Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1006: Hard choice (2)

"Small mother is ovarian cancer. It was already late at the time of discovery. At that time, the doctor gave her the death sentence. She said that she could live for up to three months. It is meaningless to have surgery. But I am not willing, I insist The doctor gave her surgery and later chemotherapy. Then the beautiful people lost a lot of hair, and the medicine was eaten one by one. It was so painful for three years..." The old man’s slightly cloudy eyes, with Looking at the flower of the crape myrtle in the flower bed, "The month before the mother of Sri Lanka, she hurts every day, and it hurts to use morphine. Later I asked her, do you regret it? She pulled My hand, smiled and said, these three years are earned from the prince of the prince, I am glad that I will regret it!"

Squinting at the flowering tree in the wind, the old man turned his pole and turned around, stepping out of the shade, getting on the bus, leaving.

Only Chu Xinning, who was in a daze in the flower tree, for a moment, she also came back to God and turned to the steps of the hospital. The eyes were no longer free, and the score was firm.

Going upstairs again, Chu Xinning went directly to the doctor's office and knocked on the door. It was Qin Zhaoyang's attending doctor.

"I have already thought about it, you can help him prepare for surgery!"

Her tone is calm and firm.

Evasion is not an option. Since surgery is needed sooner or later, it should be carried out as soon as possible. Regardless of the outcome, she is brave enough to accept it - of course, she must accept that she has no choice.

"Well, I will contact my two colleagues right away. Tomorrow morning, we will prepare surgery for Mr. Qin."

After leaving the doctor's office again, Chu Xinning walked slowly through the promenade to the front of Qin Zhaoyang's ward and gently pushed open the door.

Outside, Lin Zifan is calling the computer to help her with the work.

Inside, she stood quietly on the bed. When she left, Qin Zhaoyang, who had closed her eyes, was holding both hands, tapping the keyboard with a click and seeing her come in. He raised his hand and closed the computer screen.

Chu Xinning’s brow immediately wrinkled. “When is it, are you still working?!”

The man in training just smiled silently, indicating that Julie had taken the computer to the side, and she took the computer and went back to the outside with great interest.

"I just talked to the doctor, they mean surgery as soon as possible..." Chu Xinning's expression has already been gentle. "I have agreed to have surgery tomorrow. The doctor said that the success rate is very high, so... you don't have to worry about it. ""

At this point, she had already faced the dissociation and uncertainty of Mu’s father, and she was working hard in the words, as if his surgery, but a small operation to remove the appendix is ​​not worth mentioning at all - all the pressure she herself enough.

Qin Zhaoyang will not know her mind, smile and nod.

"I listen to you."

Chu Xinning bent over and held his arm. "What do you want to do?"

Whether tomorrow's surgery is going well, no one can be sure, she hopes to satisfy him as much as possible.

Qin Zhaoyang shook his head gently. "Give me something about you?"

The power of money is nothing but an object outside of life. Life does not bring death. If he arrives at this time, he will not care about these things. What he cherishes most is the time with her.

To her, he has too much curiosity, but he has never had a chance to listen to her before.

"That..." Chu Xinning said a little, "I... I will tell you about my childhood?"


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