Chapter nine

It was already eight o'clock when he woke up. Zhou Le left a note, telling Qian Qian not to be embarrassed, eat and drink before leaving, and stop pretending if you have a waist injury. We are all brothers, you can tell.

He had already paid the bill and deposited some more.

What a flower!

Maybe because he was too busy, Qian Qian didn't expect that he could sleep for so long. He sat on the small bed and looked around in confusion, and then scratched his head.

For a moment, Qian Qian found that there seemed to be nothing he could do.

The distaste for the renovation has been established, and workers started laying bricks yesterday.

You can't just go and stare at the workers.

While Qian Qian was sitting in a daze on the second floor, Wei Jiu sat tiredly on the sofa in the office on the top floor of Honor Home, rubbing his head with his hands, his eyes filled with red bloodshot eyes. He found a doctor in Changqing City last night. night!

There was no news at all.

Wu Qingsi, who was wearing a down jacket, was leaning against the door with a cup of coffee. She also had trouble sleeping last night, rubbed her eyes and sighed.

"We are both fine, but I don't know how An An is doing. I called her just now and her voice was hoarse and weak! Damn, we are probably in the same state as Qinghu in the first few days. You don't have any news at all?"

Wei Jiu shook his head.

"No! I was reminiscing about the night last night! If the back you saw was Qian'er, I should have put my arms around his shoulders while singing! You said Qian'er rejected tattoos, do you remember Qian'er's face? What scars are there?”

Wu Qingsi shook her head.

"No! I remember this very clearly. Qinghu often nags, saying that Han Qian's face is smooth and smooth, and his body is like a map, crisscrossing it! Maybe he really saw it wrong!"

Wei Jiu rubbed his temples and sighed.

"No matter what, I won't be able to fly these two days, so worry about you and An An flying to the magic city! I'll stay and look for you later. I was basically not around when Qian'er had an accident. I missed it so many times, I... forget it. ! I’m going to find a place to take a shower and take a rest! You fly first.”

"I'll call An An. Be careful. If you get caught by a fan, you won't have time. Oh! There is a good bathing center opposite the hotel where An An lives."

"It doesn't matter!"

"Bring your assistant! Otherwise I won't be able to find you if something happens. Why do you look like Han Qian!"

Wei Jiu trotted downstairs. He had been with Han Qian for so long that he had developed a mysophobia.

Go downstairs and drive straight to the largest bathing center in Changqing.


After taking a shower, Qian Qian put on a worn-out military coat and went downstairs. He handed over his sign, put on his shoes and turned around to leave. As soon as he walked out of the door, he found it was snowing again. Qian Qian stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake.

It's ice cold!

Then his eyes were attracted by a silhouette on the other side of the road.

The loose windbreaker failed to cover up the woman's tall figure. Qian Qian looked at the woman carefully and found that the windbreaker, which was supposed to reach her knees, did not even reach her knees.

The woman's height is estimated to be only about 1.7 meters, but her legs are really long!

What a pity it’s not summer, these legs will look perfect in black stockings!

Qian Qian simply appreciates beautiful things.

He likes perfect people and perfect things!

Or that everyone likes perfect things.

With her back to Changqing's largest bathing center, An An held her cell phone and listened to Wu Qingsi chattering there.

"Wei Jiu said he won't leave. He wants to stay and see again! What do they say from the Magic City? Are we flying today?"

An An, whose eyes were red and swollen, spoke with a hoarse voice.

"How hopeful do you feel?"

Wu Qingsi whispered.

"I feel very small! Wei Jiu said that he was holding this person's shoulders, and this person has scars around his eyes. I remember that Han Qian has no scars on his face?"

An An gave up completely and whispered.

"There are no scars. He said having scars on his face is a shame. Tu Xiaoyou nagged him resentfully many times about this."

An An gave up, but she didn't know that the man she loved, the man she was looking for so hard, the man who often called and nagged her was standing behind her, as long as An An looked back.

As long as An An can look back.

"Okay, I'll drive over to find you now."

After hanging up the phone, An An put away the phone and was about to turn around. At this moment, an urgent voice came from behind Qian Qian. Qian Qian turned his head and looked at the waiter who was chasing him, tilting his head and looking confused.

