Han Qian came suddenly, and Chen Qiang opened his arms to protect Li Dongsheng and Sun Mingyue behind him. Every time Han Qian took a step forward, Chen Qiang retreated.

He looked at the people coming up the stairs one after another from behind Han Qian.

Chen Qiang has already lost in terms of momentum.

Chen Qiang had a nervous look on his face, and looking at Han Qian's indifferent face, the two of them formed a sharp contrast. Han Qian walked to where Liu Guangming was and sat down, crossed his legs, and the king bent down and nodded. A cigarette.

Han Qian held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at Chen Qiang with squinted eyes and smiled.

"Cockroach Chen, you can leave, and Mabao Li can leave, but Fatty Sun can't leave. Okay, you two can leave now."

Chen Qiang looked at Han Qian and frowned.

"Han Qian, in a society governed by law, if I take Sun Mingyue away today, you can't stop me."

Han Qian smiled.

"Try it~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Ding, who was standing next to Han Qian, suddenly drew his gun and pulled the trigger on Sun Mingyue. If Li Dongsheng and Chen Qiang hadn't reacted quickly, Sun Mingyue would have been shot in the head by Liu Ding. Chen Qiang turned around and roared.

"Han Qian!"

Han Qian raised his hand and pressed down Liu Ding's arm holding the pistol, looked at Chen Qiang and smiled.

"What did you just say? Who are you taking away? I didn't hear clearly."

Chen Qiang pulled Sun Mingyue behind him and looked at Han Qian coldly. He did not dare to speak anymore.

At this time, downstairs of the teahouse, people from the Municipal Bureau and some leaders from Binxian County had arrived, but the door of the teahouse downstairs had been closed. Tu Xiao and Wei Tiancheng stood downstairs and laughed.

"This place is closed today, please go back."

Wei Tiancheng smiled.

"Private residence, we need documents to search. Why don't you go get a search document first?"

Just when the people from Bin County were about to speak, Tu Xiao made a gesture of silence.

"Shh, your prince is upstairs."

The entrance to the teahouse became quiet.

They have dealt with Han Qian for so many years. When he is not doing business, it will be fine if you give him a kick. He will not care about you, and even said that it is not strong, but he is doing business. At that time, even a passing dog might be slapped twice.

Take the initiative to provoke Han Qian? And there hasn't been any commotion yet. It was just that the TV upstairs was too loud.

But they didn't leave and stayed downstairs, so they had a reason to explain when faced with Chen Qiang's accountability.

On the second floor of the teahouse, Han Qian drank tea and waved casually to Chen Qiang.

"Let's go, let's go? Don't be an eyesore here. I'll just find a hole for Sun Mingyue to bury in a while."

Sun Mingyue, who was almost panicked when facing Liu Guangming, was facing Han Qian now. Not to mention his heart was trembling, all the flesh on his body was trembling.

Chen Qiang took a step forward, Liu Ding took a step forward, and Chen Qiang took a step back.

Now the two biggest idiots in Han Qian's camp are no longer Guan Junbiao and Cui Li, but Liu Ding who is standing next to Han Qian, and Dong Yangjie, the thinking scum with a ponytail and glasses standing at the top of the stairs.

In Liu Ding's words, if Han Qian asked him to kill his parents, he would be embarrassed, but he would never hesitate.

Who is not afraid of this kind of mental illness?

Just like during the Three Kingdoms period, who was not afraid of Xu Chu?

At this time, Yeats went upstairs with a plate of lunch and delivered it to Han Qian. Han Qian looked at the dry bar bread and ham slices in front of him. Han Qian picked up the dry bar bread and took a bite.


Han Qian raised his head and looked at Yeats. Yeats looked very calm, as if it was not her fault.

Han Qian took another bite.


The slag fell off, and the corner of the king's eyes twitched slightly. Is this what Miss Ye just said about preparing lunch with her own hands?

I was a little irritated by Yeats' dry bar bread, and then a text message came on my phone.

It belongs to Cheng Jin.

Tell Han Qian not to go too far.

Han Qian took another bite of bread and raised his head to look at Chen Qiang.

"Are you leaving? I'll give you one last chance, otherwise this bread will bite my teeth and you won't be able to leave."

