Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 830 Feng Lun’s final plan

The door of the B\u0026B opened and Xue Yang, who was reading a book, said softly.

"Why are you back so soon?"

Xue Yang, who didn't wait for a reply, turned his head and looked at the two strangely dressed men who entered the bedroom. Xue Yang put down the book and smiled.

"The combination of a monk and a Taoist priest is very strange! There seems to be a couple in Binhai. Are you two looking for me?"

The monk smiled and said nothing, while the Taoist priest said with an indifferent expression.

"Yes! It was Feng Lun who asked us to come to you. He calculated that you would suffer a loss in Binhai. He said that if you have a feminine personality, you will suffer a lot after meeting the tough Han Qian, but your character will not Zhou Le is your only chance and choice for a head-to-head confrontation with Han Qian."

Xue Yang raised his hands to applaud and smiled.

"Awesome, really awesome! What I admire the most is Mr. Feng Lun. I didn't expect that he could calculate this day. This also shows that Zhou Le is the most important step for me? But I don't understand why Feng Lun would think that... Is it me and not Chu Sui?"

The Taoist priest and the monk walked into the bedroom and closed the bedroom door. The Taoist priest said softly.

"Mr. Feng Lun said that Han Qian, Lin Zongheng, and Liu Shengge are all businessmen, and Chu Sui has what they want. Even if Chu Sui goes to Binhai, he will lose money at most, and money is not important to Chu Sui. ! Chu Sui will have many ways to deal with Binhai, such as commercial war, money war, buying murderers, etc., so Chu Sui will not come to Zhou Le because it will not benefit him. "

Xue Yang applauded again.

"I really admire Feng Lun. He has calculated everything. This is exactly what I thought. No wonder we will become partners. So I want to ask you two to wait for me here and help me get Zhou Le?" I want to know now..."

At this time, the Taoist priest stood up, and the monk beside him suddenly laughed.

"Speak clearly, lest he die in confusion."


Xue Yang's eyes were full of astonishment and he frowned and asked.

"If I die? Who will inherit Mr. Feng Lun's last wish if I die? Chu Sui?"

The Taoist priest was silent, and the monk narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"In the plan that Mr. Feng Lun left for the two of us, you, Xue Yang, are just a more important pawn in the plan. Mr. Feng Lun's three organs were carefully selected, and his heart was given to Chu, the richest and most mindless person. Years old, Xue Yang couldn't see clearly, and his kidneys simply wanted to disgust Su Liang, so that the child Su Liang gave birth to was somehow related to Mr. Feng Lun. As for the other body organs, they were all selected by others. people, let them see the light in the face of the despair of terminal illness. After getting the light, Xue Yang will kill them and let them experience despair again, and you will never be the most important one. You are not, Huangshan is not , neither Chu Sui, nor Su Liang."

Xue Yang's brain was no longer enough, so he sat up and asked with red eyes.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible. I now admit that I am Feng Lun's chess piece, but there is absolutely no one more suitable to be this chess piece than me!"

The monk looked at Xue Yang with pitiful eyes and sighed.

"If you, like Chu Sui, follow Mr. Feng Lun's instructions and really help those in need, you are the most suitable chess piece. But if Mr. Feng Lun doesn't trust anyone, how could he not think of himself? You will be betrayed, you have deviated from the deal between Mr. Feng Lun and you, so your chess piece will become a disposable consumable that turns on a switch."

Xue Yang roared angrily.

"What switch! What switch can I make."

The monk smiled and said nothing, the Taoist said indifferently.

"Xiao Wang! A woman's revenge is always more terrifying than a man's. Aren't you curious why Mr. Feng Lun brought Xiao Wang instead of the big Wang when he went to see you for the first time? Why did he keep Xiao Wang by your side? Are you trying to drive the king away from Chu Sui? Han Qian had already identified the gap between the two of them when he first met the king, couldn't you see it? "

The monk stretched out his hand to stop the Taoist priest and smiled.

"Be gentle and put it simply, Mr. Feng Lun has prepared two plans. If you follow the agreement, Mr. Feng Lun will really become a righteous man and increase the influence of Mr. Feng Lun's spirit on this society. If you don't If you do as agreed, then Mr. Feng Lun will take revenge on Han Qian for not protecting Yang Caihuan, and Han Qian can't just take the cake Mr. Feng Lun gave him, it's such a simple matter."

Xue Yang's eyes became blank, and the monk chuckled and continued.

"Xiao Wang is not as calm as the big king, and not as violent as the big king. What the big king wants is freedom, and what Xiao Wang wants is love, because Xiao Wang's life is constantly coming into contact with strange men and having relationships with strange men. In her heart I long for love, and you are the love that Mr. Feng Lun created for Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang has seen too many rich but tacky men, and the reason for choosing you is your sanctimonious appearance, and refined temperament. Xiao Wang I feel like I have met true love, and the death of true love can make a person crazy!”

