The three of them separated after leaving the mental hospital. It seemed that they had something to say, but they didn't know what to say to each other.

After returning home, Han Qian fell asleep. When he was dazed, Han Qian felt a cold feeling on his face. He opened his eyes and looked at the girl sitting on the tatami staring at him. Han Qian sat up and rubbed his eyes and said vaguely.

"I'm home."

Nuan Nuan nodded.

"Well, I'm worried that you will miss me at home! You have nothing to do recently, and you probably don't know what to do when you are free, so I will come back early to play with you. Yeats is going to make you that little train that you have been thinking about so much, Sun Zhengmin They seem to have agreed, and my uncle has done it, Brother Qian! Do you think I’m great?”

Looking at Wen Wen's proud expression, Han Qian reached out and pinched the girl's face.

"In the past, I didn't miss you even if we didn't see each other for a few days, but now that you've been gone for two days, I've missed you."

Wen Nuan knocked off Han Qian's claws and smiled.

"I'm so cute! How could there be a girl as cute as me in the world? I was born to embody all the meanings of the word cute, and you! My ex-husband, you have completely experienced what it means to be cute. damn thing."

Han Qian smiled.

"have you eaten?"

Nuan Nuan nodded.

"Although I have eaten, I am still a little hungry. The food outside is not as good as the food you cook. It is either too spicy or too oily. I still like the food you cook a little more, because you know what my taste is. "

"what to eat?"

"Make the noodles with your hands, I haven't eaten them for a long time."


Han Qian never seemed to be afraid of cooking for Nuan Nuan. He went downstairs to make noodles and boil water. Nuan Nuan stood at the door of the kitchen and looked at Han Qian.

"Brother Qian, do you think I'm making trouble?"

Han Qian rubbed his face and nodded.

"A bit noisy."

Wen Nuan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Then do you think I am particularly ignorant sometimes?"

Han Qian smiled.

"It's not sometimes, it's that most of the time I'm not sensible, and only a few of the time I'm sensible."

Nuan Nuan chuckled.

"But I'm so troublesome and ignorant. At midnight, my brother cooks hand-made noodles for me to eat. Do you think I should be a little prouder? That's not right~ I'm so hot and cute, don't you like me? Should I? I’ll eat the sticky noodles first.”

Han Qian tilted his head and thought for a while.

“I don’t have Chunjiang at home, so Doubanjiang will be saltier!”

"I don't! I want to eat!"

"You eat your uncle! Just bear with it! I have nothing to do during the day tomorrow. I will pick up my daughter and go out to play, eh? You went to Shengjing... Where is Qinghu?"

"Uncle Qinghu! Oh, you are talking about Cai Qinghu! She heard that her mother went back to her hometown to see her sixth grandma, so she went back to her hometown directly. Beloved was also there clamoring about eating chicken feet with pickled peppers. Beloved was not here, so she was carefree. Too young to go out and play!”

"Where is your daughter?"

"Oh, the bird? I forgot about it!"

"It's Qingluan!"

"It's all the same species."

"What about you, old hen?"

"Little Han Qian, are you tired of life? I am me, a bell is a bell, how can she, a little girl, compete with me, a fairy?"

"She is! Your daughter!"

"No more, give it to Yan Qingqing."

Han Qian didn't want to chat with Wen Nuan anymore. She always said some treacherous things.

The noodles were brought out. Wen Nuan sat on the table and opened his mouth, just like a newly born baby bird in the bird's nest. Han Qian smiled and took out the garlic slices and threw them into Wen Wen's mouth. Wen Wen lowered his head and ate the noodles.

Not afraid of getting hot at all.

Han Qian held his chin with one hand and fed Nuan Nuan slices of garlic, laughing softly.

"Why did Yeats suddenly get me a small train? Are you still joining in the fun?"

Nuan Nuan looked at Han Qian.

