Outside Baitao's office at the Yamen Gate, Han Qian was leaning against the window with a cigarette in his mouth and watching Cai Qinghu play mobile games. Han Qian stretched out his hand to snatch the phone away, squinted a cigarette in his mouth and spoke.

"Stop playing. You're so stupid. How can you not understand this hero killing game? This Bao Si just opened the microphone to tell you that he is a traitor!"

Cai Qinghu said with a silly smile.

"I don't understand, she just used impeccable on me~"

Han Qian reached out and pinched Cai Qinghu's cheek and asked.

"Whoever is nice to you, you will treat as a good person, right?"

Cai Qinghu nodded.

"That's right! He's been kind to me, so how can he be a bad person?"

Then there was the sound of broken glass in the office. Li Qiu pointed at several guys in the office and cursed angrily. Han Qian put down his phone and covered Cai Qinghu's ears. Cai Qinghu still smiled naively.

"Want to hear it~"

As soon as he finished speaking, the people in the office were pushed away, and Liu Shengge, who was their driver, walked out, and then Li Qiu's voice came out.

"Cai Qinghu, are you really ready to resign? Are you not a member of the Yamen Gate? Get in!"

Before Cai Qinghu could react, Han Qian rolled up his sleeves, held a cigarette in his mouth and gritted his teeth.

"Fuck you~"

As he was about to go in, Liu Shengge hurriedly stepped forward and put his foot on Han Qian's knee. He stretched out his hand to cover Han Qian's mouth, gritted his teeth and whispered angrily.

"Don't be convulsive! Although Li Qiu's actual power is not as great as that of Father Gu, Father Gu's position was the same before he retired!"

Han Qian pushed Liu Shengge away and said angrily.

"Fuck you, stop pretending to be a good person, where did you get Xiao Wang?"

Cai Qinghu ignored the quarrel between them and went into the office with his head lowered to get scolded. Liu Shengge patted the shoulder that Han Qian pushed, then took out a wet wipe and wiped it, and said lazily.

"I don't know the big king or the little king. Han Qian, please stop biting people."

Han Qian stepped forward and approached Liu Shengge, raised his head slightly, frowned and asked.

"What did you just do?"

Liu Shengge looked down at Han Qian and raised his eyebrows.

"Is it illegal to wipe dirty clothes?"

"I'll numb you!"

Han Qian punched Liu Shengge. Liu Shengge tilted his head and was about to speak. The elevator door not far behind him opened, and a figure walked out of the elevator, clapped his hands and smiled.

"Hey, what a wonderful day this is. When I first arrived, I saw two dogs biting each other here!"

Han Qian tilted his head and looked at Lin Zongheng, and then Zhou Le followed him out of the elevator. Liu Shengge turned around, put his hands in his pockets, stared at the two people walking towards him, and curled his lips.

"It's really like a fish looking for a fish, a shrimp looking for a shrimp, and a turtle looking for a tortoise. The two of you came together and I saw the Journey to the West display board. I saw that you two died of eyesight, one of them had a broken hand, and the other couldn't use his leg properly. You two are like those two ginseng fruits from the ginseng fruit tree. They look quite similar to each other, but in fact they are not even living beings. And Zhou Le! I have to give you a song. If the dog goes, you will follow. If the dog stops, you will. quiver."

The three people present were stunned by what Liu Shengge said. Even the office became quiet. After Han Qian found that there was no sound in the office, he whispered to Liu Shengge.

"If you scold them a few more times, they will stop scolding my wife."

Liu Shengge squinted at Han Qian and smiled.

"Get the hell out of here! You have a stupid brain..."

Han Qian suddenly turned around, straightened his waist and raised his hands towards the door, with a serious face. Liu Shengge thought it was someone coming out, so he turned around hurriedly. The next second, he received two slaps on the back of his head. Liu Shengge covered his head and watched. Han Qian, Han Qian whispered.

"Where did you take Xiao Wang?"

At this time, Lin Zongheng and Zhou Le also came over. Zhou Le looked at Han Qian with a smile and said.

"Looking for someone? Do you want me to post a missing person notice for you? Besides, isn't your dog's nose very useful?"

Han Qian was too lazy to speak. He turned sideways and kicked Zhou Le on the chest. Zhou Le, who was already weak, fell to the ground. Han Qian stepped forward and sat on Zhou Le's body, punching him left and right, and then stretched his hands behind him. , Liu Shengge handed Han Qian a flowerpot, and Han Qian raised the flowerpot with both hands and smashed it at Zhou Le's head.


The flower pot shattered and Han Qian's body hit the wall sideways. Lin Zongheng bent down and stared at Han Qian and whispered.