Xue Yang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Feng Lun wants to recreate what happened between him and Yang Caihuan in me, letting people know that love can make people crazy, and Xiao Wang will also take revenge because of love, making Han Qian lose his love."

The monk smiled.


Xue Yang said again.

"There is Chu Sui, Xiao Wang is not free!"

The monk tilted his head and thought for a moment, then looked at the Taoist priest.

"What did Mr. Feng Lun say?"

The Taoist priest said softly.

"Xiao Wang will be crazy, but Chu Sui will control it. Xiao Wang can just kill Chu Sui. Mr. Feng Lun said, I guess you should also know that Chu Sui never got the heart and waited for death in the devil city. Chu Sui The reason why he couldn't get the heart is because many people in Modu are hostile to him. Xiao Wang is one of Chu Sui's closest relatives. There are many people in Modu who would be willing to see Xiao Wang eat Chu Sui! Xue Yang, now Do you understand?"

Xue Yang closed his eyes and nodded.

"I can't move, and I don't have the ability to resist. I understand why Zhou Le will say I'm stupid today, let's do it!"

The Taoist priest said softly.

"No hurry, I'll kill you now. Xiao Wang doesn't know who killed you. He's waiting for someone! Mr. Feng Lun said that Zhou Le was just blinded for a moment. When he had nothing, he was still interested in Han. The best Qian, he may come to kill you! And he has already left the house."

After finishing his words, the door of the B\u0026B rang. When Zhou Le opened the bedroom door, he looked at Xue Yang who was spitting out blood and with a dagger stuck in his chest. Then he looked at the Taoist priest who was wiping his hands. Zhou Le smiled and said .

"Do you believe me when I say I've never been here?"

The monk smiled slightly.

"Donor, Mr. Feng Lun told us that if Mr. Zhou Le is already dead when he comes to kill Xue Yang, and after the two of us are seen by Mr. Zhou Lexiang, Mr. Zhou Le will definitely tell you what you just said as a joke. This sentence, so Mr. Feng Lun also told us how to answer you."

Zhou Le smiled.

"Then what nonsense are you talking about? I'm alive, Xue Yang's death is in vain, I'm dead! Xiao Wang will only go to trouble my brother if he doesn't take revenge, right? So I can only work hard?"

The Taoist laughed.

"Yes! You work hard to live, and we work hard to kill you."

There was a loud noise in the room, but it soon became quiet.

Han Qian received a text message.

[There seems to be no point in living, so just watch it. 】

After Xiao Wang came back and saw that the door was open, Xiao Wang felt that something was wrong. He dropped the chicken legs in his hands and rushed into the room to look at the body that had been covered with white cloth. Xiao Wang trembled. He stepped forward and lifted the white cloth, and when he looked at Xue Yang, who still had a gentle smile on his face, Xiao Wang's world collapsed.

He couldn't believe that he had only been out for half an hour and everything had changed drastically.

Xue Yang is dead!

His chest was pierced by a dagger. Xiao Wang looked at the Taoist priest who was squatting on the ground and bandaging the wound on his arm. He walked forward with distracted eyes. At this time, the Taoist priest who was squatting on the ground spoke.

"Xiao Wang, we didn't do it! The owner of Xue Yang's eyes is also my owner. I came here to protect his safety, but Zhou Le took a step ahead. Now the monk has gone after Zhou Le. I have a share in my hand. The video can prove my identity.”

Xiao Wang hummed, stretched out his hand to take the cell phone handed over by the Taoist priest, opened the video and watched Feng Lun take another video. Xiao Wang mechanically turned his head to look at the Taoist priest, and the Taoist priest said softly.

"After I catch Zhou Le, I will personally hand him over to you."

Xiao Wang remained silent and did not speak.

It was not until eleven o'clock in the evening that the Taoist priest's cell phone rang. The monk stood by the river and looked at the cement bucket next to him and sighed.

"No one was caught. I don't know where he went. Zhou Le has no one close to him! There is no place to start!"

The Taoist priest hummed and hung up the phone. After hanging up the phone, the monk looked at the cement bucket next to him, and then kicked into the river. When the bucket fell into sleep, the ringtone of the mobile phone came from the bucket full of solidified cement. .

In the B\u0026B, the Taoist priest looked at Xiao Wang.

"We have no place or clues to find Zhou Le! And with Han Qian as his backer, he found me..."

"No! No need to look for Zhou Le. He made me lose the man I love most and the vane of my life. Zhou Le cares so much about protecting Han Qian. I will make Han Qian become like me and like Feng Lun. I can’t get enough love!”

The Taoist priest lowered his head and said softly.

"Chu Sui won't let you do this!"

Xiao Wang slowly raised his head.

"If Chu Sui stops me, I will kill Chu Sui!"

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