Exclusive Property: Mr. Mu’s Favorite

Chapter 1019: Deliberately martyrdom (3)

Ning Xiaofei secretly gritted his teeth, but his face smiled. "The valley is full of words, things are gone, why are you so concerned?"

"Miss Ning really is a large number of adults." Gu Yu reached out and filled his cup and held it to his right hand. He handed the left hand to Ning Xiaofei. "You must not mind having a drink with me?"


"I will do it first!"

Raise his hand, Gu Yu once again finished drinking the wine in the cup, and the left hand holding the wine rose to her.

Ning Xiaofei didn't pick up the cup. "Gu Gu, you know... I have never been good at drinking."

"It seems that you still refuse to forgive me, well... then I will take another shot!" Gu Yu took the bottle again, poured the cup, and drank the third cup, and brightened the bottom of the cup to Ning Xiaofei. Now I will ask everyone here to help me to witness. Today, I solemnly apologize to Miss Ning. Miss Ning, will you forgive me now?"

In a word, if someone in the place is pulled into their own camp, if Ning Xiaofei does not drink, then it is not just not to give her face, or to give someone a face in the place, only to appear Ning Xiaofei selfish narrow.

If she drank...

Gu Yu smiled.

I knew that she couldn't drink before the game. This is the strongest vodka. If this cup goes down, she won't drink much stomach bleeding.

In short, whether it is advance or retreat, Ning Xiaofei is not a good choice, and this is exactly what Gu Yu wants.

She has no interest in any VIP members. The only purpose of coming to power is to make Ning Xiaofei embarrassed.

Last time, at the banquet, she lost her face. This time she will return the grievances she had received before.

The cup full of drinks was held in the air by both hands, and the crystal light shone in the light. After the glass, Gu Yu’s expression looked sincere, and a pair of scorpions were full of sneer.

She wants to see, how to choose Ning Xiaofei!

"Gu is always a good drink!" Xu Yanqing also saw that the situation was not right. He was busy coming over and playing round. "In my opinion, Miss Ning really can't drink, not as good as this... Let's just stop, how about the two?"

Ning Xiaofei is the partner of Xu Yanqing. Gu Yu has a wide network of contacts in the domestic wine industry and she is ready to cooperate. Xu Yanqing has some unhappy feelings like Gu Yu, but no one wants to offend, so he proposed this compromise. .

"That... not as good as half of me and Miss Ning!" Gu Yu laughed.

The performance is concession, in fact, it is no longer giving Xu Yanqing the opportunity to help Ning Xiaofei.

If it is other banquets, Ning Xiaofei can turn around and leave, but the organizer of this banquet is Xu Yanqing. If this is the case, it will definitely make the other party not come to Taiwan.

However, she is pregnant now, how can I drink such a spirit?

After the initial surprise, Ning Xiaofei had already figured out a way for Su Ying to teach her, and immediately smiled.

"I have a little discomfort in these days. I have just eaten anti-inflammatory pills before I rushed over. Gu Yu should also know that cephalosporin and alcohol react to death. It is better than this... I brought it back and slowly tasted how Gu always felt. ?"

That is to give Xu Yanqing face, and find a reason enough not to drink, Gu Yu is so aggressive, can not let her risk life to drink a cup.

Gu Yu did not expect that Ning Xiaofei would come up with such a way to avoid it. Some of her heart was unwilling, but she couldn’t help but had to send the cup to her.

"In this case, of course, I can't force it. This glass of wine, Miss Ning is slow to use!"

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