Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1008: Hard choice (4)

Inside the door.

Qin Zhaoyang calmly leaned on the pillow, and the two palms were lightly placed on the chest. The expression on his face was very calm. When she saw her, he also raised his lips with a smile and raised his left hand to reach her.

Coming over, Chu Xinning reached for his palm.

He pointed her finger to her palm, and Qin Zhaoyang smiled and dragged her to her face.

Four eyes are opposite, no one speaks, but for fear that the emotional control is not good, they will touch the soft nerve of the other party, and they will feel that they are goodbye when they speak.

Outside the door, noisy sounds, the nurse pushed the moving bed, ready to send Qin Zhaoyang to the operating room.

Chu Xinning was busy holding his palm, for fear that they would take him away.

Feeling her uneasiness, Qin Zhaoyang held her palm in the backhand, and the person spoke to the nurse.

"I will do it myself!"

The nurses retreated to the side, Chu Xinning helped him to open the thin quilt, Qin Zhaoyang slowly sat up, let her help to get up, did not lie on the moving bed, but held her palm, and walked towards the exit.

"Mr. Qin, you..."

A young nurse wants to stop and say that she has been dragged by the older head nurse when she just said four words.

The young nurse turned her face and the head nurse shook her head gently.

"Just let him go!"

The young nurse also understood that a pair of eyes were dyed with a few senses.

Every day, in the face of life and death, nurses have to get used to these differences and sufferings, but the family members of the patients are different. Those who are only patients for doctors and nurses may be the only and most important in life for their families. People, the most loved lover, relatives, partners...

Julie flew two steps and opened the door outside the ward. Qin Zhaoyang slowly took Chu Xinning out and had a smile on his face. If it wasn’t for his sick suit and slippers, the posture would be more like a The way the couple go for a walk in the afternoon or after dinner.

The slippers stepped on the floor, and Qin Zhaoyang looked at the woman on the side with a slight side. "When I have a good body, we go for a walk every day..."

Chu Xinning nodded. "In the past few days, I have watched a few houses. There is a good set near the university. It is very close to the lake. There are ginkgo trees. In the autumn, it must be very beautiful."

"I remember there, there is ice skating in the winter lake!"


The two talked all the way forward, and Julie, Lin Zifan and the nurses were far behind.

Before going to the elevator, Qin Zhaoyang made two quick steps. First, she pressed the down button one step at a time—the operating room was on the third floor downstairs.

For a moment, the elevator doors were separated, and everyone behind them followed the elevator.

Down the elevator, Qin Zhaoyang did not speak any more, just clenched the palm of his hand in the hands of Chu Xinning.

Face to life and death, who can not be nervous?

Feeling his emotions, Chu Xinning felt distressed and was busy moving his other hand over and wrapping his fingers.

The height of several floors is instantaneous.

The nurses will push the moving bed out, and the other people will follow the elevator door. Chu Xinning and Qin Zhaoyang will finally come out.

Turning a corner, the operating room is at the end of the corridor, and the red heavy font is noticeable.

Both of them breathed and lost their original rhythm.

No one said anything, but they all unconsciously slowed down. When they were five or six distances away from the operating room, Qin Zhaoyang suddenly stopped, and the fingers holding Chu Xinning’s palms tightened.



good night

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