Ex-wife becomes creditor after divorce Season 2

Chapter 944: Attack in the capital

Accompanying Qian Ling and a bunch of children for dinner, Han Jiayi and Han Qian ate in the same way, stuffing big mouthfuls into their mouths, but they didn't move at all towards the seafood on the table. He didn't have any sympathy for it. , I just simply don’t like it.


Beloved also stuffed big gulps into his mouth, as if he had a grudge against the rice.

Han Qian didn't go back at night, so his five children and Su Yuli crowded in Han Qian's room to listen to Han Qian's stories. As a result, Han Qian fell asleep while he was telling them.

Qian Ling did not agree to hold the wedding, but just said that the two children would get certificates.

Many things are counterproductive, but Han Qian still respects the ideas of his elders.


In Beijing, the entire Huacheng Group has made personnel transfers. With Baitao's help, Lin Zongheng has controlled most of the Huacheng Group. In this era, no one will be absolutely loyal to anyone. Whoever gives the most benefits will be the one. Their best friend.

Then Lin Zongheng began to frantically try his best to poach Liu Group's executives, technicians and partners in front of Liu Shengge. Even if he did these things in front of Liu Shengge, Liu Shengge would naturally not see it this way. Now, while Jiayi is not in the capital, he is constantly threatening the shareholders of Huacheng Group who support Lin Zongheng so that they are not allowed to support Lin Zongheng.

Lin Zongheng put his feet on the table, put his hands behind his head and looked at the ceiling. His mind kept echoing what Lin Mengde had said.

"Commodities are divided into three, six or nine grades, and the same goes for people. Those at the grassroots level of society, workers in factories, and workers on construction sites, are not classified into the same grades. Ah! They are not considered human beings. They are no different from animals in the plowing fields. Animals are just for a mouthful of fodder. , they are just for a bite of dinner, so they don’t need to be treated as human beings, and they are not qualified to enjoy the freedom of being human. Such people are not human beings.”

At that time, Lin Zongheng didn't understand what his father said. Why were they not considered human beings even though they were both human beings?

Lin Zongheng took a breath. At this time, Concubine Hua came in with her child in her arms. Lin Zongheng sat up and put out the cigarette in his hand and frowned.

"You brought the kids here while I was smoking? Are you out of your mind?"

While talking, Lin Zongheng walked to the window and opened it. After rinsing his mouth, he walked to Concubine Hua and took over his son. Looking at his son, Lin Zongheng's father's words appeared in Lin Zongheng's mind again.

"People are divided into high and low. Zongheng, you are destined to stand above the third class people when you are born. Look at the employees of our company. They are ninth class people. You can look at them, but you don't need to talk to such people. To you There is no use. The management of a company and the boss of a small company are considered sixth-class people. You can nod when you meet them, and they only deserve your nod. The people at the Yamenmen are third-class people. You can say hello, but there is no need to say hello. They should be treated as big shots, because they are only worthy of being a tool for you to make money and enhance your own status.”

Looking at his son in his arms, Lin Zongheng suddenly felt that what his father Lin Mengde said was right. What was the use of those untouchables? Can they hurt me, Lin Zongheng?

They can't.

Not everyone is Han Qian, not everyone is Feng Lun.

Why should I, the fourth generation of the Lin family, a wealthy businessman, be on an equal footing with you trash who are struggling for a bite to eat in a mud puddle? Birth is like a chasm. You work hard to cross the chasm, but I have already stood on the opposite side of your chasm and walked a long, long way.

Lin Zongheng looked at his son in his arms and smiled.

"Son, you were born to stand at the top of the pyramid. Even if we cry, we must cry the loudest. If others find it annoying to be noisy, just cut off their ears."

The little Lin Shouyi didn't know what the man in front of him was talking about. At this time, he had no concept of parents.

The door of the talking room was pushed open again, and Zhou Le and others walked in. Seeing Lin Zongheng holding the child, Zhou Le curled his lips and smiled.

"Did it disturb the deep love between your father and son?"

Lin Zongheng curled his lips, handed the child to Hua Guifei, and once again told her to be careful not to bring the child over when she was smoking, drinking, or angry.

Now Concubine Hua admires Lin Zongheng very much because Lin Zongheng did something different from Lin Mengde.

Lin Zongheng currently does not have any shares in Huacheng Group, and all the shares he controls are in the hands of Hua Guifei.

Lin Zongheng did not believe his father's words on this point. If his father had not forced his mother, had been a little nicer to her and given her some sense of security, perhaps her mother would not have left him so early.