When the words came out, the king secretly glanced at Yeats, her face was still as plain as a dead person.

Chen Qiang opened his mouth and shouted.

"Han Qian, I don't... ugh!"

Li Dongsheng stretched out his hand to cover Chen Qiang's mouth and stared at Chen Qiang with a bit of doubt in his eyes. Why is this brain broken? Then Li Dongsheng looked at Han Qian and said softly.

"Han Qian, let's make a deal! You have many talented people and strangers, I will fight with you! If I win, you let Sun Mingyue go."

Han Qian lowered his head and looked at the bread on the plate, then slowly turned his head to look at Yeats in confusion.

"You have a mixer in the kitchen? Made of concrete?"

Yeats shook his head with a dull expression, as if the bread had nothing to do with her.

With her character, Han Qian couldn't help it. He turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng again and chuckled softly.

"Li Dongsheng, you've changed a lot, I'm quite surprised! We just met each other after all. If you hadn't been so stupid at the time, my success might have been aborted. Let's win."

Han Qian snapped his fingers, Dongyangjie took off his glasses and gently put them aside. He walked up the stairs, took off his coat and hooked his fingers at Li Dongsheng. Li Dongsheng ignored Dongyangjie and turned to look at Han Qian.

"If we defeat Dongyangjie, can we leave?"

Han Qian didn't even look at Li Dongsheng, but looked at Yeats and continued to ask.

"Are you a bricklayer by background? If you were a builder, you would be absolutely conscientious. Really! Miss Ye, touch this bread. Does it look like the brick that the nursery rhyme hit me with yesterday?"

Yeats smiled softly at Han Qian, bent down and said softly.

“Great British specialties.”

At this time, Li Dongsheng had already taken off his clothes and was about to fight Dong Yangjie. Han Qian didn't bother to look over there. It seemed that Li Dongsheng's victory or defeat was not as important as the piece of bread in front of him. After staring at the bread for a long time, Han Qian whispered.

"Isn't this delicious?"

"Well, it's lunch."

Han Qian turned to look at the king, who nodded slightly.

"Lunch means lunch in English, but lunch over there is bread."

While Han Qian was struggling with the slices of bread, both Li Dongsheng and Dong Yangjie had already lost.

A large area of ​​Dongyangjie's white vest was dyed bright red. Li Dongsheng wiped the corner of his mouth. At this time, Dongyangjie suddenly rushed forward and swung his right fist towards Li Dongsheng's temple. The moment Li Dongsheng raised his hand to block, Dongyangjie's The elbow of his left arm hit Li Dongsheng in the face.

Li Dongsheng took a few steps back, bent over and shook his head. At this moment, Dongyangjie had already followed, jumped up, and struck Li Dongsheng on the back of the neck with his right leg. The victory that he thought would appear did not appear. Li Dongsheng resisted the blow, and turned his head in the next second. He grabbed Dongyangjie's waistband with his left hand and Dongyangjie's collar with his right hand. He used both feet to lift the leg on his shoulder and hit Dongyangjie towards the stairs. guardrail.




The wooden guardrails were broken one by one. Dongyangjie ignored the pain on his body and even said that his adrenal glands no longer allowed him to feel pain. He touched a broken guardrail stick and hit Li Dongsheng on the back of the head.

Li Dongsheng quickly stood up and retreated, with blood flowing and blocking his sight. Dongyangjie stood up and hit Li Dongsheng with two European uppercuts in succession.

When Li Dongsheng was forced to raise his head, the sweat and blood on his pajamas became crystal clear in the sun. Dongyangjie looked at the unconscious Li Dongsheng, turned around and looked at Han Qian and shouted excitedly.

"aniki, I...\

,"Before he finished speaking, Li Dongsheng suddenly lowered his head. The mama's boy's eyes showed determination. He took a step back, took a step forward, and punched Dongyangjie in the chest. Dongyangjie, who had slipped away, was short of the punch and almost lost his breath. , then Li Dongsheng stepped forward, turned around, and kicked high.

Looking at the shoes getting closer and closer to his door, Dongyangjie knew that he was finished.

At this moment he gave up the struggle, and he knew that his struggle was of no use.


