Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1004: Secrets that cannot be said (4)

It is reasonable to say that if Mu Mama was really betrayed by Mu Dad, the grandfather Mu, who is a father, did not make sense for a son-in-law who betrayed his son. Plus, the words of Qin Zhaoyang last night, Ning Xiaofei speculated that this might What is hidden, and Grandpa Mu may be an insider, so that he can explain why he is helping Mu mother.

Listening to Ning Xiaofei mentioned Chu Xinning, Grandpa Mu did not answer immediately, but gently asked, "How come you suddenly think about this?"

Ning Xiaofei did not conceal. When Qin Zhaoyang’s visit to the door was told to the elderly last night, she thought of Mu Tianye holding her hand like a child, and she sighed distressedly.

"Actually, I can see that he cares about his mother, so I want to figure out what is going on here?"

Grandpa Mu has not answered yet, and the new nanny has already chased it.

"Old gentleman, soup is good!"

"I know." Mu, the old man nodded. "You go back and put the soup in the insulated bucket. I will come back soon."

The nanny promised to turn and turn back to the direction of the old house. Mu’s father regained his gaze and lifted his old right hand to support Ning Xiaofei’s shoulder.

"Xiao Fei, Grandpa knows that you are a good boy, Grandpa also knows that you are suffering from Amano, but this thing, Grandpa really can't tell you." The old man took a deep breath, and the wise scorpion looked deeply at Ning Xiaofei's eyes. Obedient, if you don't want Tianye to be sad, don't look for any truth, take care of yourself, take good care of your baby, and live with Amano. As long as you and Amano are happy and happy, Amano and me will... It!"

"Grandpa." Ning Xiaofei frowned, "I don't understand."

"Some things don't have to be understood, you just think it's a secret that can't be said." Mu father patted her on the shoulder. "Go, go get busy with your business. Grandpa is old, not too much." The energy, I will ask you in the future. I promise Grandpa, okay?"

When it comes to this, Ning Xiaofei also knows that it is useless, and Mu’s attitude and tone have already explained that this thing is not as simple as she thought.

Immediately, Zheng focused.

"You can rest assured, I will."

"Good boy."

Mu’s father turned and went back to the old house with her. She watched her get out of the car, and then turned her face to look at Liu Wei who was carrying the insulated bucket.

"Go, go with me to the hospital!"



Anning Hospital.

With the nurse behind, entering the doctor's office, Chu Xinning's mood is not calm.

In the office, there are three doctors. In addition to Qin Zhaoyang's attending doctor, there are two other doctors. The attending doctor saw her come in and immediately introduced the two doctors who had specially sought from other branches to her.

After a brief chill, several people split up, the attending doctor exchanged a look with the other two doctors, and looked at Chu Xinning gently.

"Just, we have carefully exchanged the condition of Mr. Qin, and all three of us have the same opinion - surgery as soon as possible."

"What do you think is appropriate?" Chu Xinning asked.

The surgical procedure was completely in her expectation, and what she now wants to know is only the specific time.

"Mr. Qin's mental state and physical condition are good today, so we are going to arrange for tomorrow's surgery."


Chu Xinning stunned, "Is this... is it too urgent?"



Good afternoon

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