There were many cars from Beijing taking pictures in Binhai. Han Qian and Guan Junbiao squatted on the curb and watched the passing vehicles, counting how many cars from Beijing would appear in Binhai today.

It doesn't matter how much, what matters is that Han Qian and Guan Junbiao are too idle.

In Guan Junbiao's words, when the two of them hit their heads, their skin would ooze oil, which was basically the same as salted duck eggs.

After a while, Guan Junbiao stood up.

"I'm going home and teaching my son his homework!"


Han Qian looked at Guan Junbiao with wide eyes and blinked.

"Is your son in high school this year? What are you teaching him? Which one do you know, Chinese, English, math, physics, and chemistry?"

Guan Junbiao blinked at Han Qian.

"It's time for the relationship between father and son to be cultivated. My son has a problem with his studies. His mother is free but Lu Ni'er can't do it. He's been crying for a day! I have to go. Can I make it to the party?"

"Okay! You go home. I see that Lu Nier is in charge of you now. I'm going back to the company."

The two stood up at the same time. Guan Junbiao threw a lighter. Han Qian lit two cigarettes and handed one to Guan Junbiao. Then he thought about it and threw the whole pack of cigarettes to Guan Junbiao, and then told Guan Junbiao to take a taxi to the company.

Didn't bring any money.

Along the way, Guan Junbiao was so mocked by Han Qian that he almost killed him.

He returned to the company with a lot of anger. It was true that Han Qian didn't take action in the car, but now he felt that he couldn't beat Guan Junbiao, and was ridiculed that he was weak.

As soon as I walked up the steps of the company, the security captain trotted over.

"Brother Qian'er, why don't you go out for a walk?"

Han Qian raised his eyebrows.

"What's going on? Something happened to the company?"

The security captain nodded seriously.

"Something big has happened. The young master has come to the company. He is currently doing homework in the queen's office. The aunt from the general department is also here. Minister Yang's hair is about to catch fire."

Han Qian curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"They are the only ones who have no brains together, yet they still take their children to do their homework? I'll go over and see what's going on. I remember Beibei is not stupid!"

Warriors are always unafraid of life and death.

When Han Qian walked into the General Department, everyone was coaxing Beibei and Yang Lan.

Mother and daughter have sex in the office.

Han Qian stepped forward and smiled.

"What's going on? Come on, come on, Beibei, come here."

Beibei came over with a roll of paper. Yang Lan snorted and turned around and entered the office. Looking at the math problem Beibei pointed at, Han Qian pinched his chin and whispered.

"Hmm~ It's quite simple! In the four-dimensional line ABCD, BC is equal to CD, ∠BCA is equal to 21°, ∠CAD is equal to 39°, and ∠CDA is equal to 78°. Find the degree of ∠bac. Isn't this right?"

Beibei shook his head, and Han Qian raised his head and looked at Yao Xue.

"Sister Xue, you don't know how?"

Yao Xue smiled awkwardly.

"How many years have it been since I took a question?"

Han Qian turned his head and looked at Beibei, frowning.

"No? Isn't this all done with eyes closed? Draw a line downward from C, mark the new angle as E, CD equals CE, link BE, ∠CED, EAC, and EBA are all isosceles triangles, right? Is ∠BCE also an isosceles triangle? And isn’t ∠BAC just 30 degrees? Is this so difficult?

Beibei nodded vigorously.

"Uncle, it's difficult!"

At this time, Su Liang came over and smiled.

"The question is not how to solve this question, but how to make Xiao Beibei understand that when Sister Yang gives her a lecture, she keeps arguing like a bully."

Han Qian turned his head and looked towards Beibei.

"You like to argue and irritate people, don't you? Come on! Sister Xue, print out a math test paper for her and leave her alone. If you can't finish it, light up the lamp and do the questions for me here today. You've also learned to talk back, Xiao Beibei! Xiao Beibei! I can’t deal with Tu Kun anymore, and I can’t deal with you anymore? Do the questions, and then I’ll ask Grandpa Liu Jiulong to prepare some fruit for you! I’ll go to Mr. Yan’s place, and I heard that Jia Yi is here too. ”

Han Qian ran away, and Xiao Beibei looked at Yao Xue pitifully.

