Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 838 Rebellion and Rebellion

The monk touched his bald head and grinned at Han Qian.

Han Qian squatted on the ground and looked at the monk with a frown.

"I don't understand your brain circuit. This is Binhai, and I am Han Qian!"

The monk took off his clothes and took out a sickle and laughed.

"Then what? Donor!"

Ji Jing smiled calmly.

"It's guaranteed to win with C, and the record can be checked."

The monk stepped forward with the sickle, Han Qian stood up, raised his right hand and smiled.

"Don't worry, don't worry! I didn't shout to anyone. I'm quite curious. Is Xiao Wang the last chess piece of Feng Lun?"

The monk stopped and shook his head.


Han Qian took a long puff of cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stubbed it out, and whispered.

"I don't think so. Xiao Wang should be just the last bullet fired by Feng Lun, but if you think about it carefully, he seems to have no other abilities. But have you ever thought about a question?"

The monk frowned and walked forward, pointing the sickle in his hand at Ji Jing and looking at Han Qian.

"Problem? What problem."

Han Qian stared at the monk's head and narrowed his eyes.

"Why do you think you can kill me tonight? I am Han Qian! I am the man who fought with the Lord of Hell and drank wine!"

The monk chuckled.

"Forget it, there will be a bloody disaster tonight! And I'm not here alone!"

After saying this, Diamond 2, who followed Xiao Wang to Binhai, took out a revolver and loaded the bullets one by one. Then the monk threw away the sickle in his hand, took the loaded revolver and pointed it at Ji Jing, looking at Han Qian said softly.

"Donor! Mr. Feng Lun once told us that it is actually very simple to make you fall. It is enough to turn on a switch."

Han Qian frowned, and the monk stepped forward and laughed.

"Han Qian! Mr. Feng Lun has told us many, many things, and he has also said a lot of opinions about you. In fact, if you were not so proud, you might not have so many troubles. You clearly know that Xiao Wang If you want to touch the woman around you, why do you come to this remote place?"

While talking, Han Qian had already walked in front of Ji Jing and smiled.

"I'm not proud!"

The monk loaded the pistol and smiled.

"I didn't expect that I was the one who killed Han Qian in the end! Although Mr. Feng Lun said that killing Ji Jing will make you feel the pain he once felt, Han Qian, I still don't understand why you took me Come to this remote place.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the monk pulled the trigger. The picture he expected did not appear. He did not see the bullet passing through Han Qian's body, nor did he see fireworks from the muzzle. At this moment, a murmur came to his ear.

"How could I kill you if I didn't come here?"


The sharp knife pierced the monk's chest. The monk lowered his head and looked at the blood-stained tip of the knife on his chest. The next second, Diamond 2 pulled out the sickle, and then knelt down on his knees.

"Your Highness! Chu Sui has abandoned us. We don't want to see the palace we have worked so hard to be destroyed by Xiao Wang! Mei Hua and I discussed the plan. Mei Hua Ace and I followed Xiao Wang, and they went to find a The person who can save our palace, Meihua, will contact me this afternoon. Instead of trusting others, it is better to choose the king."

The monk lying in a pool of blood stared at the 2 of diamonds with wide eyes, opened his mouth but could not say anything.

Han Qian frowned and looked at Diamond 2. Too many things have happened in the past few days. The entire Demon City is like an iceberg that has encountered a flood. Xue Yang's death, Zhou Le's return, Chu Sui's loneliness, Xiao Wang's rise to power , the surrender of the 2 of clubs, the betrayal of the 2 of diamonds.

Diamond 2 knelt on the ground and said in a low voice.

"I'm worried that your highness will have doubts, so I can only trick this monk to come and kill you. I have carefully calculated that there are Taoist priests and monks around Xiao Wang now who are giving you problems. Killing a young man may not be a problem for you. Even if it’s useful, you won’t believe me!”

Han Qian frowned and looked at Diamond 2 and said in a deep voice.

"How do you solve it? Everyone knows that I don't kill people."

Diamond 2 knelt on the ground and whispered.

"Your Highness, you don't need to worry about anything, and you don't need to do anything. You just need to leave with your wife, and I will take care of the rest! I won't let you have any trouble, and won't cause any trouble to your superiors. Trouble is our most basic ability, please leave now."

Han Qian took Ji Jing's hand and rode away on the motorcycle. At this time, he still didn't react, because betrayal rarely happened in Binhai before, and everyone basically fought openly and openly.

Not long after Han Qian left, the king and the 2 of clubs appeared in the woods. The king looked at the monk lying in a pool of blood, and then looked at the 2 of diamonds kneeling on the ground. The king took a deep breath and looked at the plum blossoms. 2 stretched out his hand, and a baseball bat fell into the king's hand. Diamond 2 took a deep breath, raised his leg and placed it on a stone, then picked up a branch and bit it in his mouth.

The next second, the baseball bat hit Diamond 2 on the face, and his body flew out and lay on the ground. The King stepped forward and held the baseball bat with both hands and hit Diamond 2 on the back.

"You don't understand Xiao Wang? If you are useless, she will abandon you without hesitation! Continue to follow Xiao Wang and tell me any move at any time! When the company reopens, you can sit in the 2 of spades position ! Remember, all your grievances and efforts now are for your future!"

The 2 of Diamonds was lying on the ground covered in blood. The king threw away the stick in his hand and patted it. He turned around and stepped on the monk's body, mouthing towards the 2 of Clubs.

"Let's go. It's his own life that he dies here. It's better that he lives as long as he lives! Go back and study seven billion. My Highness is as poor as a broken drum. Where can he get seven billion!"

After the king left, Diamond 2 took out his cell phone and dialed Xiao Wang's number with difficulty.

"The monk is dead, I was seriously injured, and was caught by the king who came here. Come pick me up now!"

Everyone is working hard for themselves. Diamond 2 knows that if the company changes people, their team will definitely be split up. Then he will lose this position. After following Chu Sui for so many years, once he leaves here, he Knowing that I wouldn't be able to adapt to life in other companies.

At the beginning, Chu Sui was worried that they would leave after learning everything, so his training for them was targeted and single-minded.

Just like being a chef, you are only trained in tasting food but not in cooking. In this way, even if you want to leave, you will not be able to find a position that suits you.

Moreover, Diamond 2 knows that the company is undergoing a major reshuffle, and even if he cannot become the king or king, he will still become the spade!

After returning home, Han Qian frowned and sat on the sofa. Aunt Ji brought a bowl of noodles and put it on the table, saying softly.

"Don't think so much. Everything that is happening now is the most real. It's just that some of you in Binhai are too proud, and there is no way to plant spies around each other. Just like Liu Guangming would rather be scolded than betrayed. Same! Eat a bowl of noodles and everything will be clear tomorrow day."

Han Qian looked at Ji Jing and sighed.

"I'm struggling with where to get seven billion."

Ji Jing smiled and said

"Borrow it! Pay the other party part first and take it to the company. What if she dies before receiving the balance? This is a nursery rhyme. I am so kind that I would never say such a thing!"

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