Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1000: West City's refusal (4)

He already has mature ideas for this plan. He has considered several suitable plots in the past few days. Both sites have already begun to be designed and ready for construction. If the funds are used for Muhammad, the plan will be stranded.

What's more, at this time, Muhammad was in danger. Gu Feng is now going to dance this drowning. It is tantamount to adding to Mu's snow. He can't do this kind of thing.

"Xiaohan!" Chen Ziming walked over quickly and looked like he was not steel. "This is business. If you don't do it, others will do it. Are you ready to give money to others to earn? You know, this time if you If you don’t shoot, what you might be swallowed up by Goldman Sachs is your valley home! I... I’m here for you!”

"The skinny dead camel is bigger than Ma, not to mention Mu Tianye and Ning Zhiqiu help, I don't think it is a good time, and..." Xicheng shrugged his shoulders. "I am now stretching Gufeng's front line. In order to avoid someone can eat us!"

Mu's life and death are related to the future situation of the construction industry in the whole city of A. Of course, Gu Feng is not likely to be a situation person. Of course, Xicheng has always been concerned about this matter. Others are not in the city of A. The various things happening here have never escaped. His eyes and slap in the face.

Making music, a tiny detail may ruin the whole song, he believes that the mall is the same reason - the details determine the fate!

In the heart of Xicheng, there is a bigger pattern.

Even if he abandoned the private friendship with Ning Xiaofei, he did not want Goldman Sachs to really win this game. The house is a matter of people's livelihood. If it is really controlled by foreign assets, then... For the vast majority of ordinary people, It will be another hot spot.

Xicheng stood up with his hands on the sofa and walked to the window.

"I was born here, grew up here, even in the years abroad, I have always remembered to hang here... I don't want the high-rise buildings here to be labeled in English!"

Chen Ziming stunned and then laughed.

"Xiaohan, Ziming brother said, you may feel ugly. There is only interest in the mall, no other!"

Xicheng did not refute.

Different road non-phase plan.

"Maybe, I can only say that I am not a qualified businessman right now. So..." He turned his face slowly, but his tone was not high but he was determined. "I'm sorry, I can't do it!"

This sentence is already a rejection without reservation.

Chen Ziming flashed a touch of cool color that was not easy to detect. He thought that Xicheng had no experience in this respect. He should be able to easily and easily. I didn’t expect that he would touch a gray nose in this hairy kid.

"That... okay!" He smiled perfunctorily. "Of course I will not force you. I just hope that you will seriously consider it. Anyway, I will try my best to help you."

Xicheng shrugged his shoulders and did not speak.

Chen Ziming raised his wrist and looked at the time. "I still have a few customers, so I don't bother you to take a step first, right... Look at it, I haven't talked at noon, let's make another appointment!"

"Good." Xicheng folded back and walked back, "I will send you."

Chen Ziming politely refused, Xicheng did not insist, press the inside line to call Xu Yang to come, let him send Chen Ziming to leave.

Xu Yang sent Chen Ziming out of the door. Xicheng listened to the door and slammed it tightly. He relaxed his waist and sat down on his desk. He lifted his hands and rubbed his face.



good night.

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