"Because idleness is idleness, otherwise why make money? Isn't it just for fun? Come on, brother Qian, let me ask you two questions."

Han Qian nodded.

"Yeah! Say it."

"How did you get stung by a bee on your tongue? Did you become so nagging after the bee stung your tongue?"

Han Qian was silent.

Warm again.

"Why did you throw a small fan into your crotch? Because after a bee stung your tongue, you felt that you were more articulate, so you threw a small fan!"

Having said this, Nuan Nuan suddenly stood up.

Han Qian looked at Wen Nuan with a blank expression.

"Are you full?"

"I'll catch little bees for you, hahahahaha!"

Han Qian stretched out his hand to grab Wen Nuan who was about to run away, and he laughed angrily.

"The bees don't come out in the middle of the night! You give me a good meal and talk about Ye Zhai Pavilion. If it goes as I expected, the training plane will have to change its route, right?"

Nuan Nuan nodded.

"Yeah! Then I increased the training height. I seem to have to spend some money on this matter. Specifically, it will be run by my uncle, maybe buying a plane? Or something, I don't know, but I Listening to Sun Zhengmin and Baitao chatting in Shengjing today. "

Han Qian motioned to Nuan Nuan to continue eating noodles and said softly.

"There is a high probability that Sun Zhengmin will not agree at first. I probably said that even if Sun Zhengmin died or went crazy, he would not be able to make Han Qianshun happy. Then if you think about it carefully, the most popular tourism industry in Binhai is the hot springs in Binxian County. , seaside, and seafood independence, there are many factories on the coast, and almost no one will come here again, so our coast is not very popular. "

Nuan Nuan opened her mouth, Han Qian threw another piece of garlic to her and continued.

"If this little train starts from the seaside of Bin County, passes through the Tongyao Water Park entertainment area, enjoys the sea along the coast, and then enters Longhuishou Peak, winding around the mountain to enjoy the scenery in the mountains, if the rails can be made into a green tunnel, it will become a popular check-in spot. At this time, you can start from the lively seaside to see the sea, then watch the performance of the water park, then watch the green scenery of Longhuishou Peak, and then start from the top of Longhuishou Peak?" Wen Nuan nodded to Han Qian. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, how do you know all this?" Han Qian touched Wen Nuan's head and said softly. "From the peak to the villa, there is a huge deep pit and canyon. Our Yesha Pavilion is at the bottom of the canyon. This sky train of about 1,500 meters in the sky makes people feel the sky again, from the beach at the starting point to the coast of the water park, to the peak of Long Huishou, and then reach out to touch the blue sky, and finally land in our northeast Qixi color villa, and then you can go to Yesha Pavilion. If possible, you can build a temple of the God of Wealth and a marriage tree in the back mountain of the villa. After praying for the God of Wealth and marriage, go to the zoo, and then have dinner in Yesha Pavilion. This should be the overall plan, right?" Wen Nuan gave Han Qian a thumbs up. "You are awesome! Your plan is more detailed than the one Yeats showed us." Han Qian smiled bitterly. "But it doesn't make money! After investing in this thing, our Binhai or Fengtian Cultural Tourism may keep praising you and promoting you, but it doesn't make money, because 90% of the money from the seaside, Long Huishou, and even the zoo will be handed over to the government." Wen Nuan shook her head. "I don't care about making money, as long as you are happy! Brother Qian, I'm sleepy, let's go to bed!"

"Brush your teeth!"

"No kissing, no brushing! I'm sleepy!"

In fact, Han Qian was also a little sleepy.

Early in the morning, when Han Qian was still sleeping, he suddenly felt a buzzing sound in his ears. Han Qian suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, then turned to look at the glass bottle in Wen Nuan's hand.

An oversized wasp was trapped in the bottle.

Han Qian was so scared that he almost cried.

"Auntie, what are you doing!"

Wen Nuan pointed at Han Qian's crotch.

"Sting it?"

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