After Concubine Hua left, Lin Zongheng's confidants sat on the sofa in the office. Except for the few from Binhai and the two from Beijing, Lin Zongheng returned to the office chair again, raised his legs and put them on the table and closed them. Eye.

The man who had just joined Lin Zongheng in the capital stood up, bent over and whispered softly.

"Master Lin, now many people in the capital have begun to be curious and guess your identity. I think the top priority should be to give these people a reassurance."

Lin Zongheng raised his head and looked at this man with a thin face that could be described as ugly, and smiled.

"Nian Shilun, are you really not ready to get married?"

Lin Zongheng ignored Nian Shilun's words, and Nian Shilun also ignored Lin Zongheng's words and bent down to continue.

"Master Lin, now is the most ripe time. After you took control of the Huacheng Group, everyone just watched the fun, but now you are starting to attack the Liu Group. Those who have cooperated with the Liu Group, or want to cooperate in the future, and those who have People with grievances are watching your every move. If there is any disturbance in the Liu Group, the scales will tilt. Liu Shengge has been domineering in the capital these years, and those who have been forced to cooperate have been miserable. "

Lin Zongheng looked at Nian Shilun with squinted eyes and smiled.


Nian Shilun whispered.

"I have a plan. Now that everyone is curious about your identity and abilities, it's better to take action as soon as possible! Luo Fu has been a little restless these days. After Liu Shengge arrived in the capital, the two second-generation ancestors Liu Shengwu and Luo Fu began to miss nightclubs again. After living together, Mr. Lin can have a chance encounter with the two of them at night. Luo Fu has no brains and is an impulsive character. But if we don't have a conflict with Luo Fu, it will be difficult for this woman Luo Shen to go crazy. "

Lin Zongheng lit a cigarette and waved his hand.


Nian Shilun whispered.

"Master Lin, I don't have a wife."

Lin Zongheng raised his head and cursed with a smile.

"Are you throwing money away? You can pick any woman from across the country and throw money at her. If you can't hit her with money, you'll drug her and I'll take care of it for you!"

Nian Shilun shook his head and continued to describe his plan.

"Liu Shengwu and Luo Fu have a very good relationship, and now that Luo Fu and Chen Jing are divorcing, he has a bad reputation in the Luo family. It's easy to find a way to anger this second generation ancestor. As long as Liu Shengwu stands up for Luo Fu Take action…”

After listening to Nian Shilun's nonsense, Lin Zongheng laughed.

"When will we do it?"

Nian Shilun smiled.

"It's going to rain tonight, and there's a famous DJ coming to the bar."

Lin Zongheng sighed.

"It's a little troublesome!"

Nian Shilun smiled.

"No trouble, Han Qian can't leave Binhai now, and he won't even be able to leave Binhai in the future, because Chen Qiang is in a mental hospital, and there are monsters and monsters in Binhai, and there is no way for Han Qian to control him!"

Lin Zongheng stood up, turned his head to look at Zhou Le, and smiled.

"Do you see, this is called professionalism! Do you know anything about it?"

Zhou Le curled his lips and smiled.

"I just know that when Sister Hua asked you if you were going home yesterday, you grabbed a handful of wolfberries at my place..."

Lin Zongheng stepped forward and covered Zhou Le's mouth, glanced left and right, and whispered.

"How much money will it take to shut you up! Just say it!"

At this time, Nian Shilun turned his head and looked at Lin Zongheng, saying resentfully.

"Master Lin, I..."

Lin Zongheng stretched out his hand and pushed Zhou Le's head away, saying scornfully.

"Go away first and get me some of your wine later."

Then he turned to look at Nian Shilun. Lin Zongheng knelt down with a pop and started kowtowing to Nian Shilun.

"My dear Nian! Just let me go. There are so many women in the country. Who do you like? You, you like Wu Qingsi! Aren't you going to kill me, a bastard? Let's change Is one okay?”

Nian Shilun sighed.

"You know that a good man doesn't have a good wife, and a good girl marries two men!"

Lin Zongheng straightened up and frowned.

"Get out of here? Can you go do some business? As for Wu Qingsi, you can contact Guo Wumei. She has a deep hatred for this bitch!"

After everyone left, Zhou Le, who was walking at the back, suddenly had his neck strangled and his mouth was not covered. At this moment, Zhou Le was panicked and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Lin Zongheng had discovered some clues?

"Zhou Le, you hide it so damn deep!"

Zhou Le's face was gloomy, and his right hand was already clenched into a fist. Then Lin Zongheng's words made Zhou Le's fist drop weakly.

"Give me the medicinal wine you brewed. Since Concubine Hua gave birth to the baby, I'm a little unable to do what I want."

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