"I'm too lazy, and I don't have any dreams. If I hadn't heard that there was a reward at your yamen gate, I definitely wouldn't have come out."

Cheng Jin smiled.

"Lack of money?"

Su Liang shook his head and smiled.

"My mother-in-law pays me a salary of 20,000 yuan a month! My daughter-in-law also has a little income a month. I am not very short of money, but my brother is short of money. He was almost ruined to death for a little money. It makes me feel distressed. Activities activities.”

Cheng Jin put down the document in his hand, looked at Su Liang, and said softly.

"Why do you two have such a good relationship?"

Su Liang raised his head and said proudly.

"He just made his first money and squandered it for me! At that time, our relationship was not as close as it is now! Do you think this thing is fate? I like him!"

Cheng Jin shouted to Chang De at the door.

"Go call Bai Shuji."

Then Cheng Jin looked at Su Liang and asked.

"Do you have any idea?"

Su Liang smiled.

"I don't know, I don't really feel anything about Binhai's trouble, but in order to get some pocket money for Qian'er, I'll give it a try~"

Soon Baitao hurried back and looked at Su Liang in the office. Baitao's face instantly darkened and she gritted her teeth.

"You bastard, I knew it! When Han Qian is at an absolute disadvantage, you, this bastard, will definitely stand up! You won't come out even if Han Qian doesn't make things difficult for you."

Su Liang lit a cigarette and smiled.

"You saw it! It has to be you."

Baitao stepped forward and picked up Cheng Jin's big tea jar and took a sip of water, frowning.

"Don't talk nonsense, can you solve it?"

Su Liang smiled.

"Can you give me 500 million?"

Baitao turned around and said angrily.

"Su Liang, you are not short of money, and you don't like money either."

"Yes, but Han Qian is short of money."

"You don't care about Binhai's life or death. Han Qian is short of money and you jump out? How can there be such a strange person in this world? Han Qian is king and hegemon in Binhai. How about you?"

"I applauded him at home and said that my brother is really my pride, and I can safely become the second generation ancestor."

Baitao was slightly mad because of the anger, and at the same time, she also felt a little envious of Han Qian.

There is Guan Junbiao who can fight for him, and Su Liang who uses his brains to solve problems for him.

Some people are born with golden fingers in their mouths.

Did Han Qian come out with golden gloves?

Baitao took a deep breath.

"Solved the trouble, 500 million has arrived! But I need to verify whether it is effective."

Su Liang smiled.

"I can't give you time to review. I'll solve it today. The money will be in my brother's card tomorrow morning. You don't have to worry about anything else. If I don't solve the problem, just arrest me. My brother will spend 500 million to ransom me. of."

Baitao stepped forward and punched Su Liang on the shoulder.

"Don't be so proud."

Su Liang shrugged.

"If we weren't proud, Han Qian and I wouldn't be friends. We both have the same problem when meeting strangers."

Baitao raised his eyebrows and Cheng Jin smiled.

"They are all peacocks talking with their heads raised and their backs raised. Binhai is a proud peacock's nest, but this has nothing to do with a few girls."

Baitao turned his head and said angrily.

"Old man, next time you scold me, just be more direct!"

Then he looked at Su Liang and said again.

"Make a request!"

Su Liang smiled.

"I still have one hour to prepare. In this hour, all the LED screens in Binhai will be linked to the broadcast room at the yamen door. It is estimated that people from several companies will contact the yamen door in a while. You can prepare these. It will take me about two hours to earn these 500 million, don’t ask anything, you won’t understand me after I say it.”

Baitao took a deep breath and whispered.

"Tell me something that I can understand."

Su Liang lifted up his clothes, pointed at the two centipede-like scars on his waist, and smiled.


Baitao nodded.

"I understand, are you going to get tattoos on these two places? Why do you have two sides of your tail!"

Su Liang frowned slightly, looked at Baitao and frowned.

"Appendicitis? Both sides? Bai Shuji, if the world cared more for fools, you would never be single until now!"

After saying that, Su Liang turned around and left. He was going to get ready.

Baitao turned her head to look at Cheng Jin and said softly.

"You've got it?"

Cheng Jin smiled.

"Baitao~! Work hard, Su Liang is holding Feng Lun's two kidneys!"

Baitao tilted her head and said.

"Then what? What does it matter?"

Cheng Jin stopped talking, turned his head and looked out the window, murmuring softly.

"What kind of backup plan has Feng Lun prepared? Why doesn't he stop even after everyone is dead? How long will he have to torment this Binhai before he can be satisfied!"

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Su Liang sat in the broadcast room, facing the camera, and spoke.

"Hello to all Feng Lun's ardent fans. You may not know who I am when we meet for the first time. Let me introduce myself briefly. My name is Su Liang. Feng Lun will occasionally call me daddy!"

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