The body flew down the stairs.

Li Dongsheng turned his head to look at Han Qian, bent over and wearing rough clothes, looking at Han Qian with his body covered in bright red.

"Han Qian, I win."

Han Qian, who was still studying the bread, waved to Xu Hongchang without raising his head.

"Go and see if Dong Yangjie is dead. Don't let him come next time you fight."

When the words came out, Dong Yangjie's weak voice came at once.

"aniki, I can still fight! I really can fight!"

Dongyangjie, whose ribs had been broken, was still struggling, but Xu Hongchang was no longer ready to let him take action. Han Qian picked up the bread and knocked on the table.


These two crisp voices made Han Qian stunned for a while and whispered.

"Sun Mingyue, you can get out."

At this time, when Sun Mingyue went to help Li Dongsheng to go downstairs, Han Qian raised his head and grinned.

"I said you could leave, but I didn't say Li Dongsheng could leave."

Sun Mingyue turned her head and was about to speak when Li Dongsheng stretched out his hand to cover Sun Mingyue's mouth, looked at Han Qian and whispered.

"Okay! Keep going!"

Han Qian waved his hand.

"Cui Li!"

Cui Li walked towards Li Dongsheng with an indifferent expression. Han Qian put his head on one hand and smiled at Li Dongsheng.

"Start the timer now, I won't embarrass you! If you can still stand and talk to me in three minutes, you can leave."

Li Dongsheng pushed Sun Mingyue away and raised his fingers at Cui Li.

"Come! Han Qian, I'll give you one more minute!"

Han Qian suddenly smiled excitedly.

"Okay! Then I won't be polite, Cui Li! Don't be merciful!"

Cui Li stepped forward without saying a word. Li Dongsheng, who was exhausted, took the initiative and punched Cui Li in the face. The next second, Li Dongsheng's head was grabbed by Cui Li, and his fist as big as a sandbag hit Li Dongsheng's stomach. .

A mouthful of blood spurted out from Li Dongsheng's mouth. Cui Li turned to look at Han Qian. Han Qian crossed his legs, propped his head with one hand, stuffed bread into his mouth with the other hand, and waved casually.


Then Cui Li punched Li Dongsheng in the stomach again, punching one after another. Every time he punched Li Dongsheng in the stomach, his feet would fly into the air with the force. After receiving more than a dozen punches, , Li Dongsheng suddenly punched Cui Li in the eye. After Li Dongsheng broke away, he raised his fingers at Han Qian.

"I'm waiting to fight you."

Han Qian was excited when he said this. Just as he was about to stand up, he pressed his shoulders with two hands. Yeats and the king each pressed a shoulder. Han Qian, who felt the blood flowing in his body, frowned and looked at the two of them. Both of them chose Shake his head.

At this time, he felt a little embarrassed and roared angrily.

"Do you think I'm trash like Toyosuke?"

It was rare for him to say so many words at once. After he finished speaking, Cui Li stepped forward and grabbed Li Dongsheng's neck. Li Dongsheng, who was 1.85 meters tall, was forcefully pushed to the ground by Cui Li. He pinched his neck and hit the table legs one after another.

Then he picked up Li Dongsheng, took a step back, and kicked him out. Li Dongsheng flew four or five meters away in an instant. Cui Li stepped forward, pinched Li Dongsheng's neck with one hand, and smashed Li Dongsheng in the face with the other hand!

With this punch, Li Dongsheng knew he was going to die, but at this moment, Yeats' stopwatch rang, Cui Li's fist stopped less than an inch away from Li Dongsheng's face, Cui Li stood up and walked towards Han Qian, Liu Dongsheng struggled to stand up , his whole body was stained red with blood, and he was weak and weak.

"Han...Han Qian, I...I know I can't leave here alive today."

Han Qian nodded.

"Li Dongsheng, you are really in line with my taste now. Both you and Sun Mingyue can leave."

Li Dongsheng stood up unsteadily, then straightened his back, raised his head and roared.

"Han Qian, in my eyes you are still the little character who just entered the general department. In my eyes, you will always be a poor guy, no matter how much you are worth! I, Li Dongsheng, can lose to anyone, but I won't I will lose to you for the second time! There is some shame that cannot be washed away in this life, but Chen Lei can die standing up, and I, Li Dongsheng, will not survive on my knees!"

