Seven billion.

This figure is indeed extremely cheap for Chu Sui's company.

Han Qian was riding a shared bicycle on the road against the wind, with a bunch of messy things in his head. This might be a bit exaggerated, seven billion!

Suddenly I felt a bit like a loser.

All the 4 billion that he extorted from Song Wanli were squandered, and the 500 million he got later was also given to the empress. Han Qian was really embarrassed to go to the empress to ask for it back. Where can he get 7 billion now?

I rode all the way to the bank, but within twenty minutes Han Qian came out and stood at the door of the bank angrily cursing.

"Can I still owe you money? My wife is Cai Qinghu!"

The bank president stood at the door and said with a smile.

"Brother Qian'er, you and Mrs. Ling have done property justice!"

Han Qian said in a low voice with a gloomy face.

"Bring me two billion!"

The president shook his head, then waved to the manager behind him. After a while, a paper bag was delivered. The president took the bag and stuffed it to Han Qian.

"Brother Qian'er, take this 80,000 yuan. If you have money, give it to me. I don't want it if I'm short of money! I really don't dare to give you these 2 billion yuan. Don't tell me that I don't have that much here now. It's just 20 million yuan." I don’t even dare to give it to you. If something happens to you, I won’t have anywhere to ask for money.”

Han Qian took a deep breath.

"Okay! You can do it. Why the hell am I giving you 80,000 yuan? Get lost!"

Han Qian rode his bicycle away and wandered around the city for a whole morning. To his surprise, no bank was willing to give Han Qian a loan. Then Han Qian set his sights on an insurance company.

No money was borrowed, and a full set of insurance was provided for free.

Han Qian was completely confused.

Is your reputation so bad?

Sitting in the park, smoking a cigarette and watching the old men pulling the old aunts to dance in the square, Han Qian squinted at these old men and old ladies.

There are many elderly people in Binhai. If my brother defrauded you of your pension, he would probably have a lot of money. Then Han Qian laughed.

"Hey, I'm really bad!"

Just think about this kind of thing and forget it, that is, think about it to give yourself some inner self-comfort.

Han Qian simply lay on the edge of the flower bed and looked at the sky.

There are so many messy things going on every day that Han Qian doesn't even have time to worry. Sometimes when he thinks of something unhappy, his thoughts are taken away by other things before he can get upset.

After closing his eyes and resting for a while, the phone didn't stop. Han Qian opened the phone and squinted at it.

[Your Highness, Xiao Wang's mentality has collapsed. She may have to play an extreme game. Now she has begun to prepare to buy weapons. 】

Han Qian didn’t reply to the king’s text message.

When I closed my eyes, another text message came from my phone.

[Yu Kai is looking for an opportunity to take revenge on Lu Nier! Probably within this week, parents of students in the music class will besiege and slander Lu Ni'er because of Lu Ni's role as Guan Junbiao's concubine. 】

Han Qian didn't reply to the two text messages. Instead, he sent a text message to Guan Junbiao, telling him that he had to figure it out. If he didn't understand, he would ask Su Liang for help.

Looking at the blue sky, a face with pear dimples appeared in front of him. The girl had a smile on her face. Han Qian reached out and poked the pear dimples on her face, and the girl's smile became even stronger.

"I guess you have something to worry about, right~"

Han Qian smiled and nodded, then raised his hand, looked at Miss Liwo through the gap between his thumb and index finger, and said with a smile.

"It's just a little bit of trouble."

Luo Shen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"My dear, you have great supernatural powers~ Seven billion holes are just a little bit of trouble?"

Han Qian sat up and opened his arms, Luo Shen said with a smile.

"I can't sit on you today~ Let's go~ I'm going to get you pocket money. Although I don't have 7 billion in cash, they won't give you a loan. They can give me a loan!"

Walking hand in hand with Luo Shen in the park, Han Qian put his arm around Luo Shen's shoulders and smiled.

"Did Nursery Rhyme call you?"

Luo Shen nodded.