"Aunt Xue, I want to go out and play."

Yao Xue narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"It's okay if you go out to play. Your uncle can break us up when he comes back. I'll prepare some simple test papers for you. You can do it while you play."

On the other side, when Han Qian walked into Yan Qingqing's office, there was a sense of peace in the office. Yan Qingqing was handling work, Xiao Jiayi was writing by himself, and Han Jiayi was young and not yet old enough to go to school.

There are rules from grandma's side for the Han family's children to enter school at the age of eight, and nothing else.

Han Qian glanced around, walked up and sat next to Han Jiayi, lowered his head and looked at the English on the test paper. Within two seconds, Han Qian spoke.

"Is that fucking right? Is that how you use the grammar?"

Yan Qingqing raised her head and looked at Han Qian with a slight frown. Han Jia frowned and said.

"It's Ai Chi, not Ai Go, it's Ai Ou, not Ai Lou."

"It's not because he loves to eat and go. There should be an E in the middle. Do you write A? You can't even do the simplest Hello? Are you a fucking pig? There is also this question. Is it correct to choose B? What are you going to do today, right? Han Jiayi, what the hell are you doing in the capital?

"Hey? Han Qian, just teach your children. Don't just keep talking. His mother is just sitting here. And Jia Yi is not old enough to go to school yet? He can write whatever he wants. What's the matter with you? Why are there so many children? If you have nothing to do, come out with me and have lunch with me."

Han Qian put his arm around Han Jiayi's shoulders and chuckled.

"Come on, son, let's go eat! Your mother's treat."

Han Jiayi looked at Han Qian with contempt.

"I really don't like eating with you, you smell like cigarettes!"

"Son, do you smoke? Dad doesn't care about you. Have you found someone in the capital? When will you bring him over so that dad can see?"

Yan Qingqing grabbed Han Qian's ear and left. When Han Qian went out, he winked at Han Jiayi. Han Jiayi was too lazy to talk to Han Qian. When he arrived at the general department floor, Han Qian lay at the door and shouted.

"Beibei, are you going to have dinner with your uncle?"

Beibei raised his head, and the next second Yang Lan appeared behind Beibei, stretched out his hand and pressed Beibei's head on the test paper, winked at Han Qian, and Han Qian obediently stepped back and left.

After following his wife downstairs, Han Qian looked at the sun in the sky.

"It's hot, my dear, let's eat in the cafeteria."

Yan Qingqing shook her head.

"No, I really want to eat Japanese food today. If Jiayi doesn't accompany me to eat, I don't want to go myself! It's okay if you come to the company."

Han Qian said oh, and the empress did not care about Han Qian at all.

Get in the car and hit the gas.

The Japanese restaurant was playing soft music, and the two of them were sitting in the lobby. Han Qian was not interested in Japanese food at all, but he could only eat a few bites of this rice-based sushi.

There were many people in the store, and everyone was talking in low voices. At this moment, Yan Qingqing suddenly picked up her phone.

"I just stopped the car for a while and made a stupid phone call? I parked behind you, why the hell can't you get out? You can't call the car in front of you? Get out of here, you idiot."

Han Qian raised his head to look at Yan Qingqing and said softly.

"There are so many people, please keep your voice down."

Yan Qingqing raised her head and frowned.

"You don't know where my car is parked? I left such a big space for her to get through? You keep calling me, what the fuck?"

Seeing Yan Qingqing stand up, Han Qian said blankly.

"What are you doing? Are you going to fight?"

"Hide! Go pee! You are so annoying when you are talking and showing your teeth."

Han Qian sighed.

"Is your aunt coming soon?"

Not long after, Yan Qingqing came back and took out a small box and handed it to Han Qian.

"Here~ a gift for you, the mobile phone that Nuan Nuan didn't buy for you, I bought it for you."

Han Qian's eyes widened for a moment, he opened the phone and stroked it as if looking at a baby bump, then carefully put it into the pocket of his jacket, raised his head and smiled at Yan Qingqing.

"It's so kind of you!"

Yan Qingqing curled her lips and said.

"Go away~ Be careful when attending the banquet tonight. I'll go with you?"

Han Qian shook his head and smiled.

"It's okay. I'll go for a walk and come back. Let's have dinner together."

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