After saying this, Sun Mingyue stepped forward and hugged Li Dongsheng, turned her head and roared at Han Qian.

"Han Qian! I'll fight you! I'll fight Cui Li. Even if you beat me to death, I won't hold you legally responsible. Just let Dongsheng go!"

Han Qian shook his head.


Sun Mingyue's fat body knelt on the floor and kowtowed to Han Qianbangbang.

"Han Qian! Prince, I, Sun Mingyue, am guilty, and I deserve to die. Please ask Liu Ding to give me the gun, and I will commit suicide! I will commit suicide in front of you now, and you will give Dongsheng a way to live."

Han Qian frowned and looked at Sun Mingyue. Li Dongsheng staggered forward and stood in front of Sun Mingyue.

"No, no, I can still fight! Han Qian, tell me who to fight next? Guan Junbiao? Su Liang or Cui Li."

Han Qian stared at Li Dongsheng with an indifferent expression.


Just when he was about to speak, Cui Li, who didn't like to speak, suddenly interrupted Han Qian's words. This was something that had never happened before and that no one could even imagine. Cui Li frowned and stared at the silent Chen Qiang in the distance. .


These two simple words were like a sharp sword piercing Chen Qiang's chest.

Over the past year, he has lost, been plotted, failed, and humiliated. He has endured all these, but today, at this time, now.

The simple words "Cui Li" made Chen Qiang's body stiffen.

He was afraid.

He was scared after Liu Ding shot him.

Chen Qiang didn't know what he was afraid of. Afraid of death? Afraid of fighting a rubbish like Liu Ding, or afraid that Han Qian would embarrass him, or that he simply didn't believe Han Qian's words. He didn't think Li Dongsheng could leave here if he agreed.

Han Qian ignored Chen Qiang and didn't even look at him. He stared at Li Dongsheng and said softly.

"In the last round, you fight Big Cat!"

The king had no hesitation or doubt. She believed that His Highness's choice was the right one. When the king stepped forward, Li Dongsheng knelt down on the ground with a pop and slowly raised his hands.

"Han Qian, I admit defeat! It is disgraceful to win, and I cannot accept losing to the king. You let Sun Mingyue and Chen Qiang leave, and I will stay here. If you don't kill anyone, I won't force you. You can hand me over to Wu Si She won't show mercy to me."

Han Qian waved to Sun Mingyue and then looked at Chen Qiang.

"What are you standing here waiting for? Do you think your last bit of courage can take care of your face? Or do you think your father can come here to save you in three hours?"

Chen Qiang lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

"Don't you dare kill me."

Han Qian nodded.

"Yes, I do not dare to kill you, but I dare to kill them both. Sun Mingyue can take the stairs, but Li Dongsheng, you can only leave through the window."

Han Qian stretched. Li Dongsheng looked at Han Qian without saying anything. He stood up and walked to the window. He took a deep breath and pushed open the window. Looking at the people downstairs, Li Dongsheng turned over and jumped out of the window.

There were exclamations and noises outside, as well as Guan Junbiao's words.

"Don't die! You haven't given me your high technology yet!"

Han Qian picked up two pieces of bread on the table and walked to the stairs, looked at Sun Mingyue kneeling on the ground and smiled.

"Remember, the matter is far from over. You almost blinded Yu Shici, and you almost shot and killed my brother Liu's woman. Today's debt is only between Liu Guangming and you. The debt between us will never be settled. , you haven’t accepted any responsibility yet.”

After saying this, Han Qian led everyone towards the stairs. When he was about to go downstairs, Han Qian turned his head and looked at Chen Qiang.

"You continue to insist on your face here, or wait here for your father to pick you up. I used to think Li Dongsheng was quite a mother's boy. Now you make me understand one sentence, garbage should be in the trash can, not in the trash can. Stand in front of me!"

Han Qian went downstairs, pushed open the closed door of the teahouse, and looked at the mess outside the door, Han Qian chuckled.

"There is something wrong with the safety of the teahouse. A customer slipped and fell. Let's disperse. This teahouse will not be opened in the future."

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