The waiter grabbed the cash and ran down the steps panting, laughing.

"Sir, you are serious! Why did you leave without looking at the bill? Your friend was worried about your consumption during the day, so he deliberately saved an extra five hundred yuan. This is the change for you, please keep it."

Qian Qian scratched his head in embarrassment, took the money and whispered.

“I thought it was expensive here, it’s my first time here!”

An An just glanced at the two people across the street indifferently, then opened the door, got in the car and drove away.

Qian Qian collected the money, and the waiter, who was wearing very few clothes, said it was cold and went back.

When Qian Qian turned his head again, the perfect back disappeared, Qian Qian was slightly disappointed.

I failed to see the other side of this perfect thing, comforting myself in case the other side is disappointing.

An An in the car muttered softly while driving.

"You try to imitate my men's style, but you don't have that temperament!"

Even if the waiter came out a second later, even if An An put away his indifference and coldness towards strangers, maybe everything would not be like this.

But if there was no indifference and coldness, would it still be An An?

An An's coldness and indifference only disappeared in front of Han Qian. Others were not worthy in her eyes!

Not worthy!

A terrible second, a hateful second, the most hateful second.

One second may be just a blink of an eye for many people, but in the blink of an eye, the person who once loved you has disappeared.

Qian Qian raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Walking back or taking the bus? Walk back!"

Qian Qian came back after just two steps, muttering in a low voice.

"Take the bus back."

After taking another two steps, Qian Qian looked at the sky again.

"It's over! I'm having difficulty choosing! I'm also going to have a grumpy disorder when I'm hungry!!"

At this time, Qian Qian was already irritable, and he was already a little hungry.

Just as he was struggling in place, screams and rapid footsteps suddenly came from the street in the distance. Qian Qian turned around and saw that this section of the road was full of people. Girls held up their hands. brand shouting fanatically.

Qian Qian sighed and murmured in a low voice that he was really envious. When would he be able to attract everyone's attention when he went out?

Before he could turn around, there was a sudden pain in his lower back. It was originally caused by the slippery ground in winter, and his body was weak after taking a bath. Qian Qian couldn't stand firmly and lay on the snow. There was a continuous wheezing and wheezing sound above his head. the sound of.

"Don't block the way, stinky man! Ah!! Wei Jiu Wei Jiu, the little fairy is here~"

It can be judged from the sound that this woman must weigh 180 pounds. Qian Qiangang was about to look up to find the murderer.

A gentleman's ten years of revenge?

get out!

I am an angry young man!

Just when his head was raised, there was a sudden pain in the back of his head. Someone stepped on Qian Qian's head. Qian Qian's face hit the ground hard, and everything went blank.

"Ah! Wei Jiu Wei Jiu!"

"Wei Jiu, let's take a photo together. I love you the most! I've commented on all your Weibo posts."

"Wei Jiu Wei Jiu, I want to marry you!"

Wei Jiu didn't expect that he would end up like this when he just came to take a shower. He smiled and signed autographs and took photos for fans. Just when Wei Jiu was also a little irritable, the assistant came over and spoke in a low voice.

"There seems to be a stampede ahead! Although you don't have a company now, if this incident gets out, it will have a great impact on Miss Qingsi, so be careful with your image."

Wei Jiu immediately frowned and glanced left and right. His eyes fell on the man lying in the snow at the foot of the steps of the bathing center. There was still snow on the man's back. It was obvious that he had been stepped on. Wei Jiu pushed The man in front of him ran all the way, squatted beside Qian Qian, stretched out his hand to support Qian Qian's arm, and whispered.

"Are you okay?"

Qian Qian frowned and gritted his teeth.

"It's okay, but something is wrong with the person who stepped on me."

Hearing this voice and looking at the slowly raised face, Wei Jiu sat on the ground with dull eyes, and then punched Qian Qian in the face. The man in his thirties cried like a child. Hug Qian Qian in front of him.

"You made it so damn easy for me to find!"

Qian Qian's eyes were confused, and he was even more confused when he was held in the arms of this big star, so he asked doubtfully.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Wei Jiu said nothing, then suddenly took off his clothes and covered Qian Qian's head, and the next second the shutter sound kept ringing.

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