"Han Qian, don't be too unrestrained..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zongheng's head dropped sharply. When Lin Zongheng bent over, Liu Shengge suddenly made a move, stepped on Lin Zongheng's head and hit Zhou Le in the stomach. The four people's mutual attacks alarmed several people in the office. Personally, Baitao was the first to open the door. He rushed out and saw three guys lying on the ground. Baitao felt like his head was going to explode!

Are any of them sick?

A child in kindergarten?

How come everyone doesn’t distinguish between occasions and places?


A clear voice sounded, and everyone looked towards the elevator. Chen Qiang looked at the three guys lying on the ground and Baitao and Liu Shengge standing. He thought that since he could do it here, those old guys in the capital should also do it. is gone.

Chen Qiang simply stopped pretending to be a good person, opened his arms and bent over and laughed loudly.

"Oh, you don't have to greet me like this! You bastard, don't kowtow. Mad dog, crawl over here and stick out your tongue for me. Are you mute, eunuch? I'm here, you don't know the name of the song? Come on, Concubine Bai Tao, Give me some support."

There was a bit of silence, and everyone looked at Chen Qiang like a fool.


The door of the office was opened, and Chen Jinye had already spoken when he was halfway out.

"Xiao Chen Qiang, please be honest with me. What are you talking about? Are you still awake?"

Chen Qiang straightened his back and said scornfully.

"I woke up naturally after a long sleep! What can just a few of them do? Who is my father? My father is fucking Chen Zhan...ah~"

When he saw Li Qiu and Lao Gu coming out, Chen Qiang trembled at the last word he said, and then said hurriedly.

"My father, this fucking piece of shit Chen Zhan, has already severed the father-son relationship with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Qian, Zhou Le, Lin Zongheng, Liu Shengge, and Baitao gave Chen Qiang a thumbs up at the same time. Han Qian sat on the ground, leaned against the wall and curled his lips.

"It still has to be you!"

Baitao nodded seriously and told Chen Qiang that she would definitely convey it. Chen Qiang walked forward with a smile and whispered as he passed by Baitao.

"You bitch, you were waiting for outsiders to leave!"

Then he raised his head and smiled at Li Qiu.

"Uncle Li, the last time we met was a few years ago. I have been thinking about you day and night. I want to live like Uncle Li, but I don't have the ability. Recently, I have met many people my age in Bin County. I want to ask Uncle Li for advice on something I can’t understand, hoping to be given some guidance.”

Li Qiu looked Chen Qiang up and down. Maybe Chen Zhan wasn't high enough for Li Qiu, but when Fang Xiong was in power, he took Chen Zhan with him wherever he went. Li Qiu and Chen Zhan were also familiar, and Chen Zhan didn't need him. Li Qiulai helps with anything, and the relationship between the two can be regarded as friends.

Li Qiu naturally knew and understood the Chen Qiang in front of him.

Li Qiu looked at Chen Qiang and then turned to look at Lao Gu, frowning.

"Little Chen Qiang is different from what he was in the early years. Has he really grown up? I used to look like I was the best in the world. I wanted to slap both of them when I saw him."

Lao Gu was too lazy to speak, and then Li Qiu returned to the office again. Baitao pointed at the men outside the door and gritted his teeth.

"You two, please be honest with me. Li Qiu is going to have lunch in Binhai later. You go and prepare."

Baitao returned to the office. The five people at the door looked at each other. After a moment, Liu Shengge raised his hands and smiled.

"This matter has nothing to do with me. I don't know how to cook. You can do your own research."

Before Han Qian and others could speak, the door of the office was opened again, and Li Qiu stood at the door and spoke to them.

"Aren't you going to have lunch at noon? Just make some home-cooked food."

It showed that Han Qian wanted to leave in his heart. He didn't really want to cook for Li Qiu right now. Han Qian didn't know what this person was thinking. Moreover, Chen Qiang and Lin Zongheng were here, so tired and stupid. It would be good if the two of them were busy with the boy's affairs. Although Father Gu wanted Han Qian and Li Qiu to get acquainted with each other intentionally or unintentionally, Han Qian was resisting in his heart.

Han Qian has long been tired of serving such a big boss.

He didn't have any ideals or lofty dreams. He lived peacefully in Binhai and then looked for opportunities to settle the grievances he had accumulated. Lin Zongheng, Chen Qiang, and Liu Shengge would be a disaster if they stayed.

Han Qian took a deep breath.


As soon as he uttered a word, Liu Shengge smiled.

"Uncle Li, why don't you go listen to the trend? It's my family's business."

Li Qiu glanced at Liu Shengge and laughed softly.

"Okay, you make arrangements."

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