"Yeah! Tell me that you boasted a lot when you left in the morning, saying that you should be yourself and I will love you~ Tsk, tsk, tsk, my dear, your love is so heavy, seven billion in one breath~ Even Cai Qinghu Can’t you afford so much money? Including Bai Rou’s company, Cai Qinghu, there are only about fifty! Hey, poor guy!”

Han Qian couldn't help but laugh.

"You are the first to say that Qinghu is poor."

Luo Shen said proudly.

"Because I have a company, I can pledge 7 billion to give it to you. What can Cai Qinghu pledge? If you say 20 to 3 billion in cash, I might not be able to come up with it conveniently, but if you say within 200, I It will be all right."

Han Qian put his arm around Luo Shen's shoulders and smiled.

"The company is now owned by Xiao Luofu. The Luo family originally had some objections to you. Are you not letting my brother-in-law live in peace and quiet?"

Luo Shen turned his head and looked at Han Qian.

"Then where are you going to get seven billion? Yan Qingqing? Nuan Nuan? Their company is indeed quite valuable, but it is impossible for the government office to accept their mortgage, do you know? Now Nuan Nuan and Yan Qingqing are being held hostage. Do you understand? Even if they mortgage the company and don't pay back the money, Binhai still has to find a way to keep these two companies operating, so it's impossible to give this money, you know!"

Han Qian whispered!

"Then don't do it!"

Luo Shen smiled.

"Don't do it? They dare not do it. Even if Wen Nuan is protected by Li Jinhan, it is still a crime to go to jail! You choose for yourself, do it or not! Do you think businessmen are so free~ My Luo's is considered a small business in the capital. , so I can have more freedom. Local enterprises don’t have that much freedom. You take the resources from the government office and you say you’re not going to do it anymore? How can there be such a good thing?”

Han Qian put his arm around Luo Shen's shoulders and whispered.

“What’s the fastest way to make money?”

Luo Shen took a deep breath.

"Stock trading! The fastest! The riskiest! If you want to give it a try, I can give you one billion to test the waters. Don't think that this one hundred million is given to you for nothing. If you pay, come with me to the United States. It’s about the egg! If you make money, I won’t touch you about the child.”

Han Qian smiled.

"The child's matter will have to be solved sooner or later, but there's no rush~ Are there anyone around us who knows how to trade stocks?"

Luo Shen nodded.




Upon hearing the name, Han Qian covered his head and squatted on the ground, whispering.

"Don't mention this. Yeats has no money now. I can probably guess what's going on. She sits in front of the computer every day and behaves very professionally. If her brain can understand the stock market, I really do! You change someone else.”

Luo Shen shook his head.

"No, Liu Shengge knows it, but he will never teach you! He still has to scold you."

Han Qian whispered.

"If I can make 7 billion, I probably have a way in my head, but it will take two years at the earliest. But the people in Shanghai won't give me such a long time. I suddenly threw so much money into stocks. Believe it or not." I threw the money in today, and tomorrow my mother Zhou will give me the money I put in, and what’s more! When I go to the stock market, it’s almost to rob. If anyone makes me lose, I will think it’s a scam. Me, I might go and split the stock market, even though I know I’m bragging.”

Luo Shen smiled.

"What should we do? Seven billion."

Han Qian raised his head to look at Luo Shen and whispered.

"There is a worst way. I let Changxiang go public, raise funds, and then use the raised money to plug this hole. And I know clearly that even if I swallow their money, they can't do anything to me, and there is no place to sue. I'm going to sue you, but it's a bit too inhumane to do this! Come have a meal with me, I feel like eating dumplings."

Luo Shen smiled slightly.

"No, Beloved has a class in the afternoon. I will take her back to the capital soon. I will come back after Beloved is settled! Do you really want no money?"

Han Qian grinned.

"No, I can't use your money to give poems. At least you have to have a bottom line! Your relationship is not good."

Roselle shrugged.

"I'll take you back and then pick up Beloved."

After seeing off Beloved and Luo Shen at the gate of the community, Han Qian turned his head and looked at Wen Nuan who was standing next to him. Nuan Wen looked at Han Qian, and then the two of them raised their hands at the same time and touched each other's heads.

The mood is not very beautiful.

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